
Defines functions assert_PKNCAdata assert_aucmethod assert_lambdaz assert_dosetau assert_number_between element_find assert_numeric_between assert_conc_time assert_time assert_conc assert_intervaltime_single

Documented in assert_aucmethod assert_conc assert_conc_time assert_dosetau assert_intervaltime_single assert_lambdaz assert_number_between assert_numeric_between assert_PKNCAdata assert_time

#' Assert that an interval is accurately defined as an interval, and return the
#' interval
#' @param interval Numeric vector of two numbers for the start and end time of
#'   integration
#' @param start The start time of the interval
#' @param end The end time of the interval
#' @returns `interval` (or `c(start, end)`)
#' @keywords Internal
assert_intervaltime_single <- function(interval = NULL, start = NULL, end = NULL) {
  if (is.null(interval) & is.null(start) & is.null(end)) {
    stop("One of `interval` or `start` and `end` must be given")
  if (xor(is.null(start), is.null(end))) {
    stop("Both `start` and `end` or neither must be given")
  if (!is.null(interval)) {
    checkmate::assert_numeric(x = interval, sorted = TRUE, unique = TRUE, any.missing = FALSE, len = 2)
    checkmate::assert_number(x = interval[1], na.ok = FALSE, finite = TRUE)

  if (!is.null(start)) {
    # Check start and end
    checkmate::assert_number(start, na.ok = FALSE, finite = TRUE, null.ok = FALSE)
    checkmate::assert_number(end, na.ok = FALSE, finite = FALSE, lower = start, null.ok = FALSE)

    if (is.null(interval)) {
      interval <- c(start, end)
    } else if (start != interval[1]) {
      stop("`start` must be the same as the first value in the interval if both are given: ", start, "!=", interval[1])
    } else if (end != interval[2]) {
      stop("`end` must be the same as the second value in the interval if both are given: ", end, "!=", interval[2])


#' Verify that concentration measurements are valid
#' @param conc Measured concentrations
#' @param any_missing_conc Are any concentration values allowed to be `NA`?
#' @returns `conc` or give an informative error
#' @rdname assert_conc_time
assert_conc <- function(conc, any_missing_conc = TRUE) {
  if (length(conc) == 0) {
      message = "No concentration data given",
      class = "pknca_conc_none"
  } else {
    checkmate::assert_numeric(conc, finite = TRUE, any.missing = any_missing_conc)
    if (all(is.na(conc))) {
        message = "All concentration data are missing",
        class = "pknca_conc_all_missing"
    } else if (any(!is.na(conc) & as.numeric(conc) < 0)) {
      # as.numeric(conc) is required for compatibility with units
      warning("Negative concentrations found")

#' Verify that time values are valid
#' @param time Time of the measurement of the concentrations
#' @param sorted_time Must the time be unique and monotonically increasing?
#' @returns `time` or give an informative error
#' @rdname assert_conc_time
assert_time <- function(time, sorted_time = TRUE) {
  if (length(time) == 0) {
      message = "No time data given",
      class = "pknca_time_none"
  } else {
    checkmate::assert_numeric(time, any.missing = FALSE, sorted = sorted_time, unique = sorted_time)

#' Verify that the concentrations and times are valid
#' If the concentrations or times are invalid, will provide an error.
#' Reasons for being invalid are
#' \itemize{
#'   \item `time` is not a number
#'   \item `conc` is not a number
#'   \item Any `time` value is NA
#'   \item `time` is not monotonically increasing
#'   \item `conc` and `time` are not the same length
#' }
#' Some cases may generate warnings but allow the data to proceed.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item A negative concentration is often but not always an
#'     error; it will generate a warning.
#' }
#' @returns A data.frame with columns named "conc" and "time" or an informative
#'   error
assert_conc_time <- function(conc, time, any_missing_conc = TRUE, sorted_time = TRUE) {
  assert_conc(conc, any_missing_conc = any_missing_conc)
  assert_time(time, sorted_time = sorted_time)
  checkmate::assert_numeric(conc, len = length(time))
  data.frame(conc = conc, time = time)

#' Confirm that a value is greater than another value
#' @inheritParams checkmate::assert_numeric
#' @param lower_eq,upper_eq Values where equality is not allowed
#' @param ... Passed to `checkmate::assert_numeric()`
#' @returns `x`
assert_numeric_between <- function(x, any.missing = FALSE, null.ok = FALSE, lower_eq = -Inf, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, upper_eq = Inf, ..., .var.name = checkmate::vname(x)) {
  checkmate::assert_numeric(x, any.missing = any.missing, null.ok = null.ok, lower = lower_eq, upper = upper_eq, ..., .var.name = .var.name)
  if (is.null(x) & null.ok) {
    # do nothing
  } else {
    # disallowed missing will have been previously caught
    mask_na <- is.na(x)
    mask_lower <- !mask_na & !is.infinite(lower) & x <= lower
    mask_upper <- !mask_na & !is.infinite(upper) & x >= upper
    msg <- NULL
    if (any(mask_lower)) {
      msg <-
          sprintf("Assertion on '%s' failed: %s is not > %g", .var.name, element_find(mask_lower), lower)
    if (any(mask_upper)) {
      msg <-
          sprintf("Assertion on '%s' failed: %s is not < %g", .var.name, element_find(mask_upper), upper)
    if (length(msg) > 0) {
      stop(paste(msg, collapse = "\n"))

element_find <- function(x) {
  values <- which(x)
  ret_values <-
    if (length(values) > 6) {
      paste(values[1:5], collapse = ", ")
    } else {
      paste(values, collapse = ", ")
    ngettext(length(values), msg1 = "Element", msg2 = "Elements"),

#' Confirm that a value is greater than another value
#' @inheritParams checkmate::assert_number
#' @param len Ignored (must be 1)
#' @param ... Passed to `assert_numeric_between()`
#' @returns `x` or an informative error
assert_number_between <- function(x, ..., na.ok = FALSE, len = 1, .var.name = checkmate::vname(x)) {
  assert_numeric_between(x, len = 1, .var.name = .var.name, ..., any.missing = na.ok)

#' Assert that a value is a dosing interval
#' @param tau The dosing interval
#' @returns `tau` or an informative error
assert_dosetau <- function(tau) {
  assert_number_between(x = tau, lower = 0, .var.name = checkmate::vname(tau), finite = TRUE)

#' Assert that a lambda.z value is valid
#' @inheritParams assert_numeric_between
#' @param lambda.z The elimination rate (in units of inverse time) for
#'   extrapolation
#' @returns `lambda.z` or an informative error
assert_lambdaz <- function(lambda.z, any.missing = TRUE, .var.name = checkmate::vname(lambda.z)) {
  assert_numeric_between(x = lambda.z, lower = 0, any.missing = any.missing, .var.name = .var.name, finite = TRUE)

#' Assert that a value is a valid AUC method
#' @param method The method for integration (one of 'lin up/log down',
#'   'lin-log', or 'linear')
#' @returns `method` or an informative error
assert_aucmethod <- function(method = c("lin up/log down", "linear", "lin-log")) {

#' Assert that an object is a PKNCAdata object
#' @param object The PKNCAdata object
#' @returns The PKNCAdata object (confirmed to be usable)
assert_PKNCAdata <- function(object) {
  if (!inherits(object, "PKNCAdata")) {
    stop("Must be a PKNCAdata object")
  if (nrow(object$intervals) == 0) {
    warning("No intervals given; no calculations will be done.")
billdenney/pknca documentation built on April 1, 2024, 10:45 p.m.