Man pages for benaug/Mbmisscap

assessThis function asseses some frequentist properties when...
assessMhThis function asseses some frequentist properties when...
assess.spatialThis function asseses some frequentist properties when...
calcSSThis function calculates the failure criterion for Mb (see...
calcSURThis function calculates the failure criterion for Mb (see...
captureThis function simulates the capture process
captureMhThis function simulates the capture process with a...
captureMh2This function simulates the capture process with a...
capture.spatialThis function simulates a spatial capture-recapture process...
depositThis function simulates the hair deposition process
dMVhyperPDF for the multivariate hypergeometric distribution
DNAIDThis function simulates the DNA identification process
helloHello, World!
Mbmiscap-packageMb with missing data
rMVhyperRandom generator for the multivariate hypergeometric...
simMBmisscapThis function simulates a hair snare mark recapture...
simMhmisscapThis function simulates a hair snare mark recapture...
simSpatialThis function simulates a spatial hair snare mark recapture...
subsampleThis function simulates the subsampling process
benaug/Mbmisscap documentation built on May 12, 2019, 10:56 a.m.