
Defines functions aggregateDataOld

Documented in aggregateDataOld

#' Aggregate variables to items and/or scales.
#' This is the old version of the \code{aggregateData} function from the \code{eatPrep}
#' package. The function is currently deprecated and was only kept in the package to keep older scripts
#' executable. For the same reason, inappropriate argument names of \code{aggregateDataOld} have not been
#' modified. The function might be beneficial if aggregation information from the IQB database is not available.
#' The function use a rather simple aggregation rule: all variables which share a common ``stem''
#' are considered to belong together. The ``stem'' is everything except the last sign. By convention,
#' the last sign may be a letter in ascending order, for example \code{"I1a", "I1b", "I1c"}. However,
#' \code{"I12", "I1_", "I1j"} is also possible although less convenient. The item \code{"I1"} consists
#' of three variables and is considered to be correct if all variables are correct. See examples for
#' further details. Note: if \code{inputList} is specified, aggregation rules are executed as specified
#' in the ZKD input list.
#'@param all.daten A data frame in the wide format with at least two (dichotomous) variable columns.
#'@param spalten Column names or numbers with variables to aggregate.
#'@param unexpected.pattern.as.na Logical: \code{TRUE}, if non-valid patterns should be aggregated to \code{NA}.
#'@param printCases Logical: Specifies whether exhaustive aggregation information should be printed on console.
#'@param printPattern Logical: Print the unexpected patterns to console?
#'@param inputList Optional: Input list to differentiate between variables (sub items) and items. If \code{NULL},
#'all variables in the data frame which share the same ID except for the last sign are considered
#'to belong to the same item.
#'@return A list. First element is a data frame with sum scores. Second element is a data frame
#'with aggregated scores. Third element is a data frame with information how many variables
#'are summarized for each item.
#' ### create artificial data
#' dat <- data.frame(id = paste0("P", 11:50),
#'                   matrix(data = sample(x=0:1, size = 400, replace = TRUE),
#'                   nrow=40, ncol = 10))
#' ### aggregate Item 0+1+2 and 4+5 and 8+9: define sequential letter
#' colnames(dat)[-1] <- c("I1a", "I1b", "I1c", "I2a", "I3a", "I3b",
#'                        "I4a", "I5a", "I6a", "I6b")
#' agg <- aggregateDataOld(dat, -1)
aggregateDataOld <- function(all.daten, spalten, unexpected.pattern.as.na = TRUE, printCases = FALSE, printPattern = FALSE, inputList = NULL ) {
  all.daten <- eatTools::makeDataFrame(all.daten)
  if(missing(spalten)) {spalten <- colnames(all.daten)}
  spalten <- eatTools::existsBackgroundVariables(dat = all.daten, variable=spalten)
  noAgg <- setdiff(colnames(all.daten), spalten)
  daten <- all.daten[,spalten, drop=FALSE]
  foo   <- table(nchar(colnames(daten)))                                  ### Haben alle Variablennamen die gleiche Anzahl Zeichen?
  if(length(foo)>1) {message("Variable names with mixed numbers of characters.")}
  if (is.null(inputList) ) {
    items  <- unique(substr(colnames(daten),1,nchar(colnames(daten))-1))### wieviele Items wird es geben?
  }  else  {
    nag    <- setdiff ( spalten, inputList[["subunits"]][,"subunit"])   ### no aggregation rule
    if ( length( nag) > 0 ) {
      warning(paste0("Following ",length(nag), " variables(s) without aggregation rule in ZKD input list:\n   '",paste(nag, collapse = "', '"), "'.\nThese varables(s) won't be aggregated to items."))
      noAgg <- c(noAgg, nag)
      daten <- all.daten[,setdiff ( spalten,nag), drop=FALSE]
    items  <- unique(inputList[["subunits"]][which(inputList[["subunits"]][,"subunit"] %in% colnames(daten)),"unit"])
  message(paste0("Aggregate ",ncol(daten)," variable(s) to ",length(items)," item(s)."))
  dat.sum <- NULL; dat.agg <- NULL; list.pc <- NULL                       ### erstelle leere Datenobjekte fuer Summendatensatz, aggregierten Datensatz und Liste mit partial-credit-Items
  for (i in 1:length(items))      {
    if ( is.null(inputList)) {
      sub.dat   <- data.frame ( lapply( data.frame(daten[, which(substr(colnames(daten),1,nchar(colnames(daten))-1) %in% items[i]), drop=FALSE ], stringsAsFactors = FALSE), as.numeric), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      last.sign <- names(table(substr(colnames(sub.dat),nchar(colnames(sub.dat)),nchar(colnames(sub.dat)))))
      toCheck   <- sum((last.sign)==letters[1:length(last.sign)])==length(last.sign)
      ### Check: Ist das letzte Zeichen des Variablennamens immer ein Buchstabe und aufsteigend?
      if(!toCheck) { message(paste0("Item ",items[i],": last character of variable names does not correspond to assumed alphabetic sequence."))}
    }  else  {
      sub.dat <- data.frame ( lapply( data.frame(daten[,inputList[["subunits"]][which(inputList[["subunits"]][,"unit"] == items[i]),"subunit"], drop = FALSE], stringsAsFactors = FALSE), as.numeric), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    ncol.sub.dat <- ncol(sub.dat)
    isNA         <- table(rowSums(is.na(sub.dat)))
    isNA.names   <- as.numeric(names(isNA))
    unexpected   <- setdiff(isNA.names, c(0,ncol.sub.dat))
    # if ( substr(colnames(sub.dat)[1], 1, 8) == "M3621603") {browser()}
    if( length( unexpected ) > 0  )   {
      cases      <- sum(as.numeric(isNA[as.character(unexpected)]))
      message(paste0("Caution! Found unexpected missing pattern in variables for item ",items[i], " in ",cases," cases.") )
      whichUnexp <- which( rowSums(is.na(sub.dat)) %in% unexpected)
      if (printCases)   {cat("   Cases in question: "); cat(paste(whichUnexp, collapse=", ")); cat("\n")}
      if (printPattern) {
        patt <- apply(sub.dat[whichUnexp,], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function ( zeile ) { paste(zeile, collapse = "_")})
    if(ncol.sub.dat == 1) {sub.dat[,"summe"] <- sub.dat[,1]}
    if(ncol.sub.dat >  1) {sub.dat[,"summe"] <- apply(sub.dat, 1, FUN = function ( uu ) {ifelse( all(is.na(uu)), NA, sum(uu, na.rm=!unexpected.pattern.as.na))}) }
    if (is.null(inputList)) {
      sub.dat[,"aggregiert"] <- ifelse(sub.dat$summe == ncol.sub.dat,1,0)
    }  else  {                                                            ### 'sl' = selected list
      sl  <- inputList[["unitRecodings"]][which(inputList[["unitRecodings"]][,"unit"] == items[i]),]
      if ( nrow(sl) == 0 ) {
        stopifnot ( ncol.sub.dat == 1 )
        sub.dat[,"aggregiert"] <- sub.dat[,1]
      }  else  {
        recstr <- paste("'",sl[,"value"] , "' = '" , sl[,"valueRecode"],"'",sep="", collapse="; ")
        sub.dat[,"aggregiert"] <- car::recode ( sub.dat[,"summe"], recstr)
    if(is.null(dat.sum)) { dat.sum <- sub.dat[,"summe", drop=FALSE] }     else { dat.sum <- cbind(dat.sum,sub.dat[,"summe", drop=FALSE]) }
    if(is.null(dat.agg)) { dat.agg <- sub.dat[,"aggregiert",drop=FALSE] } else { dat.agg <- cbind(dat.agg,sub.dat[,"aggregiert",drop=FALSE]) }
    colnames(dat.sum)[i] <- items[i]
    colnames(dat.agg)[i] <- items[i]
    maximum <- max(dat.sum[,i],na.rm = TRUE)                              ### ist das i-te Item partial credit?
    if(maximum>1) {list.pc <- rbind(list.pc, data.frame(Var=items[i],pc=paste(names(table(dat.sum[,i])),collapse=", "),max=max(as.numeric(names(table(dat.sum[,i])))),stringsAsFactors = FALSE))}}
  if(length(noAgg) > 0) {dat.sum <- data.frame(all.daten[,noAgg, drop=FALSE],dat.sum,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  dat.agg <- data.frame(all.daten[,noAgg, drop=FALSE],dat.agg,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)}
  return(list(sum=dat.sum, agg=dat.agg, pc.list=list.pc))}
beckerbenj/eatAnalysis documentation built on July 7, 2023, 5:51 p.m.