map.datasets: Function to map a list of datasets through EntrezGene IDs in...

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map.datasetsR Documentation

Function to map a list of datasets through EntrezGene IDs in order to get the union of the genes


This function maps a list of datasets through EntrezGene IDs in order to get the union of the genes.


map.datasets(datas, annots, do.mapping = FALSE, 
  mapping.coln = "EntrezGene.ID", mapping, verbose = FALSE)



List of matrices of gene expressions with samples in rows and probes in columns, dimnames being properly defined.


List of matrices of annotations with at least one column named "EntrezGene.ID", dimnames being properly defined.


TRUE if the mapping through Entrez Gene ids must be performed (in case of ambiguities, the most variant probe is kept for each gene), FALSE otherwise.


Name of the column containing the biological annotation to be used to map the different datasets, default is "EntrezGene.ID".


Matrix with columns "EntrezGene.ID" and "probe.x" used to force the mapping such that the probes of platform x are not selected based on their variance.


TRUE to print informative messages, FALSE otherwise.


In case of several probes representing the same EntrezGene ID, the most variant is selected if mapping is not specified. When a EntrezGene ID does not exist in a specific dataset, NA values are introduced.


A list with items:

  • datas: List of datasets (gene expression matrices)

  • annots: List of annotations (annotation matrices)


# load VDX dataset
# load NKI dataset
# reduce datasets
ginter <- intersect(annot.vdxs[ ,"EntrezGene.ID"], annot.nkis[ ,"EntrezGene.ID"])
ginter <- ginter[!][1:30]
myx <- unique(c(match(ginter, annot.vdxs[ ,"EntrezGene.ID"]),
  sample(x=1:nrow(annot.vdxs), size=20)))
data2.vdxs <- data.vdxs[ ,myx]
annot2.vdxs <- annot.vdxs[myx, ]
myx <- unique(c(match(ginter, annot.nkis[ ,"EntrezGene.ID"]),
  sample(x=1:nrow(annot.nkis), size=20)))
data2.nkis <- data.nkis[ ,myx]
annot2.nkis <- annot.nkis[myx, ]
# mapping of datasets
datas <- list("VDX"=data2.vdxs,"NKI"=data2.nkis)
annots <- list("VDX"=annot2.vdxs, "NKI"=annot2.nkis)
datas.mapped <- map.datasets(datas=datas, annots=annots, do.mapping=TRUE)
str(datas.mapped, max.level=2)

bhklab/genefu documentation built on Nov. 30, 2024, 9:03 p.m.