
Defines functions as_channel_dbl channel_dbl is_sample_int sample_int is_psd_lst is_eeg_lst add_channel_info psd_lst eeg_lst

Documented in as_channel_dbl channel_dbl eeg_lst is_eeg_lst is_psd_lst is_sample_int psd_lst sample_int

#' Create an eeg_lst
#' Builds an eeg_lst object composed of two `data.table::data.table` objects and one  `tibble::tibble`. All three are linked by a unique identifier `.id`. Amplitude values and timestamps appear in the `signal` table. Triggers, blinks, artifact rejection markings, and other events logged by the EEG recording software appear in the `events` table. Segment information and recording IDs appear in the `segments` tibble.
#' The `signal` table is organized into columns representing timestamps (`.sample`) and individual electrodes. Each `.sample` corresponds to 1 sample in the original recording, i.e. if the sampling rate of the EEG recording is 500 Hz, then each `.sample` corresponds to 2 milliseconds. These timestamps correspond to `.initial` in the `events` table, which displays only the timestamps where logged events began.
#' The `events` table is organized into columns representing the `.type` of event associated with the trigger listed under `.description`. The timestamp marking the beginning and the end of the event is listed under `.initial` and `.final` (in samples). The `.channel` column is a  linking variable only, so will generally only contain NAs, unless the event is specific to a certain channel.
#' The `segments` tibble contains the subject ID under `recording`, which is the file name unless otherwise specified. If the data has been segmented in BrainVision, the segment number will be listed under `segment`. The data can also be segmented according to trigger labels in `eeguana`, see `segment`. `segment` will be place the segment number under `segment`, the trigger name under `.type.x`, and the trigger label under `.description.x`. Other information such as condition labels or response times can be added by the user by merging into the `segments` tibble using non-eeguana merge functions, e.g. the `dplyr` join series.
#' @param signal_tbl See [signal_tbl()].
#' @param events_tbl See [events_tbl()].
#' @param segments_tbl A data table of segment numbers and related information. See [segments_tbl()].
#' @param channels_tbl Optionally a table with channels information. See [channels_tbl()].
#' @param .sampling_rate Optional: If the signal_tbl doesn't have samples, they will be included with this sampling rate.
#' @family eeg_lst
#' @return A valid eeg_lst.
#' @export
eeg_lst <- function(signal_tbl = NULL, events_tbl = NULL, segments_tbl = NULL, channels_tbl = NULL, .sampling_rate = NULL) {
  if (is.null(signal_tbl)) {
    signal_tbl <- new_signal_tbl()
  } else if (!is_signal_tbl(signal_tbl)) {
    if (!is.null(channels_tbl)) {
      signal_tbl <- add_channel_info(signal_tbl, channels_tbl)
    if(!".id" %in% names(signal_tbl)) signal_tbl$.id <- 1L
    if(!".sample" %in% signal_tbl && is.numeric(.sampling_rate)){
      signal_tbl$.sample <- sample_int(1:nrow(signal_tbl), 
                                       .sampling_rate = .sampling_rate)
    if(!".sample" %in% names(signal_tbl) && !is.null(.sampling_rate)){
      stop("Specify a sampling rate or indicate the samples in the signal table.",call. = FALSE)
    if(".sample" %in% names(signal_tbl) & !is.null(.sampling_rate)){
      if(attributes(signal_tbl$.sample)$sampling_rate != .sampling_rate) 
        warning("The argument `.sampling_rate` is being ignored.", call. = FALSE)
    signal_tbl <- as_signal_tbl(signal_tbl)
  } else {
    signal_tbl <- validate_signal_tbl(signal_tbl)

  if (is.null(events_tbl)) {
    events_tbl <- new_events_tbl(.sampling_rate = sampling_rate(signal_tbl))
  } else if (!is_events_tbl(events_tbl)) {
    events_tbl <- as_events_tbl(events_tbl, .sampling_rate = sampling_rate(signal_tbl))
  } else {
    events_tbl <- validate_events_tbl(events_tbl)
  if (is.null(segments_tbl)) {
    segments_tbl <- data.table::data.table(.id = unique(signal_tbl$.id))[, .recording := NA_character_]
  } else {
    if (!".recording" %in% colnames(segments_tbl)) {
      segments_tbl <- data.table:::shallow(segments_tbl[, .recording := NA])
  segments_tbl <- data.table::as.data.table(segments_tbl)
  data.table::setkey(segments_tbl, .id)
  segments_tbl <- validate_segments(segments_tbl)

    x = new_eeg_lst(
      .signal = signal_tbl,
      .events = events_tbl,
      .segments = segments_tbl
    recursive = FALSE

#' Creates a `psd_lst`.
#' @param psd_tbl A psd_lst.
#' @param segments_tbl A data table of segment numbers and related information. See [segments_tbl()].
#' @param channels_tbl Optionally a table with channels information. See [channels_tbl()].
#' @family psd_lst
#' @return A valid psd_lst.
#' @export
psd_lst <- function(psd_tbl = NULL, segments_tbl = NULL, channels_tbl = NULL) {
  if (is.null(psd_tbl)) {
    psd_tbl <- new_psd_tbl()
  } else if (!is_psd_tbl(psd_tbl)) {
    if (!is.null(channels_tbl)) {
      psd_tbl <- add_channel_info(psd_tbl, channels_tbl)
    if(!".id" %in% names(psd_tbl)) psd_tbl$.id <- 1L
    psd_tbl <- as_psd_tbl(psd_tbl)
  } else {
    psd_tbl <- validate_psd_tbl(psd_tbl)
  if (is.null(segments_tbl)) {
    segments_tbl <- data.table::data.table(.id = unique(psd_tbl$.id))[, .recording := NA_character_]
  } else {
    if (!".recording" %in% colnames(segments_tbl)) {
      segments_tbl <- data.table:::shallow(segments_tbl[, .recording := NA])
  segments_tbl <- data.table::as.data.table(segments_tbl)
  data.table::setkey(segments_tbl, .id)
  segments_tbl <- validate_segments(segments_tbl)
    x = new_psd_lst(
      .psd = psd_tbl,
      .segments = segments_tbl
    recursive = FALSE

#'  Adds the channel info to a signal tbl or psd tbl
#' @param df signal or psd tbl
#' @param channels_tbl 
#' @noRd
add_channel_info <- function(df, channels_tbl){
  df <- data.table::as.data.table(df)
                ## columns with channels
                j = channels_tbl$.channel,
                ## columns that need to be updated with attributes
                value = df[, (update_channel_meta_data(.SD, channels_tbl)),
                                   .SDcols = (channels_tbl$.channel)


#' Test if the object is an eeg_lst.
#' This function returns  TRUE for eeg_lsts.
#' @param x An object.
#' @return `TRUE` if the object inherits from the `eeg_lst` class.
#' @family eeg_lst
#' @export
is_eeg_lst <- function(x) {
  "eeg_lst" %in% class(x)

#' Test if the object is a psd_lst.
#' This function returns  TRUE for psd_lsts.
#' @param x An object.
#' @return `TRUE` if the object inherits from the `psd_lst` class.
#' @family psd_lst
#' @export
is_psd_lst <- function(x) {
  "psd_lst" %in% class(x)
#' Builds a series of sample numbers.
#' @param values Sequence of integers.
#' @param .sampling_rate Double indicating the sampling rate in Hz.
#' @family sample_int
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sample_int(1:100, .sampling_rate = 500)
sample_int <- function(values, .sampling_rate) {
  validate_sample_int(new_sample_int(values, .sampling_rate))

#' Test if the object is a sample
#' This function returns  TRUE for samples.
#' @param x An object.
#' @family sample_int
#' @return `TRUE` if the object inherits from the `sample` class.
#' @export
is_sample_int <- function(x) {
  "sample_int" %in% class(x) 

#' Builds a channel.
#' Builds a channel from a vector of numbers.
#' @param values Vector of doubles indicating amplitudes.
#' @param x Position in the scalp.
#' @param y Position in the scalp.
#' @param z Position in the scalp.
#' @param reference Reference electrode.
#' @inheritParams base::mean
#' @family channel
#' @return  A channel_dbl.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Cz <- channel_dbl(runif(100, -5, 5))
channel_dbl <- function(values, x = NA_real_, y = NA_real_, z = NA_real_, reference = NA, ...) {
  validate_channel_dbl(new_channel_dbl(values, channel_info = list(.x = x, .y = y, .z = z, .reference = reference, ...)))

#' Coerce a vector of real (double) numbers into a channel object
#' @param x A vector.
#' @return  A channel_dbl.
#' @family channel
#' @export
as_channel_dbl <- function(x) {
  if(!is.double(x))  {
    x <- unclass(x) %>% as.double()
  for (. in c(".x", ".y", ".z", ".reference")) {
    if (is.null(attr(x, .))) {
      attr(x, .) <- NA_real_
  class(x) <- c("channel_dbl", "numeric")

#' @export
print.sample_int <- function(x,...){
  cat(paste("# Sampling rate: ", attributes(x)$sampling_rate,"\n"))

#' @export
print.channel_dbl <- function(x, ...) {
  attrs <- attributes(x)[names(attributes(x)) != "class"] %>%
    purrr::imap_chr(~ paste0(.y, ": ", .x)) %>%
    paste0(collapse = "; ")

  channel_name <- names(x)

  if (!is.null(channel_name)) {
    cat(paste("# Channel named ", channel_name, "\n"))
  cat(paste("#", attrs, "\n"))
  cat(paste("# Values \n"))


#' Test if the object is a channel or EOG channel
#' * `is_channel_dbl()` returns TRUE for all  channels including EOG channels.
#' * `is_eog_channel_dbl()` returns TRUE only for EOG channels.
#' @param x An object.
#' @family channel
#' @return `TRUE` if the object inherits from the `channel_dbl` class.
#' @export
is_channel_dbl <- function(x) {
  "channel_dbl" %in% class(x)

#' @export
`[.channel_dbl` <- function(x, i, ...) {
  attrs <- attributes(x)
  ## class(x) <- NULL
  r <- NextMethod("[")
  mostattributes(r) <- attrs

#' @export
`[[.channel_dbl` <- function(x, i, ...) {
  attrs <- attributes(x)
  r <- NextMethod("[[")
  mostattributes(r) <- attrs

#' @export
`c.channel_dbl` <- function(...) {
  dots <- list(...)
  attrs <- attributes(dots[[1]])
  lapply(dots[-1], function(d){
    if(!identical(attrs, attributes(d)))
      warning("Concatenating different channels!")
  r <- NextMethod("c")
  mostattributes(r) <- attrs

#' @export
`[.sample_int` <- function(x, i, ...) {
 attrs <- attributes(x)
  ## class(x) <- NULL
  r <- NextMethod("[")
  mostattributes(r) <- attrs

#' @export
`[[.sample_int` <- function(x, i, ...) {
  attrs <- attributes(x)
  r <- NextMethod("[[")
  mostattributes(r) <- attrs

#' @export
`c.sample_int` <- function(...) {
  dots <- list(...)
  attrs <- attributes(dots[[1]])
  lapply(dots[-1], function(d){
    if(!identical(attrs, attributes(d)) && !is.null(attributes(d)))
      stop("Concatenating different sampling rates!")
  r <- NextMethod("c")
  mostattributes(r) <- attrs

#' @export
`[[.eeg_lst` <- function(x, i, ...) {
  if (is.character(i)) {
    if (i %in% names(x)) {
      ## regular access to lists
    } else if (i %in% colnames(x$.signal)) {
      x <- x$.signal
    } else if (i %in% colnames(x$.segments)) {
      x <- x$.segments
    } else {
      warning("`[[` can only be used with elements of the signal and segments table.")
    # attrs <- attributes(x)
    # r <- NextMethod("[[")
    # mostattributes(r) <- attrs
    # print(r)
  } else if (is.numeric(i)) {
    ## Regular access to lists; needs to be there for data.table::copy

#' @export
mean.channel_dbl <- function(x, ...) {
  attrs <- attributes(x)
  class(x) <- NULL
  r <- NextMethod("mean")
  mostattributes(r) <- attrs
#' @export
scale.channel_dbl <- function(x, ...) {
  attrs <- attributes(x)
  class(x) <- NULL
  r <- NextMethod("scale")
  mostattributes(r) <- attrs

#' @export
subset.channel_dbl <- function(x, ...) {
  attrs <- attributes(x)
  class(x) <- NULL
  r <- NextMethod("subset")
  mostattributes(r) <- attrs

#' Builds a component.
#' @param values Vector of doubles indicating amplitudes.
#' @family component
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Cz <- component_dbl(runif(100, -5))
component_dbl <- function(values) {

#' Test if the object is a component
#' This function returns  TRUE for components.
#' @param x An object.
#' @family component
#' @return `TRUE` if the object inherits from the `sample_id` class.
#' @export
is_component_dbl <- function(x) {
  "component_dbl" %in% class(x)

#' @export
`[.component_dbl` <- function(x, i, ...) {
  attrs <- attributes(x)
  class(x) <- NULL
  r <- NextMethod("[")
  mostattributes(r) <- attrs

#' @export
`[[.component_dbl` <- function(x, i, ...) {
  attrs <- attributes(x)
  r <- NextMethod("[[")
  mostattributes(r) <- attrs

#' @export
mean.component_dbl <- function(x, ...) {
  attrs <- attributes(x)
  class(x) <- NULL
  r <- NextMethod("mean")
  mostattributes(r) <- attrs

#' @export
subset.component_dbl <- function(x, ...) {
  attrs <- attributes(x)
  class(x) <- NULL
  r <- NextMethod("subset")
  mostattributes(r) <- attrs

# they get lost anyways:
#' #' @export
#' var <- function(x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, use) {
#' UseMethod("var")
#' }
#' #' @export
#' var.default <- function(x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, use) {
#'   attrs <- attributes(x)
#'   class(x) <- NULL
#'   r <-stats::var(x = x, y = y, na.rm = na.rm, use = use)
#'   mostattributes(r) <- attrs
#'   r
#' }
#' #' @export
#' var.channel_dbl <- function(x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, use) {
#'   NextMethod("var")
#' }
#' #' @export
#' var.component_dbl <- function(x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, use) {
#'   NextMethod("var")
#' }
bnicenboim/eeguana documentation built on March 16, 2024, 7:21 a.m.