#' Map stems in a plot.
#' @description The function is to map all the stems in a plot based on bearing and distance.
#' @param objectID character, A object's ID, e.g., a tree's ID.
#' @param bearing numeric, Azimuth of a object from the north. It should be between 0 to 360.
#' @param distance numeric, Distance between a object and the centre of the circle.
#' @param plotShape character, circle, Rectangle or NA. NA means no plot shape information is not available and
#' and no plot geometry will be produced.
#' @param plotSize numeric, Defines the plot geoimetry. If plotShape is circular, a number must be provided as plot radius.
#' If plotShape is rectangle, two numbers must be provided to determine length and width of a
#' plot.
#' @param distanceUnit character, Defines the unit in the stem mapping. Default is \code{m}.
#' @param outputFormat character, Defines whether a \code{table} or a \code{figure} will be returned
#' from this function.
#' @param showID logical, Specifies whether the objectID will be showed in outputed figure. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return 1) A table contains the x and y for all the objects and the plot boundary.
#' 2) a ggplot object will be returned for visualization.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## randomly generate some trees
#' bigplottrees <- data.table(tree_id = 1:20,
#' angle = runif(20, min = 0, max = 360),
#' distance = runif(20, min = 0, max = 11.28))
#' ## output a table
#' stemmapped_table <- stemMapping(objectID = bigplottrees$tree_id,
#' bearing = bigplottrees$angle,
#' distance = bigplottrees$distance,
#' plotShape = "circle",
#' plotSize = 11.28,
#' distanceUnit = "m",
#' outputFormat = "table")
#' ## output a figure
#' stemmapped_figure <- stemMapping(objectID = bigplottrees$tree_id,
#' bearing = bigplottrees$angle,
#' distance = bigplottrees$distance,
#' plotShape = "circle",
#' plotSize = 11.28,
#' distanceUnit = "m",
#' outputFormat = "figure",
#' showID = TRUE)
#' ## output a figure without a plot
#' stemmapped_figure <- stemMapping(objectID = bigplottrees$tree_id,
#' bearing = bigplottrees$angle,
#' distance = bigplottrees$distance,
#' outputFormat = "figure",
#' showID = TRUE)
#' }
#' @note In the figure, IPC is the integrated plot center with x = 0 and y = 0.
#' @importFrom data.table data.table shift
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname stemMapping
#' @author Yong Luo
stemMapping <- function(objectID,
plotShape = as.character(NA),
distanceUnit = "m",
showID = TRUE){
if(plotShape == "circle"){
if(length(plotSize) > 1){stop("plotShape is circle and plotSize must contain one number.")}
} else if(plotShape == "rectangle") {
if(length(plotSize) != 2){stop("plotShape is rectangle and plotSize must contain two numbers.")}
} else {
stop("plotShape is not correctly specified.")
if(tolower(plotShape) == "circle"){
plot_table <- data.table::data.table(angle = seq(0, 359.9, 0.5),
distance = plotSize)
plot_table[, ':='(x = sin(angle*pi/180)*distance,
y = cos(angle*pi/180)*distance)]
} else {
plot_table <- data.table(matrix(data = c(plotSize[1]/2, plotSize[2]/2,
plotSize[1]/2, -plotSize[2]/2,
-plotSize[1]/2, -plotSize[2]/2,
-plotSize[1]/2, plotSize[2]/2),
byrow = TRUE, nrow = 4))
names(plot_table) <- c("x", "y")
plotboundary <- plot_table[,.(objectID = "plotboundary",
distance = NA,
bearing = NA,
x, y)]
} else {
warning("plotShape is not provided and no plot information will be produced.")
initialStemMapping <- data.table::data.table(objectID,
initialStemMapping[,':='(x = sin(bearing*pi/180)*distance,
y = cos(bearing*pi/180)*distance)]
if(outputFormat == "table"){
output <- rbind(initialStemMapping, plotboundary)
} else {
output <- initialStemMapping
} else if(outputFormat == "figure"){
output <- ggplot2::ggplot()+
geom_point(data = initialStemMapping, aes(x = x, y = y))+
geom_point(aes(x = 0, y = 0), col = "red")+
geom_text(aes(x = 0, y = 0, label = "IPC"),
col = "red", vjust = 1.5)+
labs(x = paste0("x (", distanceUnit, ")"), y = paste0("y (", distanceUnit, ")"))+
output <- output+
geom_text(data = initialStemMapping,
aes(x = x, y = y, label = objectID),
vjust = 1.5)
output <- output+
geom_polygon(data = plotboundary,
aes(x = x, y = y), col = "black", fill = NA)
} else {
stop("outputFormat is not correctly specified.")
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