#' Calculate the inside-bark diameter at a given height
#' @description This function uses taper equation to calculate diameter inside bark at a given height.
#' It is equivalent to the subroutine of vol_tree_active_equation in vol_setup macro
#' @param taperEquationForm character, Specifies which taper equations will be used, currently support \code{KBEC} or \code{KFIZ3}.
#' \code{KBEC} is the Kozak's equations (2002 version) based on BEC zone, tree sizes and species.
#' \code{KFIZ3} is the equations based on forest inventory zone (FIZ), tree sizes and species.
#' Default is KBEC, if missing.
#' @param FIZorBEC character, Specifies which FIZ or BEC (depends on \code{taperEquationForm}) zones the tree located in BC.
#' @param species character, Species code.
#' @param height_I numeric, Height from ground.
#' @param heightTotal numeric, Total height of a tree.
#' @param DBH numeric, Diameter at breast height.
#' @param volMultiplier numeric, Volume adjustment multiplier.
#' @return Diameter inside bark
#' @importFrom data.table ':=' setnames
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname DIB_ICalculator
#' @author Yong Luo
function(taperEquationForm, FIZorBEC,
species, height_I, heightTotal,
DBH, volMultiplier) {
#' @rdname DIB_ICalculator
signature = c(taperEquationForm = "character",
FIZorBEC = "character",
species = "character",
height_I = "numeric",
heightTotal = "numeric",
DBH = "numeric",
volMultiplier = "numeric"),
definition = function(taperEquationForm, FIZorBEC,
species, height_I, heightTotal,
DBH, volMultiplier){
## handle excess of limits
indiTreeData <- data.table(uniObsID = 1:max(length(height_I), length(heightTotal), length(DBH)),
FIZorBEC, SP0 = species,
HT_I = height_I,
HT = heightTotal, DBH,
VOL_MULT = volMultiplier)
if(taperEquationForm == "KFIZ3"){
setnames(indiTreeData, "FIZorBEC", "FIZ")
} else {
setnames(indiTreeData, "FIZorBEC", "BEC")
## for invalid tree height, assign DIB_I with NA
outputData <- indiTreeData[HT %in% c(NA, 0), ][, DIB_I := as.numeric(NA)]
if(nrow(indiTreeData[HT %in% c(NA, 0), ]) > 0){
warning("NA is assigned to DIB_I, as total tree height is not available.")
indiTreeData <- indiTreeData[!(HT %in% c(NA, 0)),]
## for invalid tree DBH, assign DIB_I with NA
outputData <- rbind(outputData,
indiTreeData[DBH %in% c(NA, 0), ][, DIB_I := as.numeric(NA)])
if(nrow(indiTreeData[DBH %in% c(NA, 0), ]) > 0){
warning("NA is assigned to DIB_I, as DBH is not available.")
indiTreeData <- indiTreeData[!(DBH %in% c(NA, 0)),]
# downsize as much as possible
# clean up later
outputData <- rbind(outputData,
indiTreeData[abs(HT_I - HT) %<<% 0.1,][, DIB_I := 0])
indiTreeData <- indiTreeData[abs(HT_I - HT) %>=% 0.1,]
## need to remove rows that contain extreme values
# for invalid max height increment, assign DIB_I with NA
outputData <- rbind(outputData,
indiTreeData[HT_I %>>% (HT+0.1), ][, DIB_I := as.numeric(NA)])
if(nrow(indiTreeData[HT_I %>>% (HT+0.1), ]) > 0){
warning("NA is assigned to DIB_I, as heigh_I is bigger than heighTotal")
indiTreeData <- indiTreeData[HT_I %<=% (HT+0.1),]
## for invalid min height increment, assign DIB_I with NA
# outputData <- rbind(outputData,
# indiTreeData[HT_I %<<% 0.1, ][, DIB_I := as.numeric(NA)])
# if(nrow(indiTreeData[HT_I < 0.1, ]) > 0){
# warning("NA is assigned to DIB_I, as heigh_I is too small, i.e., less than 0.1m.")
# }
# indiTreeData <- indiTreeData[HT_I %>=% 0.1,]
## to generate coefficients for specific taper equation
taperCoeffs <- taperCoeffsGenerator(taperEquationForm = taperEquationForm)
if(nrow(indiTreeData) > 0){
outputData <- rbind(outputData,
indiTreeData[, DIB_I := taperImplementor(taperEquationForm = taperEquationForm,
taperCoeffs = taperCoeffs,
species = SP0,
height_I = HT_I,
heightTotal = HT,
volMultiplier = VOL_MULT)])
DIB_I <- outputData[order(uniObsID),]$DIB_I
#' Implement taper equation for a given tree
#' @param taperEquationForm character, Specifies a taper equation form one of KBEC, KBECQCI, KFIZ3.
#' @param taperCoeffs data.table, Table that stores the coefficients that match the taper equation.
#' @param FIZorBEC character, FIZ or BEC.
#' @param species character, Species code.
#' @param height_I numeric, Height from ground.
#' @param heightTotal numeric, Total height of a tree.
#' @param DBH numeric, Diameter at breast height.
#' @param volMultiplier, Volume multiplier adjustment.
#' @return DIB_I diameter inside bark at height_I
#' @importFrom data.table ':=' setnames setkey
#' @export
#' @note This function is inside of the VRIVolTree function
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname taperImplementor
#' @author Yong Luo
function(taperEquationForm, taperCoeffs, FIZorBEC,
species, height_I, heightTotal, DBH, volMultiplier) {
#' @rdname taperImplementor
signature = c(taperEquationForm = "character",
taperCoeffs = "data.table",
FIZorBEC = "character",
species = "character",
height_I = "numeric",
heightTotal = "numeric",
DBH = "numeric",
volMultiplier = "numeric"),
definition = function(taperEquationForm, taperCoeffs, FIZorBEC,
species, height_I, heightTotal, DBH,
if(taperEquationForm == "KFIZ3"){
tempTable <- data.table(obsIndex = 1:length(height_I),
FIZorBEC, SP0 = species,
HT_I = height_I,
HT = heightTotal, DBH)
setnames(tempTable, "FIZorBEC", "FIZ")
tempTable1 <- setkey(tempTable, FIZ, SP0)[setkey(taperCoeffs, FIZ, SP0),
nomatch = 0]
if(nrow(tempTable) != nrow(tempTable1)){
print(unique(tempTable[!(obsIndex %in% tempTable1$obsIndex), .(FIZ, species = SP0)],
by = c("FIZ", "species")))
stop("The above combinations of FIZ and species do not have taper equations.")
} else {
tempTable <- tempTable1
tempTable[, Z := HT_I/HT]
tempTable[, X := (1-sqrt(Z))/(1-sqrt(P))]
tempTable[, EX := A3 * (Z^2)+ A4*log(Z+.001)
+ A5 * sqrt(X)
+ A6 * (DBH/HT )
+ A7 * exp(Z)]
tempTable[, DIB_I := A0 * (DBH^A1)
* (A2^DBH)
* (X^EX)]
DIB_I <- tempTable[order(obsIndex), ]$DIB_I
} else {
tempTable <- data.table(obsIndex = 1:length(height_I),
FIZorBEC, SP0 = species,
HT_I = height_I,
HT = heightTotal, DBH,
VOL_MULT = volMultiplier)
setnames(tempTable, "FIZorBEC", "BEC")
tempTable1 <- setkey(tempTable, BEC, SP0)[setkey(taperCoeffs, BEC, SP0),
nomatch = 0]
if(nrow(tempTable) != nrow(tempTable1)){
print(unique(tempTable[!(obsIndex %in% tempTable1$obsIndex), .(BEC, species = SP0)],
by = c("BEC", "species")))
stop("The above combinations of BEC and species do not have taper equations.")
} else {
tempTable <- tempTable1
if(taperEquationForm %in% c("KBEC", "KBECQCI")){ # for 2002 equations
tempTable[, ':='(F1 = B1 * (DBH^B2),
F2 = HT^B3,
P = 1.3/HT)]
tempTable[, ':='(QI = 1-(ZI^(1/3)))]
tempTable[, XI := QI/(1-P^(1/3))]
tempTable[, ':='(EX1 = B4 * (ZI^4),
EX2 = B5/exp(DH),
EX3 = B6 * (XI^0.1),
EX4 = B7/DBH,
EX5 = B8 * (HT^QI),
EX6 = B9 * XI)]
tempTable[, EX := EX1 + EX2 + EX3 + EX4+
EX5 + EX6]
tempTable[, DIB_I := ERR * F1 * F2 * (XI^EX)]
## current without vol_mult adjustment
tempTable[, DIB_I := DIB_I * VOL_MULT]
DIB_I <- tempTable[order(obsIndex), ]$DIB_I
} else if (taperEquationForm %in% c("KBEC_OLD", "KBECQCI_OLD")){ # for old equations
tempTable[, ':='(FF = B1 * (DBH^B2) * B3^DBH,
XQ = HT_I/HT)]
tempTable[, XL := 1 - sqrt(XQ)]
tempTable[, XX := XL/0.9]
tempTable[XX < 0, XX := 0]
tempTable[, XL := asin(XL) ] # for arcsine XL
tempTable[, XB := 1/(XQ + DH)]
tempTable[, EX := B4
+ B5 * XQ^0.25
+ B6 * XQ^(1.0 / 3.0)
+ B7 * XQ^0.5
+ B8 * XL
+ B9 * XB
+ B10 * HT]
tempTable[, DIB_I := ERR * FF * (XX^EX)]
## current without vol_mult adjustment
tempTable[, DIB_I := DIB_I * VOL_MULT]
DIB_I <- tempTable[order(obsIndex), ]$DIB_I
#### define taperCoeffsGenerator
#' Generate the coefficients table of taper equations
#' @description Generates the coefficients of the taper equations for based on specific
#' taper equation form (\code{taperEquationForm})
#' @param taperEquationForm character, Specifies a taper equation form one of KBEC, KBECQCI, KFIZ3.
#' @return A coeffients table
#' @importFrom data.table ':=' setkey data.table
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname taperCoeffsGenerator
#' @author Yong Luo
function(taperEquationForm) {
#' @rdname taperCoeffsGenerator
signature = c(taperEquationForm = "character"),
definition = function(taperEquationForm){
if(taperEquationForm == "KFIZ3"){
## hardcoded for the FIZ head table
headtable <- data.table(expand.grid(FIZ = c("A", "B", "C",
"D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J",
"K", "L"),
SP0 = c("F", "C", "H", "B", # same order as original sas compiler
"S", "Y", "PW", "PL",
"PY", "L", "AC", "D",
"MB", "E", "AT", "PA")),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
headtable[FIZ %in% c("A", "B", "C"), FIZ_EQN_NO := 1]
headtable[FIZ %in% c("D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J"), FIZ_EQN_NO := 2]
headtable[FIZ %in% c("K", "L"), FIZ_EQN_NO := 3]
### forget the species order in original sas codes, the following R codes directly join the coefficients
### into the table by fiz equation no and species codes
## know how the coefficients been orgnized in the coefficient table in the sas codes
## currently, the below table is hard coded, could be moved to other place make it more
## flexiable
fizequ <- data.table(FIZ_EQN_NO = c(rep(1, 16),
rep(2, 16),
rep(3, 16)),
SP0 = rep(c("F", "C", "H", "B", # same order as original sas compiler
"S", "Y", "PW", "PL",
"PY", "L", "AC", "D",
"MB", "E", "AT", "PA"),
EQN_NO = 1:48)
headtable <- setkey(headtable, FIZ_EQN_NO, SP0)[setkey(fizequ, FIZ_EQN_NO, SP0),
nomatch = 0]
TaperCoeffs <- data.table(EQN_NO = 1:48,
P = c(0.25, 0.25, 0.20, 0.25, # for the inflection
0.25, 0.30, 0.25, 0.25, # which is corresponding to array inflect in
0.25, 0.30, 0.25, 0.30, # original sas compiler
0.25, 0.25, 0.20, 0.25,
0.25, 0.30, 0.25, 0.30,
0.30, 0.30, 0.25, 0.25,
0.25, 0.30, 0.25, 0.30,
0.25, 0.25, 0.20, 0.25,
0.25, 0.30, 0.25, 0.30,
0.30, 0.30, 0.25, 0.25,
0.25, 0.30, 0.25, 0.30,
0.25, 0.25, 0.20, 0.25),
# the following are the coefficients for fiz equations
# which is corresponding to array A_FIZ in sas code
A0 = c(1.012675, 1.218296, 0.830874, 0.988964,
0.924126, 0.928138, 0.868943, 0.774601,
0.856592, 0.746827, 0.802839, 0.719188,
1.097880, 0.648830, 0.855966, 1.078961,
0.920840, 1.033575, 0.752027, 1.008741,
0.897311, 0.928138, 0.984019, 0.774601,
0.856592, 0.746827, 0.802839, 0.719188,
1.097880, 0.648830, 0.855966, 1.078961,
0.920840, 1.033575, 0.752027, 0.764353,
0.897595, 0.928138, 0.984019, 0.793793,
0.856592, 1.164819, 0.852579, 0.719188,
1.097880, 0.633306, 0.891641, 1.078961),
A1 = c(0.899136, 0.855983, 1.005210, 0.951803,
0.950707, 0.945293, 0.976312, 1.040320,
0.936402, 1.003900, 0.993776, 1.052190,
0.840504, 1.121390, 0.987014, 0.894083,
0.923867, 0.896971, 1.028970, 0.916357,
0.957090, 0.945293, 0.941322, 1.040320,
0.936402, 1.003900, 0.993776, 1.052190,
0.840504, 1.121390, 0.987014, 0.894083,
0.923867, 0.896971, 1.028970, 1.053220,
0.957499, 0.945293, 0.941322, 1.049320,
0.936402, 0.831995, 0.952969, 1.052190,
0.840504, 1.110510, 0.957835, 0.894083),
A2 = c(1.000123, 0.999921, 0.999142, 0.999789,
0.999518, 0.999206, 0.999773, 0.996984,
1.002104, 0.997233, 0.998974, 0.997551,
1.006569, 0.992077, 0.999828, 1.001749,
1.000568, 0.999079, 0.998660, 1.001159,
0.999370, 0.999206, 0.999700, 0.996984,
1.002104, 0.997233, 0.998974, 0.997551,
1.006569, 0.992077, 0.999828, 1.001749,
1.000568, 0.999079, 0.998660, 0.994711,
0.998952, 0.999206, 0.999700, 0.995709,
1.002104, 1.003909, 1.000477, 0.997551,
1.006569, 0.994733, 1.001450, 1.001749),
A3 = c(0.968978, 2.037620, 1.770670, 2.336270,
1.750510, 0.301423, 1.676930, 0.745750,
0.566217, 0.747048, 0.706093, 0.599235,
0.981297, 0.865974, 0.424473, 1.377540,
1.095560, 1.598260, 1.174800, 1.415990,
1.532270, 0.301423, 1.571030, 0.745750,
0.566217, 0.747048, 0.706093, 0.599235,
0.981297, 0.865974, 0.424473, 1.377540,
1.095560, 1.598260, 1.174800, 1.381630,
1.110150, 0.301423, 1.571030, 0.583403,
0.566217, 1.880250, 0.731911, 0.599235,
0.981297, 1.021680, 0.695143, 1.377540),
A4 = c(-0.190913, -0.486492, -0.329190, -0.502311,
-0.408021, -0.040792, -0.372195, -0.130177,
-0.087141, -0.133729, -0.096789, -0.033036,
-0.222619, -0.106757, -0.037553, -0.286807,
-0.202191, -0.411541, -0.263576, -0.325671,
-0.364679, -0.040792, -0.369344, -0.130177,
-0.087141, -0.133729, -0.096789, -0.033036,
-0.222619, -0.106757, -0.037553, -0.286807,
-0.202191, -0.411541, -0.263576, -0.306534,
-0.281544, -0.040792, -0.369344, -0.077654,
-0.087141, -0.401856, -0.084192, -0.033036,
-0.222619, -0.141481, -0.039652, -0.286807),
A5 = c(0.825961, 2.632080, 2.185610, 4.154490,
2.659000, -1.235630, 2.567510, 0.558818,
-0.063450, 0.397110, 0.312724, -0.261339,
1.428220, 0.257139, -0.517540, 1.038780,
0.967329, 2.402420, 2.233330, 2.793270,
2.741210, -1.235630, 2.703200, 0.558818,
-0.063450, 0.397110, 0.312724, -0.261339,
1.428220, 0.257139, -0.517540, 1.038780,
0.967329, 2.402420, 2.233330, 2.637080,
2.125100, -1.235630, 2.703200, -0.036267,
-0.063450, 3.082780, 0.196339, -0.261339,
1.428220, 0.641499, -0.603404, 1.038780),
A6 = c(0.048766, 0.109094, 0.105050, 0.086560,
0.092651, 0.030743, 0.071928, 0.198687,
0.071720, 0.078345, 0.119634, 0.215536,
0.228560, 0.254574, 0.102211, 0.072537,
0.081696, 0.094283, 0.045184, 0.108427,
0.117756, 0.030743, 0.049628, 0.198687,
0.071720, 0.078345, 0.119634, 0.215536,
0.228560, 0.254574, 0.102211, 0.072537,
0.081696, 0.094283, 0.045184, 0.163996,
0.148340, 0.030743, 0.049628, 0.142531,
0.071720, 0.276300, 0.148285, 0.215536,
0.228560, 0.258921, 0.193706, 0.072537),
A7 = c(-0.426214, -1.486550, -1.192970, -2.186240,
-1.396760, 0.672879, -1.340830, -0.324178,
0.051415, -0.183542, -0.080057, 0.123059,
-0.654456, -0.149926, 0.303931, -0.647372,
-0.514604, -1.252170, -1.002020, -1.326790,
-1.362760, 0.672879, -1.334700, -0.324178,
0.051415, -0.183542, -0.080057, 0.123059,
-0.654456, -0.149926, 0.303931, -0.647372,
-0.514604, -1.252170, -1.002020, -1.292080,
-1.005560, 0.672879, -1.334700, -0.022523,
0.051415, -1.661550, -0.069852, 0.123059,
-0.654456, -0.359508, 0.209159, -0.647372))
taperCoeffs <- setkey(headtable, EQN_NO)[setkey(TaperCoeffs, EQN_NO),
nomatch = 0]
taperCoeffs[, ':='(FIZ_EQN_NO = NULL, EQN_NO = NULL) ]
} else {
## the following codes do not follow the original sas complier, for which it introduces some unnessessary index
## these codes will join the coefficients into tree data by BEC zone and species code
## produce the coefficient table
## for 16 species and 13 species, totally 208 combinations,
## however, 74 equations have been used, as some equatioins are same
headtable <- data.table(BEC = rep(c("AT", "BWBS", "CDF", "CWH", "ESSF", "ICH",
"IDF", "MH", "MS", "PP", "SBPS", "SBS", "SWB"), 16),
SP0 = unlist(lapply(c("AC", "AT", "B", "C", # 16 species following same order as original codes
"D", "E", "F", "H",
"L", "MB", "PA", "PL",
"PW", "PY", "S", "Y"), function(s) rep(s, 13))),
EQN_NO = c(1,1,2,2,1,3,4,2,4,4,4,5,1, # from the original matrix, each row represents a species and each column represents a bec zone
## the following prepare coefficients based on taper equation form (taperEquationForm)
if(taperEquationForm == "KBEC"){ # using Kozak 2002 coefficients
TaperCoeffs <- data.table(EQN_NO = 1:74,
# B1-B10 is from _CBEC_2002
B1 = c(0.697074, 0.980777, 0.470279, 0.832203, 0.855187,
0.692238, 0.587918, 0.763041, 0.774001, 0.702051,
0.946160, 0.888629, 0.891464, 0.912164, 0.963706,
0.929690, 0.967745, 0.958944, 0.862635, 0.974922,
1.013822, 1.001957, 0.854996, 0.888422, 0.917640,
0.790946, 1.044910, 0.921736, 0.782832, 0.865189,
0.846834, 0.824203, 0.784898, 0.791505, 0.874374,
0.753585, 0.883473, 0.822588, 0.925665, 0.703487,
1.096978, 0.918348, 0.750708, 1.133297, 0.856489,
0.909755, 1.065324, 0.625287, 0.828758, 0.925039,
0.936312, 0.866315, 0.924016, 0.823282, 0.869486,
0.912291, 0.954651, 0.781048, 0.912068, 0.894384,
0.675913, 0.693763, 0.587359, 0.678661, 0.792409,
0.861077, 0.873000, 0.878697, 0.827157, 0.829601,
0.856953, 0.843142, 0.832931, 1.036053),
B2 = c(0.984191, 0.984880, 0.825508, 1.031080, 1.004580,
1.025710, 0.990603, 0.987319, 0.977164, 0.930470,
0.970066, 1.018170, 0.970117, 0.987020, 1.002770,
1.007040, 1.000920, 0.998840, 0.983681, 0.947060,
0.986204, 0.970817, 0.953731, 1.020540, 1.043920,
1.059030, 1.085390, 1.007230, 1.060500, 0.918710,
1.007570, 0.958215, 0.922923, 0.899732, 0.943590,
0.930390, 0.977059, 1.028930, 0.996021, 0.940797,
0.954388, 1.012930, 1.004220, 0.920441, 1.000540,
0.978524, 0.994625, 0.998921, 1.045750, 1.041100,
1.004120, 1.008480, 1.008580, 1.008530, 0.981791,
1.034900, 1.039110, 1.065120, 1.015880, 0.946690,
0.988752, 1.063850, 1.006390, 1.027590, 0.989184,
0.974794, 0.986406, 0.982530, 1.046070, 0.972121,
0.980573, 1.008130, 0.998840, 0.945233),
B3 = c(0.092048, 0.000000, 0.408597, 0.000000, 0.000000,
0.065998, 0.167431, 0.088551, 0.078353, 0.169054,
0.036379, 0.000000, 0.057080, 0.028816, 0.000000,
0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.051593, 0.058082,
0.000000, 0.017320, 0.089223, 0.000000, -0.030260,
0.000000, -0.117568, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.083304,
0.000000, 0.064930, 0.114861, 0.138371, 0.052367,
0.118792, 0.040378, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.161374,
0.000000, 0.000000, 0.079550, 0.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, -0.067298, 0.154001, 0.000000, -0.031225,
0.000000, 0.022381, 0.000000, 0.037550, 0.045308,
-0.026858, -0.040248, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.078050,
0.113469, 0.000000, 0.127014, 0.055666, 0.075818,
0.062424, 0.048413, 0.047642, 0.000000, 0.079652,
0.057827, 0.031402, 0.045616, 0.041717),
B4 = c(0.571823, 0.425990, 0.518996, 0.555893, 0.616982, # B1
0.617946, 0.561594, 0.567474, 0.562123, 0.368305,
0.267499, 0.281762, 0.329031, 0.280213, 0.316520,
0.322973, 0.229936, 0.338360, 0.300719, 0.422469,
0.365871, 0.350235, 0.509025, 0.535892, 0.551160,
0.535476, 0.519758, 0.585822, 0.531431, 0.408556,
0.439966, 0.466737, 0.496895, 0.467790, 0.464744,
0.492167, 0.371598, 0.223070, 0.336874, 0.445750,
0.292216, 0.265524, 0.391716, 0.406280, 0.416442,
0.458164, 0.409168, 0.496851, 0.575368, 0.400319,
0.323048, 0.341563, 0.382689, 0.381356, 0.414707,
0.145265, 0.335144, 0.406749, 0.401949, 0.285474,
0.329021, 0.541075, 0.520076, 0.567757, 0.318595,
0.365018, 0.358853, 0.349046, 0.346671, 0.365467,
0.260685, 0.319773, 0.261189, 0.513777),
B5 = c(-0.532732, -0.408586, 0.000000, -0.819495, -0.600928, #B2
-0.732773, 0.000000, -0.445677, -0.406941, -0.871972,
-0.758032, -0.513748, -0.535456, -0.430046, -0.855607,
-0.893384, -0.632784, -0.673099, -0.609452, -0.754983,
-0.933513, -0.922568, -0.154652, -0.929744, -1.087550,
-1.477960, -1.631900, -0.311250, -1.393960, -0.255448,
-0.857115, -0.728184, -0.398502, -0.596136, -0.837250,
-0.483977, -0.555001, -0.506310, -0.673516, -0.614371,
-0.828280, -0.651588, -0.779147, -0.379927, -0.606263,
-0.624715, -0.562042, -0.557429, -0.755372, -0.628840,
-0.941452, -0.975034, -0.580517, -0.637805, -0.786627,
-0.642841, -0.625804, 0.000000, -0.619283, -0.262013,
-0.622173, -0.920213, -0.510024, -0.810195, -0.497244,
-0.684348, -0.577954, -0.584707, -0.553554, -0.617612,
-0.469767, -0.620014, -0.503513, -0.694438),
B6 = c(0.585361, 0.599333, 0.586112, 0.684864, 0.506335, # / B3 /
0.511722, 0.422530, 0.573964, 0.429284, 0.744146,
0.658246, 0.540385, 0.605273, 0.615161, 0.716103,
0.614989, 0.736691, 0.646087, 0.701826, 0.567453,
0.600301, 0.582394, 0.498134, 0.490758, 0.632185,
0.764237, 0.752113, 0.518927, 0.823577, 0.381950,
0.495484, 0.468689, 0.407022, 0.426090, 0.447888,
0.376916, 0.534113, 0.609010, 0.519966, 0.684340,
0.564943, 0.776771, 0.742984, 0.346425, 0.493724,
0.475407, 0.428397, 0.807706, 0.315451, 0.455121,
0.608207, 0.577124, 0.483719, 0.442884, 0.492388,
0.582900, 0.527018, 0.366657, 0.435591, 0.518040,
0.538638, 0.379487, 0.423550, 0.342971, 0.650584,
0.592759, 0.590280, 0.583692, 0.626023, 0.566992,
0.594807, 0.607053, 0.738097, 0.357880),
B7 = c(1.031500, 0.000000, -1.139980, 2.764040, 0.000000, # / B4/
1.581340, -1.042440, 0.604079, 0.932614, 0.000000,
2.158570, 0.961118, 1.351210, 1.337750, 1.520660,
1.957730, 2.241810, 1.313000, 0.000000, 0.605054,
2.154230, 1.924880, -0.954664, 1.802300, 3.073710,
5.437050, 6.194730, 0.739471, 4.189560, 0.279214,
2.657920, 2.374190, 1.239400, 1.298160, 3.543260,
1.156240, 2.501250, 2.750420, 4.268100, 2.192590,
5.902140, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.620100, 1.904660,
1.862690, 1.677760, 0.000000, 1.794500, 0.894543,
2.169960, 2.121340, 1.025690, 1.968660, 1.210020,
0.000000, 1.076270, -2.012740, 2.539620, 0.641732,
1.616470, 2.702480, 0.702013, 2.541040, 0.000000,
2.055230, 1.065000, 1.085990, 0.660229, 1.672490,
1.803020, 1.403530, -0.491759, 3.264120),
B8 = c(0.018622, 0.027804, 0.000000, 0.036282, 0.079865, # / B5 /
0.040625, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.036028, 0.091529,
0.090207, 0.071218, 0.037795, 0.070896, 0.057347,
0.056401, 0.070556, 0.054767, 0.065195, 0.094522,
0.130682, 0.113347, 0.086719, 0.110408, 0.057013,
0.084584, 0.099053, 0.075925, 0.102576, 0.043055,
0.059184, 0.057825, 0.043678, 0.075816, 0.042725,
0.040249, 0.067055, 0.067192, 0.072168, 0.000000,
0.107168, -0.019603, 0.091586, 0.071055, 0.045593,
0.055198, 0.061444, 0.000000, 0.075022, 0.058064,
0.060198, 0.067085, 0.058644, 0.058989, 0.065964,
0.070425, 0.050757, 0.055123, 0.063571, 0.084762,
0.088421, 0.031049, 0.000000, 0.019376, 0.050670,
0.066461, 0.058842, 0.078816, 0.077040, 0.069729,
0.060404, 0.067863, 0.035516, 0.093162),
B9 = c(-0.225146, -0.401537, 0.000000, -0.491508, -0.531571, # / b6 /
-0.209009, 0.000000, -0.182052, -0.169494, -0.743705,
-0.749478, -0.654727, -0.360031, -0.639182, -0.480415,
-0.552446, -0.720140, -0.519713, -0.556178, -0.281363,
-0.556858, -0.383764, -0.189895, -0.275766, -0.375225,
-0.559917, -0.637429, -0.408469, -0.711948, -0.204499,
-0.232023, -0.271688, -0.222667, -0.270822, -0.318190,
-0.057124, -0.628608, -0.793186, -0.692041, -0.316217,
-1.014470, -0.194663, -0.466741, -0.247628, -0.289813,
-0.304118, -0.283161, -0.109494, 0.000000, -0.258598,
-0.422735, -0.355627, -0.292710, -0.350828, -0.332804,
-0.524672, -0.297841, -0.271375, -0.316662, -0.643002,
-0.612866, 0.000000, 0.106217, 0.000000, -0.351825,
-0.409440, -0.329744, -0.463912, -0.504864, -0.385494,
-0.442514, -0.438919, -0.356541, -0.224877),
## error term here, _ERB_2002 in original sas codes
ERR = c(1.004456, 1.007678, 1.009519, 1.006134,
1.008825, 1.004719, 1.003938, 1.007869, 1.005168,
1.002143, 1.003150, 1.005004, 1.005722, 1.005777,
1.005358, 1.003793, 1.005464, 1.005911, 1.003682,
1.008718, 1.006380, 1.007075, 1.007603, 1.007159,
1.007517, 1.007491, 1.005790, 1.009798, 1.010023,
1.006131, 1.005544, 1.005038, 1.006373, 1.004945,
1.006178, 1.004648, 1.009289, 1.004987, 1.007584,
1.009550, 1.007599, 1.002855, 1.003156, 1.004631,
1.005360, 1.006390, 1.006045, 1.007925, 1.004216,
1.002821, 1.006966, 1.004492, 1.004334, 1.004274,
1.004354, 1.002498, 1.004025, 1.003508, 1.004830,
1.003882, 1.003722, 1.005371, 1.006804, 1.009481,
1.003595, 1.006564, 1.004711, 1.004692, 1.004600,
1.004587, 1.002349, 1.004949, 1.002927, 1.007684))
} else if (taperEquationForm == "KBEC_OLD") { # using the older kozak taper equation model, it has 10 coeffs
TaperCoeffs <- data.table(EQN_NO = 1:74,
# B0-B9 from _CBEC array in original sas codes
B1 = c(0.926472, 1.101792, .926472, .672378, # /A0 /
0.866667, .984285, 1.135583, 1.173494, 1.144134,
0.842384, .704739, 1.192696, 1.582557, 1.372364,
1.583827, 1.185559, 1.609732, 1.226561, .865989,
1.843373, 2.332067, 1.735756, 2.006167, 2.496071,
0.990422, .992562, .649193, 1.115784, .340047,
1.207477, 1.253020, 1.361797, 1.312899, 1.400177,
1.217588, 1.117082, 1.072655, 1.109871, .987946,
1.054211, .792637, 1.073364, 1.579174, .986780,
1.082503, 1.112471, 1.032756, 1.106740, 1.675228,
0.974504, 1.222762, 1.112247, 1.225558, 1.134229,
1.316970, .841285, 1.011506, 1.461466, 1.341984,
1.294196, 1.352042, 1.048176, 1.300887, 1.344632,
1.146634, 1.178316, 1.517568, 1.356492, 1.372405,
1.384212, 1.234876, 1.231969, 1.335956, 1.899499),
B2 = c(1.023400, .969435, 1.023400, 1.149360, # / A1 /
1.049010, 1.026200, .995001, .985894, .993345,
1.123420, 1.208190, .981241, .892999, .946051,
0.892642, .983256, .870578, .978191, 1.111810,
0.911766, .844348, .940212, .868523, .821778,
1.068810, 1.026020, 1.239080, 1.023700, 1.525200,
0.945081, .956041, .921515, .926191, .934137,
0.942922, .986962, 1.015510, .967993, 1.042700,
0.997259, 1.146680, 1.015280, .881474, 1.027500,
0.978596, .995964, 1.005460, .995549, .912974,
1.077140, .986634, 1.033920, .983522, 1.021980,
0.933305, 1.054190, 1.055710, .874587, .963313,
0.976095, .955550, .986993, .911281, .922500,
1.015090, 1.012020, .938039, .980958, .969735,
0.977568, .997534, .998729, .922608, .897550),
B3 = c(0.999683, 1.000429, .999683, .997229, # / A2 /
0.999110, 1.000662, .999269, .999232, .999225,
0.996431, .992804, .999920, 1.001111, .999789,
1.001128, .999864, 1.002709, .998981, .996946,
0.999877, 1.000894, .999218, 1.001385, 1.001576,
0.996624, 1.004024, .993890, .998966, .982712,
0.999882, .999780, 1.000689, 1.000310, .999642,
0.999602, .999152, .998825, 1.001018, .997706,
0.999812, .995253, .998820, 1.006172, .997511,
0.999494, .997311, .998124, 1.003166, 1.001646,
0.996946, .998821, .997325, .999177, .996523,
1.001822, 1.000479, .996782, 1.006517, .999675,
0.999388, 1.000253, 1.000590, 1.002578, 1.001281,
0.999170, .999175, .999824, .998925, .999491,
0.998811, .999003, .998974, 1.003277, .999514),
B4 = c(121.365000, -47.728900, 121.365000, 73.711200, # / A3 /
121.991000, 244.333000, 252.892000, 251.359000, 257.022000,
57.109400, 29.736900, 61.717800, 25.666500, 14.968800,
24.158500, 61.047100, -51.683300, 16.972100, 60.571100,
72.650900, 44.702800, 28.652900, 53.192400, 201.623000,
146.127000, 151.666000, 174.433000, 163.160000, 131.079000,
87.286900, 100.448000, 125.413000, 114.078000, 132.142000,
112.689000, 168.309000, 81.647200, -71.755900, 101.902000,
-22.873000, 89.070600, 83.363300, 25.673500, 7.225950,
4.206740, 95.228000, 8.792230, 4.073990, 78.621200,
169.168000, 138.851000, 120.901000, 146.438000, 153.783000,
128.699000,-156.170000, 93.935600, 162.475000, 27.513400,
17.939300, 39.495800, 143.388000, 63.486100, 86.179000,
50.551900, 47.985600, 69.195100, 53.450600, 85.176500,
88.050800, 62.893100, 64.890800, 30.638600, 137.737000),
B5 = c(-272.245000, 198.234000,-272.245000,-133.272000, # / A4 /
-187.239000,-113.372000,-219.227000,-101.253000, -79.652700,
-96.925900,-215.498000, 110.779000, -48.983200,-203.473000,
-194.055000,-149.679000, -91.178600,-138.478000,-579.877000,
-291.096000,-425.359000,-238.305000, 165.702000,-295.854000,
36.329500,-268.816000,-242.180000, -82.210600, 53.928400,
38.103800,-241.225000, 49.323100, 37.370200,-147.295000,
-326.753000, 476.907000,-244.593000,-448.905000, -91.907800,
B6 = c(245.769000,-227.500000, 245.769000, 103.874000, # / A5 /
244.953000, 615.071000, 683.244000, 683.907000, 696.002000,
190.252000, 116.252000, 226.679000, 103.425000, 83.361100,
99.027300, 222.446000,-107.851000, 42.582000, 208.774000,
180.805000, 145.100000, 83.057000, 122.357000, 574.039000,
332.158000, 377.624000, 453.111000, 408.974000, 300.105000,
194.852000, 230.785000, 310.330000, 285.641000, 342.911000,
277.289000, 405.929000, 234.102000,-162.656000, 293.429000,
-35.236000, 267.231000, 237.847000, 76.425700, -86.804200,
-62.048300, 226.474000, -81.721600, -59.488600, 113.174700,
457.974000, 375.896000, 337.064000, 398.094000, 443.097000,
311.371000,-493.905000, 234.778000, 442.065000, 87.546200,
62.331900, 132.158000, 325.719000, 126.622000, 164.022000,
166.169000, 131.229000, 234.408000, 190.439000, 319.613000,
290.010000, 212.327000, 219.274000, 114.130000, 291.316000),
B7 = c(-93.776700, 77.847400, -93.776700, -43.198300, # / A6 /
-59.195600, -31.699100, -68.419900, -26.974400, -17.876100,
-25.394700, -67.235500, 49.634900, -9.714680, -64.972300,
-58.349100, -38.989100, -19.537800, -36.153000,-194.557000,
-69.631700, -82.071600,-109.267000, -99.181100,-118.174000,
-97.891100,-147.921000, -76.523900, 69.417450, -98.570700,
22.579800, -86.493000, -78.110000, -18.803900, 26.432300,
20.638000, -79.575800, 24.397690, 19.182900, -43.493800,
-112.385000, 173.692000, -83.350300,-155.019000, -22.391300,
-13.100600, -37.123400,-119.540000, -44.804200, -60.519000,
-51.160500, -39.434300, -72.201800, -55.246500, -96.858900,
-91.289600, -65.254900, -67.506500, -33.864500,-107.375000),
B8 = c(-68.607800, 24.170500, -68.607800, -42.968400, # / A7 /
-26.808200, -11.568800, -27.885500, -9.419490, -2.928140,
-8.595340, -27.653800, 32.970100, -6.791310, -28.324300,
-35.923600, -17.785600, -10.236000, -25.173500,-104.029000,
-80.687600, -81.393500, -93.295100, -88.006600, -71.288000,
-47.330200, -53.966100, -67.064300, -60.691900, -69.414300,
-60.767400, -92.348000, -41.265400, 43.800520, -52.708200,
16.640930, -44.366300, -42.303300, -9.530200, -5.868160,
-2.926490, -51.052500, -6.821670, -2.718070, -43.717900,
-90.644500, -73.762000, -63.272200, -77.828900, -80.936600,
-70.072700, 83.604700, -50.445300, -86.964000, -10.916000,
-5.566370, -16.781900, -79.043000, -34.164700, -47.790300,
-23.353500, -22.297200, -32.091900, -22.952800, -38.299400,
-41.906400, -29.030300, -30.013700, -13.127600, -75.908500),
B9 = c(-.501805, -.432003, -.501805, -.521101, # / A8 /
-.515927, -.579394, -.266482, -.235648, -.264349,
-.717891, -.579792, -.348434, -.265677, -.140213,
-.271687, -.368528, -.264409, -.379613, -.677418,
-.622549, -.646637, -.552567, -.193232, -.588461,
-.513819, -.798101, -.768113, -.441413, -.923509,
-.259553, -.544236, -.546876, -.315572, -.522296,
-.347960, -.424184, -.316966, -.267361, -.178618,
-.196543, -.371816, -.316061, -.767254, -.308308,
-.386790, -.284043, -.328126, -.603221, -.423541,
-.422518, -.403723, -.602512, -.387785, -.130044,
-.555893, -.592947, -.356600, -.198430, -.176773,
-.226171, -.289770, -.659187, -.405071, -.203704,
-.493395, -.542294, -.339675, -.410790, -.293923,
-.383392, -.397982, -.399236, -.574857, -.254844),
B10 = c(-.00066260, .00178223, -.00066260, .00077709, # / A9 /
-.00046390, -.00179050, -.00282380, -.00283430, -.00299680,
.00479949, .00173412, .00119333, -.00208540, -.00090960,
-.00207190, .00112833, -.00196000, .00066221, .00520019,
.00046157, -.00170230, .00043912, .00240865, -.00272170,
-.00541480, -.01011370, -.00806520, -.00558680, -.00198950,
.00060134, -.00232860, -.00234850, -.00220230, -.00280190,
-.00391030, -.00155890, -.00091860, .00116445, -.00262940,
-.00112340, -.00176040, -.00092340, .00222098, .00075468,
-.00153570, -.00147480, .00073275, -.00068640, -.00199120,
.00158735, -.00114420, -.00330890, -.00048500, -.00655000,
-.00087640, .00763971, .00037252, .00703456, .00054808,
.00082323, .00031112, -.00153770, -.00301020, -.00470030,
.00156087, -.00070500, -.00050860, -.00022910, .00020184,
-.00195050, -.00038430, -.00036190, .00405954, -.00422750),
# from _ERB array in original sas codes
ERR = exp(c(.008962, .015054, .000000, .012565,
.009579, .009733, .010168, .010768, .010204,
.000000, .006106, .009996, .011171, .011011,
.011174, .000000, .010692, .012063, .006882,
.017432, .012871, .014559, .015486, .014226,
.016066, .015245, .014831, .017579, .021031,
.012128, .011528, .010179, .011154, .009601,
.012707, .009512, .018791, .009884, .000000,
.011530, .000000, .018632, .006458, .011746,
.010894, .013688, .012310, .016073, .008570,
.006078, .009575, .000000, .008844, .009283,
.009139, .005182, .008504, .007119, .008382,
.007751, .008000, .011352, .013219, .019071,
.007161, .013324, .009783, .009308, .009321,
.009090, .009816, .010112, .005858, .015513)/2))
} else if (taperEquationForm == "KBECQCI") { # where is equation from
TaperCoeffs <- data.table(EQN_NO = 1:74,
# below B0 to B8 are from _CBEC_Q_2002
B1 = c(0.697074, 0.980777, 0.470279, 0.832203, 0.855187, # /A0 /
0.692238, 0.587918, 0.763041, 0.774001, 0.702051,
0.946160, 0.888629, 0.891464, 0.912164, 0.963706,
0.929690, 0.967745, 0.958944, 0.862635, 0.943965,
1.013822, 1.001957, 0.854996, 0.888422, 0.917640,
0.790946, 1.044910, 0.921736, 0.782832, 0.865189,
0.846834, 0.824203, 0.784898, 0.791505, 0.874374,
0.753585, 0.87323, 0.822588, 0.925665, 0.703487,
1.096978, 0.918348, 0.750708, 1.133297, 0.856489,
0.909755, 1.065324, 0.625287, 0.828758, 0.925039,
0.936312, 0.866315, 0.924016, 0.823282, 0.869486,
0.912291, 0.954651, 0.781048, 0.912068, 0.894384,
0.675913, 0.693763, 0.587359, 0.678661, 0.792409,
1.055272, 0.873000, 0.878697, 0.827157, 0.829601,
0.856953, 0.843142, 0.832931, 1.12594),
B2 = c(0.984191, 0.984880, 0.825508, 1.031080, 1.004580, # / A1 /
1.025710, 0.990603, 0.987319, 0.977164, 0.930470,
0.970066, 1.018170, 0.970117, 0.987020, 1.002770,
1.007040, 1.000920, 0.998840, 0.983681, 0.962949,
0.986204, 0.970817, 0.953731, 1.020540, 1.043920,
1.059030, 1.085390, 1.007230, 1.060500, 0.918710,
1.007570, 0.958215, 0.922923, 0.899732, 0.943590,
0.930390, 0.983721, 1.028930, 0.996021, 0.940797,
0.954388, 1.012930, 1.004220, 0.920441, 1.000540,
0.978524, 0.994625, 0.998921, 1.045750, 1.041100,
1.004120, 1.008480, 1.008580, 1.008530, 0.981791,
1.034900, 1.039110, 1.065120, 1.015880, 0.946690,
0.988752, 1.063850, 1.006390, 1.027590, 0.989184,
0.979499, 0.986406, 0.982530, 1.046070, 0.972121,
0.980573, 1.008130, 0.998840, 0.972037),
B3 = c(0.092048, 0.000000, 0.408597, 0.000000, 0.000000, # / A2 /
0.065998, 0.167431, 0.088551, 0.078353, 0.169054,
0.036379, 0.000000, 0.057080, 0.028816, 0.000000,
0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.051593, 0.054259,
0.000000, 0.017320, 0.089223, 0.000000, -0.030260,
0.000000, -0.117568, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.083304,
0.000000, 0.064930, 0.114861, 0.138371, 0.052367,
0.118792, 0.040875, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.161374,
0.000000, 0.000000, 0.079550, 0.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, -0.067298, 0.154001, 0.000000, -0.031225,
0.000000, 0.022381, 0.000000, 0.037550, 0.045308,
-0.026858, -0.040248, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.078050,
0.113469, 0.000000, 0.127014, 0.055666, 0.075818,
0.000000, 0.048413, 0.047642, 0.000000, 0.079652,
0.057827, 0.031402, 0.045616, 0.000000),
B4 = c(0.571823, 0.425990, 0.518996, 0.555893, 0.616982, # / B1/
0.617946, 0.561594, 0.567474, 0.562123, 0.368305,
0.267499, 0.281762, 0.329031, 0.280213, 0.316520,
0.322973, 0.229936, 0.338360, 0.300719, 0.385844,
0.365871, 0.350235, 0.509025, 0.535892, 0.551160,
0.535476, 0.519758, 0.585822, 0.531431, 0.408556,
0.439966, 0.466737, 0.496895, 0.467790, 0.464744,
0.492167, 0.41579, 0.223070, 0.336874, 0.445750,
0.292216, 0.265524, 0.391716, 0.406280, 0.416442,
0.458164, 0.409168, 0.496851, 0.575368, 0.400319,
0.323048, 0.341563, 0.382689, 0.381356, 0.414707,
0.145265, 0.335144, 0.406749, 0.401949, 0.285474,
0.329021, 0.541075, 0.520076, 0.567757, 0.318595,
0.261666, 0.358853, 0.349046, 0.346671, 0.365467,
0.260685, 0.319773, 0.261189, -0.144764),
B5 = c(-0.532732, -0.408586, 0.000000, -0.819495, -0.600928, # /B2/
-0.732773, 0.000000, -0.445677, -0.406941, -0.871972,
-0.758032, -0.513748, -0.535456, -0.430046, -0.855607,
-0.893384, -0.632784, -0.673099, -0.609452, -1.12617,
-0.933513, -0.922568, -0.154652, -0.929744, -1.087550,
-1.477960, -1.631900, -0.311250, -1.393960, -0.255448,
-0.857115, -0.728184, -0.398502, -0.596136, -0.837250,
-0.483977, -0.487686, -0.506310, -0.673516, -0.614371,
-0.828280, -0.651588, -0.779147, -0.379927, -0.606263,
-0.624715, -0.562042, -0.557429, -0.755372, -0.628840,
-0.941452, -0.975034, -0.580517, -0.637805, -0.786627,
-0.642841, -0.625804, 0.000000, -0.619283, -0.262013,
-0.622173, -0.920213, -0.510024, -0.810195, -0.497244,
-0.643975, -0.577954, -0.584707, -0.553554, -0.617612,
-0.469767, -0.620014, -0.503513, -0.578112),
B6 = c(0.585361, 0.599333, 0.586112, 0.684864, 0.506335, # / B3 /
0.511722, 0.422530, 0.573964, 0.429284, 0.744146,
0.658246, 0.540385, 0.605273, 0.615161, 0.716103,
0.614989, 0.736691, 0.646087, 0.701826, 0.693264,
0.600301, 0.582394, 0.498134, 0.490758, 0.632185,
0.764237, 0.752113, 0.518927, 0.823577, 0.381950,
0.495484, 0.468689, 0.407022, 0.426090, 0.447888,
0.376916, 0.521597, 0.609010, 0.519966, 0.684340,
0.564943, 0.776771, 0.742984, 0.346425, 0.493724,
0.475407, 0.428397, 0.807706, 0.315451, 0.455121,
0.608207, 0.577124, 0.483719, 0.442884, 0.492388,
0.582900, 0.527018, 0.366657, 0.435591, 0.518040,
0.538638, 0.379487, 0.423550, 0.342971, 0.650584,
0.589574, 0.590280, 0.583692, 0.626023, 0.566992,
0.594807, 0.607053, 0.738097, 0.693395),
B7 = c(1.031500, 0.000000, -1.139980, 2.764040, 0.000000,# / B4/
1.581340, -1.042440, 0.604079, 0.932614, 0.000000,
2.158570, 0.961118, 1.351210, 1.337750, 1.520660,
1.957730, 2.241810, 1.313000, 0.000000, 3.04716 ,
2.154230, 1.924880, -0.954664, 1.802300, 3.073710,
5.437050, 6.194730, 0.739471, 4.189560, 0.279214,
2.657920, 2.374190, 1.239400, 1.298160, 3.543260,
1.156240, 3.06834, 2.750420, 4.268100, 2.192590,
5.902140, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.620100, 1.904660,
1.862690, 1.677760, 0.000000, 1.794500, 0.894543,
2.169960, 2.121340, 1.025690, 1.968660, 1.210020,
0.000000, 1.076270, -2.012740, 2.539620, 0.641732,
1.616470, 2.702480, 0.702013, 2.541040, 0.000000,
2.69459, 1.065000, 1.085990, 0.660229, 1.672490,
1.803020, 1.403530, -0.491759, 6.50447),
B8 = c(0.018622, 0.027804, 0.000000, 0.036282, 0.079865, # / B5 /
0.040625, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.036028, 0.091529,
0.090207, 0.071218, 0.037795, 0.070896, 0.057347,
0.056401, 0.070556, 0.054767, 0.065195, 0.063239,
0.130682, 0.113347, 0.086719, 0.110408, 0.057013,
0.084584, 0.099053, 0.075925, 0.102576, 0.043055,
0.059184, 0.057825, 0.043678, 0.075816, 0.042725,
0.040249, 0.050408, 0.067192, 0.072168, 0.000000,
0.107168, -0.019603, 0.091586, 0.071055, 0.045593,
0.055198, 0.061444, 0.000000, 0.075022, 0.058064,
0.060198, 0.067085, 0.058644, 0.058989, 0.065964,
0.070425, 0.050757, 0.055123, 0.063571, 0.084762,
0.088421, 0.031049, 0.000000, 0.019376, 0.050670,
0.08509, 0.058842, 0.078816, 0.077040, 0.069729,
0.060404, 0.067863, 0.035516, 0.082599),
B9 = c(-0.225146, -0.401537, 0.000000, -0.491508, -0.531571,# / b6 /
-0.209009, 0.000000, -0.182052, -0.169494, -0.743705,
-0.749478, -0.654727, -0.360031, -0.639182, -0.480415,
-0.552446, -0.720140, -0.519713, -0.556178, -0.355561,
-0.556858, -0.383764, -0.189895, -0.275766, -0.375225,
-0.559917, -0.637429, -0.408469, -0.711948, -0.204499,
-0.232023, -0.271688, -0.222667, -0.270822, -0.318190,
-0.057124, -0.501109, -0.793186, -0.692041, -0.316217,
-1.014470, -0.194663, -0.466741, -0.247628, -0.289813,
-0.304118, -0.283161, -0.109494, 0.000000, -0.258598,
-0.422735, -0.355627, -0.292710, -0.350828, -0.332804,
-0.524672, -0.297841, -0.271375, -0.316662, -0.643002,
-0.612866, 0.000000, 0.106217, 0.000000, -0.351825,
-0.666734, -0.329744, -0.463912, -0.504864, -0.385494,
-0.442514, -0.438919, -0.356541, -1.00605),
# error term from ARRAY _ERB_Q_2002
ERR = c(1.00446, 1.00768, 1.00952, 1.00613, 1.008825,
1.004719, 1.003938, 1.007869, 1.005168, 1.002143,
1.00315, 1.005004, 1.005722, 1.005777, 1.005358,
1.003793, 1.005464, 1.005911, 1.003682, 1.011184,
1.00638, 1.007075, 1.007603, 1.007159, 1.007517,
1.007491, 1.00579, 1.009798, 1.010023, 1.006131,
1.005544, 1.005038, 1.006373, 1.004945, 1.006178,
1.004648, 1.0103354, 1.004987, 1.007584, 1.00955,
1.007599, 1.002855, 1.003156, 1.004631, 1.00536,
1.00639, 1.006045, 1.007925, 1.004216, 1.002821,
1.006966, 1.004492, 1.004334, 1.004274, 1.004354,
1.002498, 1.004025, 1.003508, 1.00483, 1.003882,
1.003722, 1.005371, 1.006804, 1.009481, 1.003595,
1, 1.004711, 1.004692, 1.0046, 1.004587,
1.002349, 1.004949, 1.002927, 1))
} else if (taperEquationForm == "KBEVQCI_OLD") {
## this one is treaky, as in the original sas codes, there is no comment for this values, i.e, cut lines
# using matrix method
# the matrix has 10 rows and 74 columns
coeffs <- c( .926472, 1.101792, .926472, .672378, # from _CBEC_Q
.866667, .984285, 1.135583, 1.173494, 1.144134,
.842384, .704739, 1.192696, 1.582557, 1.372364,
1.583827, 1.185559, 1.609732, 1.226561, .865989,
1.222384, 2.332067, 1.735756, 2.006167, 2.496071,
.990422, .992562, .649193, 1.115784, .340047,
1.207477, 1.253020, 1.361797, 1.312899, 1.400177,
1.217588, 1.117082, 1.266397, 1.109871, .987946,
1.054211, .792637, 1.073364, 1.579174, .986780,
1.082503, 1.112471, 1.032756, 1.106740, 1.675228,
.974504, 1.222762, 1.112247, 1.225558, 1.134229,
1.316970, .841285, 1.011506, 1.461466, 1.341984,
1.294196, 1.352042, 1.048176, 1.300887, 1.344632,
1.146634, 1.197434, 1.517568, 1.356492, 1.372405,
1.384212, 1.234876, 1.231969, 1.335956, 1.380198,
1.023400, .969435, 1.023400, 1.149360,
1.049010, 1.026200, .995001, .985894, .993345,
1.123420, 1.208190, .981241, .892999, .946051,
.892642, .983256, .870578, .978191, 1.111810,
1.011830, .844348, .940212, .868523, .821778,
1.068810, 1.026020, 1.239080, 1.023700, 1.525200,
.945081, .956041, .921515, .926191, .934137,
.942922, .986962, 0.963983, .967993, 1.042700,
.997259, 1.146680, 1.015280, .881474, 1.027500,
.978596, .995964, 1.005460, .995549, .912974,
1.077140, .986634, 1.033920, .983522, 1.021980,
.933305, 1.054190, 1.055710, .874587, .963313,
.976095, .955550, .986993, .911281, .922500,
1.015090, 1.005740, .938039, .980958, .969735,
.977568, .997534, .998729, .922608, .935203,
.999683, 1.000429, .999683, .997229,
.999110, 1.000662, .999269, .999232, .999225,
.996431, .992804, .999920, 1.001111, .999789,
1.001128, .999864, 1.002709, .998981, .996946,
.999229, 1.000894, .999218, 1.001385, 1.001576,
.996624, 1.004024, .993890, .998966, .982712,
.999882, .999780, 1.000689, 1.000310, .999642,
.999602, .999152, .999834, 1.001018, .997706,
.999812, .995253, .998820, 1.006172, .997511,
.999494, .997311, .998124, 1.003166, 1.001646,
.996946, .998821, .997325, .999177, .996523,
1.001822, 1.000479, .996782, 1.006517, .999675,
.999388, 1.000253, 1.000590, 1.002578, 1.001281,
.999170, .999200, .999824, .998925, .999491,
.998811, .999003, .998974, 1.003277, 1.000656,
121.365000, -47.728900, 121.365000, 73.711200,
121.991000, 244.333000, 252.892000, 251.359000, 257.022000,
57.109400, 29.736900, 61.717800, 25.666500, 14.968800,
24.158500, 61.047100, -51.683300, 16.972100, 60.571100,
-133.480000, 44.702800, 28.652900, 53.192400, 201.623000,
146.127000, 151.666000, 174.433000, 163.160000, 131.079000,
87.286900, 100.448000, 125.413000, 114.078000, 132.142000,
112.689000, 168.309000, 73.290000, -71.755900, 101.902000,
-22.873000, 89.070600, 83.363300, 25.673500, 7.225950,
4.206740, 95.228000, 8.792230, 4.073990, 78.621200,
169.168000, 138.851000, 120.901000, 146.438000, 153.783000,
128.699000,-156.170000, 93.935600, 162.475000, 27.513400,
17.939300, 39.495800, 143.388000, 63.486100, 86.179000,
50.551900, 29.181600, 69.195100, 53.450600, 85.176500,
88.050800, 62.893100, 64.890800, 30.638600,-453.654000,
-272.245000, 198.234000,-272.245000,-133.272000,
-187.239000,-113.372000,-219.227000,-101.253000, -79.652700,
-96.925900,-215.498000, 110.779000, -48.983200,-203.473000,
390.901000,-149.679000, -91.178600,-138.478000,-579.877000,
-291.096000,-425.359000,-160.612000, 165.702000,-295.854000,
36.329500,-268.816000,-242.180000, -82.210600, 53.928400,
38.103800,-241.225000, 49.323100, 37.370200,-147.295000,
-326.753000, 476.907000,-244.593000,-448.905000, -91.907800,
-164.683000, -57.156400,-230.507000,-187.727000,-307.054000,
245.769000,-227.500000, 245.769000, 103.874000,
244.953000, 615.071000, 683.244000, 683.907000, 696.002000,
190.252000, 116.252000, 226.679000, 103.425000, 83.361100,
99.027300, 222.446000,-107.851000, 42.582000, 208.774000,
-406.866000, 145.100000, 83.057000, 122.357000, 574.039000,
332.158000, 377.624000, 453.111000, 408.974000, 300.105000,
194.852000, 230.785000, 310.330000, 285.641000, 342.911000,
277.289000, 405.929000, 139.097000,-162.656000, 293.429000,
-35.236000, 267.231000, 237.847000, 76.425700, -86.804200,
-62.048300, 226.474000, -81.721600, -59.488600, 113.174700,
457.974000, 375.896000, 337.064000, 398.094000, 443.097000,
311.371000,-493.905000, 234.778000, 442.065000, 87.546200,
62.331900, 132.158000, 325.719000, 126.622000, 164.022000,
166.169000, 40.737200, 234.408000, 190.439000, 319.613000,
290.010000, 212.327000, 219.274000, 114.130000,-1312.69000,
-93.776700, 77.847400, -93.776700, -43.198300,
-59.195600, -31.699100, -68.419900, -26.974400, -17.876100,
-25.394700, -67.235500, 49.634900, -9.714680, -64.972300,
150.395000, -38.989100, -19.537800, -36.153000,-194.557000,
-69.631700, -82.071600,-109.267000, -99.181100,-118.174000,
-97.891100,-147.921000, -50.776400, 69.417450, -98.570700,
22.579800, -86.493000, -78.110000, -18.803900, 26.432300,
20.638000, -79.575800, 24.397690, 19.182900, -43.493800,
-112.385000, 173.692000, -83.350300,-155.019000, -22.391300,
-13.100600, -37.123400,-119.540000, -44.804200, -60.519000,
-51.160500, -11.880200, -72.201800, -55.246500, -96.858900,
-91.289600, -65.254900, -67.506500, -33.864500, 474.139000,
-68.607800, 24.170500, -68.607800, -42.968400,
-26.808200, -11.568800, -27.885500, -9.419490, -2.928140,
-8.595340, -27.653800, 32.970100, -6.791310, -28.324300,
75.119000, -17.785600, -10.236000, -25.173500,-104.029000,
-80.687600, -81.393500, -93.295100, -88.006600, -71.288000,
-47.330200, -53.966100, -67.064300, -60.691900, -69.414300,
-60.767400, -92.348000, -40.414400, 43.800520, -52.708200,
16.640930, -44.366300, -42.303300, -9.530200, -5.868160,
-2.926490, -51.052500, -6.821670, -2.718070, -43.717900,
-90.644500, -73.762000, -63.272200, -77.828900, -80.936600,
-70.072700, 83.604700, -50.445300, -86.964000, -10.916000,
-5.566370, -16.781900, -79.043000, -34.164700, -47.790300,
-23.353500, -14.452800, -32.091900, -22.952800, -38.299400,
-41.906400, -29.030300, -30.013700, -13.127600, 248.431000,
-.501805, -.432003, -.501805, -.521101,
-.515927, -.579394, -.266482, -.235648, -.264349,
-.717891, -.579792, -.348434, -.265677, -.140213,
-.271687, -.368528, -.264409, -.379613, -.677418,
-.689615, -.646637, -.552567, -.193232, -.588461,
-.513819, -.798101, -.768113, -.441413, -.923509,
-.259553, -.544236, -.546876, -.315572, -.522296,
-.347960, -.424184, -.242209, -.267361, -.178618,
-.196543, -.371816, -.316061, -.767254, -.308308,
-.386790, -.284043, -.328126, -.603221, -.423541,
-.422518, -.403723, -.602512, -.387785, -.130044,
-.555893, -.592947, -.356600, -.198430, -.176773,
-.226171, -.289770, -.659187, -.405071, -.203704,
-.493395, -.340099, -.339675, -.410790, -.293923,
-.383392, -.397982, -.399236, -.574857, -.251243,
-.00066260, .00178223, -.00066260, .00077709,
-.00046390, -.00179050, -.00282380, -.00283430, -.00299680,
.00479949, .00173412, .00119333, -.00208540, -.00090960,
-.00207190, .00112833, -.00196000, .00066221, .00520019,
.00125141, -.00170230, .00043912, .00240865, -.00272170,
-.00541480, -.01011370, -.00806520, -.00558680, -.00198950,
.00060134, -.00232860, -.00234850, -.00220230, -.00280190,
-.00391030, -.00155890, -.00196872, .00116445, -.00262940,
-.00112340, -.00176040, -.00092340, .00222098, .00075468,
-.00153570, -.00147480, .00073275, -.00068640, -.00199120,
.00158735, -.00114420, -.00330890, -.00048500, -.00655000,
-.00087640, .00763971, .00037252, .00703456, .00054808,
.00082323, .00031112, -.00153770, -.00301020, -.00470030,
.00156087, -.00025252, -.00050860, -.00022910, .00020184,
-.00195050, -.00038430, -.00036190, .00405954, .00559064)
err <- c( .008962, .015054, .000000, .012565, # from _ERB_Q in sas codes
.009579, .009733, .010168, .010768, .010204,
.000000, .006106, .009996, .011171, .011011,
.011174, .000000, .010692, .012063, .006882,
.030417, .012871, .014559, .015486, .014226,
.016066, .015245, .014831, .017579, .021031,
.012128, .011528, .010179, .011154, .009601,
.012707, .009512, .000000, .009884, .000000,
.011530, .000000, .018632, .006458, .011746,
.010894, .013688, .012310, .016073, .008570,
.006078, .009575, .000000, .008844, .009283,
.009139, .005182, .008504, .007119, .008382,
.007751, .008000, .011352, .013219, .019071,
.007161, .000000, .009783, .009308, .009321,
.009090, .009816, .010112, .005858, .019712)
coeffs <- data.table(as.data.frame(matrix(data = coeffs,
nrow = 74,
ncol = 10)))
names(coeffs) <- paste("B", 1:10, sep = "")
TaperCoeffs <- cbind(data.table(EQN_NO = 1:74),
data.table(ERR = exp(err/2)))
rm(coeffs, err)
taperCoeffs <- setkey(headtable, EQN_NO)[setkey(TaperCoeffs, EQN_NO),
nomatch = 0]
taperCoeffs[, EQN_NO := NULL]
#' @rdname taperCoeffsGenerator
signature = signature(taperEquationForm = "missing"),
definition = function(){
return(taperCoeffsGenerator(taperEquationForm = "KBEC"))
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