
Defines functions getmhDB

Documented in getmhDB

#' Compute man hours database
#' Computes a man hours database throughout the year to be budgeted.
#' @param empReq a \code{\link{data.frame}} similar to \code{empReq} in
#'   \code{\link{initEmpReq}}
#' @param empPool a \code{data.frame} similar to \code{empPool} in
#'   \code{\link{initEmpPool}}
#' @param sched a \code{data.frame} similar to \code{sched} in
#'   \code{\link{initEmpReq}}
#' @param year an integer value representing the year to be budgeted
#' @param hol a \code{data.frame} similar to \code{\link{holidays}}
#' @param forecast logical value \cr
#'   Compute cost for forecast?
#' @return a list containing the following:
#'   \enumerate{
#'     \item \code{data.frame} representing the man hours database of the
#'       assigned employees
#'       This is composed of the following columns:
#'       \describe{
#'         \item{ID}{character string representing the unique identifier of the
#'           real employee}
#'         \item{reqID}{character string representing the unique identifier of the
#'           real employee}
#'         \item{mh}{integer value representing the man hours assigned}
#'         \item{mhType}{character string representing the man hours type
#'           assigned (see \code{\link{assignEmp}})}
#'         \item{month}{integer value representing the month}
#'         \item{np}{integer value representing the man hours with night premium
#'           pay}
#'         \item{costCenter}{character string representing the cost center
#'           wherein the man hours is charged}
#'         \item{equipment}{character string of the equipment type should the
#'           required personnel is an operator}
#'       }
#'     \item list of \code{\link{Employee-class}} objects representing the
#'       theoretical employees with un-assigned man hours
#'     \item list of \code{\link{Employee-class}} objects representing the
#'       real employees with un-assigned man hours
#'     \item list of \code{\link{Employee-class}} objects representing the
#'       theoretical employees with assigned man hours
#'     \item list of \code{\link{Employee-class}} objects representing the
#'       real employees with assigned man hours
#'     \item \code{\link{data.frame}} containing un-assigned man hours of the
#'       theoretical employees
#'       This is composed of the following columns:
#'       \describe{
#'         \item{month}{integer value representing the month}
#'         \item{ID}{character string representing the employee requirement}
#'         \item{mhType}{man hour type}
#'         \item{mh}{integer value representing the unassigned man hours}
#'       }
#'     \item \code{\link{data.frame}} containing un-assigned man hours of the
#'       real employees
#'       This is composed of the following columns:
#'       \describe{
#'         \item{month}{integer value representing the month}
#'         \item{ID}{character string representing the employee requirement}
#'         \item{mhType}{man hour type}
#'         \item{mh}{integer value representing the unassigned man hours}
#'       }
#'     \item \code{data.frame} representing the man hours database of the
#'       employees with discarded OT hours
#'       This is composed of the following columns:
#'       \describe{
#'         \item{ID}{character string representing the unique identifier of the
#'           real employee}
#'         \item{reqID}{character string representing the unique identifier of the
#'           real employee}
#'         \item{mh}{integer value representing the man hours assigned}
#'         \item{mhType}{character string representing the man hours type
#'           assigned (see \code{\link{assignEmp}})}
#'         \item{month}{integer value representing the month}
#'         \item{np}{integer value representing the man hours with night premium
#'           pay}
#'         \item{costCenter}{character string representing the cost center
#'           wherein the man hours is charged}
#'       }
#'   }
#' @export getmhDB
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
getmhDB <- function(empReq,
                    year = NA,
                    hol = NA,
                    forecast = FALSE) {

  # Define global variables
  ID <-
    mh <-
    mhReq <- NULL

  if (is.na(year)) {
    year <- as.integer(format(Sys.Date() + 365, "%Y"))
    message(sprintf("Using %d as year.", year))

  if (any(is.na(hol[1]))) {
    hol <- mansched::holidays
    message("Using built-in holidays list.")

  tempData <- initEmpPool(empPool = empPool,
                          hol = hol,
                          year = year,
                          forecast = forecast)
  listR <- tempData[[1]]
  listR.a <- listR
  empPool <- tempData[[2]]

  tempData <- initEmpReq(empReq = empReq, sched = sched, hol = hol, year = year)
  listT <- tempData[[1]]
  listT.a <- listT
  empReq <- tempData[[2]]

  # Assign only Employee-class objects that are present both in the pool and
  #   the requirement

  classPool <- unique(empPool$personnelClass)
  classReq <- unique(empReq$personnelClass)
  personnelClass <- intersect(classPool, classReq)

  indexPool <- which(empPool$personnelClass %in% personnelClass)
  indexReq <- which(empReq$personnelClass %in% personnelClass)

  # Separate Employee-class objects that cannot be assigned
  u.listR <- listR[-indexPool]
  u.listT <- listT[-indexReq]

  empPool <- empPool[indexPool,]
  empReq <- empReq[indexReq,]
  listR <- listR[indexPool]
  listT <- listT[indexReq]

  personnelSet <- lapply(personnelClass, FUN = function(x) {
    iP <- which(empPool$personnelClass == x)
    iR <- which(empReq$personnelClass == x)
    return(list(listT[iR], listR[iP]))

  assignedData <- lapply(X = personnelSet, FUN = function(x) {
    message(paste0("Assigning ", class(x[[1]][[1]]), "."))
    assignPrio(listT = x[[1]], listR = x[[2]])

  mhDB <- lapply(assignedData, FUN = function(x) {x[[1]]})
  mhReq <- lapply(assignedData, FUN = function(x) {x[[4]]})
  mhPool <- lapply(assignedData, FUN = function(x) {x[[5]]})
  discarded <- lapply(assignedData, FUN = function(x) {x[[6]]})
  mhDB <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(mhDB  , use.names = TRUE))
  mhReq <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(mhReq , use.names = TRUE))
  mhPool <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(mhPool, use.names = TRUE))
  discarded <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(discarded, use.names = TRUE))

  if (nrow(mhDB) < 1)
    mhDB <- NULL

  if (nrow(mhReq) < 1)
    mhReq <- NULL

  if (nrow(mhPool) < 1)
    mhPool <- NULL

  listR <- unlist(lapply(assignedData, FUN = function(x) {x[[3]]}))
  listT <- unlist(sapply(assignedData, FUN = function(x) {x[[2]]}))

  if (length(u.listR) > 0) {

    listTN <- u.listR
    discarded <- lapply(listTN, FUN = normEmp) %>%

    u.mhPool <- lapply(listTN, FUN = function(x) {
      mh <- as.data.frame(getHours(x))
      mh$month <- 1:12
      mh$ID <- x@ID
    }) %>%
      data.table::rbindlist() %>%
      tidyr::gather(key = "mhType", value = mh, -month, -ID)

    mhPool <- data.table::rbindlist(list(mhPool, u.mhPool), use.names = TRUE)
    mhPool <- mhPool[mhPool$mh > 0,]
    mhPool <- as.data.frame(mhPool)

    if (nrow(u.mhPool) > 0) {
      for (i in listTN) {
        if (sum(getHours(i)) > 0) {
          tempData <- assignEmp(empT = i, empR = i, selfAssign = FALSE)
          tempData$np <- 0L
          mhDB <- dfAppend(mhDB, tempData)
    } else {
      mhPool <- NULL

  if (length(u.listT) > 0) {
    u.mhReq <- lapply(u.listT, FUN = function(x) {
      mh <- as.data.frame(getHours(x))
      mh$month <- 1:12
      mh$ID <- x@ID
    u.mhReq <- data.table::rbindlist(u.mhReq, use.names = TRUE)
    u.mhReq <- u.mhReq %>%
      tidyr::gather(key = "mhType", value = mh, -month, -ID)
    mhReq <- data.table::rbindlist(list(mhReq, u.mhReq), use.names = TRUE)
    mhReq <- mhReq[mhReq$mh > 0, ]
    mhReq <- as.data.frame(mhReq)

  rowsWithSplitDCC <- stringr::str_detect(mhDB$costCenter, "0CCSPLIT0")
  if (any(rowsWithSplitDCC)) {
    mhDBClean <- mhDB[!rowsWithSplitDCC,]
    mhDBForSplitting <- mhDB[rowsWithSplitDCC,]
    mhDBSplit <- lapply(1:nrow(mhDBForSplitting), function(x) {
      costCenters <- strsplit(mhDBForSplitting$costCenter[x], "0CCSPLIT0")[[1]]
      mhSplit <- rep(as.integer(mhDBForSplitting$mh[x] / length(costCenters)),
                     times = length(costCenters))

      while (sum(mhSplit) != mhDBForSplitting$mh[x]) {
        increment <- 1L
        mhDiff <- mhDBForSplitting$mh[x] - sum(mhSplit)
        if (mhDiff < 0L)
          increment <- -1L
        if (mhDiff == 0L)
        idx <- sample.int(length(mhSplit), abs(mhDiff))
        mhSplit[idx] <- mhSplit[idx] + increment
      data.frame(ID = mhDBForSplitting$ID[x],
                 reqID = mhDBForSplitting$reqID[x],
                 mh = mhSplit,
                 mhType = mhDBForSplitting$mhType[x],
                 month = mhDBForSplitting$month[x],
                 np = mhSplit * mhDBForSplitting$np[x] / sum(mhSplit),
                 costCenter = costCenters,
                 equipment = mhDBForSplitting$equipment[x])
    }) %>%
    mhDB <- data.table::rbindlist(list(mhDBClean, mhDBSplit))

  return(list(mhDB, listT.a, listR.a, listT, listR, mhReq, mhPool, discarded))
basilrabi/mansched documentation built on May 18, 2023, 1:29 p.m.