
Defines functions care

Documented in care

#' @title Continuous-time Algebraic Riccati Equation solution
#' @description  Computes the unique solution to the continuous-time Riccati equation:
#'        A'* X + X*A - X * B * R^-1 * B' * X + Q'*Q = 0
#' @details  \code{X <- care(A, B, Q, R)} returns the stablizing solution (if it
#' exists) to the continuous-time Riccati equation.
#' The \code{care} function also returns the gain matrix, \code{G}
#' and a vector, \code{L} of the closed-loop eigenvalues, where
#' G = R^-1 B'X*E
#' \code{L = eig(a-b*g)}
#' @param A State-matrix of a state-space system
#' @param B Input-matrix of a state-space system
#' @param Q Symmetric output-matrix of a state-space system
#' @param R Single number
#' @note  A, B must be controllable
#' @return Returns the stabilizing matrix, gain and closed-loop eigenvalues in a list.
#' @examples
#' a <- matrix(c(-3, 2,1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2)
#' b <- matrix(c(0, 1), nrow = 2)
#' c <- matrix(c(1, -1), ncol = 2)
#' q <- t(c)%*%c
#' r <- 3
#' care(a, b, q, r)
#' @export
care <- function(A, B, Q, R = 1) {
  eps <- .Machine$double.eps
  nr <- nrow(A)
  nc <- ncol(A)
  n  <- nr;
  if (nr != nc) {
    stop("A should be a square matrix")
  nr <- nrow(B)
  nc <- ncol(B)
  if (nr!=n) {
    stop("CARE: A and B must have equal rows")
  nr <- nrow(Q)
  nc <- ncol(Q)

  if (nr!=n || nc!=n) {
    stop("CARE: Q must have same dimensions as A")
  if(!is.matrix(R) || nrow(R) <= 1) {
  R <- c(R) * diag(1,nrow(A),ncol(A))
  if (nrow(R) == nrow(B)) {
  G <- solve(R) %*% B %*% t(B)
  } else {
    G <-   B %*% solve(R) %*% t(B)

  var1 <- rbind(cbind(A, -G), cbind(-Q, t(-A)))
  val <- var1 * (1.0 + (eps * eps) * sqrt(as.complex(-1)))
  #tmp <- Matrix::Schur(val) # coerces imaginary parts
  tmp <- QZ::qz.zgees(val) # schur decomposition from QZ package retaining imaginary parts
  q <- as.matrix(tmp$Q)
  t <- as.matrix(tmp$T)
  tol <- 10.0 * eps * max(abs(diag(t)))
  ns <- 0
  idx <- c()
  for (i in 1:(2 * n)) {
    if ( Re(t[i, i]) < -tol ) {
      idx <- cbind(idx, -1)
      ns <- ns + 1
    } else if (Re(t[i, i]) > tol) {
      idx <- cbind(idx, 1)
    } else {
      idx <- cbind(idx, 0)
  if (ns != n) {
    stop("CARE: A, B may be uncontrollable or no solution exists");
  res <- ordschur(q, t, idx)
  U <- res$U
  X <- Re(U[(n+1):(n+n), 1:n]) %*% solve(Re(U[1:n, 1:n]))
  E <- diag(1, nrow(A))
  if (nrow(R) == nrow(B)) {
  gain <- t(B) %*% solve(R) %*% X %*% E
  } else {
  gain <-  solve(R) %*% t(B) %*% X %*% E
  L <- as.matrix(pracma::eig(( A - B %*% gain )))

  return(list(X = X, L = L, G = gain))
benubah/control documentation built on May 10, 2020, 1:38 a.m.