Man pages for bofei5675/RaMP2
RaMP (Relational Database of Metabolomic Pathways)

connectToRaMPConnect to RaMP database (requires mysql password when...
killDbConnectionsKill all databases connection.
rampCataOutThe function send query to databases to find synonym
rampFastMetaFromPathUse fast search algorithm to find all pathways from given...
rampFastMulCataReturn analytes that has catalyzation relation with given...
rampFastOneCataReturn analytes that has catalyzation relation with given...
rampFastPathFromMetaPathFromMetast search given a list of metabolites
rampFastPathFromSourceFast search given a list of metabolites source Id
rampFileOfAnalytes_tab4Generate data.frame from given files
rampFileOfPathwaysGenerate data.frame from given files
rampFileOfPathways_tab2Generate data.frame that has all search results from given...
rampFindSourceFromIdFind all source from given list of RaMP Ids
rampFindSourceRampIdFind rampId from given source ID The rampId can be plugged in...
rampFindSynonymFromSynonymFind all synonym from a given metabolite's name This function...
rampGenerateBarPlotReformat the result of query (get pathways from analyte(s))...
rampGenesFromCompSend query to databases to get metabolites
rampHcOutputhighchart output for RaMP and fisher test.
rampImportDumpFileImport RaMP database automatically from dump file that is...
rampKWsearchThe function does key word search from given synonym on...
rampNameFromPathSend query to databases to get metabolites
rampOntoOutThe function send query to databases to find ontology or...
rampPathFromMetaSend query to database that find pathway
rampTablizeGenerate HTML table output from given data frame
runFisherTestDo fisher test for only one pathway from search result...
runRaMPappRun Shiny App
bofei5675/RaMP2 documentation built on May 20, 2019, 8:48 a.m.