## RMA Background
rmaBgCorrectLDSnode <- function(cols, object){
## this runs on the node
## it (rma) bg corrects 'object' and overwrites it
if (length(cols) > 0 ){
grpCols <- splitIndicesByLength(cols, ocSamples())
for (theCols in grpCols)
object[, theCols] <- rma.background.correct(object[, theCols, drop=FALSE], copy=FALSE)
rm(object, grpCols)
rmaBgCorrectLDSmaster <- function(object, copy=TRUE){
## This runs on the master node
if (copy){
out <- clone(object, pattern=file.path(ldPath(), "oligo-rmabg-"))
out <- object
dnms <- dimnames(out)
dimnames(out) <- NULL
samplesByNode <- splitIndicesByNode(1:ncol(out))
ocLapply(samplesByNode, rmaBgCorrectLDSnode, out, neededPkgs="oligo")
dimnames(out) <- dnms
rm(samplesByNode, dnms)
## LESN - matrix only - for the moment
bgShift <- function(pmMat, baseline=0.25){
objsize <- dim(pmMat)
matrix(.C("R_shift_down", as.double(as.vector(pmMat)),
as.double(baseline), as.integer(objsize[1]),
as.integer(objsize[2]), PACKAGE="oligo")[[1]],
objsize[1], objsize[2])
bgStretch <- function(pmMat, baseline=0.25,
type <- match.arg(type)
objsize <- dim(pmMat)
ty <- match(type, c("linear","exponential","loglinear","logexponential","loggaussian"))
matrix(.C("R_stretch_down", as.double(as.vector(pmMat)),
as.double(baseline), as.integer(objsize[1]),
as.integer(objsize[2]), as.integer(ty),
as.double(theta), PACKAGE="oligo")[[1]],
objsize[1], objsize[2])
bgLESN <- function(pmMat, method=2, baseline=0.25, theta=4){
if (method==2){
bgStretch(pmMat, baseline, type="loggaussian", theta=2*theta^2)
} else if (method == 1){
bgStretch(pmMat, baseline, type="logexponential", theta)
} else {
bgShift(pmMat, baseline)
## MAS - matrix only - for the moment
bgMAS <- function(intensities, xcoord, ycoord, geometry, griddim=16){
nprobes <- nrow(intensities)
nchips <- ncol(intensities)
rows <- geometry[1]
cols <- geometry[2]
as.double(as.vector(intensities)), as.integer(xcoord), as.integer(ycoord),
as.integer(nprobes), as.integer(nchips), as.integer(rows), as.integer(cols),
as.integer(griddim), PACKAGE="oligo")[[1]],
nprobes, nchips)
bgMASFS <- function(object, griddim=16){
## mod by BC
pm.index <- pmindex(object)
mm.index <- mmindex(object)
## some chips have some probesets without MM probes
## which will return an NA in mm.index
mm.index <- mm.index[!is.na(mm.index)]
i <- c(pm.index, mm.index)
## rows/cols of the *chip*
rows <- geometry(object)[1]
cols <- geometry(object)[2]
newExprs <- exprs(object)
## note that the indexing is +1 more than you'd expect because
## the c code expects it that way
## (note about the remark above: R indexing starts at 1 and not at 0,
## that's why the indexing is done this way. The package is primarily done to
## be used with R...)
allx <- c(pm.index-1, mm.index-1) %% rows +1
ally <- c(pm.index-1, mm.index-1) %/% rows + 1
newExprs[i, ] <- bgMAS(newExprs[i,,drop=FALSE], allx, ally,
geometry(object), griddim=griddim)
out <- object
exprs(out) <- newExprs
## and what with the 'non pm or mm' probes ?
## answer: they are not used per Affymetrix Statistical Algorithms Description Document.
## This is visible for user
backgroundCorrectionMethods <- function()
c('rma', 'mas', 'LESN')
setMethod("backgroundCorrect", "matrix",
function(object, method=backgroundCorrectionMethods(), copy=TRUE, extra, verbose=TRUE){
method <- match.arg(method, backgroundCorrectionMethods())
if (verbose) message("Background correcting... ", appendLF=FALSE)
if (method == "rma"){
out <- rma.background.correct(object, copy=copy)
} else if (method == "mas"){
if (missing(extra))
stop("Argument 'extra' must be passed and must contain 'xcoord', 'ycoord', 'geometry' and optionally 'griddim'")
nms <- names(extra)
req <- c('xcoord', 'ycoord', 'geometry')
if (!all(req %in% nms))
stop("'xcoord', 'ycoord', 'geometry' must be present in 'extra'")
xcoord <- extra[['xcoord']]
ycoord <- extra[['ycoord']]
geometry <- extra[['geometry']]
stopifnot(nrow(object) == length(xcoord),
length(xcoord) == length(ycoord),
length(geometry) == 2L,
is.numeric(xcoord), is.numeric(ycoord),
griddim <- 16
if ('griddim' %in% nms) griddim <- extra[['griddim']]
out <- bgMAS(intensities, xcoord, ycoord, geometry, griddim)
} else if (method == "LESN") {
method <- 2
baseline <- .25
theta <- 4
if (!missing(extra)){
if ('method' %in% names(extra))
method <- extra[['method']]
if ('baseline' %in% names(extra))
baseline <- extra[['baseline']]
if ('theta' %in% names(extra))
theta <- extra[['theta']]
out <- bgLESN(object, method=method, baseline=baseline, theta=theta)
if (verbose) message("OK")
setMethod("backgroundCorrect", "ff_matrix",
function(object, method=backgroundCorrectionMethods(), copy=TRUE, extra, verbose=TRUE){
method <- match.arg(method, backgroundCorrectionMethods())
if (verbose) cat("Background correcting... ")
if (method == "rma"){
out <- rmaBgCorrectLDSmaster(object, copy=copy)
} else if (method == "mas"){
stop("To implement: mas on ff")
} else if (method == "LESN"){
method <- 2
baseline <- .25
theta <- 4
if (!missing(extra)){
if ('method' %in% names(extra))
method <- extra[['method']]
if ('baseline' %in% names(extra))
baseline <- extra[['baseline']]
if ('theta' %in% names(extra))
theta <- extra[['theta']]
stop("Yet to implement LESN background correction for 'ff' objects")
if (verbose) message("OK")
setMethod("backgroundCorrect", "FeatureSet",
function(object, method=backgroundCorrectionMethods(), copy=TRUE, extra, subset=NULL, target='core', verbose=TRUE){
method <- match.arg(method, backgroundCorrectionMethods())
if (copy)
object <- cloneFS(object)
if (method == "rma"){
pm(object, subset=subset, target=target) <- backgroundCorrect(pm(object, subset=subset, target=target),
copy=FALSE, extra=extra,
}else if (method == "mas"){
griddim <- 16
if (!missing(extra))
if ('griddim' %in% names(extra))
griddim <- extra[["griddim"]]
object <- bgMASFS(object, griddim=griddim)
}else if (method == "LESN"){
pm(object, subset=subset, target=target) <- backgroundCorrect(pm(object, subset=subset, target=target),
copy=FALSE, extra=extra,
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