
Defines functions commute_time_distance

Documented in commute_time_distance

#' Compute the commute-time distance between nodes in a graph
#' This function computes the commute-time distance between nodes in a graph using either eigenvalue or
#' pseudoinverse methods.
#' @param A A symmetric, non-negative matrix representing the adjacency matrix of the graph
#' @param ncomp Integer, number of components to use in the computation, default is (nrow(A) - 1)
#' @return A list with the following components:
#'   \item{eigenvectors}{Matrix, eigenvectors of the matrix M}
#'   \item{eigenvalues}{Vector, eigenvalues of the matrix M}
#'   \item{cds}{Matrix, the computed commute-time distances}
#'   \item{gap}{Numeric, the gap between the two largest eigenvalues}
#'   The returned object has class "commute_time" and "list".
#' @examples
#' # Create an example adjacency matrix
#' A <- matrix(c(0, 1, 1, 0,
#'              1, 0, 1, 1,
#'              1, 1, 0, 1,
#'              0, 1, 1, 0), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE)
#' # Compute the commute-time distance
#' result <- commute_time_distance(A)
#' @export
#' @importFrom RSpectra eigs
#' @export
commute_time_distance <- function(A, ncomp=nrow(A)-1) {
  D <- Matrix::rowSums(A)

  Dtilde <- Diagonal(x= D^(-1/2))

  M <- Dtilde %*% A %*% Dtilde

  decomp <- RSpectra::eigs_sym(M, k=ncomp+1)

  pii <- D/sum(A)
  v <- decomp$vectors[, 2:(ncomp+1)]
  ev <- decomp$values[2:(ncomp+1)]

  if (any(decomp$values > 1)) {
    stop("eigenvalue greater than 1 detected.")
  #maxev <- max(ev)

  gap <- decomp$values[1] - decomp$values[2]

  cds <- sweep(v, 2, sqrt(1 - ev), "/")
  cds <- sweep(cds, 1, 1/sqrt(pii), "*")

  ret <- list(eigenvectors=decomp$vectors, eigenvalues=decomp$values, cds=cds, gap=gap)
  class(ret) <- c("commute_time", "list")

# correct_commute <- function(A, cds) {
#   #R = get_commute_distance_using_Laplacian(A)
#   n = nrow(A)
#   # compute commute time limit expression:
#   d = rowSums(A)
#   Rlimit <- t(matrix(1/d, nrow=n, ncol=n, byrow=TRUE)) + t(matrix(1/d, nrow=n, ncol=n))
#   #Rlimit = np.tile((1. / d), (n, 1)).T + np.tile((1. / d), (n, 1))
#   # compute correction term u_{ij}:
#   tmp <- t(matrix(diag(A), nrow=n, ncol=n, byrow=TRUE)) / t(matrix(d, nrow=n, ncol=n))
#   #tmp = np.tile(np.diag(A), (n, 1)).T / np.tile(d, (n, 1))
#   tmp2 <- t(matrix(d, nrow=n, ncol=n, byrow=TRUE)) * matrix(d, nrow=n, ncol=n, byrow=TRUE)
#   #tmp2 = np.tile(d, (n, 1)).T * np.tile(d, (n, 1))
#   uAu = tmp + t(tmp) - 2 * A / tmp2
#   # compute amplified commute:
#   #tmp3 = R - Rlimit - uAu
#   # enforce 0 diagonal:
#   #D = tmp3 - np.diag(np.diag(tmp3))
# }

# commute_time_dist <- function(A, ncomp=nrow(A)-1) {
#   n = nrow(A)
#   D <- Matrix::Diagonal(x=rowSums(A))
#   L = D - A
#   dinv = Matrix::Diagonal(x=1/rowSums(A))
#   #Linv = linalg.inv(L + np.ones(L.shape)/n) - np.ones(L.shape)/n
#   Linv <- solve(L + matrix(1, nrow(A), ncol(A))/n)
#   Linv_diag <- matrix(diag(Linv), n, 1)
#   #Linv_diag = np.diag(Linv).reshape((n, 1))
#   Rexact = Linv_diag %*% matrix(1, ncol=n) + matrix(1, nrow=n) %*% t(Linv_diag) - 2 * Linv
#   #Rexact = Linv_diag * np.ones((1, n)) + np.ones((n, 1)) * Linv_diag.T - 2 * Linv
#   # convert from a resistance distance to a commute time distance
#   Rexact <- Rexact * sum(A)
# }

# commute_time_pseudoinverse <- function(A, ncomp=nrow(A)-1) {
#   # Compute the degree matrix D
#   D <- Diagonal(x = rowSums(A))
#   # Compute the Laplacian matrix L
#   L <- D - A
#   # Compute the singular value decomposition using the irlba package
#   svd_res <- RSpectra::svds(L, k=ncomp+1)
#   #svd_res <- irlba(L, ncomp)
#   # Calculate the pseudoinverse of L
#   L_pinv <- svd_res$v %*% (Diagonal(x = 1/svd_res$d) %*% t(svd_res$u))
#   # Compute the commute time distance
#   vol_G <- sum(A)
#   CTD <- D * vol_G + D * vol_G - 2 * L_pinv
#   CTD
# }

# cds <- commute_time(A, ncomp=4)
# plot(cds$cds[,1], cds$cds[,2], type="p", col=iris$Species)
# out <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq(4, 150, by=5), function(k) {
#   do.call(rbind, lapply(seq(.5, 2.5, by=.3), function(sigma) {
#     A=neighborweights::similarity_matrix(iris[,1:4],  k=k, sigma=sigma, weight_mode="heat")
#     ret <- commute_time(A, ncomp=4)
#     message("k = ", k, " : sigma = ", sigma, " : gap = ", ret$gap)
#     c(k=k, sigma=sigma, gap=ret$gap)
#   }))
# }))
bbuchsbaum/neighborweights documentation built on April 1, 2024, 8:41 p.m.