Man pages for bioarch-sjh/bacollite
Analysis of MALDI and LC-MS/MS spectral data using sequence data (mainly for collagen)

amino_acid_codesString of valid amino acid codes
averageMSDGenerate an average of three MALDI spectrum samples
ba_gxy_probsCalculate the 'GXY' frame of a peptide, and use probabilities...
ba_nhydCalculate the probability of each possible number of...
ba_plotseqpeaksplot the peaks of a mass spec
bioarch_mammal_sequencesCollagen sequences for a range of mammals generated by...
bms0.1.2EXPERIMENTAL "versioned" copy of bioarch_mammal_sequences
corlim_dataTake the output of ms_fit and convert to hits for a range of...
corlim_hitsget the hits for a range of correlation limit values
corlim_plotget the hits for a range of correlation limit values
dm_cowDescriminatory peptide markers for cow
dm_goatDescriminatory peptide markers for goat
dm_sheepDescriminatory peptide markers for sheep
lag_plotPlot the lag correction and fit a line to it for a peptide...
load.gpmLoad a set of peptides from the Global Protein Machine
load.gpm.rawLoad a set of peptides from the Global Protein Machine
load.human.markersLoad a set of peptide markers for human
load.mcsLoad peptides from the mammalian collagen sequences...
load.sampleLoad mass spec data from a 2-column space-delimited text file
load.sequenceLoad sequences from the mammalian collagen sequences...
ms_alignAlign a theoretical peptide with a mass spec
ms_fitMatch a set of peptides with a Mass Spec
ms_isoObtain the isotope distribution for an amino acid sequence...
ms_iso_atomObtain the isotope distribution for a molecule consisting of...
msms_alignLocally align a pair of mass specs
ms_subrangeGet all spectrum data between a mass range
ms_tpeaksWrapper for the 'R_iso_seq' q2e c function, to get...
parse.seqParse an amino acid sequence into a set of peptides,...
pepcowAll peptides for cow
pepgoatDescriminatory peptide markers for goat
pepsheepDescriminatory peptide markers for sheep
peptide.ratioGet the ratio of ion counts for two peptides
pplateProcess a MALDI plate of replicates
seq_to_atomsCalculate the atoms in an amino acid sequence...
spp.diffsget the differences in sequence between two species. NB the...
ts_indexGet the species index in the mammalian_collagen_sequences...
validseqThis checks if the letters in a sequence are all valid amino...
xy.ypos.prolinescount the prolines in the x and y position of a collagen...
bioarch-sjh/bacollite documentation built on Oct. 7, 2022, 3:34 p.m.