
Defines functions keepMaxStatProbe

Documented in keepMaxStatProbe

#' Filter multiple probesets matching to the same gene by keeping the one with
#' the maximum statistic (by default the variance).
#' The function filters features (commonly probesets) in an
#' \code{ExpressionSet} object. It does not affect genes with only one feature
#' present, or genes without an valid annotation (see details below). For genes
#' with multiple probesets, the function calculates the statistic of each
#' probeset across all samples and filter probesets by only keeping the one
#' with the maximum of variance. Thereby an \code{ExpressionSet} returned by
#' the function has only one probeset matching each gene.
#' Names of probesets are determined by the \code{featureNames(eset)} function.
#' The column of \code{probe.index.name} in the \code{fData(eset)} data.frame
#' determines the index of genes, for example the Entrez GeneID, to which
#' probesets are matched. Those genes without a valid index, whose index is
#' either an empty string or \code{NA}, can be set to be left out by
#' \code{keepNAprobes=FALSE}. If the option is set as \code{TRUE}, then these
#' genes are kept in the returning object.
#' The \code{stat} function should only return one statistic, most favorably
#' not NA, by taking a vector of numerical values. Most statistics can be
#' calculated in a robust way by setting \code{na.rm=TRUE}. This option should
#' be always used whenver possible. Otherwise when there is one or more missing
#' value of a probeset, its statistic will probably be \code{NA} and this will
#' lead to discard the probeset. Even worse, when all probesets matching to a
#' gene have \code{NA}s, the gene will be totally filtered out, which is
#' usually not desired. Therefore, set \code{na.rm=TRUE} through the \code{...}
#' option (see examples below) whenever possible.
#' @param eset An \code{ExpressionSet}
#' @param probe.index.name The column name of the \code{fData(eset)} data
#' matrix, used as the index of gene to determine which features are matched to
#' the same gene.
#' @param keepNAprobes Logical, determines whether genes without an valid index
#' name should kept or left out. See details below.
#' @param stat Function or character, a function (or the name referring to it)
#' which takes a vector of numerical values, and returns one value as the
#' statistic, e.g. \code{sd} for standard deviations.
#' @param ... Parameters passed to the \code{stat} function. One of the most
#' frequent used option might be \code{na.rm=TRUE}, see details and examples.
#' @return An filtered \code{ExpressionSet}.
#' @note Note that when the statistics of two or more probesets tie (having the
#' same value), the probeset chosed could be random (the probeset with its name
#' ranked first when multiple names are converted into a factor vector).
#' @author Jitao David Zhang <jitao_david.zhang@@roche.com>
#' @examples
#' library("Biobase")
#' example.mat <- matrix(c(1,1,3,4, 2,2,3,3, 4,5,6,7, 7,8,9,10), ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
#' example.eset <- new("ExpressionSet", exprs=example.mat)
#' featureNames(example.eset) <- c("1a","1b","2","3")
#' fData(example.eset)$geneid <- c(1,1,2,3)
#' ## keep probesets with the maximal variance
#' example.sd <- keepMaxStatProbe(example.eset, probe.index.name="geneid", stat=sd)
#' featureNames(example.sd)
#' ## keep probesets with the maximal Median Absolute Deviation (MAD)
#' example.mad <- keepMaxStatProbe(example.eset, probe.index.name="geneid", stat=mad)
#' featureNames(example.mad)
#' ## keep probesets with the maximal mean value
#' example.mean <- keepMaxStatProbe(example.eset,
#' probe.index.name="geneid", stat=mean)
#' featureNames(example.mean)
#' ## note that NA value may cause problems, it is a good practice to make
#' ## the stat function _resist_ to NA
#' na.eset <- example.eset
#' exprs(na.eset)[1,1] <- NA
#' \dontrun{
#' ## prone to error
#' na.mean <- keepMaxStatProbe(na.eset,
#' probe.index.name="geneid",stat=mean)
#' featureNames(na.mean)
#' ## better
#' na.mean.narm <- keepMaxStatProbe(na.eset,
#' probe.index.name="geneid",na.rm=TRUE)
#' featureNames(na.mean.narm)
#' }
#' @export keepMaxStatProbe
keepMaxStatProbe <- function(eset, probe.index.name, keepNAprobes=TRUE,
                             stat=function(x) mean(x,na.rm=TRUE),...) {
  stopifnot(!missing(probe.index.name) && probe.index.name %in% colnames(fData(eset)))
  if(is.character(stat)) {
    stat <- get(stat, envir=parent.frame())

  if (!is.function(stat)) {
    stop("'stat' must be either a function for some certain statistic, e.g. sd, or the name of such a function\n")
  probe.index <- as.character(fData(eset)[,probe.index.name])
  probe.has.index <- !is.na(probe.index) & probe.index != "" 
  eset.indexed <- eset[probe.has.index,]
  eset.indexed.featureStat <- apply(exprs(eset.indexed),1,stat, ...)
  if(any(is.na(eset.indexed.featureStat))) {
    warning("The statistic of some probesets is NA and they will be discarded. Are you sure?\n")
  probe.indexed.fac <- factor(fData(eset.indexed)[,probe.index.name])
  probe.by.index <- split(1:dim(eset.indexed)[1], probe.indexed.fac)
  stat.by.index <- split(eset.indexed.featureStat, probe.indexed.fac)
  max.probes <- sapply(1:nlevels(probe.indexed.fac),
                       function(x) probe.by.index[[x]][ which.max(stat.by.index[[x]]) ])
  eset.remain <- rep(FALSE, dim(eset)[1])
    eset.remain[!probe.has.index] <- TRUE  
  eset.remain[probe.has.index][max.probes] <- TRUE

bedapub/ribiosExpression documentation built on Sept. 2, 2023, 4:37 a.m.