
#' Create a HEMaster process for use in a distributed homomorphic
#' encrypted (HE) computation
#' @description `HEMaster` objects run a distributed computation based
#'     upon a definition file that encapsulates all information
#'     necessary to perform a computation. A master makes use of two
#'     non-cooperating parties which communicate with sites that
#'     perform the actual computations using local data.
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @seealso [NCP()]
#' @export
HEMaster  <- R6::R6Class(
                     private = list(
                         ## the definition
                         defn = NA,
                         ## dry run (i.e. not web calls!)
                         dry_run = FALSE,
                         ## Private and public key pair
                         keys = NA,
                         ## Non cooperating party list
                         nc_party = list()
                     public = list(
                         #' @field den denominator for rational arithmetic
                         den  = NA,
                         #' @field den_bits number of bits for denominator for rational arithmetic
                         den_bits = 256L,

                         #' @description
                         #' Create a `HEMaster` object to run homomorphic encrypted computation
                         #' @param defn the homomorphic computation definition
                         #' @return a `HEMaster` object
                         #' @importFrom homomorpheR PaillierKeyPair
                         #' @importFrom gmp as.bigz as.bigq
                         initialize = function(defn) {
                             private$defn  <- defn
                             private$keys <- homomorpheR::PaillierKeyPair$new(1024) ## Generate new public and private key.
                             self$den <- gmp::as.bigq(2)^(self$den_bits)  #Our denominator for rational approximations

                         #' @description
                         #' Return a list of noncooperating parties (NCPs)
                         #' @return a named list of length 2 of noncooperating party information
                         getNC_party = function() private$nc_party,

                         #' @description
                         #' Return the public key from the public private key pair
                         #' @return an R6 `Pubkey` object
                         getPubkey = function() {

                         ## FOR debugging only
                         ##getPrivKey = function() {
                         ##    private$keys$getPrivateKey()

                         #' @description
                         #' Add a noncooperating party to this master either using a url or an object in session for prototyping
                         #' @param ncp_defn the definition of the NCP
                         #' @param url the url for the NCP; only one of url and ncpWorker should be non-null
                         #' @param ncpWorker an instantiated worker object; only one of url and ncpWorker should be non-null
                         addNCP  = function(ncp_defn, url = NULL, ncpWorker = NULL) {
                             'Add an NCP identified by url or ncpWorker'
                             ## Only one of url/ncpWorker should be non-null
                             stopifnot((is.null(url) + is.null(ncpWorker)) == 1)
                             n  <- length(private$nc_party)
                             if (n == 2) stop("Two NC parties already added!")
                             ## Mixing url and ncpWorker parties not allowed for now
                             if (private$dry_run && !is.null(url)) stop("Mixing local and remote NCP not allowed!")
                             name  <- ncp_defn$name
                             number <- ncp_defn$number
                             if (!(number %in% c(1, 2))) stop("Party number should be 1 or 2!")
                             if (ncp_defn$id != private$defn$id) stop("NC Party id does not match computation defn id!")
                             config <- getConfig()

                             if (is.null(url)) {
                                 private$dry_run <- TRUE
                                 private$nc_party[[number]]  <- list(defn = ncp_defn,
                                                                     worker = ncpWorker)
                             } else {
                                 localhost <- (grepl("^http://localhost", url) ||
                                               grepl("^", url))
                                 private$nc_party[[number]]  <- list(defn = ncp_defn,
                                                                     url = url,
                                                                     dataFileName = if (localhost) paste(name, config$dataFileName, sep = "-") else NULL)

                         #' @description
                         #' Run a distributed homomorphic encrypted computation and return the result
                         #' @param debug a flag for debugging, default `FALSE`
                         #' @return the result of the distributed homomorphic computation
                         #' @importFrom httr POST add_headers
                         #' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
                         #' @importFrom gmp as.bigz
                         run = function(debug = FALSE) {
                             nc_party  <- private$nc_party
                             dry_run <- private$dry_run
                             defn <- private$defn
                             if (debug) {
                                 print("run(): checking object object creation")
                             pubkey  <- private$keys$pubkey
                             pubkey_n  <- pubkey$n
                             pubkey_bits  <- pubkey$bits
                             den_bits  <- self$den_bits
                             ## Generate a token for ensuring an appropriate result pair
                             token  <- generateId(object=list(Sys.time(), self))

                             if (dry_run) {
                                 ## NCP workers have already been instantiated, so configure them
                                 workers  <- lapply(private$nc_party, function(x) x$worker)
                                 ## Send an indentifying number, pubkey and denominator
                                 workers[[1L]]$setParams(pubkey_bits = pubkey_bits, pubkey_n = pubkey_n, den_bits = den_bits)
                                 workers[[2L]]$setParams(pubkey_bits = pubkey_bits, pubkey_n = pubkey_n, den_bits = den_bits)
                                 ## Ask each worker to run the computation
                                 result1  <- workers[[1L]]$run(token)
                                 result2  <- workers[[2L]]$run(token)
                                 ##list(result1 = result1, result2 = result2)
                             } else {
                                 ## Create an instance id to use for this run
                                 ## for each party
                                 nc_party[[1L]]$instanceId  <- generateId(object=list(Sys.time(), nc_party[[1L]]))
                                 nc_party[[2L]]$instanceId  <- generateId(object=list(Sys.time(), nc_party[[2L]]))
                                 ## Function to create NCP objects remotely
                                 ## To minimize requests, we send everything in one request
                                 makeNCP  <- function(ncp) {
                                     ncp_defn  <- ncp$defn
                                     payload <- list(name = ncp_defn$name, ncpId = ncp_defn$id,
                                                     instanceId = ncp$instanceId,
                                                     pubkey_bits = pubkey_bits, pubkey_n = as.character(pubkey_n),
                                                     den_bits = den_bits)
                                     ## This was causing a problem
                                     ## if (!is.null(ncp$dataFileName)) {
                                     ##     payload$dataFileName  <-  ncp$dataFileName
                                     ## }
                                     q <- httr::POST(url = .makeOpencpuURL(urlPrefix=ncp$url, fn="createNCPInstance"),
                                                     body = jsonlite::toJSON(payload),
                                                     httr::add_headers("Content-Type" = "application/json"),
                                 ncp1_ok <- makeNCP(nc_party[[1L]])
                                 ncp2_ok  <- makeNCP(nc_party[[2L]])
                                 if ((!ncp1_ok) || (!ncp2_ok)) {
                                     stop("makeNCP:  Either or both NCP did not respond successfully!")
                                 ## Now run the computation on each NCP
                                 runNCP  <- function(ncp, token) {
                                     payload <- list(objectId = ncp$instanceId, method = "run", token = token)
                                     q <- httr::POST(.makeOpencpuURL(urlPrefix=ncp$url, fn="executeHEMethod"),
                                                     body = jsonlite::toJSON(payload),
                                                     httr::add_headers("Content-Type" = "application/json"),
                                 ## Each result is list of int part and a fractional part
                                 result1  <- runNCP(ncp = nc_party[[1L]], token = token)
                                 result2  <- runNCP(ncp = nc_party[[2L]], token = token)
                                 ## Then we can clean up the instance object on sites with a call to any one of
                                 ## the NCPs via ncp$cleanupInstance(instanceId)
                                 ## executeMethod(objectId = instanceId, "cleanup")
                                 ##list(result1 = result1, result2 = result2)
                             ## Accumulate the integer and fractional parts across NCPs
                             sumInt  <- pubkey$add(gmp::as.bigz(result1$int), gmp::as.bigz(result2$int))
                             sumFrac  <- pubkey$add(result1$frac, result2$frac)
                             privkey  <- private$keys$getPrivateKey()
                             intResult <- as.double(privkey$decrypt(sumInt))
                             fracResult <- as.double(gmp::as.bigq(privkey$decrypt(sumFrac)) / self$den)

                             if (!dry_run) {
                                 if (debug) {
                                     print("run(): checking worker object cleanup")
                                 sitesOK <- sapply(nc_party,
                                                   function(x) {
                                                       payload <- list(instanceId = x$instanceId)
                                                       q <- httr::POST(url = .makeOpencpuURL(urlPrefix=x$url, fn="destroyInstanceObject"),
                                                                       body = jsonlite::toJSON(payload),
                                                                       httr::add_headers("Content-Type" = "application/json"),
                                 if (!all(sitesOK)) {
                                     warning("run():  Some sites did not clean up successfully!")

                             ## Since we get twice the result, we divide by 2.
                             (intResult + fracResult) / 2
bnaras/distcomp documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:55 a.m.