
Defines functions hypervolume_permute

Documented in hypervolume_permute

hypervolume_permute <- function(name, hv1, hv2, n = 50, cores = 1, verbose = TRUE) {
  # Check if cluster registered to doparallel backend exists
  exists_cluster = TRUE
  if(cores > 1 & getDoParWorkers() == 1) {
    # If no cluster is registered, create a new one based on use input
    cl = makeCluster(cores)
    clusterEvalQ(cl, {
    exists_cluster = FALSE
  # Create folder to store permuted hypervolumes
  dir.create(file.path('./Objects', name))
  if(verbose) {
    pb = progress_bar$new(total = n)
  # Create n pairs of hypervolumes by permuting combined data of hv1 and hv2
  foreach(i = 1:n, .combine = c) %dopar% {
    combined_data = rbind(hv1@Data, hv2@Data)
    # take a sample of points to include in first permuted hypervolume.
    perm_idx = sample(1:nrow(combined_data), nrow(hv1@Data))
    # Use sampled indices to construct first hypervolume and the rest of the data to construct the second hypervolume
    h1 = copy_param_hypervolume(hv1, combined_data[perm_idx,], name = "hv1")
    h2 = copy_param_hypervolume(hv2, combined_data[-1 * perm_idx,], name = "hv2")
    subdir = file.path("./Objects", name, paste0("permutation", as.character(i)))
    # Save files to subdirectories of ./Object/<name> called permutation <i>
    name1 = paste0(h1@Name, '.rds')
    name2 = paste0(h2@Name, '.rds')
    saveRDS(h1, file.path('./Objects', name, paste0("permutation", as.character(i)), name1))
    saveRDS(h2, file.path('./Objects', name, paste0("permutation", as.character(i)), name2))
    if(verbose) {
  # If a cluster was created for this specific function call, close cluster and register sequential backend
  if(!exists_cluster) {
  return(file.path(getwd(), 'Objects', name))
bblonder/hypervolume documentation built on May 3, 2024, 8:45 a.m.