
Defines functions storr_rds_s3 driver_rds_s3 driver_rds_s3_config driver_rds_s3_config_file s3_write_if_missing s3_write_serialized_rds s3_create_dir s3_file_remove s3_writeLines s3_readLines s3_object_exists s3_list_dir s3_delete_recursive s3_delete_file

Documented in storr_rds_s3

##' @title S3 backend for rds object cache driver
##' @param bucket Name of the S3 bucket for which you wish to create of connect
##' store
##' @inheritParams storr::storr_rds
##' @export
##' @rdname storr_rds_s3
storr_rds_s3 <- function(bucket, path, compress = NULL, mangle_key = NULL,
                         mangle_key_pad = NULL, hash_algorithm = NULL,
                         default_namespace = "objects") {

  storr::storr(driver_rds_s3(bucket, path, compress, mangle_key, mangle_key_pad, hash_algorithm),

driver_rds_s3 <- function(bucket, path, compress = NULL, mangle_key = NULL,
                          mangle_key_pad = NULL, hash_algorithm = NULL) {
  R6_driver_rds_s3$new(bucket, path, compress, mangle_key, mangle_key_pad, hash_algorithm)

R6_driver_rds_s3 <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    ## TODO: things like hash_algorithm: do they belong in traits?
    ## This needs sorting before anyone writes their own driver!
    bucket = NULL,
    path = NULL,
    compress = NULL,
    mangle_key = NULL,
    mangle_key_pad = NULL,
    hash_algorithm = NULL,
    traits = list(accept = "raw"),
    initialize = function(bucket, path, compress, mangle_key, mangle_key_pad,
                          hash_algorithm) {

      is_new <- !s3_object_exists(bucket = bucket, path = file.path(path, "config"))
      s3_create_dir(path = path, bucket = bucket)
      s3_create_dir(path = file.path(path, "data"), bucket = bucket)
      s3_create_dir(path = file.path(path, "keys"), bucket = bucket)
      s3_create_dir(path = file.path(path, "config"), bucket = bucket)
      self$bucket <- bucket
      self$path <- path

      ## This is a bit of complicated dancing around to mantain
      ## backward compatibility while allowing better defaults in
      ## future versions.  I'm writing out a version number here that
      ## future versions of driver_rds can use to patch, warn or
      ## change behaviour with older versions of the storr.
      if (!is_new && !s3_object_exists(path = driver_rds_s3_config_file(path, "version"), bucket = bucket)) {
        s3_write_if_missing("1.0.1", bucket = bucket, path = driver_rds_s3_config_file(path, "version"))
        s3_write_if_missing("TRUE", bucket = bucket, path =  driver_rds_s3_config_file(path, "mangle_key_pad"))
        s3_write_if_missing("TRUE", bucket = bucket, path =  driver_rds_s3_config_file(path, "compress"))
        s3_write_if_missing("md5", bucket = bucket, path =  driver_rds_s3_config_file(path, "hash_algorithm"))
      ## Then write out the version number:
                          bucket = bucket,
                          path = driver_rds_s3_config_file(path, "version"))

      if (!is.null(mangle_key)) {
      self$mangle_key <- driver_rds_s3_config(bucket, path, "mangle_key", mangle_key,
                                              FALSE, TRUE)

      if (!is.null(mangle_key_pad)) {
      self$mangle_key_pad <-
        driver_rds_s3_config(bucket, path, "mangle_key_pad", mangle_key_pad,
                             FALSE, TRUE)

      if (!is.null(compress)) {
      self$compress <- driver_rds_s3_config(bucket, path, "compress", compress,
                                            TRUE, FALSE)

      if (!is.null(hash_algorithm)) {
      self$hash_algorithm <- driver_rds_s3_config(bucket, path, "hash_algorithm",
                                                  hash_algorithm, "md5", TRUE)

    type = function() {

    destroy = function() {
      s3_delete_recursive(bucket = self$bucket, path = self$path)

    get_hash = function(key, namespace) {
      s3_readLines(path = self$name_key(key, namespace), bucket = self$bucket)

    set_hash = function(key, namespace, hash) {
      s3_create_dir(path = self$name_key("", namespace), bucket = self$bucket)
      s3_writeLines(text = hash, path = self$name_key(key, namespace), bucket = self$bucket)
      #*** should be making use of (or making an equivalent version of) the
      #write_lines function within the storr package here (I think it deletes
      #file if the write fails)

    get_object = function(hash) {
      aws.s3::s3readRDS(object = self$name_hash(hash), bucket = self$bucket)

    set_object = function(hash, value) {
      ## NOTE: this takes advantage of having the serialized value
      ## already and avoids seralising twice.

      s3_write_serialized_rds(value = value,
                              filename = self$name_hash(hash),
                              bucket = self$bucket,
                              compress = self$compress)

    exists_hash = function(key, namespace) {
      s3_object_exists(self$name_key(key, namespace), bucket = self$bucket)

    exists_object = function(hash) {
      s3_object_exists(self$name_hash(hash), bucket = self$bucket)

    del_hash = function(key, namespace) {
      #s3_delete_file(bucket = self$bucket, path = self$name_key(key, namespace))
      ## above deletes just one file (s3 key).
      ## However it will throw an error if the file we are trying to delete
      ## looks like a directory.
      ## S3 has no actual notion of directory, we just fake it using "/". As a
      ## result, it's possible to get into a muddle. To play it safe, line below
      ## can be uncommented to force it to delete just the path given, but throw
      ## a warning, if it does look like a directory can also change to
      ## if_dir = "del_recursive" to delete the whole directory with a warning.
      ## May never actually show up as an issue, this is just a note.
      s3_delete_file(bucket = self$bucket, path = self$name_key(key, namespace), if_dir = "del_only_key")

    del_object = function(hash) {
      # see above note which also applies here
      s3_delete_file(bucket = self$bucket, path = self$name_hash(key, namespace), if_dir = "del_only_key")

    list_hashes = function() {
      sub("\\.rds$", "", s3_list_dir(bucket = self$bucket, path = file.path(self$path, "data")))

    list_namespaces = function() {
      s3_list_dir(bucket = self$bucket, path = file.path(self$path, "keys"))

    list_keys = function(namespace) {
      ret <- s3_list_dir(bucket = self$bucket, path = file.path(self$path, "keys", namespace))
      if (self$mangle_key) decode64(ret, TRUE) else ret

    name_hash = function(hash) {
      if (length(hash) > 0L) {
        file.path(self$path, "data", paste0(hash, ".rds"))
      } else {

    name_key = function(key, namespace) {
      if (self$mangle_key) {
        key <- encode64(key, pad = self$mangle_key_pad)
      file.path(self$path, "keys", namespace, key)


## This attempts to check that we are connecting to a storr of
## appropriate mangledness.  There's a lot of logic here, but it's
## actually pretty simple in practice and tested in test-driver-rds.R:
##   if mangle_key is NULL we take the mangledless of the
##   existing storr or set up for no mangling.
##   if mangle_key is not NULL then it is an error if it differs
##   from the existing storr's mangledness.
driver_rds_s3_config <- function(bucket, path, name, value, default, must_agree) {
  path_opt <- driver_rds_s3_config_file(path, name)

  load_value <- function() {
    if (s3_object_exists(bucket, path_opt)) {
      value <- s3_readLines(path_opt, bucket)
      storage.mode(value) <- storage.mode(default)
    } else {
      value <- default

  if (is.null(value)) {
    value <- load_value()
  } else if (must_agree && s3_object_exists(bucket = bucket, path = path_opt)) {
    value_prev <- load_value()
    if (value != value_prev) {
      stop(ConfigError(name, value_prev, value))
  if (!s3_object_exists(bucket = bucket, path = path_opt)) {
    s3_writeLines(text = as.character(value), path = path_opt, bucket = bucket)


driver_rds_s3_config_file <- function(path, key) {
  file.path(path, "config", key)

s3_write_if_missing <- function(value, bucket, path) {
  if (s3_object_exists(bucket, path)) {
    s3_writeLines(text, path, bucket)

## S3 Helper functions

s3_write_serialized_rds <- function(value, filename, bucket, compress) {
  # write_serialized_rds(value, self$name_hash(hash), self$compress)
  aws.s3::s3write_using(x = value,
                        FUN = function(v, f) storr:::write_serialized_rds(value = v, filename = f, compress=compress),
                        object = filename,
                        bucket = bucket)

s3_create_dir <- function(path, bucket) {
  aws.s3::put_folder(folder = path, bucket = bucket)

s3_file_remove <- function(path, bucket) {

  exists <- s3_object_exists(bucket, path)
  if (any(exists)) {

s3_writeLines <- function(text, path, bucket) {
  aws.s3::s3write_using(x = text, FUN = writeLines, object = path, bucket = bucket)

s3_readLines <- function(path, bucket) {
  aws.s3::s3read_using(FUN = readLines, object = path, bucket = bucket)

s3_object_exists <- function(bucket, path) {
  suppressMessages(aws.s3::head_object(object = path, bucket = bucket)[1])

s3_list_dir <- function(bucket, path) {
  if(substr(path, nchar(path), nchar(path)) != "/") path = paste0(path, "/")
  files_table <- aws.s3::get_bucket_df(bucket = bucket, prefix = path, max = Inf)
  keys <- files_table[files_table$Size > 0,]$Key
  files <- gsub(pattern = path, replacement = "", x = keys)
  split_names <- strsplit(files, "/")
  # first element of each split name is the file or directory within path,
  # take unique of these, so that directories only appear once
  unique(unlist(lapply(split_names, function(x) x[1])))

s3_delete_recursive <- function(bucket, path, force=FALSE) {

  files <- aws.s3::get_bucket_df(bucket = bucket, prefix = path, max = Inf)[["Key"]]
  invisible(lapply(files, function(x) aws.s3::delete_object(x, bucket)))

s3_delete_file <- function(bucket, path, if_dir = c("stop", "del_only_key", "del_recursive")) {

  files <- aws.s3::get_bucket_df(bucket = bucket, prefix = path, max = Inf)[["Key"]]

  if(length(files) > 1){
    if_dir == match.arg(if_dir) # only need this if we get inside this loop

    if(if_dir == "stop"){
      stop("You are trying to delete 1 file, but it looks like it is setup like
           a directory")
    } else if(if_dir == "del_only_key"){
      warning("You are trying to delete 1 file, but it looks like it is setup
              like a directory. Deleted specific path you requested")
      invisible(aws.s3::delete_object(object = path, bucket = bucket))
    } else if(if_dir == "del_recursive"){
      warning("You are trying to delete 1 file, but it looks like it is setup
              like a directory. Deleting recursively everyting below the path
              you specified")
      s3_delete_recursive(bucket, path)
  } else{
    invisible(aws.s3::delete_object(object = path, bucket = bucket))
ben-gready/storr.remote documentation built on Nov. 7, 2019, 3:53 p.m.