#' Generate a topic model with K topics using the implementation of Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) in the lda package
#' @description Generates a topic model with K topics using Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA, with the lda package) For use with JSTOR's Data for Research datasets (\url{http://dfr.jstor.org/}).
#' @param unpack1grams object returned by the function JSTOR_unpack1grams.
#' @param nouns the object returned by the function JSTOR_dtmtonouns. 
#' @param K the number of topics that the model should contain
#' @param alpha The scalar value of the Dirichlet hyperparameter for topic proportions. Higher values lead to more uniform distributions of topics over documents. Default is 50/K
#' @return Returns a data frame with documents as rows, topics as columns and posterior probabilities as cell values.
#' @examples 
#' ## lda1 <- JSTOR_lda(unpack1grams, nouns, K = 150) 
#' @import lda

JSTOR_lda <- function(unpack1grams, nouns, K, alpha = 50/K){ 
  # prepare bibliodata
  bibliodata <- unpack1grams$bibliodata
  # stop if number of topics is less than 2
  if (as.integer(K) != K || as.integer(K) < 2) 
    stop("\nK needs to be an integer of at least 2")
#  # needed to convert corpus to dtm

message("converting corpus to document term matrix and then to doclines format...")
  # this dtm2ldaformat function is copied directly from the topicmodels library to avoid loading that library
  # and the GNU Scientific Library for Linux...
  dtm2ldaformat <-  function (x, omit_empty = TRUE) 
    split.matrix <- function(x, f, drop = FALSE, ...) lapply(split(seq_len(ncol(x)), 
                                                                   f, drop = drop, ...), function(ind) x[, ind, drop = FALSE])
    documents <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(x))
    names(documents) <- rownames(x)
    documents[row_sums(x) > 0] <- split(rbind(as.integer(x$j) - 
                                                1L, as.integer(x$v)), as.integer(x$i))
    if (omit_empty) 
      documents[row_sums(x) == 0] <- NULL
    else documents[row_sums(x) == 0] <- rep(list(matrix(integer(), 
                                                        ncol = 0, nrow = 2)), sum(row_sums(x) == 0))
    list(documents = documents, vocab = colnames(x))
#dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(corpus)

ldafmt <- dtm2ldaformat(nouns)
wc <- word.counts(ldafmt$documents) #get word counts
# generate topic model
message("generating topic model...")
result <- lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler(ldafmt$documents, 
                                          K,    # number of topics
                                          100,  # number of iterations
                                          alpha, # alpha, after Griffiths & Steyvers 2004
                                          0.1,  # eta
                                          burnin = 100,
                                          compute.log.likelihood = FALSE
                                          ) # uses a collapsed Gibbs sampler to fit a latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model, consider 0.01 for alpha www.bytemining.com/2011/08/sigkdd-2011-conference-day-1-graph-mining-and-david-bleitopic-models/

# find top five words per topic to label topics
top.words <- top.topic.words(result$topics, 5, by.score=TRUE) # assign top.words, following the demo(lda)

# make data frame of topics (columns), documents (rows) and probabilities (cells)
topic.proportions <- t(result$document_sums) / colSums(result$document_sums) # assign topic.proportions
topic.proportions[is.na(topic.proportions)] <-  1 / K # etc. from demo(lda)
colnames(topic.proportions) <- apply(top.words, 2, paste, collapse=" ") # assign col names...
topic.proportions <- data.frame(topic.proportions)
  # find common DOIs in topic model output and bibliodata
  common <- Reduce(intersect, list(names(ldafmt[[1]]), bibliodata$x))
  # subset bibliodata so it only has items in the topic model
  bibliodata <- bibliodata[bibliodata$x %in% common,]  
# add cols of article ID and year of publication from bibliodata
topic.proportions$ID <- bibliodata$x # DOI id of article
topic.proportions$year <- as.numeric(as.character(bibliodata$year)) # year of article publication
return(list("topic.proportions" = topic.proportions, "model" = result))
benmarwick/JSTORr documentation built on May 12, 2019, 12:59 p.m.