#' Bin a variable along a range
#' @param x variable to create binned sequence along
#' @param size size of bin
#' @param trim percent of obs to trim from both ends of variable
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @importFrom stats quantile
bin_along_range <- function(x, size = NA, trim = 0.01) {
if(length(setdiff(x, c(0,1))) == 0) {
return(c(0, 1))
} else {
max_x <- quantile(x, 1 - trim)
min_x <- quantile(x, trim)
# slightly arbitrary, but w/e
if(is.na(size)) {
size = sd(x)/3
seq(min_x, max_x, by = size)
#' Computes means for various slices of a regression_spec by betas product.
#' @param x Regression specification.
#' @param betas Fitted quantile coefficients for specification.
#' @param alpha Quantiles targeted.
#' @param jstar First quantile to be estimated (usually the center one)
#' @param trim Fraction (0 to 0.5) of observations to be trimmed from each end of
#' a given column in the regression_spec by betas product before the mean is computed.
#' @return Matrix with rows containing means for each quantile for various slices
#' of the specification.
#' @export
avg_spacing = function(x, betas, alpha, jstar, trim=0){
x_beta_prod <- as.matrix(x %*% betas)
colnames(x_beta_prod) <- as.character(alpha)
x_beta_prod[,-jstar] <- exp(x_beta_prod[,-jstar])
apply(x_beta_prod, 2, mean, trim = trim)
#' Calculates the marginal effects of an N x p matrix (wide-format) of qreg coefficients
#' @param qreg_coeffs wide-format of calculated spacings point estimates
#' @param avg_spacings average spacings matrix, which can be calculated from setting calculateAvgME = TRUE or using
#' the avg_spacing function directly
#' @param j_star the first quantile the user wishes to predict (usually the middle one)
#' @param calc_se boolean value, indicating whether the user wishes to calculate the marginal effect standard errors
#' @param qreg_vcv_vec variance-covariance matrix from point estimates, only necessary if calculating standard errors
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
#' @return list of values: avgME: calculated average marginal effects
#' avgME_se (user-specified): standard errors on the calculated marginal effects
get_marginal_effects = function(qreg_coeffs,
calc_se = TRUE,
qreg_vcv_vec = NULL){
N = dim(qreg_coeffs)[1]
p = dim(qreg_coeffs)[2]
avgME = matrix(NA, N, p)
nms <- colnames(qreg_vcv_vec)
if(is.null(nms)) {
nms <- rownames(qreg_coeffs)
qtls <- stringr::str_extract(nms, "^[0-9\\.]+")
coef_nms <- stringr::str_replace(nms, paste0(qtls, "_"), "")
avgME_se = matrix(NA, N, p)
# matrix with transformations of data that give marginal effects;
# ME = R_matrix * qreg_coeffs
R_matrix = array(0, dim = c(p,p,N))
# calculating marginal effects here
R_matrix[,j_star,] = 1
for(jj in 1:N) {
nm <- rownames(qreg_coeffs)[jj]
covmat_rows = which(coef_nms == nm)
for(kk in 1:(j_star-1)){
R_matrix[1:(j_star-kk),j_star-kk,jj] = -avg_spacings[j_star-kk]
for(kk in 1:(p-j_star)) {
R_matrix[(j_star+kk):p,(j_star+kk),jj] = avg_spacings[j_star+kk]
if(calc_se == F | length(covmat_rows) == p) {
avgME[jj,] = R_matrix[,,jj] %*% qreg_coeffs[jj,]
# calculating standard errors here.
# Can't see an easy way to avoid a double loop here
if(calc_se && !missing(qreg_vcv_vec)){
for(kk in 1:p){
avgME_se[jj,kk] = sqrt(R_matrix[kk,,jj] %*%
covmat_rows] %*%
matrix(R_matrix[kk,,jj], ncol = 1))
} else {
for(kk in 1:p){
avgME_se[jj,kk] = NA
} else {
avgME[jj,] = NA
# calculating standard errors here.
# Can't see an easy way to avoid a double loop here
if(calc_se && !missing(qreg_vcv_vec)){
for(kk in 1:p){
avgME_se[jj,kk] = NA
return(list('avgME' = avgME,
'avgME_se' = avgME_se))
#' Get marginal effects at a set of levels for the covariates
#' @param fit A fitted model from the `qs` function
#' @param X model matrix that specifies level of data to calculate
#' marginal effects
#' @export
#' @details A simple function which returns
#' marginal effects for a given level of the dataset.
me <- function(fit, X) {
if(!is.matrix(X)) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
jstar <- fit$specs$jstar
alphas <- fit$specs$alpha
reg_coefs <- t(coef(fit))
spacings <- avg_spacing(X, reg_coefs, alphas, jstar)
if(any(is.na(fit$se$quant_cov))) {
calcSE = F
} else {
calcSE = T
me <- get_marginal_effects(reg_coefs, spacings, jstar,
calc_se = calcSE,
qreg_vcv_vec = fit$se$quant_cov)
# point estimates
colnames(me[[1]]) <- fit$specs$alpha
rownames(me[[1]]) <- fit$specs$coef_names
# standard errors
colnames(me[[2]]) <- fit$specs$alpha
rownames(me[[2]]) <- fit$specs$coef_names
#' Get all marginal effects of variables in the fit
#' @param fit model fitted by `qs()`
#' @param type one of "ame" (average marginal effects) or
#' "mea" (marginal effects at the average)
#' @param variable which variable to calculate marginal effects on
#' @param data optional data.frame that specifies level of data to calculate
#' marginal effects
#' @param trim What to trim the variable of interest at, 0 < trim < 0.5
#' @details The trim defaults to using the 95th percentile
#' instead of the max because there may be large outliers. You can over-ride
#' by setting trim to 0, which will use the min and max.
#' By default, marginal effects will calculate marginal effects for
#' all variables.
#' @importFrom stats terms
#' @export
marginal_effects <- function(fit,
type = "mea",
variable = "all",
data = NA,
trim = 0.05) {
if(anyNA(data) & length(data) == 1) {
data = stats::model.matrix(fit$specs$formula, data = fit$specs$X)
if(length(variable) == 1 && variable == "all") {
variable <- setdiff(colnames(data), "(Intercept)")
if(type == "mea") {
data = matrix(colMeans(data), nrow = 1)
all_me <- me(fit, X = data)
if(length(variable) > 1 || variable != "all") {
all_me$avgME <- all_me$avgME[which(rownames(all_me$avgME) %in% variable),, drop = F]
all_me$avgME_se <- all_me$avgME_se[which(rownames(all_me$avgME_se) %in% variable),, drop = F]
attr(all_me, "jstar") <- fit$specs$jstar
# ff = stats::as.formula(fit$specs$formula)
# attr(all_me, "outcome") <- all.vars(ff)[attr(stats::terms(ff, data = data),
# "response")]
attr(all_me, "type") <- type
class = "qs_me")
#' Print method for quantspace marginal effects
#' @param x marginal effects to print
#' @param ... other arguments for s3 consistency, ignored for now
#' @export
print.qs_me <- function(x, ...) {
type = attr(x, "type")
out_type <- switch(type,
ame = "Average Marginal Effects:\n",
mea = "Marginal Effects at the Average:\n")
# cat(paste0(names(x)[i],": \n"))
mat <- matrix(nrow = nrow(x$avgME) + nrow(x$avgME_se),
ncol = ncol(x$avgME))
rn = c()
sub_x_rn = rownames(x$avgME)
for(i in 1:nrow(x$avgME)) {
rn <- c(rn, c(sub_x_rn[i], paste(sub_x_rn[i], "SE")))
mat[2 * i - 1,] <- x$avgME[i,]
mat[2 * i,] <- x$avgME_se[i,]
rownames(mat) <- rn
colnames(mat) <- colnames(x$avgME)
print(mat, ...)
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