
# NOTE: we might eventually get census tracts?

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Download all available csvs of property-transfer-tax data
# NOTE: to update, go to
# click permalink, replace this link below with that link
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
src <- html("")
# grab links to csvs
sources <- src %>%
  html_nodes(".resource-url-analytics") %>%
  html_attrs() %>%
  sapply("[[", "href") %>%
  grep("\\.csv$", ., value = TRUE)

targets <- file.path("data-raw", basename(sources))

for (i in seq_along(targets)) {
  target <- targets[[i]]
  if (!file.exists(target)) curl_download(sources[[i]], target)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Use the data dictonary to provide better variable names & more contextual info
# NOTE: I couldn't get ropensci/tabulizer installed on MAC OS 
# (since it requires a specific version of Java :(), but this
# runs on my Linux box.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (require(tabulizer)) {
  dic <- ""
  #locate_areas(dic, widget = "native")
  tabs <- extract_tables(dic)
  #> List of 4
  #> $ : chr [1:12, 1:6] "Terms - Excel File" "" "DEVLOPMENT REGION" "REGIONAL DISTRICTS" ...
  #> $ : chr [1:15, 1:3] "Terms - Excel File" "RESIDENTIAL - MULTI-\rFAMILY (count)" "RESIDENTIAL - SINGLE \rFAMILY RESIDENTIAL (count)" "RESIDENTIAL - STRATA \rRESIDENTIAL (count)" ...
  #> $ : chr [1:11, 1:3] "Terms - Excel File" "FMV Median ($ median)" "PTT Paid ($ sum)" "PTT Paid Median ($ median)" ...
  #> $ : chr [1:6, 1:3] "Terms - Excel File" "mean)" "Under $1 million (count, \rforeign involvement \rtransactions)" "$1 million - $3 million \r(count, foreign involvement \rtransactions)" ...
  tabs[[1]] <- tabs[[1]][, 1:3]
  tabs <- lapply(tabs, function(x) tibble::as_tibble(x[-1, ]))
  pttDic <- setNames(
    c("description", "varname", "definition")
  # remove "return" characters from each column
  pttDic[] <- lapply(pttDic, function(x) gsub("\\\r", "", x))
  # yes, we know they're counts
  pttDic$description <- sub("(count)", "", pttDic$description, fixed = TRUE)
  # trim leading/trailing white space
  pttDic$description <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", pttDic$description)
  pttDic <- subset(pttDic, description != "")
  devtools::use_data(pttDic, overwrite = TRUE)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# municipality labels in ptt don't match the geo labels
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

pttConcordance <- readr::read_csv(
devtools::use_data(pttConcordance, overwrite = TRUE)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# reshape/format municipal monthly data 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

ptt <- readr::read_csv("data-raw/municipal-monthly.csv")

# Ummmm, why are there 2 records????
filter(ptt, Municipality == "Vancouver", trans_period == "2016-06-01")

#> # A tibble: 2 × 31
#> trans_period  DevelopmentRegion RegionalDistrict Municipality no_mkt_trans no_resid_trans no_resid_acreage_trans
#> <date>              <chr>            <chr>        <chr>        <int>          <int>                  <int>
#> 1   2016-06-01 Mainland/Southwest  METRO VANCOUVER    Vancouver         2190           2119                     NA
#> 2   2016-06-01 Mainland/Southwest  METRO VANCOUVER    Vancouver         1516           1477                     NA
#> # ... with 24 more variables: resid_comm_count <int>, no_resid_farm <int>, no_resid_fam <int>, no_res_1fam <int>,
#> #   no_resid_strata <int>, no_resid_non_strata <int>, no_resid_other <int>, no_comm_tot <int>, no_comm_comm <int>,
#> #   no_comm_strata_nores <int>, no_comm_other <int>, no_recr_tot <int>, no_farm_tot <int>, no_unkn_tot <int>,
#> #   sum_FMV <dbl>, mn_FMV <dbl>, md_FMV <dbl>, sum_PPT_paid <dbl>, md_PPT <dbl>, no_foreign <int>,
#> #   sum_FMV_foreign <int>, mn_FMV_foreign <dbl>, md_FMV_foreign <int>, add_tax_paid <dbl>

pttMelt <- ptt %>%
  # data at the municipal level only includes 3/8 development regions
  select(-DevelopmentRegion, -RegionalDistrict) %>%
  gather(variable, value, -trans_period, -Municipality)

# use descriptions for variable names
recode_variable <- function(d) {
  if (!exists("pttDic")) data("pttDic")
  varMap <- setNames(pttDic$varname, pttDic$description)
  for (i in seq_along(varMap)) {
    idx <- d$variable %in% varMap[[i]]
    d$variable[idx] <- names(varMap)[[i]]

# NOTE: 'corrects' the multiple records problem
pttMunicipals <- pttMelt %>%
  group_by(Municipality, trans_period, variable) %>%
  summarise(value = sum(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  mutate(label = toupper(Municipality)) %>%
  recode_variable() %>% 
  mutate(txt = paste(Municipality, trans_period, value, sep = "<br />"))

devtools::use_data(pttMunicipals, overwrite = TRUE)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exploratory vis
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# IDEA: let shiny app users pick 1-5 variables of interest
# and link time series to the map as well
pttMunicipals <- pttMunicipals[pttMunicipals$variable %in% names(varMap)[6:10], ]

sd <- SharedData$new(pttMunicipals, ~label)

p <- ggplot(sd, aes(trans_period, value, group = label)) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~variable, scales = "free_y", ncol = 1) + 
  theme(legend.position = "none") + labs(x = NULL, y = NULL)

ggplotly(p, height = 600, tooltip = c("x", "group"), dynamicTicks = T) %>% 
  highlight("plotly_click", "plotly_doubleclick") %>%
    dragmode = "zoom", 
    margin = list(l = 50),
    annotations = list(
      text = "Click to select a region\n(double-click to reset)",
      x = 0.6, y = 0.9, xref = "paper", yref = "paper",
      ax = 150, ay = -50

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# reshape/format regional district weekly data 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

ptt <- readr::read_csv("data-raw/regional-district-weekly.csv")

pttMelt <- ptt %>%
  select(-DevelopmentRegion) %>%
  gather(variable, value, -trans_period, -RegionalDistrict)

pttDistricts <- pttMelt %>%
  group_by(RegionalDistrict, trans_period, variable) %>%
  summarise(value = sum(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  mutate(label = toupper(RegionalDistrict)) %>%
  recode_variable() %>%
  mutate(txt = paste(RegionalDistrict, trans_period, value, sep = "<br />"))

devtools::use_data(pttDistricts, overwrite = TRUE)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# reshape/format development weekly data 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

ptt <- readr::read_csv("data-raw/development-region-weekly.csv")

pttMelt <- ptt %>%
  gather(variable, value, -trans_period, -DevelopmentRegion)

pttDevelopments <- pttMelt %>%
  group_by(DevelopmentRegion, trans_period, variable) %>%
  summarise(value = sum(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  mutate(label = toupper(DevelopmentRegion)) %>%
  recode_variable() %>%
  mutate(txt = paste(DevelopmentRegion, trans_period, value, sep = "<br />"))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# manually fix label mistmatch
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

setdiff(pttDevelopments$label, geoDevelopments$label)
#> [5] "CARIBOO"                "NORTH COAST"            "NECHAKO"                "NORTHEAST"     

pttDevelopments <- pttDevelopments %>%
    label = recode(

devtools::use_data(pttDevelopments, overwrite = TRUE)
bcgov/housing-data-challenge-plotly documentation built on Sept. 3, 2021, 7:07 p.m.