subsample: This function simulates the subsampling process

Description Usage Arguments Value


This function simulates the subsampling process


subsample(S, Sdot, delta = NULL, kappa_h = NULL, kappa_t = NULL,
  cluster = FALSE, kappa_c = NULL)



a "hair capture history" of dimension N x occ x K if cluster=FALSE or N x occ x K x Lmax if cluster=TRUE


a matrix of constraints on S obtained by summing S across the second and third dimensions. apply(S,2:3,sum) Sdot will be 2 dimensional if cluster=FALSE and 3 dimensional if cluster=TRUE


a numeric value between 0 and 1 specifying the probability a hair sample will be retained in the subsample. This is used if subsampling is done by pooling samples on each occasion and taking a simple random sample.


an integer specifying the number of hair samples to retain per occasion-trap if cluster=FALSE or per occasion-trap-cluster if cluster=TRUE. Used in sub-hair and sub-cluster methods


an integer specifying the number of traps per occasion at which to retain kappa_h hair samples. If no value is specified no trap-level subsampling occurs. Only works when cluster=FALSE. Used in the sub-trap method


a logical indicating whether or not to simulate from the cluster model (multiple clusters per individual-occasion-trap)


an integer specifying the number of clusters per trap-occasion at which to retain kappa_h hair samples. Only works when cluster=TRUE. Sub-cluster method.


U a "subsampled hair capture history" containing the number of hair samples deposited by individual i on occasion j in trap k and if for cluster=TRUE, at cluster l, that are retained in the subsample. U is of dimension N x occ x K if cluster=FALSE and dimension N x occ x K x Lmax if cluster=TRUE, where Lmax is the maximum observed number of clusters deposited across trap-occasions

benaug/Mbmisscap documentation built on May 12, 2019, 10:56 a.m.