
Defines functions fill_time_gaps average_elg create_gps_dttm read_elg_fold parse_field parse_latlon parse_lat parse_lon read_elg

Documented in average_elg create_gps_dttm parse_field parse_lat parse_latlon parse_lon read_elg read_elg_fold

# Series of functions that work to read in an event data file

#' Read in SEA data from an ELG event file and return a well formatted output
#' SEA event files contain output from a number of instruments
#' including GPS, flow-through, chirp, etc.
#' @param filein Filepath of the elg file to be read in
#' @param forceGPS option to force the longitude, latitude and time to come from one
#'  or other of the GPS feeds.
#' @param preCheck option to do an initial check of lines to remove any standard issues
#' @param skip number of lines to skip below header
#' @param csv_output optional path to export the processed data to a csv file
#' @keywords
#' @export
#' @examples
#' read_elg()
read_elg <- function(filein, forceGPS = NULL, preCheck = TRUE, skip = 0,
                     csv_output = NULL,
                     keep = c("dttm","lon","lat","temp","sal","fluor",
                              "filename")) {

  # TODO: add in minor interpolation for short gaps of missing values

  # collects names if you need to be able to skip data lines
  if(skip > 0) {
    col_names <- names(readr::read_csv(filein, n_max = 0))
  } else {
    col_names <- TRUE

  # Toggle a preCheck of the elg file for clearly bad lines and commas at end
  if(preCheck) {

    # check for bad lines by checking for number of commas
    liner <- readr::read_lines(filein)
    numcom <- stringr::str_count(liner, "\\,")
    liner <- liner[numcom == numcom[1]]

    # clean and process end of line
    liner <- stringr::str_replace(liner,"\\,$","") # remove the trailing comma on many ELG files
    liner <- stringr::str_replace(liner,"$","\\\n")   # add new line to end of each line
    liner <- stringr::str_c(liner,collapse="")           # collapse vector into single line for read_csv

    # Read in lines using readr package (quicker than base read.csv)
    df <- readr::read_csv(liner,
                          col_types = readr::cols(.default=readr::col_character()),
                          skip = skip,
                          col_names = col_names)

  } else {

    # If no precheck then just read in the file as is
    df <- readr::read_csv(filein,
                          col_types = readr::cols(.default=readr::col_character()),
                          skip = skip,
                          col_names = col_names)


  # Reassign names that have dashes in them to be referenced more easily
  names(df) <- stringr::str_replace_all(names(df),"-",".")

  # Construct a data frame of regular expressions and functions used to match col names
  args <- tibble::tribble(~name, ~regex, ~parse_fun,
                          "sys_date", "date", lubridate::mdy,
                          "sys_time", "^time", readr::parse_time,
                          "nav_time", "gps.*nav.*time", readr::parse_character,
                          "nav_lon", c("gps.*nav.*lon", "longitude"), parse_lon,
                          "nav_lat", c("gps.*nav.*lat", "latitude"), parse_lat,
                          "nav_sog", "gps.*nav.*sog", readr::parse_double,
                          "nav_cog", "gps.*nav.*cog", readr::parse_double,
                          "nav_quality", "gps.*nav.*quality", readr::parse_integer,
                          "lab_time", "gps.*lab.*time", readr::parse_character,
                          "lab_lon", "gps.*lab.*lon", parse_lon,
                          "lab_lat", "gps.*lab.*lat", parse_lat,
                          "lab_sog", "gps.*lab.*sog", readr::parse_double,
                          "lab_cog", "gps.*lab.*cog", readr::parse_double,
                          "lab_quality", "gps.*lab.*quality", readr::parse_integer,
                          "temp", c("temp(?!.*[0-9])", "tsal.*temp"), readr::parse_double,
                          "temp_1min", "temp.*1.*min", readr::parse_double,
                          "temp_60min", "temp.*60.*min", readr::parse_double,
                          "sal", c("sal(?!.*[0-9])(?!.*vel)", "tsal.*sal"), readr::parse_double,
                          "sal_1min", "sal.*1.*min", readr::parse_double,
                          "sal_60min", "sal.*60.*min", readr::parse_double,
                          "sound_vel", "tsal.*vel", readr::parse_double,
                          "fluor", "^fluo.*invivo", readr::parse_double,
                          "fluor_1min", "fluo.*chl.*1.*min", readr::parse_double,
                          "fluor_60min", "^fluo.*chl.*60.*min", readr::parse_double,
                          "cdom", "cdom.*raw", readr::parse_double,
                          "cdom_1min", "cdom.*1.*min", readr::parse_double,
                          "cdom_60min", "cdom.*60.*min", readr::parse_double,
                          "xmiss", c("trans.*raw","xmiss.*raw","xmiss.*[^m]"), readr::parse_double,
                          "xmiss_1min", c("trans.*1\\.*min","xmiss.*1\\.*min"), readr::parse_double,
                          "xmiss_60min", c("trans.*60.*min","xmiss.*60.*min"), readr::parse_double,
                          "wind_sp", "true.*wind.*sp", readr::parse_double,
                          "wind_dir", "true.*wind.*dir", readr::parse_double,
                          "wind_sp_rel", "^wind.*sp", readr::parse_double,
                          "wind_dir_rel", "^wind.*dir", readr::parse_double,
                          "heading", c("hdg","heading"), readr::parse_double,
                          "pitch", "pitch", readr::parse_double,
                          "roll", "roll", readr::parse_double,
                          "depth", c("depth","dbt"), readr::parse_double,
                          "wire_payout", "lci90.*payout", readr::parse_double,
                          "wire_tension", "lci90.*tension", readr::parse_double,
                          "wire_speed", "lci90.*spd", readr::parse_double

  # set up arguments and iterate through columns
  args_in <- tibble::as_tibble(list(df=list(df),regex=args$regex,parse_fun=args$parse_fun))
  namelist <- purrr::as_vector(dplyr::select(args,name))
  # all the parsing happens here
  output <- purrr::pmap(args_in, parse_field)

  # reassign col names and make into tibble
  names(output) <- namelist
  df <- tibble::as_tibble(output)

  # additional parsing for some elements
  df$nav_time <- readr::parse_time(stringr::str_extract(df$nav_time,"[0-9]{6}"),format="%H%M%S")
  df$lab_time <- readr::parse_time(stringr::str_extract(df$lab_time,"[0-9]{6}"),format="%H%M%S")
  df$sys_dttm <- update(df$sys_date, hour = lubridate::hour(df$sys_time),
                        minute = lubridate::minute(df$sys_time),
                        second = lubridate::second(df$sys_time))
  # Make datetimes from GPS using the system datetime
  df <- dplyr::mutate(df, lab_dttm = create_gps_dttm(lab_time,sys_dttm))
  df <- dplyr::mutate(df, nav_dttm = create_gps_dttm(nav_time,sys_dttm))
  if (all(is.na(df$lab_time)) & all(is.na(df$nav_time))){
    warning("Datetime issue - no nav or lab GPS time found. Check elg.")
  # choose master datetime
  # use nav GPS as the default and revert to lab gps and sys time as required
  if(is.null(forceGPS)) {
    lon <- df$nav_lon
    lon[is.na(lon) & !is.na(df$lab_lon)] <- df$lab_lon[is.na(lon) & !is.na(df$lab_lon)]
    lat <- df$nav_lat
    lat[is.na(lat) & !is.na(df$lab_lat)] <- df$lab_lat[is.na(lat) & !is.na(df$lab_lat)]
    dttm <- df$nav_dttm
    dttm[is.na(dttm) & !is.na(df$lab_dttm)] <- df$lab_dttm[is.na(dttm) & !is.na(df$lab_dttm)]
  } else if (forceGPS == 'nav') {
    lon <- df$nav_lon
    lat <- df$nav_lat
    dttm <- df$nav_dttm
  } else if (forceGPS == 'lab') {
    lon <- df$lab_lon
    lat <- df$lab_lat
    dttm <- df$lab_dttm

  # check dttm - if no gps time, revert to sys
  if (all(is.na(dttm))) {
    warning(paste("Datetime issue - no GPS time found for forceGPS option: ",
     forceGPS, ". Reverting to system datetime (sys_dttm). 
     Check GPS time availability in elg file. 
     Note lack of GPS time in EOC."))
    dttm <- df$sys_dttm

  # add the chosen, lon, lat and dttm
  df <- dplyr::mutate(df,
                      lon = lon,
                      lat = lat,
                      dttm = dttm)

  # rearrange the columns into correct order
  # note: if modifying args above (e.g. adding
  # variables) column indices need to be changed
  # TO DO: reference names instead of indices
  df <- df[,c(47,45,46,42,1,2,44,3:8,43,9:41)]

  # add column with filename
  file <- tail(stringr::str_split(filein, "/")[[1]],1)
  df <- dplyr::mutate(df, filename = file)

  # just keep the specified column names
  colkeep <- colnames(df) %in% keep
  df <- df[, colkeep]

  if(!is.null(csv_output)) {
    readr::write_csv(data,csv_output, na = "")



#' Parse lon from elg file
#' @param lonin longitude to process
#' @keywords
#' @export
#' @examples
#' parse_lon()
parse_lon <- function(lonin) {

  return(parse_latlon(lonin, var = "lon"))


#' Parse lat from elg file
#' Wrapper function for parse_latlon() for latutude case
#' @param latin lat to process
#' @keywords
#' @export
#' @examples
#' parse_lat()
parse_lat <- function(latin) {

  return(parse_latlon(latin, var = "lat"))


#' Parse lon and lat strings
#' @param varin
#' @param var
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
parse_latlon <- function(varin, var = "lon") {

  # set params based on lat or lon case
  if (var == "lon") {
    deg_char <- 3
    hem_start <- "E"
  } else if (var == "lat") {
    deg_char <- 2
    hem_start <- "N"
  } else {
    stop("var should be lon or lat")

  # force convert varin to character if not already
  varin <- as.character(varin)

  # create a vector of +1 or -1 depending on the hemisphere [could be more robust here]
  hemi <- 2 * (stringr::str_sub(varin, -1, -1) == hem_start) - 1

  # remove hemisphere value from vector
  varin <- stringr::str_sub(varin, 1, -2)

  # create generic regex
  regexp <- paste0("[0-9]{", deg_char+ 2, "}.[0-9]{1,}")

  # remove values that dont match regex
  varin[!stringr::str_detect(varin, regexp)] <- NA

  # convert to varout
  varout <- hemi * as.numeric(stringr::str_sub(varin, 1, deg_char)) +
            hemi * as.numeric(stringr::str_sub(varin, deg_char+1, -1)) / 60



#' Generic field parser - can be used for all elg and excel parsing
#' Returns tibble with found column parsed and formatted
#' @param df input data frame containing column to format
#' @param regex regular expression to locate column name
#' @param parse_fun function to use in parsing data in function
#' @param ... optional arguments to be passed to parse_fun
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
parse_field <- function(df, regex, parse_fun, ...) {

  # Convert all column names to lowercase
  df_names <- stringr::str_to_lower(names(df))

  # Find and parse field based on regex of column names
  for (i in 1:length(regex)) {
    ii <- stringr::str_which(df_names,regex[i])
    if(length(ii) > 0) break

  # if there are multiple matches return just the first value
  if(length(ii) > 1) {
    ii <- ii[1]

  # parse the selected column based on the parser given to function
  if (length(ii)==0) {
    warning(paste("One field not found in ELG file. Setting all values to NA:",regex[i]))
    output <- parse_fun(rep("NA",nrow(df)),...)
  } else {
    output <- parse_fun(df[[ii]],...)


#' Read multiple ELG files from a folder
#' @param root_folder
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
read_elg_fold <- function(root_folder, sort_elg = TRUE, ...) {

  # get all file names in folder
  files <- list.files(root_folder,pattern = '\\.elg$')

  # Set up blank data structure
  elg <- NULL

  # as long as there are files in the folder continue
  if(length(files) > 0) {

    # loop through all the files
    for (i in 1:length(files)) {

      # file name to be read in
      filein <- file.path(root_folder,files[i])

      # read in the file, but return NULL is not possible
      elg_add <- purrr::possibly(read_elg, NULL)(filein, ...)

      # if data has content, add it to the previous data
      if(!is.null(elg_add)) {
        if(i==1) {
          elg <- elg_add
        } else {
          elg <- dplyr::bind_rows(elg, elg_add)

      # if elg_add is empty acknowledge but move on
      } else {
        warning(paste("elg file:",filein,"could not be read in and is not being added to the collection"))

    # Check for if no files could be read in
    if(is.null(elg)) {
      stop("elg files exist in specified folder, but none could be read in")

    # optional sorting
    if(sort_elg) {
      elg <- dplyr::arrange(elg, dttm)

  } else {
    # error message lets user know that no elg files were found so no data could be read in.
    stop("No elg files in specified folder.")



#' Create a GPS DateTime field
#' ELG files typically have a GPS time, but no GPS data.
#' This function takes the system datetime field already parsed and returns a well formated GPS datetime.
#' @param gps_time Raw GPS time field
#' @param sys_dttm system datetime
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
create_gps_dttm <- function(gps_time, sys_dttm) {

  if(length(which(is.na(gps_time))) < length(gps_time) &
     length(which(!is.na(gps_time))) > 100) {
    sys_time <- readr::parse_time(format(sys_dttm, "%H:%M:%S"))
    difft <- gps_time - sys_time
    goodi <- !is.na(difft)
    dayoffi <- difft < -8000
    x <- 1:length(difft)
    lf <- lsfit(x[goodi & !dayoffi],difft[goodi & !dayoffi])
    difft <- x*lf[[1]][2] + lf[[1]][1]
    gps_dttm = sys_dttm+difft
  } else {
    gps_dttm = readr::parse_datetime(rep("",length(gps_time)))

#' Average time series data
#' @param data
#' @param average_window
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
average_elg <- function(data, average_window = 60) {

  if(is.null(average_window)) {
    message("No time averaging applied to elg output data")

  if(average_window<2) {
    warning("Cannot average data to window smaller than 2 minutues - returning original data")

  data <- dplyr::mutate(data, roundtime = lubridate::round_date(dttm, unit = paste(average_window,"minute")))
  data <- dplyr::group_by(data, roundtime)
  data_out <- dplyr::summarise(data,
                               dplyr::across(tidyselect::vars_select_helpers$where(is.numeric), ~mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)),
                               n = dplyr::n(),
                               filename_first = dplyr::first(filename),
                               filename_last = dplyr::last(filename))

  data_out <- dplyr::mutate(data_out, dttm = roundtime, .before=1)
  data_out <- dplyr::select(data_out, -roundtime)

  # TODO need clause to test for crossing the antimeridian where the hourly average will be odd
  # could test for this before the averaging and then change back after

  # check for time gaps in average data and add them back in
  data_out <- fill_time_gaps(data_out, average_window = average_window)

  # finally make sure data is sorted by increasing datetime
  data_out <- dplyr::arrange(data_out, dttm)



fill_time_gaps <- function(data, average_window) {

  # set up a datetime vector that spans the data
  test_time_vector <- seq(min(data$dttm, na.rm = TRUE),
                          max(data$dttm, na.rm = TRUE),
                          by = 60 * average_window)

  # test to see which places are missing
  time_gaps_i <- test_time_vector %in% data$dttm

  # if gaps ae found, plug them with NAs
  if(length(which(!time_gaps_i)) > 0) {

    # create vector of missing times
    times_to_fill <- test_time_vector[!time_gaps_i]

    # create a row of blank values and replicate to the number of rows of missing times
    na_row_add <- purrr::quietly(tibble::as_tibble)(t(rep(NA_real_, ncol(data))))$result
    names(na_row_add) <- names(data)
    na_row_add <- dplyr::mutate(na_row_add, count = length(times_to_fill))
    na_tibble_add <- tidyr::uncount(na_row_add, count)
    na_tibble_add <- dplyr::mutate(na_tibble_add,
                                   filename_first = NA_character_,
                                   filename_last = NA_character_)

    # add the missing times to the datetime column and add to the original data
    na_tibble_add$dttm <- times_to_fill
    data <- dplyr::bind_rows(data, na_tibble_add)

    # sort the data to ensure gaps come sequentially
    data <- dplyr::arrange(data, dttm)



# tidyselect::vars_select_helpers$where(lubridate::is.Date) |
#   tidyselect::vars_select_helpers$where(lubridate::is.POSIXct) |
#   tidyselect::vars_select_helpers$where(lubridate::is.difftime),
benharden27/seaprocess documentation built on June 28, 2023, 7:20 p.m.