
Defines functions ghcnCleaner

Documented in ghcnCleaner

#' Cleans ghcn data by four iterated processes.
#' (1) crop to year.range
#' (2) purge years with gaps in the data longer than the cutoff length
#' (3) interpolate across gaps <= the cutoff length
#' (4) fill by average those days at the beginning and end of years with missing data
#' (5) remove stations with less than min.years years of complete data
#' @param data.list a list of GHCN data sets
#' @param year.range the intended years
#' @param na.cutoff the maximum length of gaps, above which a dataset is excluded.
#' @param min.years the minimum number of years a dataset must include, below which a dataset is excluded.
#' @return a clean set of ghcn data
#' @export
ghcnCleaner <- function(data.list,
                        min.years = length(year.range)) {
  ## (1) crop each series to year.range
  data.list <- lapply(data.list, function(X) {
    X <- X[X$YEAR %in% year.range, ]

  ## (2) purge years with gaps in the data longer than the cutoff length
  data.list <- lapply(data.list, function(X) {
    # Split records by year
    all.records.list <- split(X, X$YEAR)

    # For each year, do the following
    complete.records.list <- lapply(all.records.list, function(annual.data) {
      # If less than 12 months, return null
      if (nrow(annual.data) < 12) {

      # Get just the climate info
      annual.records <- as.matrix(annual.data[, 4:34])

      # Get the number of days per month in the records
      n.days <- Hmisc::monthDays(as.Date(paste(annual.data$YEAR, annual.data$MONTH, "01", sep = "-")))

      ## Unnwrap each row, accounting for number of days in the month
      annual.records.unwrapped <- unwrapRows(annual.records, n.days)

      ## count consecutive missing values (these are the same)
      annual.records.rle <- rle(is.na(annual.records.unwrapped))

      ## If any of the annual spans of NAs are > the cutoff, purge that year
      if (any(annual.records.rle$lengths[annual.records.rle$values] > na.cutoff)) {
      } else {
        ## Otherwise, return the year

    complete.records.list <- complete.records.list[!sapply(complete.records.list, is.null)]

    if (length(complete.records.list) == 0 || length(complete.records.list) < min.years) {

    # rbind all complete years back together for interpolation
    complete.records.list <- do.call(rbind, complete.records.list)

    # Just to be safe, sort by month then year
    complete.records.df <- complete.records.list[order(complete.records.list$YEAR, complete.records.list$MONTH), ]

    # Split by gaps in years
    # We want continuous sequences of years for linear interpolation
    splits <- cumsum(c(F, diff(complete.records.df$YEAR) > 1))
    complete.records.df.split <- split(complete.records.df, splits)

    # (3) linearly interpolate across gaps <= the cutoff length
    interp.records.df.split <- lapply(complete.records.df.split, function(data.split) {
      # Get matrix of only data
      data.matrix <- as.matrix(data.split[, 4:34])

      # Get the number of days per month in the records
      n.days <- Hmisc::monthDays(as.Date(paste(data.split$YEAR, data.split$MONTH, "01", sep = "-")))

      ## Unnwrap each row, accounting for number of days in the month
      data.matrix.unwrapped <- unwrapRows(data.matrix, n.days)

      # Interpolate
      data.matrix.unwrapped.interp <- round(zoo::na.approx(data.matrix.unwrapped, na.rm = F))

      # coerce back into a matrix
      data.matrix.final <- rewrapRows(data.matrix.unwrapped.interp, n.days)

      # join with year/month and return
      return(cbind(data.split[, c("YEAR", "MONTH")], data.matrix.final))

    # bind all chuncks
    interp.records.final <- do.call(rbind, interp.records.df.split)

    ## (4) fill by average those days at the beginning and end of years with missing data
    # split by year
    interp.records.final.years <- split(interp.records.final, interp.records.final$YEAR)
    # stack in 3D array
    interp.records.final.years.stack <- do.call(abind::abind, c(interp.records.final.years, list(along = 0))) # Gives 2 x 4 x 5
    class(interp.records.final.years.stack) <- "integer"
    # Calculate the mean of all years
    interp.records.final.years.stack.mean <- apply(interp.records.final.years.stack, c(2, 3), function(X) {
      mean(X, na.rm = T)
    # Replace NA values with the mean of all years
    interp.records.final.years <- lapply(interp.records.final.years, function(year) {
      year[is.na(year)] <- interp.records.final.years.stack.mean[is.na(year)]
    # rbind
    interp.records.final <- do.call(rbind, interp.records.final.years)

    # And return

  if (any(sapply(data.list, is.null))) {

  ## Make sure you have the same years/months for each matrix
  yearMonth <- lapply(data.list, function(x) {
    paste("Y", x$YEAR, "M", x$MONTH, sep = "")

  yearMonth.common <- Reduce(base::intersect, yearMonth)

  data.list <- lapply(data.list, function(x) {
    this.yearMonth <- paste("Y", x$YEAR, "M", x$MONTH, sep = "")
    return(x[match(yearMonth.common, this.yearMonth), ])

  ## Finally, (4) remove stations with less than 10 years of complete data (like WorldClim)
  if (is.null(data.list[[1]]) | nrow(data.list[[1]]) < (min.years * 12)) {
  } else {
bocinsky/guedesbocinsky2018 documentation built on May 3, 2019, 8:59 p.m.