
.tmp.f <- function(){

  effAcf <- 1:5
  nRow <- 8
  m <- getCorrMatFromAcf(nRow, effAcf)
  expect_equal( dim(m), c(8,8))
  expect_equal( m[1,], c(effAcf, rep(0,3)))
  expect_equal( m[,2], c(effAcf[2], effAcf, rep(0,2)))

  size <- 6
  mat <- diag(nrow = size, ncol = size)
  value = c(0.5,0.25,0.1)
  mat2 <- setMatrixOffDiagonals(
    mat, 1:3, value = value, isSymmetric =  TRUE)
  expect_true( all(c(mat2[1,2], mat2[2,1], mat2[3,2]) - value[1] == 0) )
  expect_true( all(c(mat2[1,3], mat2[3,1], mat2[4,2]) - value[2] == 0) )
  expect_true( all(c(mat2[1,5], mat2[5,1]) == 0) )

  x <- 1:5; x[2] <- NA
  expect_equal( .trimNA(x), x)
  y <- c(rep(NA,3),x )
  expect_equal( .trimNA(y), x)
  y <- c(x, rep(NA,3) )
  expect_equal( .trimNA(y), x)
  y <- c(rep(NA,3),x, rep(NA,3) )
  expect_equal( .trimNA(y), x)

  x <- 1:5
  x[2:3] <- NA
  lags = 0:(length(x)-1)
  km = lognorm:::count_NA_forlags(x, lags)
  expect_equal( km, c(2,3,3,1,0))
  x <- 1:6
  x[3:4] <- NA
  lags = 0:(length(x)-1)
  km = lognorm:::count_NA_forlags(x, lags)
  expect_equal(km, c(2,3,4,2,0,0))
  # single lag
  expect_equal(lognorm:::count_NA_forlags(x, 2), 4)
  # lag larger than n -1
  expect_error(lognorm:::count_NA_forlags(x, length(x)))

  # generate autocorrelated time series
  res <- stats::filter(rnorm(1000), filter = rep(1,5), circular = TRUE)
  #res[100:120] <- NA # checked in test below
  .tmp.f <- function(){
    acf(res, na.action = na.pass)
  effAcf <- computeEffectiveAutoCorr(res)
  #expect_true( length(effAcf) %in% 5:20) # depends on random numbers
  nEff <- computeEffectiveNumObs(res, na.rm = TRUE)
  expect_true(nEff < 1000 )

test_that("computeEffectiveNumObs with NA",{
  # generate autocorrelated time series
  res <- stats::filter(rnorm(1000), filter = rep(1,8), circular = TRUE)
  effAcfFull <- computeEffectiveAutoCorr(res)
  # tail NA
  res[8:1000] <- NA  # tail NA
  res1 <- res  # store for later comparison
  nEff <- nEff1 <- computeEffectiveNumObs(res, na.rm = TRUE) 
  expect_equal(nEff, computeEffectiveNumObs(res[1:7]))
  res[3] <- NA
  nEff <- computeEffectiveNumObs(res) # without NA argument
  nEff <- computeEffectiveNumObs(res, na.rm = TRUE)
  expect_true(nEff <=  sum(is.finite(res)))
  # positive bias not accounting for missings
  nEff3 <- computeEffectiveNumObs(res, na.rm = TRUE, exact.na = FALSE)
  expect_true(nEff3 > nEff) # may fail due to only 7 random numbers
  nEff <- computeEffectiveNumObs(res, na.rm = TRUE, effAcf = effAcfFull)
  expect_true(nEff <=  sum(is.finite(res)))
  expect_true(nEff >=  1)
  res[2:5] <- NA  # many NAs in center
  nEff <- computeEffectiveNumObs(res, na.rm = TRUE, effAcf = effAcfFull)
  expect_true(1 < nEff && nEff < 2)

test_that("computeEffectiveNumObs with single finite obs",{
  # generate autocorrelated time series
  res <- stats::filter(rnorm(100), filter = rep(1,5), circular = TRUE)
  res[2:100] <- NA
  nEff <- computeEffectiveNumObs(res, na.rm = TRUE)

test_that("computeEffectiveNumObs with no finite obs",{
  # generate autocorrelated time series
  res <- stats::filter(rnorm(100), filter = rep(1,5), circular = TRUE)
  res[] <- NA
  nEff <- computeEffectiveNumObs(res, na.rm = TRUE)

  res <- stats::filter(rnorm(100), filter = rep(1,5), circular = TRUE)
  varx = varCor(res)  
  expect_true(varx > var(res))

boot_seCor_corrNormal <- function(){
  nTerm = 1000
  acf1 = c(1,0.5, 0.2)
  Sigma = getCorrMatFromAcf(nTerm, acf1)
  nBoot = 2000
  #x = rmvnorm(nBoot, sigma = diag(3))
  x = rmvnorm(nBoot, sigma = as.matrix(Sigma))
  #eacf = apply(x,1, computeEffectiveAutoCorr)
  # apply seCor to each sample
  ses = apply(x,1, seCor, effCov = acf1)
  # compare to to standard deviation across bootstap of means
  means <- apply(x,1,mean)
  abline(v = sd(means))
  # works out nicely, although there is quite some uncertainty
  # of the estimate of seCor

test_that("seCor uncorrelated series",{
  n <- 10000
  #n <- 100
  x <- rnorm(n, mean = 10, sd = sqrt(2))
  ans <- seCor(x)
  expected <- sd(x)/sqrt(n)
  c(ans, expected)
  expect_equal(ans, expected, tolerance = 0.05, scale = expected)

seAR1 <- function(n, sigmaEps, rho){
  cov <- 0
  j <- 1:n
  for (i in 1:n) {
    cov <- cov + sum( (sigmaEps^2/((n^2)*(1 - rho^2)))*rho^abs(j - i) )

test_that("seCor AR1",{
  n <- 1000
  rho <- 0.7
  sigmaEps <- sqrt(2)
  seTheory <- seAR1(n, sigmaEps,rho)
  nboot = 8
  #nboot = 1000
  ansRep <- map_dbl(1:nboot, ~seCor(arima.sim(
    model = list(ar = c(rho)), n = n, mean = 0, sd = sigmaEps)))
  ans <- mean(ansRep)
  c(ans, seTheory) 
  #plot(density(ansRep)); lines(density(ansRep2), col = "blue"); abline(v=seTheory)
  expect_equal(ans, seTheory, tolerance = 0.1, scale = seTheory)
  .tmp.f <- function(){
    # compare to results based on nEff
    ansRep3 <- map_dbl(1:8, function(i){
      x <- arima.sim(model = list(ar = c(rho)), n = n, mean = 0, sd = sigmaEps)
      nEff <- computeEffectiveNumObs(x)
      sd(x)/sqrt(nEff) # formulas slightly different because of var(x) corrected

test_that("seCor short series",{
  expect_equal(seCor(1), NA_real_)
  expect_equal(seCor(1:2), 0.5)
  expect_equal(seCor(1:3), sqrt(var(1:3)/3)) 
  expect_equal(seCor(rep(1,4)), 0) # NA correlation but 0 variance
  expect_equal(seCor(c(1,2,NA)), NA_real_) 
  expect_equal(seCor(c(1,2,NA), na.rm = TRUE), 0.5) 
  expect_equal(seCor(c(1,NA,NA), na.rm = TRUE), NA_real_) 
bgctw/lognorm documentation built on March 17, 2021, 3:21 a.m.