
Defines functions preprocess_OzFlux get_lathuile_datapolicy get_path_site_code get_fluxnet_version_no get_fluxnet_erai_files get_fluxnet_files get_fluxnet_erai_template get_fluxnet_file_template

Documented in get_fluxnet_erai_files get_fluxnet_erai_template get_fluxnet_files get_fluxnet_file_template get_fluxnet_version_no get_lathuile_datapolicy get_path_site_code preprocess_OzFlux

#' Gets a Fluxnet file template (or full file name if site codes and years are specified)
#' @export
get_fluxnet_file_template <- function(site_code = "[A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3}",
                                      datasetname = "FLUXNET2015",
                                      subset = "FULLSET",
                                      resolution = "[A-Z]{2}",
                                      flx2015_years = "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}",
                                      datasetversion = "[0-9]{1}-[0-9]{1}",
                                      extension=".csv") {
      file_template <- paste(site_code, lathuile_year, sep=".")
    } else{
      version <- gsub("\\.", "-", datasetversion)
      if (is.character(resolution) & nchar(resolution) > 0) {
        file_template <- paste("FLX", site_code, datasetname, subset, resolution,
                               flx2015_years, version, sep = "_")
        file_template <- paste0(file_template, extension)
      } else {
        file_template <- paste("FLX", site_code, datasetname, subset, flx2015_years,
                               version, sep = "_")
        file_template <- paste0(file_template, extension)



#' Gets a Fluxnet ERA interim file template (or full file name if site codes and years are specified)
#' @export
get_fluxnet_erai_template <- function(site_code, ...) {
    return(get_fluxnet_file_template(site_code = site_code, subset = "ERAI", ...))


#' Gets Fluxnet file(s) available at a given path
#' @export
get_fluxnet_files <- function(path, site_code = "[A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3}", ...) {
    template <- get_fluxnet_file_template(site_code = site_code, ...)
    files <- list.files(path, template, full.names = TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE)


#' Gets Fluxnet ERA Interim file(s) available at a given path
#' @export
get_fluxnet_erai_files <- function(path, site_code = "[A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3}", ...) {
  template <- get_fluxnet_erai_template(site_code = site_code, ...)
  files <- list.files(path, template, full.names = TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE)


#' Gets Fluxnet dataset version from Fluxnet file
#' @export
get_fluxnet_version_no <- function(file) {
  #assumes a FLUXNET2015 file, e.g FLX_US-Ha1_FLUXNET2015_FULLSET_HR_1991-2012_1-3.csv
  #version <- substr(file, start=nchar(file)-6, stop=nchar(file)-4)
  # agnostic solution based upon delimiter not positions of characters
  version <- rev(unlist(strsplit(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(file)), "_")))[1]


#' Gets Fluxnet site_code from Fluxnet file.
#' Useful when processing multiple files
#' @export
get_path_site_code <- function(path) {
  #assumes a FLUXNET2015 file, e.g FLX_US-Ha1_FLUXNET2015_FULLSET_HR_1991-2012_1-3.csv
  filename  <- basename(path)
  if (substring(filename[1], 1, nchar("FLX")) == "FLX"){     #better implementation but only for R>3.3: startsWith(filename, "FLX_")) {
    site_code <- substr(filename, start = 5, stop = 10)
  } else {
    site_code <- substr(filename, start=1, stop = 6)
  if (!grepl("^[A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3}$", site_code[1])) {
    stop("Site code not found in file name")



#' Gets La Thuile data policy for each site year
#' @export
get_lathuile_datapolicy <- function(site_code, site_use){
  #Read data policy file (must use check.names so R doesn't add "X" in front of colnames)
  use_policy <- read.csv(sites_use, header=TRUE, check.names=FALSE)
  #Extract site
  site_policy <- use_policy[use_policy$site==site_code,]



#' Pre-processes OzFlux files that have missing time steps or incomplete years
#' First gapfills data to complete days (using copyfill) and then removes incomplete years
#' @export
preprocess_OzFlux <- function(infile, outpath) {
  #Open file handle
  nc <- ncdf4::nc_open(infile)
  #Flag for re-writing data
  rewrite_data <- FALSE
  ### Get timing information ###
  #Read time data and origin
  #Time stamps are the END time of each time step (pers. comm. Peter Isaac)
  time_var <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, "time")
  time_origin <- strsplit(ncdf4::ncatt_get(nc, "time")$units, "days since ")[[1]][2]
  #Convert to Y-M-D h-m-s
  time_date <- as.POSIXct(time_var * 24*60*60,  origin=time_origin, tz="GMT")
  #Time step size
  tstep_size <- difftime(time_date[2], time_date[1], units="mins")
  #No. of time steps per day
  tsteps_per_day <- (24*60) / as.numeric(difftime(time_date[2], time_date[1], units="mins"))
  ### Get all data variables with a time dimension ###
  #Get variable names
  vars <- names(nc$var)
  #Get dimensions for each variable
  dims <- lapply(vars, function(x) sapply(nc[["var"]][[x]][["dim"]], function(dim) dim[["name"]]))

  #Find which variables are time-varying
  var_inds <- which(sapply(dims, function(x) any(x == "time")))
  #Load variable data
  var_data <- lapply(vars[var_inds], function(x) ncvar_get(nc, x))
  #Set names
  names(var_data) <- vars[var_inds]  
  ### First check if starts/ends at midnight  ###
  #time stamp "0030" (halfhourly) or "0100" (hourly) for start and "0000" for end
  #Create midnight time stamp for start day
  midnight_start <- as.POSIXct(paste(format(time_date[1], "%Y-%m-%d"), "00:00:00 GMT"), 
  #Doesn't start at midnight
  if (as.numeric(difftime(time_date[1], midnight_start, units="mins")) != as.numeric(tstep_size)) {

    #Calculate number of missing time steps (calculate difference to midnight, accounting for the fact  
    #time stamp is end time so substract one time step size). Probably a neater way...
    #NB. this can become negative when first time step is "0000", in this case remove first 
    #time step instead of gapfilling a whole day
    no_missing_start <- as.numeric(difftime(time_date[1] -tstep_size, midnight_start, units="mins")) / 
    #Sanity check (no. of missing time steps should be less than time steps per day)
    if (no_missing_start >= tsteps_per_day) {
      stop("Not checking for missing time steps correctly!")
    #Gapfill if missing tsteps
    if (no_missing_start > 0) {
      #Print warning to say modifying data
      warning(paste0("Modifying start time in file: ", infile))
      #Fix missing time steps by filling with NA values
      #(Changing this from previous method where filled with first available
      #time step as will mess up any variables with a strong diurnal cycle)
      #First fix time variable by adding missing time steps
      #Calculate new time steps (use next days tsteps for correct decimals and deduct 1 day)
      new_tsteps <- time_var[(tsteps_per_day - no_missing_start + 1) : (tsteps_per_day)] - 1
      #Append to time variable
      time_var <- append(new_tsteps, time_var)
      #Convert new time vector to Y-M-D h-m-s
      time_date <- as.POSIXct(time_var * 24*60*60,  origin=time_origin, tz="GMT")
      #For each time-varying variable, fill with NA
      var_data <- lapply(var_data, function(x) append(rep(NA, no_missing_start), x))
      #Data amended, set rewrite flag to TRUE
      rewrite_data <- TRUE
    #If no. of missing time steps negative (i.e. first time stamp is "00:00").
    #remove first time step
    } else if (no_missing_start < 0) {
      #Remove first stamp from time variable
      time_var <- time_var[-abs(no_missing_start)]
      #Convert new time vector to Y-M-D h-m-s
      time_date <- as.POSIXct(time_var * 24*60*60,  origin=time_origin, tz="GMT")
      #For each time-varying variable, copy first time step
      var_data <- lapply(var_data, function(x) x[-abs(no_missing_start)])
      #Data amended, set rewrite flag to TRUE
      rewrite_data <- TRUE
  ### Then check if ends at midnight ###
  #Convert time vectors to hours and minutes
  time_hours_mins <- format(time_date, "%H%M")
  #Check if ends at midnight (hours "0000")
  if (time_hours_mins[length(time_hours_mins)] != "0000") {

    #Create midnight time stamp for start day (using next day's midnight)
    midnight_end <- as.POSIXct(paste(format(time_date[length(time_date)] + tsteps_per_day * tstep_size, "%Y-%m-%d"), 
                                     "00:00:00 GMT"), tz="GMT") 
    #Calculate number of missing time steps (calculate difference to midnight, accounting for the fact time stamp 
    #is end time so substract one time step size). Probably a neater way...
    no_missing_end <- as.numeric(difftime(midnight_end, time_date[length(time_date)], units="mins")) / 
    #Sanity check (no. of missing time steps should be less than time steps per day)
    if (no_missing_end >= tsteps_per_day) {
      stop("Not checking for missing time steps correctly!")
    #Gapfill if missing tsteps
    if (no_missing_end > 0) {
      #Print warning to say modifying data
      warning(paste0("Modifying end time in file: ", infile))
      #Fix missing time steps by filling with NA values
      #First calculate no. of time steps available for last day
      avail_last_day <- tsteps_per_day - no_missing_end
      #Calculate new time steps (use previous days tsteps for correct decimals and add 1 day)
      new_end_tsteps <- time_var[(length(time_var) - avail_last_day - no_missing_end + 1) : (length(time_var) - avail_last_day)] + 1
      #Append to time variable
      time_var <- append(time_var, new_end_tsteps)
      #Convert new time vector to Y-M-D h-m-s
      time_date <- as.POSIXct(time_var * 24*60*60,  origin=time_origin, tz="GMT")
      #For each time-varying variable, copy first time step
      var_data <- lapply(var_data, function(x) append(x, rep(NA, no_missing_end)))
      #Data amended, set rewrite flag to TRUE
      rewrite_data <- TRUE
  ### Then check if have incomplete years ###
  #Day and month
  day_month <- format(time_date, "%m%d")
  #Day and month, with hour and mins
  day_hour <- format(time_date, "%m%d %H:%M")
  #Get start date
  start_day <- day_month[1]
  #Get end date
  end_day <- day_month[length(day_month)]
  #If not full years, gapfill incomplete years with NA
  #Because time stamp is the end time, end_day should also be 1 Jan
  #First check start time
  if (start_day != "0101") {
      #Create start time stamp for Jan 1 (get start year from date vector)
      start_date <- as.POSIXct(paste0(format(time_date[1], format="%Y"), "-01-01"), tz="GMT")
      #Missing dates
      dates_missing_start <-seq(from=start_date+tstep_size,  
                                to=as.POSIXct(time_date[1]-tstep_size, tz="GMT"), 
      #Append to time vector
      time_date <- c(dates_missing_start, time_date)
      #For some reason this changes the time zone from GMT to AEST
      #even forcing it to GMT through as.POSIXct(..., tz="GMT") doesn't work
      #Setting time zone with this function as the only solution that seems to work
      attr(time_date, "tzone") <- "GMT"
      #Check that time steps equally spaced as set by tstep_size
      if (any (diff(time_date) != tstep_size)) {
        stop("new start time stamps not created correctly")
      #Fill data with NAs
      var_data <- lapply(var_data, function(x) append(rep(NA, length(dates_missing_start)), x))
  #Then check end time
  if (end_day != "0101") {
    #Get end year from time vector (add one as end date should be 1 Jan as above)
    end_year <- as.numeric(format(tail(time_date, n=1), format="%Y")) + 1
    #Create time stamp for end time of 1 Jan next year
    end_date <- as.POSIXct(paste0(end_year, "-01-01"), tz="GMT")
    #Missing dates
    dates_missing_end <-seq(from=as.POSIXct(tail(time_date, n=1) +tstep_size, tz="GMT"),  to=end_date, by=tstep_size)
    #Append to time vector
    time_date <- c(time_date, dates_missing_end)
    #For some reason this changes the time zone from GMT to AEST
    #even forcing it to GMT through as.POSIXct(..., tz="GMT") doesn't work
    #Setting time zone with this function as the only solution that seems to work
    attr(time_date, "tzone") <- "GMT"
    #Check that time steps equally spaced as set by tstep_size
    if (any (diff(time_date) != tstep_size)) {
      stop("new end time stamps not created correctly")
    #Fill data with NAs
    var_data <- lapply(var_data, function(x) append(x, rep(NA, length(dates_missing_end))))
    #Data amended, set rewrite flag to TRUE
    rewrite_data <- TRUE

  #Check for an even no. of time steps
  no_tsteps <- length(time_date)
  if ( !round(no_tsteps / tsteps_per_day) == (no_tsteps / tsteps_per_day)) {
    stop("Incomplete days present!")

  ### Write output file ###
  #Create output directory
  dir.create(outpath, recursive = TRUE)
  #Create output filename
  outfile <- paste0(outpath, "/", file_path_sans_ext(basename(infile)), 
  #If nothing amended, copy input file
  if (!rewrite_data) {
    #Copy original file
    file.copy(infile, outfile)
  #If data amended, rewrite time info and time-varying variabless
  } else {
    #Reset time var
    time_origin_gmt <- as.POSIXct(time_origin, tz="GMT")
    time_var <- as.numeric(julian(time_date, time_origin_gmt, tz="GMT"))
    ### Set dimensions ###
    #Get dimensions from input file
    new_dims <- nc$dim
    #Change time dimensions
    #Change values, then length    
    new_dims$time$vals <- time_var
    new_dims$time$len <- length(time_var)
    ### Define variables ###
    #Get variables from input file
    new_vars <- nc$var
    #Change dimensions and values for time-varying data
    for (v in 1:length(var_inds)) {
      if(new_vars[[var_inds[v]]]$name != names(var_data)[v]) {
        stop("Wrong variable names")
      #Change time dimension
      new_vars[[var_inds[v]]]$varsize[3] <- length(time_var)
      #Change time values
      new_vars[[var_inds[v]]]$dim[[3]]$vals <- time_var

      #Change time size
      new_vars[[var_inds[v]]]$dim[[3]]$len <- length(time_var)
      #Change length
      new_vars[[var_inds[v]]]$len <- length(time_var)
      #Change values
      new_vars[[var_inds[v]]]$vals <- var_data[[v]]
    #Fix missing values (some are text and cause an error)
    for (v in 1:length(new_vars)) {
      if(!is.na(new_vars[[v]]$missval)) {
        new_vars[[v]]$missval <- -9999

      #Change chunk size (no idea what this is but produces an error otherwise
      #during nc_create)
      #Do this for all variables
      new_vars[[v]]$chunksizes <- NA #sapply(new_vars[[v]]$dim, function(x) x$len) #NA #length(new_vars[[var_inds[v]]]$dim)

    #Read global attributes from input file
    new_atts <- ncatt_get(nc, varid=0)
    #Close input file
    ### Create output NC file ###
    out_nc <- nc_create(outfile, vars=new_vars)
    #Write global attributes to output file
    #For some reason this crashes if using lapply, loop works ok-ish    
    for(a in 1:length(new_atts)){
      ncdf4::ncatt_put(out_nc, varid=0, attname=names(new_atts)[a], 
    #Write variables to output file
    for (v in 1:length(new_vars)) {
      #CRS returns an error, skip
      if (!(new_vars[[v]]$name %in% c("crs", "station_name"))) {
        ncdf4::ncvar_put(nc=out_nc, varid=new_vars[[v]],

    #Close output file
aukkola/FluxnetLSM documentation built on July 4, 2023, 12:04 p.m.