Man pages for bhklab/PharmacoGx
Analysis of Large-Scale Pharmacogenomic Data

amccAdaptive Matthews Correlation Coefficient
availablePSetsReturn a table of PharmacoSets available for download
callingWaterfallDrug sensitivity calling using waterfall plots
CCLEsmallCancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE) Example PharmacoSet
checkPsetStructureA function to verify the structure of a PharmacoSet
CMAPsmallConnectivity Map Example PharmacoSet
computeABCFits dose-response curves to data given by the user and...
computeAmaxFits dose-response curves to data given by the user and...
computeAUCComputes the AUC for a Drug Dose Viability Curve
computeBlissCompute Bliss Null References
computeHSACompute HSA Null References
computeICnComputes the ICn for any n in 0-100 for a Drug Dose Viability...
computeLoeweComputes Loewe Null References
computeSlopeReturn Slope (normalized slope of the drug response curve)...
computeZIPComputes ZIP Null References
computeZIPdeltaGeneric to compute ZIP delta scores from an S4 object
computeZIPdelta-TreatmentResponseExperiment-methodCompute ZIP delta score
connectivityScoreFunction computing connectivity scores between two signatures
cosinePermCosine Permuations
dim-PharmacoSet-methodGet the dimensions of a PharmacoSet
dot-computeZIPdeltaVector-based version of computeZIPdelta
dot-summarizeSensProfilesSummarize the sensitivity profiles when the sensitivity slot...
downloadPertSigDownload Drug Perturbation Signatures
downloadPSetDownload a PharmacoSet object
drugDoseResponseCurvePlot drug response curve of a given drug and a given cell for...
drugPerturbationSigCreates a signature representing gene expression (or other...
drugSensitivitySig-PharmacoSet-methodCreates a signature representing the association between gene...
effectToDoseInverse function of Hill equation
estimateProjParamsEstimate the projected Hill coefficient, efficacy, and...
filterNoisyCurvesViability measurements in dose-reponse curves must remain...
fitTwowayZIPTwo-way fitting for projected dose-response curve.
GDSCsmallGenomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer Example PharmacoSet
geneDrugSensitivityCalcualte The Gene Drug Sensitivity
geneDrugSensitivityPBCorrCalculate The Gene Drug Sensitivity
geneDrugSensitivityPCorrCalculate The Gene Drug Sensitivity
gwcGWC Score
HDAC_genesHDAC Gene Signature
hillCurve4-Parameter Hill Equation for Stimuli-Response Curves
intersectPSetIntersects objects of the PharmacoSet class, subsetting them...
loeweCILoewe Additive Combination Index (CI)
logLogisticRegressionFits curves of the form E = E_inf + (1 - E_inf)/(1 +...
mccCompute a Mathews Correlation Coefficient
partialCorQUICKSTOPQUICKSTOP significance testing for partial correlation
PharmacoSetPharmacoSet constructor
PharmacoSet2Make a CoreSet with the updated class structure
PharmacoSet-accessorsAccessing and modifying information in a 'PharmacoSet'
PharmacoSet-classA Class to Contain PharmacoGenomic datasets together with...
PharmacoSet-utilsUtility methods for a 'PharmacoSet' object.
PharmacoSigContructor for the PharmacoSig S4 class
plot.PharmacoSigPlots a PharmacoSig object into a Volcano Plot
show-PharmacoSet-methodShow a PharamcoSet
show-PharmacoSig-methodShow PharmacoGx Signatures
showSigAnnot-PharmacoSig-methodShow the Annotations of a signature object
subsetTo-PharmacoSet-methodA function to subset a PharmacoSet to data containing only...
summarizeMolecularProfiles-PharmacoSet-methodTakes molecular data from a PharmacoSet, and summarises them...
summarizeSensitivityProfiles-PharmacoSet-methodTakes the sensitivity data from a PharmacoSet, and summarises...
updateObject-PharmacoSet-methodUpdate the PharmacoSet class after changes in it struture or...
bhklab/PharmacoGx documentation built on April 18, 2024, 3:13 a.m.