
Defines functions length.fry9c_group Fry9c_group

Documented in Fry9c_group length.fry9c_group

#' @title Class providing an object to manipulate a group of FR Y-9c templates, typically
#' used to manage FY Y-9c across years
#' @name fry9c_group
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that

.fry9c_group <- R6::R6Class("fry9c_group",
   public = list(
     #' @description
     #' Initialize
     #' @param years The year associated with FR Y-9c in the list
     #' @param quarters The quarter associated with each FR Y-9c in the list
     initialize = function(years, quarters)
       assertthat::assert_that(length(years) == length(quarters),
                               msg = "the length of years must match the length of the quarters")
       private$len <- length(years)
       private$years <- years
       private$quarters <- quarters
     #' @description
     #' Parse a collection of \code{files} which each represent a FR Y-9c schema.
     #' @param files file names
     parse_fry9c = function(files)
       assertthat::assert_that(length(files) == private$len,
                               msg = "the length of the supplied files must match the length of the years supplied")
       private$fry9c_list <- vector("list", length(files))
       for (i in seq_along(files))
         private$fry9c_list[[i]] <- parse_fry9c(files[i])
     #' @description
     #' Parse a collection of FR Y-9c data files in \code{data_list}.  Also include a vector of \code{banks} that includes the names of the banks associated with the rows as they should appear in output.
     #' @param data_list list of data objects
     #' @param banks bank names
     initializeData = function(data_list, banks)
       assertthat::assert_that(length(data_list) == private$len,
                               msg = "The length of the data_list object must match the length of the years the object was initialized with")
       for (i in seq_along(data_list))
         error = function(e) {
           cat(paste0("Error in Y:", private$years[i], " Q:", private$quarters[i], "\n"))
     #' @description
     #' Extract a \code{fry9c} object from the collection associated with a \code{year} and \code{quarter}
     #' @param year The year associated with FR Y-9c in the list
     #' @param quarter The quarter associated with each FR Y-9c in the list
     get_fry9c = function(year, quarter)
       assertthat::assert_that(length(year) == 1 & length(quarter) == 1,
                               msg = "The year and quarter arguments should have length 1")
       ind <- which(private$years == year & private$quarters == quarter)
       assertthat::assert_that(length(ind) == 1,
                               msg = "The requested year and quarter are not unique in the object or are not found together")
     #' @description
     #' Get a FRY-9C list
     #' @param years The year associated with FR Y-9c in the list
     #' @param quarters The quarter associated with each FR Y-9c in the list
     get_fry9c_list = function(years, quarters)
       assertthat::assert_that(length(years) == length(quarters),
                               msg = "The length of the years and quarters must match")
       ind <- which(private$years %in% years & private$quarters %in% quarters)
       assertthat::assert_that(length(ind) >= 1,
                               msg = "the requested year and quarter are not found together")
     #' @description
     #' Common side the \code{sched} using the element from the \code{divisor_sched} and \code{divisor_key}.  This is usually done by common sizing an income statement with the average assets.
     #' @param divisor_sched the schedule of the divisor
     #' @param divisor_key the key of the divisor
     #' @param sched the schedule
     commonSize = function(divisor_sched, divisor_key, sched)
       for (i in seq_along(private$years))
         divisor <- private$fry9c_list[[i]]$getSchedule(divisor_sched)$getValueFromKey(divisor_key)
     #' @description
     #' Create a \code{data.frame} that can be used for plotting using \code{ggplot2} by selecting a schedule \code{sched} and element number \code{key}
     #' @param sched the schedule
     #' @param num the schedule element
     #' @param key the key in the schedule
     get_plot_data = function(sched, key, num=NA)
       assertthat::assert_that(private$len > 0,
                               msg = "No data has been added to the fry9c_group")
       if (missing(key))
         if (is.na(num)) stop("must supply key or num")
         # check that the nums match the same key over time
         #   if they don't, it indicates a problem
         keys <- character(private$len)
         for (i in 1:private$len)
           keys[i] <- private$fry9c_list[[i]]$getSchedule(sched)$getKeyFromNum(num)
         if (all(keys == keys[1]))
           key <- keys[1]
         } else
           stop(paste("the supplied num ", num, " is associated with multiple keys through this group: keys = ", paste(keys, collapse = ",")))
       temp <- NULL
       for (i in seq_along(private$years))
         temp <- rbind(temp,
                       data.frame(year = private$years[i],
                                  quarter = private$quarters[i],
                                  bank = private$fry9c_list[[i]]$getSchedule(sched)$getBankNames(),
                                  value = private$fry9c_list[[i]]$getSchedule(sched)$getValueFromKey(key),
                                  common_value = private$fry9c_list[[i]]$getSchedule(sched)$getCommonSizeValueFromKey(key),
                                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
       temp <- within(temp, annualized_value <- ifelse(quarter == 1, value*4,
                                                       ifelse(quarter == 2, value*2,
                                                              ifelse(quarter == 3, value*4/3, value))))
       years <- sort(unique(temp$year))
       if (length(years) > 2)
         minyear <- min(temp$year)
         temp$diff <- 0
         temp$yoy <- 0
         temp$common_yoy <- 0
         for (y in seq_along(years))
           if (y == 1) next
           for (q in 1:4)
             ind <- which(temp$year == years[y] & temp$quarter == q)
             indearlier <- which(temp$year == years[y - 1] & temp$quarter == q)
             assertthat::assert_that(all(temp$bank[ind] == temp$bank[indearlier]))
             temp$diff[ind] <- with(temp, value[ind] - value[indearlier])
             temp$yoy[ind] <- with(temp, diff[ind] / value[indearlier])
             temp$common_yoy[ind] <- with(temp, (common_value[ind] - common_value[indearlier]) / common_value[indearlier])
       # if the time series includes quarters, get the differences
       temp$qdiff <- 0
       temp$common_qdiff <- 0
       for (y in seq_along(years))
         # if quarter 1 is present, use it
         ind <- which(temp$year == years[y] & temp$quarter == 1)
         temp$qdiff[ind] <- temp$value[ind]
         temp$common_qdiff[ind] <- temp$common_value[ind]
         # if quarter 1 and 2 are present, use them
         ind2 <- which(temp$year == years[y] & temp$quarter == 2)
         if (length(ind2) > 0 && length(ind) > 0)
           temp$qdiff[ind2] <- temp$value[ind2] - temp$value[ind]
           temp$common_qdiff[ind2] <- temp$common_value[ind2] - temp$common_value[ind]
         # if quarter 2 and 3 are present
         ind3 <- which(temp$year == years[y] & temp$quarter == 3)
         if (length(ind3) > 0 && length(ind2) > 0)
           temp$qdiff[ind3] <- temp$value[ind3] - temp$value[ind2]
           temp$common_qdiff[ind3] <- temp$common_value[ind3] - temp$common_value[ind2]
         # if quarter 3 and 4 are present
         ind4 <- which(temp$year == years[y] & temp$quarter == 4)
         if (length(ind4) > 0 && length(ind3) > 0)
           temp$qdiff[ind4] <- temp$value[ind4] - temp$value[ind3]
           temp$common_qdiff[ind4] <- temp$common_value[ind4] - temp$common_value[ind3]
       temp$x <- paste0(temp$year, "Q", temp$quarter)
     #' @description
     #' Return the number of fry9c objects in the collection
     length = function()
     #' @description
     #' Print a summary of the collection contents
     print = function()
       if (private$len == 0)
         cat("Empty FR Y-9c group\n")
       } else if (private$len > 0 && private$len < 15)
         cat(paste("\tyears = ", paste(private$years, collapse = ", "), "\n"))
         cat(paste("\tquarters = ", paste(private$quarters, collapse = ", "), "\n"))
       } else
         cat(paste("\tyears = ", paste(private$years[1:5], collapse = ", "), "...\n"))
         cat(paste("\tquarters = ", paste(private$quarters[1:5], collapse = ", "), "...\n"))
   private = list(
     fry9c_list = list(),
     years = integer(),
     quarters = integer(),
     len = integer()

#' @rdname fry9c_group
#' @param years The years associated with the fry9c objects in the group
#' @param quarters The quarters associate with the fry9c objects in the group
#' @return an object of class \code{fry9c_group}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # load example data
#' fry9c_data_list <- list(
#'   read.csv(system.file(file.path("extdata", "ex_BHCF1712.csv"), package = "fry9c")),
#'   read.csv(system.file(file.path("extdata", "ex_BHCF1812.csv"), package = "fry9c")))
#' my_fry9c_group <- Fry9c_group(years = c(2017, 2016),
#'                               quarters = c(4, 4))
#' my_fry9c_group$parse_fry9c(
#'   system.file(file.path("extdata", c("FR_Y-9C20171231.xml", "FR_Y-9C20161231.xml")),
#'               package = "fry9c"))
#' my_fry9c_group$initializeData(fry9c_data_list, paste("bank", LETTERS[1:10], sep=""))
#' print(my_fry9c_group)
#' length(my_fry9c_group) == 2
#' class(my_fry9c_group$get_fry9c(2016, 4))[1] == "fry9c"
#' my_fry9c_group$commonSize("HC-K", "BHCK3368", "HI") # 5.
#' nrow(my_fry9c_group$get_plot_data("HC-K", "BHCK3368")) == 20 # 5.

Fry9c_group <- function(years, quarters)
  return(.fry9c_group$new(years, quarters))

#' @rdname fry9c_group
#' @param x the \code{fry9c_group} object
#' @param ... not used
#' @method length fry9c_group
#' @export
#' @return the number of \code{fry9c} objects in the group

length.fry9c_group <- function(x, ...)
bertcarnell/fry9c documentation built on April 18, 2022, 10:05 p.m.