#' Shapley Population Variable Importance Measure (SPVIM) Estimates and Inference
#' Compute estimates and confidence intervals for the SPVIMs, using cross-fitting.
#' @inheritParams cv_vim
#' @param univariate_SL.library (optional) a character vector of learners to
#' pass to \code{SuperLearner} for estimating univariate regression functions.
#' Defaults to \code{SL.polymars}
#' @param gamma the fraction of the sample size to use when sampling subsets
#' (e.g., \code{gamma = 1} samples the same number of subsets as the sample
#' size)
#' @param verbose should \code{sp_vim} and \code{SuperLearner} print out
#' progress? (defaults to \code{FALSE})
#' @return An object of class \code{vim}. See Details for more information.
#' @details We define the SPVIM as the weighted average of the population
#' difference in predictiveness over all subsets of features not containing
#' feature \eqn{j}.
#' This is equivalent to finding the solution to a population weighted least
#' squares problem. This key fact allows us to estimate the SPVIM using weighted
#' least squares, where we first sample subsets from the power set of all
#' possible features using the Shapley sampling distribution; then
#' use cross-fitting to obtain estimators of the predictiveness of each
#' sampled subset; and finally, solve the least squares problem given in
#' Williamson and Feng (2020).
#' See the paper by Williamson and Feng (2020) for more
#' details on the mathematics behind this function, and the validity
#' of the confidence intervals.
#' In the interest of transparency, we return most of the calculations
#' within the \code{vim} object. This results in a list containing:
#' \describe{
#' \item{SL.library}{the library of learners passed to \code{SuperLearner}}
#' \item{v}{the estimated predictiveness measure for each sampled subset}
#' \item{fit_lst}{the fitted values on the entire dataset from the chosen method for each sampled subset}
#' \item{preds_lst}{the cross-fitted predicted values from the chosen method for each sampled subset}
#' \item{est}{the estimated SPVIM value for each feature}
#' \item{ics}{the influence functions for each sampled subset}
#' \item{var_v_contribs}{the contibutions to the variance from estimating predictiveness}
#' \item{var_s_contribs}{the contributions to the variance from sampling subsets}
#' \item{ic_lst}{a list of the SPVIM influence function contributions}
#' \item{se}{the standard errors for the estimated variable importance}
#' \item{ci}{the \eqn{(1-\alpha) \times 100}\% confidence intervals based on the variable importance estimates}
#' \item{p_value}{p-values for the null hypothesis test of zero importance for each variable}
#' \item{test_statistic}{the test statistic for each null hypothesis test of zero importance}
#' \item{test}{a hypothesis testing decision for each null hypothesis test (for each variable having zero importance)}
#' \item{gamma}{the fraction of the sample size used when sampling subsets}
#' \item{alpha}{the level, for confidence interval calculation}
#' \item{delta}{the \code{delta} value used for hypothesis testing}
#' \item{y}{the outcome}
#' \item{ipc_weights}{the weights}
#' \item{scale}{the scale on which CIs were computed}
#' \item{mat}{- a tibble with the estimates, SEs, CIs, hypothesis testing decisions, and p-values}
#' }
#' @examples
#' n <- 100
#' p <- 2
#' # generate the data
#' x <- data.frame(replicate(p, stats::runif(n, -5, 5)))
#' # apply the function to the x's
#' smooth <- (x[,1]/5)^2*(x[,1]+7)/5 + (x[,2]/3)^2
#' # generate Y ~ Normal (smooth, 1)
#' y <- as.matrix(smooth + stats::rnorm(n, 0, 1))
#' # set up a library for SuperLearner; note simple library for speed
#' library("SuperLearner")
#' learners <- c("SL.glm")
#' # -----------------------------------------
#' # using Super Learner (with a small number of CV folds,
#' # for illustration only)
#' # -----------------------------------------
#' set.seed(4747)
#' est <- sp_vim(Y = y, X = x, V = 2, type = "r_squared",
#' SL.library = learners, alpha = 0.05)
#' @seealso \code{\link[SuperLearner]{SuperLearner}} for specific usage of the
#' \code{SuperLearner} function and package.
#' @importFrom stats pnorm gaussian
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom MASS ginv
#' @export
sp_vim <- function(Y = NULL, X = NULL, V = 5, type = "r_squared",
SL.library = c("SL.glmnet", "SL.xgboost", "SL.mean"),
univariate_SL.library = NULL,
gamma = 1, alpha = 0.05, delta = 0, na.rm = FALSE,
stratified = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, sample_splitting = TRUE,
final_point_estimate = "split",
C = rep(1, length(Y)), Z = NULL, ipc_scale = "identity",
ipc_weights = rep(1, length(Y)),
ipc_est_type = "aipw", scale = "identity", scale_est = TRUE,
cross_fitted_se = TRUE, ...) {
# if the data is missing, stop and throw an error
if (is.null(Y)) stop("You must enter an outcome, Y.")
if (is.null(X)) stop("You must enter a matrix of predictors, X.")
if (sample_splitting) {
ss_V <- 2 * V
} else {
ss_V <- V
# check to see if Y is a matrix or data.frame; if not, make it one
# (just for ease of reading)
if (is.null(dim(Y))) {
Y <- as.matrix(Y)
# set up internal data -- based on complete cases only
cc_lst <- create_z(Y, C, Z, X, ipc_weights)
Y_cc <- cc_lst$Y
weights_cc <- cc_lst$weights
Z_in <- cc_lst$Z
X_cc <- X[C == 1, , drop = FALSE]
# get the correct measure function; if not one of the supported ones, say so
full_type <- get_full_type(type)
# set up the cross-fitting and sample-splitting folds, for fitting
cross_fitting_folds <- make_folds(Y, V = ss_V, stratified = stratified,
C = C)
sample_splitting_folds <- make_folds(unique(cross_fitting_folds), V = 2)
cross_fitting_folds_cc <- cross_fitting_folds[C == 1]
# set up the cross-fitting folds, for predictiveness estimation
if (sample_splitting) {
# make new sets of folds, as if we had done V-fold within the two sets
k_fold_lst <- make_kfold(cross_fitting_folds, sample_splitting_folds, C)
full_test <- (k_fold_lst$sample_splitting_folds == 1)
redu_test <- (k_fold_lst$sample_splitting_folds == 2)
} else {
# no need to do anything
k_fold_lst <- list(
full = cross_fitting_folds, reduced = cross_fitting_folds
full_test <- rep(TRUE, length(cross_fitting_folds))
redu_test <- rep(TRUE, length(cross_fitting_folds))
cf_folds_full <- k_fold_lst$full
cf_folds_redu <- k_fold_lst$reduced
cf_folds_full_cc <- cf_folds_full[C[full_test] == 1]
cf_folds_redu_cc <- cf_folds_redu[C[redu_test] == 1]
full_test_cc <- full_test[C == 1]
redu_test_cc <- redu_test[C == 1]
# sample subsets, set up Z
z_w_lst <- sample_subsets(p = ncol(X), n = nrow(X), gamma = gamma)
Z <- z_w_lst$Z
W <- z_w_lst$W
z_counts <- z_w_lst$z_counts
S <- z_w_lst$S
arg_lst <- list(...)
if (is.null(arg_lst$family)) {
arg_lst$family <- switch(
(length(unique(Y_cc)) == 2) + 1, stats::gaussian(),
# set method and family to compatible with continuous values, for EIF estimation
eif_arg_lst <- process_arg_lst(arg_lst)
arg_lst_cv <- arg_lst
if (is.null(arg_lst_cv$innerCvControl)) {
arg_lst_cv$innerCvControl <- rep(list(list(V = V)), ss_V)
# get v, preds, ic for null set
preds_none <- rep(NA, length = length(Y_cc))
fitted_none <- vector("numeric", length = length(Y_cc))
for (v in seq_len(ss_V)) {
preds_none[cross_fitting_folds_cc == v] <- rep(
mean(Y_cc[cross_fitting_folds_cc == v]), sum(cross_fitting_folds_cc == v)
fitted_none[cross_fitting_folds_cc == v] <- rep(
mean(Y_cc[cross_fitting_folds_cc == v]), sum(cross_fitting_folds_cc == v)
preds_none <- preds_none[!is.na(preds_none)]
v_none_pred_object <- do.call(predictiveness_measure, c(
list(type = full_type, fitted_values = preds_none[full_test_cc],
y = Y_cc[full_test_cc], full_y = Y_cc,
cross_fitting_folds = cf_folds_full_cc, C = C[full_test],
Z = Z_in[full_test, , drop = FALSE],
folds_Z = cf_folds_full,
ipc_weights = ipc_weights[full_test],
ipc_fit_type = "SL", scale = ipc_scale,
ipc_est_type = ipc_est_type, na.rm = na.rm,
SL.library = SL.library), eif_arg_lst
v_none_lst <- estimate(v_none_pred_object)
v_none <- v_none_lst$point_est
ic_none <- v_none_lst$eif
ics_none <- v_none_lst$all_eifs
# get v, preds, ic for remaining non-null groups in S
if (verbose) {
message("Fitting learners. Progress:")
progress_bar <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(S[-1]), style = 3)
} else {
progress_bar <- NULL
preds_lst <- sapply(
function(i) {
do.call(run_sl, args = c(
list(Y_cc, X_cc, V = ss_V, SL.library = SL.library,
univariate_SL.library = univariate_SL.library, s = S[-1][[i]],
cv_folds = cross_fitting_folds_cc, sample_splitting = sample_splitting,
ss_folds = sample_splitting_folds, verbose = verbose,
progress_bar = progress_bar, indx = i, full = TRUE,
cross_fitted_se = cross_fitted_se, weights = weights_cc),
))}, simplify = FALSE
if (verbose) {
v_pred_object_list <- lapply(preds_lst, function(l) {
do.call(predictiveness_measure, c(
list(fitted_values = l$preds[full_test_cc],
y = Y_cc[full_test_cc], full_y = Y_cc,
cross_fitting_folds = cf_folds_full_cc, C = C[full_test],
Z = Z_in[full_test, , drop = FALSE],
folds_Z = cf_folds_full,
ipc_weights = ipc_weights[full_test],
type = full_type, ipc_fit_type = "SL", scale = ipc_scale,
ipc_est_type = ipc_est_type, na.rm = na.rm,
SL.library = SL.library), eif_arg_lst
v_eif_lst <- lapply(v_pred_object_list, estimate)
v_lst <- lapply(v_eif_lst, function(lst) lst$point_est)
ics_lst <- lapply(v_eif_lst, function(lst) lst$all_eifs)
ic_lst <- lapply(v_eif_lst, function(lst) lst$eif)
if (!cross_fitted_se) {
ic_all_object_list <- lapply(preds_lst, function(l) {
do.call(predictiveness_measure, c(
list(fitted_values = l$preds_non_cf_se[full_test_cc],
y = Y_cc[full_test_cc], full_y = Y_cc,
cross_fitting_folds = cf_folds_full_cc, C = C[full_test],
Z = Z_in[full_test, , drop = FALSE],
folds_Z = cf_folds_full,
ipc_weights = ipc_weights[full_test],
type = full_type, ipc_fit_type = "SL", scale = ipc_scale,
ipc_est_type = ipc_est_type, na.rm = na.rm,
SL.library = SL.library), eif_arg_lst
ic_all_lst <- lapply(ic_all_object_list, estimate)
ics_lst <- lapply(ic_all_lst, function(l) l$all_eifs)
ic_lst <- lapply(ic_all_lst, function(l) l$eif)
v <- matrix(c(v_none, unlist(v_lst)))
# do constrained wls
if (verbose) {
message("Fitting weighted least squares to estimate the SPVIM values.")
A_W <- sqrt(W) %*% Z
v_W <- sqrt(W) %*% v
G <- rbind(c(1, rep(0, ncol(X))), rep(1, ncol(X) + 1) - c(1, rep(0, ncol(X))))
c_n <- matrix(c(v_none, v[length(v)] - v_none), ncol = 1)
kkt_matrix_11 <- 2 * t(A_W) %*% A_W
kkt_matrix_12 <- t(G)
kkt_matrix_21 <- G
kkt_matrix_22 <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(kkt_matrix_21),
ncol = ncol(kkt_matrix_12))
kkt_matrix <- rbind(cbind(kkt_matrix_11, kkt_matrix_12),
cbind(kkt_matrix_21, kkt_matrix_22))
ls_matrix <- rbind(2 * t(A_W) %*% v_W, c_n)
ls_solution <- MASS::ginv(kkt_matrix) %*% ls_matrix
est <- ls_solution[1:(ncol(X) + 1), , drop = FALSE]
lambdas <- ls_solution[(ncol(X) + 2):nrow(ls_solution), , drop = FALSE]
# compute the SPVIM ICs and standard errors
ses <- vector("numeric", ncol(X) + 1)
var_v_contribs <- vector("numeric", ncol(X) + 1)
var_s_contribs <- vector("numeric", ncol(X) + 1)
if (cross_fitted_se) {
all_ics_lst <- c(list(ics_none), ics_lst)
ics <- lapply(as.list(seq_len(V)), function(l) {
spvim_ics(Z, z_counts, W, v, est, G, c_n, lapply(all_ics_lst, function(k) k[[l]]),
for (j in 1:(ncol(X) + 1)) {
se_lst <- lapply(ics, spvim_se, idx = j, gamma = gamma, na_rm = na.rm)
var <- mean(unlist(lapply(se_lst, function(l) l$se ^ 2)))
ses[j] <- sqrt(var)
var_v_contribs[j] <- mean(unlist(lapply(se_lst, function(l) l$var_v_contrib)))
var_s_contribs[j] <- mean(unlist(lapply(se_lst, function(l) l$var_s_contrib)))
n_for_v <- min(unlist(lapply(ics, function(l) ncol(l$contrib_v))))
} else {
all_ics_lst <- c(list(ic_none), ic_lst)
ics <- spvim_ics(Z, z_counts, W, v, est, G, c_n, all_ics_lst, full_type)
for (j in 1:(ncol(X) + 1)) {
ses_res <- spvim_se(ics, j, gamma = gamma, na_rm = na.rm)
ses[j] <- ses_res$se
var_v_contribs[j] <- ses_res$var_v_contrib
var_s_contribs[j] <- ses_res$var_s_contrib
n_for_v <- ncol(ics)
est_for_inference <- est
v_for_inference <- v
# if sample-splitting was requested and final_point_estimate isn't "split", estimate
# the required quantities
if (sample_splitting & (final_point_estimate != "split")) {
k_fold_lst_for_est <- list(
full = cross_fitting_folds, reduced = cross_fitting_folds
cf_folds_for_est <- k_fold_lst_for_est$full
cf_folds_for_est_cc <- k_fold_lst_for_est$full[C == 1]
if (final_point_estimate == "full") {
v_none_pred_object_for_est <- do.call(predictiveness_measure, c(
list(type = full_type, fitted_values = preds_none,
y = Y_cc, full_y = Y_cc,
cross_fitting_folds = cf_folds_for_est_cc, C = C,
Z = Z_in,
folds_Z = cf_folds_for_est,
ipc_weights = ipc_weights,
ipc_fit_type = "SL", scale = ipc_scale,
ipc_est_type = ipc_est_type, na.rm = na.rm,
SL.library = SL.library), eif_arg_lst
v_none_lst_for_est <- estimate(v_none_pred_object_for_est)
v_none_for_est <- v_none_lst_for_est$point_est
v_pred_object_list_for_est <- lapply(preds_lst, function(l) {
do.call(predictiveness_measure, c(
list(fitted_values = l$preds,
y = Y_cc, full_y = Y_cc,
cross_fitting_folds = cf_folds_for_est_cc, C = C,
Z = Z_in,
folds_Z = cf_folds_for_est,
ipc_weights = ipc_weights,
type = full_type, ipc_fit_type = "SL", scale = ipc_scale,
ipc_est_type = ipc_est_type, na.rm = na.rm,
SL.library = SL.library), eif_arg_lst
v_eif_lst_for_est <- lapply(v_pred_object_list_for_est, estimate)
v_lst_for_est <- lapply(v_eif_lst_for_est, function(lst) lst$point_est)
v_for_est <- matrix(c(v_none_for_est, unlist(v_lst_for_est)))
} else {
# swap the roles for the folds
full_test_for_est <- (k_fold_lst$sample_splitting_folds == 2)
cf_folds_full_for_est <- k_fold_lst$reduced
cf_folds_full_cc_for_est <- cf_folds_full_for_est[C[full_test_for_est] == 1]
full_test_cc_for_est <- full_test_for_est[C == 1]
v_none_pred_object_for_est <- do.call(predictiveness_measure, c(
list(type = full_type, fitted_values = preds_none[full_test_cc_for_est],
y = Y_cc[full_test_cc_for_est], full_y = Y_cc,
cross_fitting_folds = cf_folds_full_cc_for_est, C = C[full_test_for_est],
Z = Z_in[full_test_for_est, , drop = FALSE],
folds_Z = cf_folds_full_for_est,
ipc_weights = ipc_weights[full_test_for_est],
ipc_fit_type = "SL", scale = ipc_scale,
ipc_est_type = ipc_est_type, na.rm = na.rm,
SL.library = SL.library), eif_arg_lst
v_none_lst_for_est <- estimate(v_none_pred_object_for_est)
v_none_for_est <- mean(c(v_none, v_none_lst_for_est$point_est))
v_pred_object_list_for_est <- lapply(preds_lst, function(l) {
do.call(predictiveness_measure, c(
list(fitted_values = l$preds[full_test_cc_for_est],
y = Y_cc[full_test_cc_for_est], full_y = Y_cc,
cross_fitting_folds = cf_folds_full_cc_for_est, C = C[full_test_for_est],
Z = Z_in[full_test_for_est, , drop = FALSE],
folds_Z = cf_folds_full_for_est,
ipc_weights = ipc_weights[full_test_for_est],
type = full_type, ipc_fit_type = "SL", scale = ipc_scale,
ipc_est_type = ipc_est_type, na.rm = na.rm,
SL.library = SL.library), eif_arg_lst
v_eif_lst_for_est <- lapply(v_pred_object_list_for_est, estimate)
v_lst_for_est <- lapply(v_eif_lst_for_est, function(lst) lst$point_est)
v_for_est <- matrix(rowMeans(cbind(v, matrix(c(v_none_lst_for_est$point_est, unlist(v_lst_for_est))))))
v_W_for_est <- sqrt(W) %*% v_for_est
c_n_for_est <- matrix(c(v_none_for_est, v_for_est[length(v_for_est)] - v_none_for_est), ncol = 1)
ls_matrix_for_est <- rbind(2 * t(A_W) %*% v_W_for_est, c_n_for_est)
ls_solution_for_est <- MASS::ginv(kkt_matrix) %*% ls_matrix_for_est
est <- ls_solution_for_est[1:(ncol(X) + 1), , drop = FALSE]
# if est < 0, set to zero and print warning
if (any(est < 0) & scale_est) {
est[est < 0] <- 0
warning("One or more original estimates < 0; returning zero for these indices.")
# calculate the confidence intervals
cis <- vimp_ci(est_for_inference[-1], ses[-1], scale = scale, level = 1 - alpha)
# compute a hypothesis test against the null of zero importance
v_none_pred_object_0 <- do.call(predictiveness_measure, c(
list(type = full_type, fitted_values = preds_none[redu_test_cc],
y = Y_cc[redu_test_cc], full_y = Y_cc,
cross_fitting_folds = cf_folds_redu_cc, C = C[redu_test],
Z = Z_in[redu_test, , drop = FALSE],
folds_Z = cf_folds_redu,
ipc_weights = ipc_weights[redu_test],
ipc_fit_type = "SL", scale = ipc_scale,
ipc_est_type = ipc_est_type, na.rm = na.rm,
SL.library = SL.library), eif_arg_lst
v_none_lst_0 <- estimate(v_none_pred_object_0)
v_none_0 <- v_none_lst_0$point_est
ic_none_0 <- v_none_lst_0$eif
ics_none_0 <- v_none_lst_0$all_eifs
if (cross_fitted_se) {
var_none_0 <- mean(unlist(lapply(ics_none_0,
function(ic) mean(ic ^ 2, na.rm = na.rm))))
} else {
var_none_0 <- mean(ic_none_0 ^ 2, na.rm = na.rm)
se_none_0 <- sqrt(var_none_0 / sum(redu_test_cc))
# get shapley vals + null predictiveness
shapley_vals_plus <- est + est[1]
ses_one <- sqrt((var_v_contribs * n_for_v + var_s_contribs) / sum(full_test_cc) +
se_none_0 ^ 2)
# save objects necessary to compute the test statistics
test_stat_lst <- list(ests = shapley_vals_plus, ses = ses_one, est_0 = v_none_0,
se_0 = se_none_0, n_for_v = n_for_v)
test_statistics <- unlist(lapply(
function(j, ests, ses, est_0, se_0, delta) {
(ests[j] - est_0 - delta) / sqrt(ses[j] ^ 2 + se_0 ^ 2)
}, ests = shapley_vals_plus, ses = ses_one, est_0 = v_none_0,
se_0 = se_none_0, delta = delta
p_values <- 1 - pnorm(test_statistics)
hyp_tests <- p_values < alpha
# create the output and return it
mat <- tibble::tibble(
s = as.character(1:ncol(X)), est = est[-1], se = ses[-1], cil = cis[, 1],
ciu = cis[, 2], test = hyp_tests, p_value = p_values,
var_v_contribs = var_v_contribs[-1], var_s_contribs = var_s_contribs[-1]
output <- list(s = as.character(1:ncol(X)),
SL.library = SL.library,
v = v,
preds_lst = c(list(preds_none), lapply(preds_lst,
function(l) l$preds
est = est,
ic_lst = all_ics_lst,
ic = ics,
se = ses,
var_v_contribs = var_v_contribs,
var_s_contribs = var_s_contribs,
ci = cis,
test = hyp_tests,
p_value = p_values,
test_statistic = test_statistics,
test_statistic_computation = test_stat_lst,
gamma = gamma,
alpha = alpha,
delta = delta,
y = Y,
ipc_weights = ipc_weights,
ipc_scale = ipc_scale,
scale = scale,
mat = mat)
# make it also an vim object
tmp.cls <- class(output)
class(output) <- c("vim", type, tmp.cls)
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