
Defines functions CleanCols CleanRows ddup Booleanize RoundCols p_setcolorder

Documented in Booleanize CleanCols CleanRows ddup p_setcolorder RoundCols

#' Functions to help with Data Cleaning
#' @param DT A data table to operate on
#' @param cols columns of a data.table to focus the operation on
#' @param value In the case of booleanize, a value to look for throughout the table
#' @param not A boolean. Negates the output of \code{booleanize}
#' @param index In the case of \code{CleanRows}, if \code{index} is TRUE, 
#'      an Index column will be created to track which rows were removed
#' @param verbose A boolean indicating whether to print information on the console
#' @param aslast A boolean indicating whether arrange the non-order columns before or after (asLast = TRUE)
#'      the ordered ones
#' @param digits A numeric indicating the number of digits to round in \code{RoundCols}
#' @param igncols A character vector indicating which columns to ignore 
#' @param b_skip A boolean indicating whether to skip non-numeric columns that \code{RoundCols} encounters
#' @param b_copy A boolean indicating whether to make a copy of the data, or operate on by reference
#' @name easycleaning

#' @describeIn easycleaning A function to remove all columns that have ONLY NA values 
#' @export
CleanCols <- function(DT){
    f <- function(c){
        if(sum(is.na(c)) == length(c))
    DT[, sapply(DT, f), with=FALSE]

#' @describeIn easycleaning A function to remove na rows in specified columes
#' @export
CleanRows <- function(DT, cols = NULL, index = FALSE){
    DT <- CleanCols(DT)
    if(index) DT[, Ind := .I]
    if(is.null(cols)) cols <- colnames(DT)
    DT[Reduce("&", Booleanize(DT, cols, NA, TRUE))]

#' @describeIn easycleaning A function to remove duplicates across all columns (default),
#'          or a given set of columns
#' @export
ddup <- function(DT, cols=NULL, verbose=TRUE){
    cDT <- copy(DT)
    cnames <- colnames(cDT)
    setkeyv(cDT, cnames) # set all but change if needed below
        # if none of cols exist - error. If some exist- warning
        if(!any(cols %in% cnames))
            stop("Provided names not valid columns in the data", call. = FALSE)
        if(!all(cols %in% cnames))
            warning("Some cols not in data. Using those that exist", call. = FALSE)
        setkeyv(cDT, cols[which(cols %in% cnames)]) # will capture all if warning is not relevent
    del <- nrow(DT) - nrow(cDT)
    print(paste0("Removed ", del, " rows from total ", nrow(DT), " rows"))

#' @describeIn easycleaning A function that turns a data.table into all logical values based on finding the value arg
#'      in all or selected columns
#' @export
Booleanize <- function(DT=NULL, cols=NULL, value=NULL, not=FALSE){
    if(is.null(value)) stop("function needs value argument")
    if(!is.data.table(DT)) stop("DT must be of class data.table")
    if(is.null(cols)) cols <- colnames(DT)
        e <- substitute(is.na(get(i, DT)))
        e <- substitute(get(i, DT) == value)
    if(not) DT[, sapply(cols, function(i) !eval(e), simplify = FALSE)]
    else DT[, sapply(cols, function(i) eval(e), simplify = FALSE)]

#' @describeIn easycleaning A convienience wrapper for \code{round} that applies to all or a subset of cols
#' @export
RoundCols <- function(DT, digits = 2, igncols = NULL, cols = NULL, b_skip=FALSE, b_copy=TRUE){
    # digits = 2
    # igncols = c("SummaryGrp", "NumObs_tn")
    dat <- data.table::copy(DT)
    # ADD THIS FUNCTIONALITY (recursive call if copy = TRUE)
    # if(copy){
    #    return(RoundCols(cdt, digits, cols, b_skip, copy=FALSE))
    # }
    allcols <- colnames(dat)
        allcols <- allcols[!allcols %in% igncols]
        cols <- cols[cols %in% allcols]
        cols <- allcols
        stop("arg not class data.table. Use: 'as.data.table'", call. = FALSE)
    tmp <- sapply(cols, function(c) is.numeric(get(c, dat)))
    if(!all(tmp) & !b_skip)
        stop("some calls are not numeric. To skip non-numerics, use b_skip=TRUE")
    numCols <- tmp[which(tmp==TRUE)]
    skipped <- tmp[which(tmp==FALSE)]
        stop(paste0("No numeric cols. All skipped: ", paste0(skipped, collapse = ", ")), call. = FALSE)
    for(c in cols)
        data.table::set(dat, j = c, value = round(get(c, dat), digits))

#' @describeIn easycleaning A convienience wrapper for \code{data.table::setcolorder} that makes it easy 
#'      set the order of a subset of columns
#' @export
p_setcolorder <- function(DT, cols=NULL, aslast=TRUE, verbose = FALSE){
        stop("provide a vector of column names to set order")
    cnam <- colnames(DT)
    othercols <- cnam[!cnam %in% cols] 
        setcolorder(DT, c(othercols, cols))
        setcolorder(DT, c(cols, othercols))
    content <- paste0(1:length(colnames(DT)), ". ", colnames(DT), collapse = "\n")
    if(verbose) print("New column order set", content = content)

# #' @describeIn dataclean A function to expand elements of a timestamp into 
# #'      numerous columns in a new data.table
# #' @export
# xDate <- function(date_vec){
#     DateDT <- data.table(
#         Wkday = lubridate::wday(date_vec),       # day of week
#         Monthday = lubridate::day(date_vec),     # day of month
#         Yrday = lubridate::yday(date_vec),       # day of year
#         Week = lubridate::week(date_vec),        # Week of year
#         Month = lubridate::month(date_vec),      # month of year
#         Qtr = lubridate::quarter(date_vec),      # quarter of year
#         Year = lubridate::year(date_vec),        # Year
#         Hour = lubridate::hour(date_vec),
#         Minute = lubridate::minute(date_vec),
#         Second = lubridate::second(date_vec)
#     )
#     return(DateDT)
# }
bfatemi/easydata documentation built on Oct. 7, 2019, 4:35 p.m.