# Categorical model generation
# @description
# Rebuild the probabilities of the sampling models used in irace to generate
# configurations in each iteration.
# @template arg_irace_results
# @param param_name
# String, parameter to be included in the plot (example: param_name = "algorithm"))
# @return data frame with columns "iteration", "elite", "parameter", "value", "prob"
# @examples
# FIXME: Add examples
getCategoricalModel <- function(irace_results, param_name)
parameters <- irace_results$scenario$parameters
if (parameters$types[[param_name]] != "c")
stop("Error: Parameter is not categorical\n")
iterations <- length(irace_results$allElites)
domain <- parameters$domains[[param_name]]
n_val <- length(domain)
prob <- rep((1 / n_val), n_val)
# Get elite data by iteration
all_elites <- list()
for (i in seq_len(iterations)){
all_elites[[i]] <- irace_results$allConfigurations[irace_results$allElites[[i]], c(".ID.", ".PARENT.",param_name) ]
total_iterations <- floor(2 + log2(parameters$nbVariable))
# FIXME: Build X as a list then convert to data.frame in one go.
models <- list()
for (i in seq_len(iterations-1L)) {
models[[i]] <- list()
total_iterations <- max(total_iterations, i+1L)
for (elite in seq_along(irace_results$allElites[[i]])) {
cid <- all_elites[[i]][[".ID."]][elite]
parent <- all_elites[[i]][[".PARENT."]][elite]
if (i==1L) {
cprob <- prob
} else {
if (as.character(cid) %in% names(models[[i-1]]))
cprob <- models[[i-1]][[as.character(cid)]]
cprob <- models[[i-1]][[as.character(parent)]]
cprob <- cprob * (1 - (i / total_iterations))
index <- which (domain == all_elites[[i]][elite, param_name])
cprob[index] <- (cprob[index] + (i / total_iterations))
if (irace_results$scenario$elitist) {
cprob <- cprob / sum(cprob)
probmax <- 0.2^(1 / parameters$nbVariable)
cprob <- pmin(cprob, probmax)
# Normalize probabilities.
cprob <- cprob / sum(cprob)
models[[i]][[as.character(cid)]] <- cprob
for (v in seq_along(domain))
X <- rbind(X, cbind(i, elite, param_name, domain[v], as.character(cprob[v])))
X <- as.data.frame(X, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(X) <-c("iteration", "elite", "parameter", "value", "prob")
X[, "prob"] <- as.numeric(X[, "prob"])
# Numerical model generation
# @description
# Rebuild the sampling distribution parameters of the models used by irace to sampling configurations during the configuration process.
# @template arg_irace_results
# @param param_name
# String, parameter to be included in the plot (example: param_name = "algorithm"))
# @return data frame with columns "iteration", "elite", "parameter", "mean", "sd"
# @examples
# FIXME: Add examples.
getNumericalModel <- function(irace_results, param_name)
parameters <- irace_results$scenario$parameters
if (parameters$types[[param_name]] %not_in% c("i", "r"))
stop("Parameter is not numerical")
iterations <- length(irace_results$allElites)
domain <- parameters$domains[[param_name]]
n_par <- parameters$nbVariable
# Get elite data by iteration
all_elites <- list()
for (i in seq_len(iterations)){
all_elites[[i]] <- irace_results$allConfigurations[irace_results$allElites[[i]], param_name]
# Get initial model standard deviation
s <- (domain[[2L]] - domain[[1L]])/2
configuration <- iteration <- NULL # Silence CRAN warnings
for (i in seq_len(iterations - 1L)) {
# Get not elite configurations executed in an iteration
it_conf <- unique(irace_results$state$experiment_log[iteration == (i+1), configuration])
new_it_conf <- it_conf[!(it_conf %in% irace_results$allElites[[i]])]
n_conf <- length(new_it_conf)
# Generate updated standard deviation (numerical params)
s <- s * (1/n_conf)^(1/n_par)
for (elite in 1:length(irace_results$allElites[[i]])){
par_mean <- all_elites[[i]][elite]
X <- rbind(X, cbind(i, elite, param_name, par_mean, s))
X <- as.data.frame(X)
colnames(X) <-c("iteration", "elite", "parameter", "mean", "sd")
X[,"sd"] <- as.numeric(as.character(X[,"sd"]))
X[,"mean"] <- as.numeric(as.character(X[,"mean"]))
rownames(X) <- NULL
# Plot a categorical model
# @description
# The `plotCategoricalModel` function creates a stacked bar plot showing
# the sampling probabilities of the parameter values for the elite
# configurations in the iterations of the configuration process.
# @param model_data
# String, data frame obtained from the `getCategoricalModel` function
# @param domain
# String Vector, domain of the parameter whose model will be plotted
# @return bar plot
# FIXME: examples!
plotCategoricalModel <- function(model_data, domain)
value <- prob <- elite <- NULL
model_data$elite <- factor(model_data$elite)
p <- ggplot(model_data, aes(fill=value, y=prob, x=elite, group=value)) +
geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity") +
ggplot2::scale_fill_viridis_d() +
facet_grid(~ iteration, scales = "free", space = "free")
p <- p + labs(x = "Elite configurations", y = "Probability") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = 4),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank())
# Plot a categorical model
# @description
# Creates a sampling distributions plot of the numerical parameters for the
# elite configurations of an iteration.
# This plot shows de density function of the truncated normal distributions
# associated to each parameter for each elite configuration.
# @param iteration
# Numeric, iteration that should considered in the plot
# @param model_data
# String, data frame obtained from the `getNumericalModel` function
# @param domain
# Numeric vector, domain of the parameter whose model will be plotted
# @param xlabel_iteration
# Numeric, iteration in which the x axis labels should be included
# @return sampling distribution plot
# FIXME: examples!
plotNumericalModel <- function(iteration, model_data, domain, xlabel_iteration)
model_data <- model_data[model_data[,"iteration"] == iteration, ]
model_data[,"elite"] <- as.factor(model_data[,"elite"])
x <- seq(from=domain[1], to=domain[2], length.out = 100)
# create plot
p <- ggplot(as.data.frame(x, ncol=1), aes(x=x))
el <- unique(as.character(model_data[,"elite"]))
col <- viridisLite::viridis(length(el))
for (i in 1:length(el)) {
mm <- model_data[model_data[,"elite"] == el[i], "mean"]
ss <- model_data[model_data[,"elite"] == el[i], "sd"]
if(is.na(mm)) next
p <- p + ggplot2::stat_function(fun = truncnorm::dtruncnorm,
geom = "area",
args=list(mean = mm,
sd = ss,
a = domain[1],
b = domain[2]),
color = col[i],
fill = col[i],
xlim = domain,
size = 0.5,
alpha = 0.3)
if (xlabel_iteration==iteration){
p <- p + ggplot2::ylab(as.character(iteration+1)) +
theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 0),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank())
} else {
p <- p + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 0),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank())
p <- p + labs(y = as.character(iteration+1))
p + ggplot2::xlim(domain[1], domain[2])
#' Plot the sampling models used by irace
#' @description
#' Display the sampling models from which irace generated parameter values for
#' new configurations during the configurations process.
#' For categorical parameters a stacked bar plot is created. This plot shows
#' the sampling probabilities of the parameter values for the elite
#' configurations in the iterations of the configuration process.
#' For numerical parameters a sampling distributions plot of the
#' numerical parameters for the elite configurations of an iteration.
#' This plot shows de density function of the truncated normal distributions
#' associated to each parameter for each elite configuration on each iteration.
#' @template arg_irace_results
#' @param param_name
#' String, parameter to be included in the plot, e.g., `param_name = "algorithm"`
#' @template arg_filename
#' @return sampling model plot
#' @examples
#' iraceResults <- read_logfile(system.file(package="irace", "exdata",
#' "irace-acotsp.Rdata", mustWork = TRUE))
#' plot_model(iraceResults, param_name="algorithm")
#' \donttest{
#' plot_model(iraceResults, param_name="alpha")
#' }
#' @export
plot_model <- function(irace_results, param_name, filename=NULL)
parameters <- irace_results$scenario$parameters
check_unknown_param_names(param_name, parameters$names)
iterations <- length(irace_results$allElites)
domain <- parameters$domains[[param_name]]
if (parameters$types[param_name] %in% c("c", "o")) {
X <- getCategoricalModel(irace_results, param_name)
q <- plotCategoricalModel(model_data=X, domain=domain)
} else {
X <- getNumericalModel(irace_results, param_name)
p <- lapply((iterations-1):1, plotNumericalModel, model_data=X,
domain=domain, xlabel_iteration=1)
q <- do.call("grid.arrange", c(p, ncol = 1, left="Iterations"))
if (!is.null(filename))
ggsave(filename, plot = q)
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