
Defines functions make_well_ts

Documented in make_well_ts

# Copyright 2015 Province of British Columbia
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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#'Get full time series with missing values interpolated
#'Takes a dataframe with monthly values and creates a full time series, 
#'interpolating missing values.
#'@param df A monthly dataframe created by `monthlyValues`. Must minimally 
#'  include fields `EMS_ID`, `Well_Num` `Date`, 'med_GWL`, `nReadings`
#' @param trim Should leading and trailing missing values in be removed? See [trim_cons_runs()]. 
#' @inheritParams trim_cons_runs
#'@return A full monthly time series with interpolated missing values, retaining
#'  all of the columns in the original data frame.
#' @export
make_well_ts <- function(df, trim = TRUE, head = 0.1, tail = 0.9 , n_consec = 4) {
  well <- df[1, "EMS_ID"]
  ## Turn monthlies into yearmon data type from package {zoo}
  df$yearmonth <- zoo::as.yearmon(df$Date)
  ## Create a full sequence of months for the timespan of the data
  well.seq <- data.frame(yearmonth =
                           zoo::as.yearmon(seq(from = zoo::as.Date(min(df$yearmonth)),
                                               to = zoo::as.Date(max(df$yearmonth)),
                                               by = "month")))
  ## Join the monthly sequence to the well level data to fill missing values 
  ## with NAs so we can create a time series
  well.ts <- merge(well.seq, df, by = "yearmonth", all = TRUE)
  if (trim) {
    missings <- as.integer(is.na(well.ts$med_GWL))
    start_end <- trim_cons_runs(missings, val = 1L, head = head, tail = tail, n_consec = n_consec)
    well.ts <- well.ts[start_end$start:start_end$end, , drop = FALSE]
  # Interpolate missing values - see StackOverflow question here:
  # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4964255/interpolate-
  # missing-values-in-a-time-series-with-a-seasonal-cycle
  # Answer by Rob Hyndman
  x <- stats::ts(well.ts$med_GWL, frequency = 12)
  #Check for convergence fitting the time series model
  struct <- suppressWarnings(stats::StructTS(x))
  if (struct$code != 0) {
    print(paste0("Convergence code for well ", well, " returned ", struct$code,
                 ": ", struct$message))
  well.ts$fit <- as.vector(stats::ts(rowSums(stats::tsSmooth(struct)[, -2])))
  # Fill in missing values
  well.ts <- dplyr::mutate(well.ts, 
                           Date = zoo::as.Date(.data$yearmonth),
                           Year = lubridate::year(.data$yearmonth),
                           Month = lubridate::month(.data$yearmonth),
                           med_GWL = replace(.data$med_GWL, 
                           nReadings = replace(.data$nReadings, is.na(.data$nReadings), 0))
  for (col in c("EMS_ID", "Well_Num")) {
    well.ts[, col] <- zoo::na.locf(well.ts[, col])
bcgov/bcgroundwater documentation built on March 18, 2024, 5:43 a.m.