
Defines functions .minCor .maxCor2 .maxCor .vif2 .vif

# Author: Babak Naimi, naimi.b@gmail.com
# Date :  Oct. 2019
# Last update: September 2023
# Version 1.7
# Licence GPL v3

.vif <- function(.dd) {
  names(z) <- colnames(.dd)
  for (i in 1:ncol(.dd)) {
    z[i] <-  1 / (1 - summary(lm(.dd[,i]~.,data=.dd[-i]))$r.squared)

.vif2 <- function(y,w) {
  names(z) <- colnames(y)[w]
  for (i in 1:length(w)) {
    z[i] <-  1/(1-summary(lm(as.formula(paste(colnames(y)[w[i]],"~.",sep='')),data=y))$r.squared)

.maxCor <- function(k){
  k <- abs(k)
  n <- nrow(k)
  for (i in 1:n) k[i:n,i] <- NA
  w <- which.max(k)
# it checks the correlation and if both of the variables in the pair with max-Cor are in keep, it 
# goes to next order of maximum correlation until a pair with at least one of them not in keep is selected
.maxCor2 <- function(k,keep){
  k <- abs(k)
  n <- nrow(k)
  for (i in 1:n) k[i:n,i] <- NA
  #w <- which.max(k)
  o <- order(k,decreasing = TRUE)
  w <- o[1]
  vn <- c(rownames(k)[((w%/%nrow(k))+1)],colnames(k)[w%%nrow(k)])
  if (all(vn %in% keep)) {
    j <- 2
    while(LOOP) {
      w <- o[j]
      vn <- c(rownames(k)[((w%/%nrow(k))+1)],colnames(k)[w%%nrow(k)])
      if (all(vn %in% keep) && j < length(o)) j <- j+1
      else LOOP <- FALSE
    return (list(variables=vn,warning_level=j))
  } else {

.minCor <- function(k){
  k <- abs(k)
  for (c in 1:(ncol(k)-1)) {
    for (r in (c+1):nrow(k)){
      co <- c(co,k[r,c])
  w <- which.min(co)
if (!isGeneric("vif")) {
  setGeneric("vif", function(x,size, ...)
setMethod('vif', signature(x='RasterStackBrick'),
          function(x, size) {
            if (nlayers(x) == 1) stop("The Raster object should have at least two layers")
            if (missing(size)) {
              if (ncell(x) < 7000) size <- NULL
              else size <- 5000
            if (is.null(size)) x <- as.data.frame(x,na.rm=TRUE)
            else x <- sampleRandom(x,size,na.rm=TRUE)
            x <- na.omit(x)
            v <- .vif(x)
setMethod('vif', signature(x='SpatRaster'),
          function(x, size) {
            if (nlyr(x) == 1) stop("The Raster object should have at least two layers")
            if (missing(size)) {
              if (ncell(x) < 7000) size <- NULL
              else size <- 5000
            if (is.null(size)) x <- as.data.frame(x,na.rm=TRUE)
            else x <- spatSample(x,size,na.rm=TRUE)
            x <- na.omit(x)
            v <- .vif(x)
setMethod('vif', signature(x='data.frame'),
          function(x, size) {
            if (ncol(x) == 1) stop("At least two variables are needed to quantify vif")
            x <- na.omit(x)
            if (missing(size)) {
              if (nrow(x) < 7000) size <- NULL
              else size <- 5000
            if (!is.null(size)) {
              if(nrow(x) > size) x <- x[sample(1:nrow(x),size),]
            v <- .vif(x)

setMethod('vif', signature(x='matrix'),
          function(x, size) {
            if (ncol(x) == 1) stop("At least two variables are needed to quantify vif")
            x <- na.omit(x)
            if (missing(size)) {
              if (nrow(x) < 7000) size <- NULL
              else size <- 5000
            if (!is.null(size)) {
              if(nrow(x) > size) x <- x[sample(1:nrow(x),size),]
            v <- .vif(x)

if (!isGeneric("vifcor")) {
  setGeneric("vifcor", function(x, th= 0.9,keep=NULL, size, method='pearson',...)
setMethod('vifcor', signature(x='RasterStackBrick'),
          function(x, th=0.9, keep=NULL, size, method='pearson') {
            if (nlayers(x) == 1) stop("The Raster object should have at least two layers")
            if (missing(method) || !method %in% c('pearson','kendall','spearman')) method <- 'pearson'
            if (missing(size)) {
              if (ncell(x) < 7000) size <- NULL
              else size <- 5000
            if (missing(keep)) keep <- NULL
            if (is.null(size)) x <- as.data.frame(x,na.rm=TRUE)
            else x <- sampleRandom(x,size,na.rm=TRUE)
            x <- na.omit(x)
            vn <- colnames(x)
            if (!is.null(keep)) {
              if (is.numeric(keep)) {
                .w <- keep %in% c(1:length(vn))
                if (all(!.w)) stop(paste0('the values in keep are out of range; should be between 1 and ',ncol(x),' for your dataset...!'))
                if (any(!.w)) {
                  keep <- keep[.w]
                  warning('some of layer numbers in keep are out of range (should be between 1 and nlyr(x)), so they are ignored!')
                keep <- vn[keep]
              } else if (is.character(keep)) {
                .w <- keep %in% colnames(x)
                if (all(!.w)) stop('None of the variable names in keep are available in x dataset!')
                if (any(!.w)) {
                  keep <- keep[.w]
                  warning('some of the variable names in keep are not available in x (check if it is typos), so they are ignored!')
            .warn <- FALSE
            LOOP <- TRUE
            n <- new("VIF")
            n@variables <- colnames(x)
            exc <- c()
            if (is.null(keep)) {
              while (LOOP) {
                xcor <- abs(cor(x, method=method))
                mx <- .maxCor(xcor)
                if (xcor[mx[1],mx[2]] >= th) {
                  w1 <- which(colnames(xcor) == mx[1])
                  w2 <- which(rownames(xcor) == mx[2])
                  v <- .vif2(x,c(w1,w2))
                  ex <- mx[which.max(v[mx])]
                  exc <- c(exc,ex)
                  x <- x[,-which(colnames(x) == ex)]
                } else LOOP <- FALSE
            } else {
              while (LOOP) {
                xcor <- abs(cor(x, method=method))
                mx <- .maxCor2(xcor,keep=keep)
                if (is.list(mx)) {
                  .warn <- TRUE
                  mx <- mx[[1]]
                if (xcor[mx[1],mx[2]] >= th) {
                  w1 <- which(colnames(xcor) == mx[1])
                  w2 <- which(rownames(xcor) == mx[2])
                  if (any(mx %in% keep)) {
                    ex <- mx[!mx %in% keep]
                  } else {
                    v <- .vif2(x,c(w1,w2))
                    ex <- mx[which.max(v[mx])]
                  exc <- c(exc,ex)
                  x <- x[,-which(colnames(x) == ex)]
                } else LOOP <- FALSE
            if (.warn) {
              if (length(keep) > 2) warning('At least two variables specified in "keep" are strongly correlated (i.e., are subjected to the collinearity issue)!')
              else warning('The two variables specified in "keep" are strongly correlated (i.e., are subjected to the collinearity issue)!')
            if (length(exc) > 0) n@excluded <- exc
            v <- .vif(x)
            n@corMatrix <- cor(x, method=method)
            n@results <- data.frame(Variables=names(v),VIF=as.vector(v))
setMethod('vifcor', signature(x='SpatRaster'),
          function(x, th=0.9, keep=NULL, size, method='pearson') {
            if (nlyr(x) == 1) stop("The Raster object should have at least two layers")
            if (missing(method) || !method %in% c('pearson','kendall','spearman')) method <- 'pearson'
            if (missing(size)) {
              if (ncell(x) < 7000) size <- NULL
              else size <- 5000
            if (missing(keep)) keep <- NULL
            if (is.null(size)) x <- as.data.frame(x,na.rm=TRUE)
            else x <- spatSample(x,size,na.rm=TRUE)
            x <- na.omit(x)
            vn <- colnames(x)
            if (!is.null(keep)) {
              if (is.numeric(keep)) {
                .w <- keep %in% c(1:length(vn))
                if (all(!.w)) stop(paste0('the values in keep are out of range; should be between 1 and ',ncol(x),' for your dataset...!'))
                if (any(!.w)) {
                  keep <- keep[.w]
                  warning('some of layer numbers in keep are out of range (should be between 1 and nlyr(x)), so they are ignored!')
                keep <- vn[keep]
              } else if (is.character(keep)) {
                .w <- keep %in% colnames(x)
                if (all(!.w)) stop('None of the variable names in keep are available in x dataset!')
                if (any(!.w)) {
                  keep <- keep[.w]
                  warning('some of the variable names in keep are not available in x (check if it is typos), so they are ignored!')
            .warn <- FALSE
            LOOP <- TRUE
            n <- new("VIF")
            n@variables <- colnames(x)
            exc <- c()
            if (is.null(keep)) {
              while (LOOP) {
                xcor <- abs(cor(x, method=method))
                mx <- .maxCor(xcor)
                if (xcor[mx[1],mx[2]] >= th) {
                  w1 <- which(colnames(xcor) == mx[1])
                  w2 <- which(rownames(xcor) == mx[2])
                  v <- .vif2(x,c(w1,w2))
                  ex <- mx[which.max(v[mx])]
                  exc <- c(exc,ex)
                  x <- x[,-which(colnames(x) == ex)]
                } else LOOP <- FALSE
            } else {
              while (LOOP) {
                xcor <- abs(cor(x, method=method))
                mx <- .maxCor2(xcor,keep=keep)
                if (is.list(mx)) {
                  .warn <- TRUE
                  mx <- mx[[1]]
                if (xcor[mx[1],mx[2]] >= th) {
                  w1 <- which(colnames(xcor) == mx[1])
                  w2 <- which(rownames(xcor) == mx[2])
                  if (any(mx %in% keep)) {
                    ex <- mx[!mx %in% keep]
                  } else {
                    v <- .vif2(x,c(w1,w2))
                    ex <- mx[which.max(v[mx])]
                  exc <- c(exc,ex)
                  x <- x[,-which(colnames(x) == ex)]
                } else LOOP <- FALSE
            if (.warn) {
              if (length(keep) > 2) warning('At least two variables specified in "keep" are strongly correlated (i.e., are subjected to the collinearity issue)!')
              else warning('The two variables specified in "keep" are strongly correlated (i.e., are subjected to the collinearity issue)!')
            if (length(exc) > 0) n@excluded <- exc
            v <- .vif(x)
            n@corMatrix <- cor(x, method=method)
            n@results <- data.frame(Variables=names(v),VIF=as.vector(v))
setMethod('vifcor', signature(x='data.frame'),
          function(x, th=0.9, keep=NULL, size, method='pearson') {
            if (ncol(x) == 1) stop("The data.frame should have at least two columns")
            if (missing(method) || !method %in% c('pearson','kendall','spearman')) method <- 'pearson'
            x <- na.omit(x)
            if (missing(size)) {
              if (nrow(x) < 7000) size <- NULL
              else size <- 5000
            if (missing(keep)) keep <- NULL
            if (!is.null(size)) {
              if(nrow(x) > size) x <- x[sample(1:nrow(x),size),]
            vn <- colnames(x)
            if (!is.null(keep)) {
              if (is.numeric(keep)) {
                .w <- keep %in% c(1:length(vn))
                if (all(!.w)) stop(paste0('the values in keep are out of range; should be between 1 and ',ncol(x),' for your dataset...!'))
                if (any(!.w)) {
                  keep <- keep[.w]
                  warning('some of layer numbers in keep are out of range (should be between 1 and ncol(x)), so they are ignored!')
                keep <- vn[keep]
              } else if (is.character(keep)) {
                .w <- keep %in% colnames(x)
                if (all(!.w)) stop('None of the variable names in keep are available in x!')
                if (any(!.w)) {
                  keep <- keep[.w]
                  warning('some of the variable names in keep are not available in x (check if it is typos), so they are ignored!')
            .warn <- FALSE
            LOOP <- TRUE
            n <- new("VIF")
            n@variables <- colnames(x)
            exc <- c()
            if (is.null(keep)) {
              while (LOOP) {
                xcor <- abs(cor(x, method=method))
                mx <- .maxCor(xcor)
                if (xcor[mx[1],mx[2]] >= th) {
                  w1 <- which(colnames(xcor) == mx[1])
                  w2 <- which(rownames(xcor) == mx[2])
                  v <- .vif2(x,c(w1,w2))
                  ex <- mx[which.max(v[mx])]
                  exc <- c(exc,ex)
                  x <- x[,-which(colnames(x) == ex)]
                } else LOOP <- FALSE
            } else {
              while (LOOP) {
                xcor <- abs(cor(x, method=method))
                mx <- .maxCor2(xcor,keep=keep)
                if (is.list(mx)) {
                  .warn <- TRUE
                  mx <- mx[[1]]
                if (xcor[mx[1],mx[2]] >= th) {
                  w1 <- which(colnames(xcor) == mx[1])
                  w2 <- which(rownames(xcor) == mx[2])
                  if (any(mx %in% keep)) {
                    ex <- mx[!mx %in% keep]
                  } else {
                    v <- .vif2(x,c(w1,w2))
                    ex <- mx[which.max(v[mx])]
                  exc <- c(exc,ex)
                  x <- x[,-which(colnames(x) == ex)]
                } else LOOP <- FALSE
            if (.warn) {
              if (length(keep) > 2) warning('At least two variables specified in "keep" are strongly correlated (i.e., are subjected to the collinearity issue)!')
              else warning('The two variables specified in "keep" are strongly correlated (i.e., are subjected to the collinearity issue)!')
            if (length(exc) > 0) n@excluded <- exc
            v <- .vif(x)
            n@corMatrix <- cor(x, method=method)
            n@results <- data.frame(Variables=names(v),VIF=as.vector(v))

setMethod('vifcor', signature(x='matrix'),
          function(x, th=0.9, keep=NULL, size, method='pearson') {
            if (ncol(x) == 1) stop("The matrix should have at least two columns")
            if (missing(method) || !method %in% c('pearson','kendall','spearman')) method <- 'pearson'
            x <- as.data.frame(x)
            x <- na.omit(x)
            if (missing(size)) {
              if (nrow(x) < 7000) size <- NULL
              else size <- 5000
            if (missing(keep)) keep <- NULL
            if (!is.null(size)) {
              if(nrow(x) > size) x <- x[sample(1:nrow(x),size),]
            vn <- colnames(x)
            if (!is.null(keep)) {
              if (is.numeric(keep)) {
                .w <- keep %in% c(1:length(vn))
                if (all(!.w)) stop(paste0('the values in keep are out of range; should be between 1 and ',ncol(x),' for your dataset...!'))
                if (any(!.w)) {
                  keep <- keep[.w]
                  warning('some of layer numbers in keep are out of range (should be between 1 and ncol(x)), so they are ignored!')
                keep <- vn[keep]
              } else if (is.character(keep)) {
                .w <- keep %in% colnames(x)
                if (all(!.w)) stop('None of the variable names in keep are available in x!')
                if (any(!.w)) {
                  keep <- keep[.w]
                  warning('some of the variable names in keep are not available in x (check if it is typos), so they are ignored!')
            .warn <- FALSE
            LOOP <- TRUE
            n <- new("VIF")
            n@variables <- colnames(x)
            exc <- c()
            if (is.null(keep)) {
              while (LOOP) {
                xcor <- abs(cor(x, method=method))
                mx <- .maxCor(xcor)
                if (xcor[mx[1],mx[2]] >= th) {
                  w1 <- which(colnames(xcor) == mx[1])
                  w2 <- which(rownames(xcor) == mx[2])
                  v <- .vif2(x,c(w1,w2))
                  ex <- mx[which.max(v[mx])]
                  exc <- c(exc,ex)
                  x <- x[,-which(colnames(x) == ex)]
                } else LOOP <- FALSE
            } else {
              while (LOOP) {
                xcor <- abs(cor(x, method=method))
                mx <- .maxCor2(xcor,keep=keep)
                if (is.list(mx)) {
                  .warn <- TRUE
                  mx <- mx[[1]]
                if (xcor[mx[1],mx[2]] >= th) {
                  w1 <- which(colnames(xcor) == mx[1])
                  w2 <- which(rownames(xcor) == mx[2])
                  if (any(mx %in% keep)) {
                    ex <- mx[!mx %in% keep]
                  } else {
                    v <- .vif2(x,c(w1,w2))
                    ex <- mx[which.max(v[mx])]
                  exc <- c(exc,ex)
                  x <- x[,-which(colnames(x) == ex)]
                } else LOOP <- FALSE
            if (.warn) {
              if (length(keep) > 2) warning('At least two variables specified in "keep" are strongly correlated (i.e., are subjected to the collinearity issue)!')
              else warning('The two variables specified in "keep" are strongly correlated (i.e., are subjected to the collinearity issue)!')
            if (length(exc) > 0) n@excluded <- exc
            v <- .vif(x)
            n@corMatrix <- cor(x, method=method)
            n@results <- data.frame(Variables=names(v),VIF=as.vector(v))

if (!isGeneric("vifstep")) {
  setGeneric("vifstep", function(x, th= 10,keep=NULL, size, method='pearson',...)

setMethod('vifstep', signature(x='RasterStackBrick'),
          function(x, th=10, keep=NULL, size, method='pearson') {
            if (nlayers(x) == 1) stop("The Raster object should have at least two layers!")
            if (missing(method) || !method %in% c('pearson','kendall','spearman')) method <- 'pearson'
            if (missing(size)) {
              if (ncell(x) < 7000) size <- NULL
              else size <- 5000
            if (missing(keep)) keep <- NULL
            if (is.null(size)) x <- as.data.frame(x,na.rm=TRUE)
            else x <- sampleRandom(x,size,na.rm=TRUE)
            x <- na.omit(x)
            vn <- colnames(x)
            if (!is.null(keep)) {
              if (is.numeric(keep)) {
                .w <- keep %in% c(1:length(vn))
                if (all(!.w)) stop(paste0('the values in keep are out of range; should be between 1 and ',ncol(x),' for your dataset...!'))
                if (any(!.w)) {
                  keep <- keep[.w]
                  warning('some of layer numbers in keep are out of range (should be between 1 and nlyr(x)), so they are ignored!')
                keep <- vn[keep]
              } else if (is.character(keep)) {
                .w <- keep %in% colnames(x)
                if (all(!.w)) stop('None of the variable names in keep are available in x dataset!')
                if (any(!.w)) {
                  keep <- keep[.w]
                  warning('some of the variable names in keep are not available in x (check if it is typos), so they are ignored!')
            LOOP <- TRUE
            n <- new("VIF")
            n@variables <- colnames(x)
            exc <- c()
            if (is.null(keep)) {
              while (LOOP) {
                v <- .vif(x)
                if (v[which.max(v)] >= th) {
                  ex <- names(v[which.max(v)])
                  exc <- c(exc,ex)
                  x <- x[,-which(colnames(x) == ex)]
                } else LOOP=FALSE
            } else {
              while (LOOP) {
                v <- .vif(x)
                v <- v[!names(v) %in% keep]
                if (v[which.max(v)] >= th) {
                  ex <- names(v[which.max(v)])
                  exc <- c(exc,ex)
                  x <- x[,-which(colnames(x) == ex)]
                } else LOOP=FALSE
            if (length(exc) > 0) n@excluded <- exc
            v <- .vif(x)
            n@corMatrix <- cor(x, method=method)
            n@results <- data.frame(Variables=names(v),VIF=as.vector(v))

setMethod('vifstep', signature(x='data.frame'),
          function(x, th=10, keep=NULL, size, method='pearson') {
            if (ncol(x) == 1) stop("The data.frame should have at least two variables!")
            if (missing(method) || !method %in% c('pearson','kendall','spearman')) method <- 'pearson'
            x <- na.omit(x)
            if (missing(size)) {
              if (nrow(x) < 6000) size <- NULL
              else size <- 5000
            if (missing(keep)) keep <- NULL
            if (!is.null(size)) {
              if(nrow(x) > size) x <- x[sample(1:nrow(x),size),]
            vn <- colnames(x)
            if (!is.null(keep)) {
              if (is.numeric(keep)) {
                .w <- keep %in% c(1:length(vn))
                if (all(!.w)) stop(paste0('the values in keep are out of range; should be between 1 and ',ncol(x),' for your dataset...!'))
                if (any(!.w)) {
                  keep <- keep[.w]
                  warning('some of layer numbers in keep are out of range (should be between 1 and ncol(x)), so they are ignored!')
                keep <- vn[keep]
              } else if (is.character(keep)) {
                .w <- keep %in% colnames(x)
                if (all(!.w)) stop('None of the variable names in keep are available in x!')
                if (any(!.w)) {
                  keep <- keep[.w]
                  warning('some of the variable names in keep are not available in x (check if it is typos), so they are ignored!')
            LOOP <- TRUE
            n <- new("VIF")
            n@variables <- colnames(x)
            exc <- c()
            if (is.null(keep)) {
              while (LOOP) {
                v <- .vif(x)
                if (v[which.max(v)] >= th) {
                  ex <- names(v[which.max(v)])
                  exc <- c(exc,ex)
                  x <- x[,-which(colnames(x) == ex)]
                } else LOOP=FALSE
            } else {
              while (LOOP) {
                v <- .vif(x)
                v <- v[!names(v) %in% keep]
                if (v[which.max(v)] >= th) {
                  ex <- names(v[which.max(v)])
                  exc <- c(exc,ex)
                  x <- x[,-which(colnames(x) == ex)]
                } else LOOP=FALSE
            if (length(exc) > 0) n@excluded <- exc
            v <- .vif(x)
            n@corMatrix <- cor(x, method=method)
            n@results <- data.frame(Variables=names(v),VIF=as.vector(v))

setMethod('vifstep', signature(x='matrix'),
          function(x, th=10, keep=NULL, size, method='pearson') {
            if (ncol(x) == 1) stop("The matrix should have at least two columns (variables)!")
            if (missing(method) || !method %in% c('pearson','kendall','spearman')) method <- 'pearson'
            x <- as.data.frame(x)
            x <- na.omit(x)
            if (missing(size)) {
              if (nrow(x) < 6000) size <- NULL
              else size <- 5000
            if (missing(keep)) keep <- NULL
            if (!is.null(size)) {
              if(nrow(x) > size) x <- x[sample(1:nrow(x),size),]
            vn <- colnames(x)
            if (!is.null(keep)) {
              if (is.numeric(keep)) {
                .w <- keep %in% c(1:length(vn))
                if (all(!.w)) stop(paste0('the values in keep are out of range; should be between 1 and ',ncol(x),' for your dataset...!'))
                if (any(!.w)) {
                  keep <- keep[.w]
                  warning('some of layer numbers in keep are out of range (should be between 1 and ncol(x)), so they are ignored!')
                keep <- vn[keep]
              } else if (is.character(keep)) {
                .w <- keep %in% colnames(x)
                if (all(!.w)) stop('None of the variable names in keep are available in x!')
                if (any(!.w)) {
                  keep <- keep[.w]
                  warning('some of the variable names in keep are not available in x (check if it is typos), so they are ignored!')
            LOOP <- TRUE
            n <- new("VIF")
            n@variables <- colnames(x)
            exc <- c()
            if (is.null(keep)) {
              while (LOOP) {
                v <- .vif(x)
                if (v[which.max(v)] >= th) {
                  ex <- names(v[which.max(v)])
                  exc <- c(exc,ex)
                  x <- x[,-which(colnames(x) == ex)]
                } else LOOP=FALSE
            } else {
              while (LOOP) {
                v <- .vif(x)
                v <- v[!names(v) %in% keep]
                if (v[which.max(v)] >= th) {
                  ex <- names(v[which.max(v)])
                  exc <- c(exc,ex)
                  x <- x[,-which(colnames(x) == ex)]
                } else LOOP=FALSE
            if (length(exc) > 0) n@excluded <- exc
            v <- .vif(x)
            n@corMatrix <- cor(x, method=method)
            n@results <- data.frame(Variables=names(v),VIF=as.vector(v))

setMethod('vifstep', signature(x='SpatRaster'),
          function(x, th=10, keep=NULL, size, method='pearson') {
            if (nlyr(x) == 1) stop("The Raster object should have at least two layers!")
            if (missing(method) || !method %in% c('pearson','kendall','spearman')) method <- 'pearson'
            if (missing(size)) {
              if (ncell(x) < 7000) size <- NULL
              else size <- 5000
            if (missing(keep)) keep <- NULL
            if (is.null(size)) x <- as.data.frame(x,na.rm=TRUE)
            else x <- spatSample(x,size,na.rm=TRUE)
            x <- na.omit(x)
            vn <- colnames(x)
            if (!is.null(keep)) {
              if (is.numeric(keep)) {
                .w <- keep %in% c(1:length(vn))
                if (all(!.w)) stop(paste0('the values in keep are out of range; should be between 1 and ',ncol(x),' for your dataset...!'))
                if (any(!.w)) {
                  keep <- keep[.w]
                  warning('some of layer numbers in keep are out of range (should be between 1 and nlyr(x)), so they are ignored!')
              keep <- vn[keep]
              } else if (is.character(keep)) {
                .w <- keep %in% colnames(x)
                if (all(!.w)) stop('None of the variable names in keep are available in x dataset!')
                if (any(!.w)) {
                  keep <- keep[.w]
                  warning('some of the variable names in keep are not available in x (check if it is typos), so they are ignored!')
            LOOP <- TRUE
            n <- new("VIF")
            n@variables <- colnames(x)
            exc <- c()
            if (is.null(keep)) {
              while (LOOP) {
                v <- .vif(x)
                if (v[which.max(v)] >= th) {
                  ex <- names(v[which.max(v)])
                  exc <- c(exc,ex)
                  x <- x[,-which(colnames(x) == ex)]
                } else LOOP=FALSE
            } else {
              while (LOOP) {
                v <- .vif(x)
                v <- v[!names(v) %in% keep]
                if (v[which.max(v)] >= th) {
                  ex <- names(v[which.max(v)])
                  exc <- c(exc,ex)
                  x <- x[,-which(colnames(x) == ex)]
                } else LOOP=FALSE
            if (length(exc) > 0) n@excluded <- exc
            v <- .vif(x)
            n@corMatrix <- cor(x, method=method)
            n@results <- data.frame(Variables=names(v),VIF=as.vector(v))
babaknaimi/usdm documentation built on Oct. 5, 2023, 9:27 p.m.