
Defines functions find_tow_length get_elg zd_to_tz format_decimal format_csv_output create_summary

Documented in create_summary format_csv_output format_decimal get_elg zd_to_tz

#' Create Station Summary Sheet
#' This function combines hand-entered station metadata with electronically
#' recorded location and environmental data to output a well formatted station
#' summary sheet.
#' @param summary_input The input datasheet that includes the relevent station
#'   and deployment metadata
#' @param elg The cruise elg file (or folder of files) for extracting continuous
#'   data from
#' @param csv_folder The directory path to output the csv file. Set to NULL for
#'   no csv output.
#' @param csv_filename The csv filename to output the data
#' @param force_stations logical - set to TRUE if you want to force the output to have station data at the nearest elg entry regardless of whether it is a longer time than magdiff from the nearest data row
#' @param cruiseID Optional string specifying cruise ID (i.e. "S301")
#' @param add_cruise_ID If cruiseID is set, logical to specify whether cruiseID
#'   should be appended to beginning of filenames for csv and odv output
#' @param magdiff maximum time difference in seconds between the station time
#'   and the nearest elg time. If greater than this value, look to force_station
#'   as to whether to return a NA or add a value regardless
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to format_csv_output
#' @return A tibble containing the combined data frames. If csv_folder is set to
#'   a valid output path then a formatted csv file is output also.
#' @export
#' @details During deployments at SEA, we maintain paper data sheets which
#' recorded station metadata and data from that deployment. These are a vital
#' component for our data accuracy and redundancy.
#' In creating electronic datasheets for deployments it is desirable to combine
#' hand-entered station metadata (station number, station type, zone
#' description, etc.) with electronically recorded data (location, surface
#' conditions, etc.) to provide an accurate record of the deployment without the
#' need to re-enter hand-recorded values of the electronic data.
#' To do this, [create_summary()] takes in an excel sheet with the bare minimum
#' of hand-entered data:
#' * Station number
#' * Deployment type
#' * Deployment date/time in (and out)
#' * Zone description (time zone)
#' [create_summary()] combines this data with the electronically recorded
#' "event" data which records (amongst other things):
#' * Time
#' * Location
#' * Surface Temperature
#' * Surface Salinity
#' * etc.
#' The event data is typically stored in a file with an extension elg.
#' [read_elg()] deals with reading this data in and formatting it properly.
#' Once the two data frames are read in to R, they are combined using the UTC
#' time that exists in both data frames.
#' @md
create_summary <- function(summary_input, elg_input,
                           csv_folder = "output/csv", csv_filename = "summary_datasheet.csv",
                           force_stations = TRUE, cruiseID = NULL, add_cruiseID = TRUE, magdiff = 60,
                           ...) {

  # read in the summary_input xlsx file
  summary <- readxl::read_excel(summary_input, col_types = "text")

  # combine date and time and convert to R datatime object using specified time zone
  summary <- dplyr::mutate(summary,
                           dttm = lubridate::ymd_hm(
                             ) + lubridate::hours(summary$zd)

  # Test to see whether elg_input is a file or a folder and read elg file(s) accordingly
  elg <- get_elg(elg_input)

  # filter out rows for which there is data hand-entered
  summary_hand_enter <- dplyr::filter(summary, !dplyr::if_all(lon:station_distance,is.na))
  summary <- dplyr::filter(summary, dplyr::if_all(lon:station_distance,is.na))
  summary <- dplyr::select(summary, !c(lon,lat,temp,sal,fluor,station_distance))

  # find all the nearest date time values of summary sheet to the elg file and add these indeces
  # TODO: what happens if any of ii are blank or at beginning or end of the elg?
  # TODO: add fail safe to ensure that times are actually close
  ii <- find_near(elg$dttm, summary$dttm)

  # find which values align closer than 60 seconds
  diff_time <- elg$dttm[ii] - summary$dttm
  iii <- which(diff_time > magdiff)

  if(length(iii) > 0) {
    message <- paste("The following stations are more than",
                     "seconds from nearest elg reading:",
                     paste0(summary$station[iii], "-", summary$deployment[iii], ": ", diff_time[iii], " seconds"),
                     sep = "\n")

    if(force_stations) {
                    "Setting the station metadata to NA and continuing to run. Run create_summary() without force_stations = TRUE to force a stop here",
                    sep = "\n"))
      ii[iii] <- NA
    } else {
                 "Please enter the metadata from paper datasheet by hand into the input summary datasheet and rerun",
                 sep = "\n"))

  # Calculate the station distance by extracting the lon/lat along path
  # First, build the dttm_out
  time_diff <- lubridate::time_length(lubridate::hm(summary$time_out) - lubridate::hm(summary$time_in), unit= "minutes")
  time_diff[time_diff<0 & !is.na(time_diff)] <- time_diff[time_diff<0 & !is.na(time_diff)] + 60 * 24
  summary <- dplyr::mutate(summary,dttm_out = dttm + lubridate::minutes(time_diff))

  # find nearest points and calculate along-path distance
  sti <- find_near(elg$dttm, summary$dttm)
  eni <- find_near(elg$dttm, summary$dttm_out)
  sti[iii] <- NA

  tow_length <- rep(NA, length(sti))
  for (i in 1:length(sti)) {
    if(is.na(eni[i])) {
    tow_length[i] <- tail(
        alongPath = TRUE),1)

  #add tow length in meters to data
  summary <- dplyr::mutate(summary, station_distance = tow_length*1000)
  summary <- dplyr::select(summary, -dttm_out)

  # extract these values and add to the right of summary
  # TODO: make the outputs selectable when you run the function
  elg_to_add <- dplyr::select(elg[ii,], lon, lat, temp, sal, fluor)
  summary <- dplyr::bind_cols(summary, elg_to_add)

  # add back in the hand entered values
  if(nrow(summary_hand_enter)>0) {
    summary_hand_enter <- dplyr::mutate(summary_hand_enter,dplyr::across(lon:station_distance,as.numeric))
    summary <- dplyr::bind_rows(summary, summary_hand_enter)

  # sort by station and relocate distance to end
  summary <- dplyr::arrange(summary, dttm)
  summary <- dplyr::relocate(summary, station_distance, .after = tidyselect::last_col())

  # check to ensure that there are no duplicate deployments for any one station
  duplicated_deployments <- dplyr::n_groups(dplyr::group_by(summary, station, deployment)) != nrow(summary)
  if(duplicated_deployments) {
    warning("Summary sheet has defined mulitple of the same deployment for the same station")

  # Output to csv file as long as the folder name exists and the extension is correct
  if(!is.null(csv_filename) & !is.null(csv_folder)) {
    csv_output <- file.path(csv_folder, csv_filename)
    # find the file extension of csv_output
    ext <- tools::file_ext(csv_output)
    # test to see if the extension is csv or CSV
    if(stringr::str_detect("csv|CSV", ext)) {
      # test to see if the filename directory is already in existence
      if(dir.exists(dirname(csv_output))) {
        # create csv output at csv_output location
        if(add_cruiseID & !is.null(cruiseID)) {
          csv_output <- add_file_cruiseID(csv_output, cruiseID)
        readr::write_csv(format_csv_output(summary, ...),csv_output)
      } else {
        stop("csv_output does not direct towards a valid existing folder")
    } else {
      stop("csv_output must include a filename with a .csv extenstion")
  } else {
    warning("csv_output is empty -- no csv file was created")



#' Format for CSV output
#' This is a catch-all function to ensure that everytime a data-frame in this
#' software is exported to a csv that certain fields are formatted correctly
#' @param df Data frame to be exported
#' @param dttm_format dttm_format
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
format_csv_output <- function(df, dttm_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M", dttm_suffix = "Z",
                              ll_dec = 4, temp_dec = 2, sal_dec = 3, fluor_dec = 2) {

  # Format date and time to be in ISO 8601 format including timezone
  if("zd" %in% colnames(df) & "dttm" %in% colnames(df)) {
    df$dttm <- paste0(format(df$dttm - lubridate::hours(df$zd), dttm_format),
                      zd_to_tz(df$zd, format_out = TRUE))

  # TODO: create list of all column names and default resolutions

  # Format lon and lat to ~10 m resolution (by default)
  df <- format_decimal(df, "lon", ll_dec)
  df <- format_decimal(df, "lat", ll_dec)

  # Format temp, sal and fluor to set decimal lengths
  df <- format_decimal(df, "temp", temp_dec)
  df <- format_decimal(df, "sal", sal_dec)
  df <- format_decimal(df, "fluor", fluor_dec)
  df <- format_decimal(df, "depth", 1)


#' Format to number of decimal places
#' Rather than significant figures as format() provides in its digits = 2 option.
#' @param value
#' @param digits
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
format_decimal <- function(df, col_name, digits) {

  if(col_name %in% colnames(df)){
    df[col_name] <- format(round(df[[col_name]],digits), nsmall = digits)


#' Zone Description to Time Zone
#' @param zd
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
zd_to_tz <- function(zd, format_out = FALSE) {

  tz <- as.numeric(zd) * -1

  if(format_out) {
    timeadd <- paste0(stringr::str_pad(abs(tz),2,pad = "0"),":00")
    tz <- dplyr::case_when(
      tz == 0 ~ "Z",
      sign(tz) == 1 ~ paste0("+", timeadd),
      sign(tz) == -1 ~ paste0("-", timeadd),
      TRUE ~ NA_character_
  } else {
    tz <- as.character(tz)
    ii <- !stringr::str_sub(tz,1,1) == "-"
    tz[ii] <- paste0("+", tz[ii])

#' Get elg data from file or folder
#' @param elg_input
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
get_elg <- function(elg_input) {
  # TODO: add ability to tune reading elg per options provided in that function
  # TODO: find way to store Rdata file in local folder so we don't have the delay of loading
  # TODO: confirm consistency in field names

  if(file_test("-f",elg_input)) {
    elg <- read_elg(elg_input)
  } else if(file_test("-d",elg_input)) {
    elg <- read_elg_fold(elg_input)
  } else {
    stop("elg_input is neither a valid filename or folder")


find_tow_length <- function(elg, summary, ii) {


benharden27/seaprocess documentation built on June 28, 2023, 7:20 p.m.