
Defines functions get_varnames check_flx2015_version get_qc_flags initialise_sitelog create_outdir append_and_warn warn_and_log stop_and_log write_log no_error log_warning log_error

Documented in append_and_warn check_flx2015_version create_outdir get_qc_flags get_varnames initialise_sitelog log_error log_warning no_error stop_and_log warn_and_log write_log

# Utility_functions.R
# Functions for error and warning handling

#' Append error message to log
log_error <- function(errtext, site_log) {
  site_log["Errors"] <- paste(site_log["Errors"], errtext, sep="")
  site_log["Processed"] <- FALSE


#' Appends warning to site log
log_warning <- function(warn, site_log) {
  if (nchar(warn) > 0) {
    if (nchar(site_log["Warnings"]) > 0) {
      site_log["Warnings"] <- paste(site_log["Warnings"], warn, sep=" ##### ")
    } else {
      site_log["Warnings"] <- warn


#' Checks if an error has occurred
no_error <- function(site_log) {
 no_error_found <- nchar(site_log["Errors"]) < 1


#' Writes site log
write_log <- function(site_log) {
  #extract output path
  out_path <- site_log["log_path"]
  #remove log and plot path, don't need to write it to file
  site_log <- site_log[-which(names(site_log)=="log_path")]
  site_log <- site_log[-which(names(site_log)=="plot_path")]
  #Save log to CSV file
  write.csv(t(as.matrix(site_log)), paste(out_path, "/", site_log["Site_code"], 
                                          Sys.Date(), ".csv", sep=""))


#' Writes site log and then aborts, reporting error
stop_and_log <- function(error, site_log) {
  #remove plot path
  unlink(site_log["plot_path"], recursive=TRUE)
  site_log <- log_error(error, site_log)
  stop(site_log["Errors"], call.=FALSE)


#' Writes site log and then aborts, reporting error
warn_and_log <- function(warn, site_log) {
  if (nchar(warn) > 0) {
    site_log <- log_warning(warn, site_log)
    warning(warn, call.=FALSE)


#' Appends warning message and calls warning
append_and_warn <- function(warn, warnings, call=TRUE) {
  if (nchar(warn) > 0) { 
    if (nchar(warnings) > 0) {
      warnings <- paste(warnings, warn, sep=" ##### ")
    } else {
      warnings <- warn
    if(call) { warning(warn, call.=FALSE) }


#' Creates output directories and returns log output path
create_outdir <- function(outdir, site, plots) {
  #NetCDF files
  outpath_met <- paste(outdir, "/Nc_files/Met/", sep="")
  dir.create(outpath_met, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive=TRUE)
  outpath_flx <- paste(outdir, "/Nc_files/Flux/", sep="")
  dir.create(outpath_flx, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive=TRUE)
  outpath_log <- paste(outdir, "/Logs", sep="")
  dir.create(outpath_log, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive=TRUE)
  paths <- list(nc_met=outpath_met, nc_flx=outpath_flx, log=outpath_log)

  #Plots (if code set to plot)
  if (!any(is.na(plots))) {
    outpath_plot <- paste(outdir, "/Figures/", site, sep="")
    dir.create(outpath_plot, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive=TRUE)
    paths$plot <- outpath_plot
  #Return log path for later use


#' Initialises site log
initialise_sitelog <- function(site, paths) {
  site_log <- vector(length=12)
  names(site_log) <- c("Site_code", "Processed", "Errors", 
                       "Warnings", "No_files", "Met_files", 
                       "Flux_files","Excluded_eval", "Gapfill_met", 
                       "Gapfill_flux", "log_path", "plot_path")
  site_log["Site_code"] <- site
  site_log["Errors"]    <- ''
  site_log["Warnings"]  <- ''
  site_log[c(5:10)]     <- NA
  site_log["log_path"]  <- paths$log  #removed when writing log to file
  if ('plot' %in% names(paths)) {
      site_log["plot_path"] <- paths$plot #removed when writing log to file


#' Retrieves QC flag information
get_qc_flags <- function(dataset, subset=NA) {
  #FLUXNET2015 subset
  if (dataset=="FLUXNET2015" & subset=="SUBSET") {

    #1: good quality gapfill, 2: ERA gapfilling, 3: statistical gapfilling
    QCmeasured  <- 0
    QCgapfilled <- c(1, 2, 3) 
    names(QCgapfilled) <- c("good", "ERA", "statistical")
    qc_info <- paste("Measured: ", QCmeasured, 
                     ", Good-quality gapfilling: ",QCgapfilled[1], 
                     ", ERA-Interim gapfilling: ", QCgapfilled[2], 
                     ", Statistical gapfilling: ", QCgapfilled[3],                      
  #FLUXNET2015 fullset or La Thuile
  } else if ((dataset=="FLUXNET2015" & subset=="FULLSET") | dataset=="LaThuile") {
    #1: good quality gapfill, 2: medium, 3: poor, 
    #4: ERA gapfilling, 5: statistical gapfilling
    #These correspond to the "qc" variables in La Thuile (not qcOK)
    QCmeasured  <- 0
    QCgapfilled <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 
    names(QCgapfilled) <- c("good", "medium", "poor", "ERA", "statistical")
    qc_info <- paste("Measured: ", QCmeasured, 
                     ", Good-quality gapfilling: ",QCgapfilled[1], 
                     ", Medium-quality gapfilling: ", QCgapfilled[2], 
                     ", Poor-quality gapfilling: ", QCgapfilled[3], 
                     ", ERA-Interim gapfilling: ", QCgapfilled[4], 
                     ", Statistical gapfilling: ", QCgapfilled[5],
  } else if (dataset == "OzFlux") {  
    #QC flags in original data (this not may be a complete list, combined info from L3 and L6)
    qc_flags <- c(L1_missing      = "QA/QC: Missing value in L1 dataset",                 #1
                  L2_range        = "QA/QC: L2 Range Check",                              #2
                  csat_diag       = "QA/QC: CSAT Diagnostic",                             #3
                  li7500_diag     = "QA/QC: LI7500 Diagnostic",                           #4
                  L2_diurnal      = "QA/QC: L2 Diurnal SD Check",                         #5
                  excl_dates      = "QA/QC: Excluded Dates",                              #6
                  excl_hrs        = "QA/QC: Excluded Hours",                              #7
                  missing_qc      = "QA/QC: Missing value found with QC flag = 0",        #8
                  #linear          = "Corrections: Apply Linear",                          #10 (considered measured, see below)
                  coor_rot        = paste0("Corrections/Combinations: Coordinate ",       #11
                                           "Rotation (Ux, Uy, Uz, UxT, UyT, UzT, UxA,",
                                           " UyA, UzA, UxC, UyC, UzC, UxUz, UxUx, ",
                                           "UxUy, UyUz, UxUy, UyUy)"),
                  atten_corr      = paste0("Corrections/Combinations: Massman ",          #12
                                           "Frequency Attenuation Correction (Coord ",
                                           "Rotation, Tv_CSAT, Ah_HMP, ps)"),
                  actual_fh       = paste0("Corrections/Combinations: Virtual to Actual", #13
                                           " Fh (Coord Rotation, Massman, Ta_HMP)"),
                  density_corr    = paste0("Corrections/Combinations: WPL correction ",   #14
                                           "for flux effects on density ",
                                           "measurements (Coord Rotation, Massman, ",
                                           "Fhv to Fh, Cc_7500_Av)"),
                  ta_tv           = "Corrections/Combinations: Ta from Tv",               #15
                  L3_range        = "Corrections/Combinations: L3 Range Check",           #16
                  L3_diurnal      = "Corrections/Combinations: L3 Diurnal SD Check",      #17
                  ustar_filter    = "Corrections/Combinations: u* filter",                #18
                  gap_coord       = "Corrections/Combinations: Gap coordination",         #19
                  driver_access   = "GapFilling: Driver gap filled using ACCESS",         #20
                  non_rotated_cov = "GapFilling: Used non-rotated covariance",            #21
                  flux_ann        = "GapFilling: Flux gap filled by ANN (SOLO)",          #30
                  flux_not_ann    = "GapFilling: Flux gap not filled by ANN",             #31
                  met_clim        = "GapFilling: Met Gap Filled from Climatology",        #32
                  met_ratios      = "GapFilling: Gap Filled from Ratios",                 #33
                  met_interp      = "GapFilling: Gap Filled by Interpolation",            #34
                  met_replaced    = "GapFilling: Gap Filled by Replacement",              #35
                  ustar_from_fh   = "GapFilling: u* from Fh",                             #36
                  ustar_not_fh    = "GapFilling: u* not from Fh",                         #37
                  L4_range        = "GapFilling: L4 Range Check",                         #38
                  L4_diurnal      = "GapFilling: L4 Diurnal SD Check",                    #39
                  climatology     = "GapFilling: Gap filled by climatology",              #40
                  interpolated    = "GapFilling: Gap filled by interpolation",            #50
                  albedo_fsd      = paste0("albedo: bad Fsd < threshold (290 W/m2 ",      #51
                                           "default) only if bad time flag (31) not set"),
                  albedo_time     = "albedo: bad time flag (not midday 10.00 to 14.00)",  #52
                  flux_ratios     = "GapFilling: Flux gap filled using ratios",           #60
                  pm_rst          = paste0("Penman-Monteith: bad rst (rst < 0) only if ", #61
                                           "bad Uavg (35), bad Fe (33) and bad Fsd (34) ",
                                           "flags not set"),
                  pm_fe           = paste0("Penman-Monteith: bad Fe < threshold (0 W/m2 ",#62
                                           "default) only if bad Fsd (34) flag not set"),
                  pm_fsd          = paste0("Penman-Monteith: bad Fsd < threshold (10 ",   #63
                                           "W/m2 default)"),
                  pm_uavg         = paste0("Penman-Monteith: Uavg == 0 (undefined ",      #64
                                           "aerodynamic resistance under calm ",
                                           "conditions) only if bad Fe (33) and bad ",
                                           "Fsd (34) flags not set"),
                  part_night      = paste0("Partitioning Night: Re computed from ",       #70
                                           "exponential temperature response curves"),    
                  part_day        = paste0("Partitioning Day: GPP/Re computed from ",     #80
                                           "light-response curves, GPP = Re - Fc"),
                  part_day_night  = "Partitioning Day: GPP night mask",                   #81
                  part_day_fc     = "Partitioning Day: Fc > Re, GPP = 0, Re = Fc",        #82
                  statistical     = paste0("Statistical gapfilling performed by ",        #100, added for package-performed gapfilling
    #QC flags (100 added for statistical gapfilling, others provided with original data)
    #Measured (using 0 and 10 as per what is done in PALS and following advice from Peter Isaac and Gab)
    QCmeasured <- c(0, 10)
    QCgapfilled <- c(1:8, 11:21, 30:40, 50:52, 60:64, 70, 80:82, 100)
    names(QCgapfilled) <- names(qc_flags)
    #Append qc flags
    qc_info <- paste0("Measured: ", QCmeasured, ", ", 
                      paste(mapply(function(qc, name) paste0(name, ": ", qc),
                            qc=QCgapfilled, name=qc_flags), collapse=(", ")))

  #Dataset not known  
  } else {
    stop(paste("Dataset name not recognised, cannot verify",
              "QC flag convention. Please amend. See code",
              "in R/Utility_functions.R for options"))
  #Collate into a list
  qc_flags        <- list(QCmeasured, QCgapfilled, qc_info)
  names(qc_flags) <- c("QC_measured", "QC_gapfilled", "qc_info")


#' Checks  that FLUXNET2015 version defined correctly
check_flx2015_version <- function(dataset, version) {
  if (dataset == "FLUXNET2015" & (is.na(version) | 
     (version != "SUBSET" & version!="FULLSET"))) {
            stop(paste("Version of FLUXNET2015 data product not",
            "specified correctly. Please set parameter",
            "flx2015_version to 'FULLSET' or 'SUBSET'"))


#' Gets possible varnames for FLUXNET FULLSET/SUBSET and La Thuile
get_varnames <- function(datasetname, flx2015_version, add_psurf) {
  #These are used for unit conversions etc.
  #First instance is FLUXNET2015 FULLSET,
  #Second FLUXNET2015 SUBSET
  #Third La Thuile
  if(datasetname == "FLUXNET2015" & flx2015_version == "SUBSET") {
    ind <- 2
  } else if (datasetname == "LaThuile") {
    ind <- 3
  } else if (datasetname=="OzFlux"){
    ind <- 4
  } else {
    #Else assume FLUXNET2015 fullset format, i.e. if (datasetname=="FLUXNET2015" & flx2015_version=="FULLSET")
    ind <- 1
  #La Thuile PSurf exception
  if (add_psurf) { lt_psurf <- "PSurf_synth" } else { lt_psurf <- NULL }
  tair        <- list(c("TA_F_MDS", "TA_F", "TA_ERA"),
  precip      <- list(c("P", "P_F", "P_ERA"),
  airpressure <- list(c("PA", "PA_ERA", "PA_F"), 
  co2         <- list(c("CO2_F_MDS"),
                      c("Cc", "CO2")) #seems to depend on data release...
  par         <- list(c("PPFD_IN"),
                      c("NULL")) #check if available?
  relhumidity <- list(c("RH"),
  lwdown      <- list(c("LW_IN_F_MDS", "LW_IN_ERA", "LW_IN_F"),
  swdown      <- list(c("SW_IN_F_MDS", "SW_IN_ERA", "SW_IN_F"),
  vpd         <- list(c("VPD_F_MDS", "VPD_ERA", "VPD_F"),
  wind        <- list(c("WS", "WS_ERA", "WS_F"),
  outs <- list(tair=tair[[ind]], precip=precip[[ind]], airpressure=airpressure[[ind]],
               co2=co2[[ind]], par=par[[ind]], swdown=swdown[[ind]], 
               lwdown=lwdown[[ind]], vpd=vpd[[ind]], wind=wind[[ind]])
aukkola/FluxnetLSM documentation built on July 4, 2023, 12:04 p.m.