
Defines functions W.f W.moment pars.root.finding d2.f c4.f ub.cons.f PH1.corr.f PH1.get.cc.mvt PH1.joint.pdf.mvn.chisq PH1.root.mvn.F PH1.get.cc.mvn PH1.rmvn.MC PH1.joint.pdf.mvn.chisq.MC PH1.root.mvn.F.MC PH1.get.cc.mvn.MC PH1.get.cc PH1XBAR PH1XBAR.data PH2.inner.normal PH2.CFAR.intgrand PH2.CARL.intgrand PH2.get.cc.uc PH2.root.finding.EPC PH2.get.cc.EPC PH2.get.ARLb.EPC PH2.get.k.EPC PH2XBAR PH2XBAR.data

Documented in PH1.get.cc PH1XBAR PH1XBAR.data PH2.get.ARLb.EPC PH2.get.cc.EPC PH2.get.cc.uc PH2.get.k.EPC PH2XBAR PH2XBAR.data

    # Phase I Xbar Chart Based on Champ and Jones(2004); see also Yao et al. (2017), and Yao and Chakraborti (2018)

#use too many functions from package mvtnorm
#dchi <- adehabitatLT::dchi

#focus on these 3 functions from package mvtnorm

#pmvt <- mvtnorm::pmvt
#qmvt <- mvtnorm::qmvt
#pmvnorm <- mvtnorm::pmvnorm




W.f <- function(w, n) { # n is sample size
  integrand <- function(x, w) {
    (pnorm(w + x) - pnorm(x)) ^ (n - 2) * dnorm(w + x) * dnorm(x)
  n * (n - 1) * integrate(integrand, -Inf, Inf, w = w)$value

# moment of W

W.moment <- function(a, n) { # a is order of moment and n is sample size
  integrand <- function(w, a, n) {
    w ^ a * W.f(w, n)
  integrand <- Vectorize(integrand, 'w')
  integrate(integrand, 0, Inf, a = a, n = n)$value

pars.root.finding <- function(k, n, lower = 1e-6) {
  root.finding <- function(nu, k, n, ratio) {
    ratio / k - nu / 2 / pi * beta(nu / 2, 1 / 2) ^ 2 + 1
  M <- W.moment(1, n)
  M2 <- W.moment(2, n)
  V <- M2 - M ^ 2
  ratio <- V / M ^ 2
  cat('dn2/Vn = ', 1 / ratio, '\n')
  nu <- uniroot(root.finding, c(lower, k * n), k = k, n = n, ratio = ratio)$root
  lambda <- sqrt(V / k + M ^ 2)
  c(nu, lambda)

pars.root.finding <- Vectorize(pars.root.finding, c('k', 'n'))

#k <- c(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300)

#pars.root.finding(k, 2)

    #parts of getting the charting constant l

d2.f <- function(n) {

    integrand <- function(x, n) {
        1 - (1 - pnorm(x)) ^ n - pnorm(x) ^ n
    integrate(integrand, -Inf, Inf, n = n)$value


c4.f <- function(nu) sqrt(2 / (nu)) / beta((nu) / 2, 1 / 2) * sqrt(pi)             #c4.function

ub.cons.f <- function(nu, ub.option) {
        if (ub.option == 'c4') {
            ub.cons <- c4.f(nu)
        } else if (ub.option == 'd2') {
            ub.cons <- d2.f(2)
        } else {
            ub.cons <- 1

PH1.corr.f <- function(m, off.diag = - 1 / (m - 1)){
                                                                                   #correlation matrix
    crr <- diag(m)
    crr[which(crr == 0)] <- off.diag



    #get l using the multivariate t cdf

PH1.get.cc.mvt <- function(
                 ,FAP = 0.1
                 #,Phase1 = TRUE
                 ,off.diag = -1/(m - 1)
                 #,alternative = '2-sided'
                 ,ub.option = TRUE
                 ,maxiter = 10000


    alternative = '2-sided'                                                   #turn off the alternative

    corr.P <- PH1.corr.f(m = m, off.diag = off.diag)                              #get correlation matrix with equal correlations

    pu <- 1 - FAP

    ub.cons <- ub.cons.f(nu, 'c4')

    L <- ifelse(
            alternative == '2-sided',
            qmvt(pu, df = nu, sigma = corr.P, tail = 'both.tails', maxiter = maxiter)$quantile,
            qmvt(pu, df = nu, sigma = corr.P, maxiter = maxiter)$quantile
                                                      #get L by multivariate T

    c.i <- L * ub.cons * sqrt((m - 1) / m)             #get c.i

    list(l = L, c.i = c.i)


    #get L by multivariate Normal

PH1.joint.pdf.mvn.chisq <- function(
                                ,lambda = 1
                                #,alternative = '2-sided'
                                ,ub.cons = 1)

    alternative = '2-sided'                                                   #turn off the alternative

    s <- length(Y)

    L <- c.i / sqrt((m - 1) / m * nu) * sqrt(Y) / ub.cons * lambda

    dpp <- lapply(

                LL <- rep(L[i], m)

                    alternative == '2-sided',
                    pmvnorm(lower = -LL, upper = LL, sigma = sigma),
                    pmvnorm(lower = rep(-Inf, m), upper = LL, sigma = sigma)



    dpp <- unlist(dpp)

    dpp * dchisq(Y, df = nu)


PH1.root.mvn.F <- function(
                    , m
                    , nu
                    , sigma
                    , lambda = 1
                    , pu
                    #, alternative = '2-sided'
                    , ub.cons = 1
                    , subdivisions = 2000
                    , rel.tol = 1e-2)
    alternative = '2-sided'                                                   #turn off the alternative

    pp <- integrate(
            lower = 0,
            upper = Inf,
            c.i = c.i,
            m = m,
            nu = nu,
            sigma = sigma,
            lambda = lambda,
            #alternative = alternative,
            ub.cons = ub.cons,
            subdivisions = subdivisions,
            rel.tol = rel.tol

    pu - pp


PH1.get.cc.mvn <- function(
                 ,FAP = 0.1
                 #,Phase1 = TRUE
                 ,off.diag = -1/(m - 1)
                 #,alternative = '2-sided'
                 ,var.est = 'MSE'
                 ,ub.option = TRUE
                 ,ub.lower = 1e-6
                 ,interval = c(1, 7)
                 ,maxiter = 10000
                 ,subdivisions = 2000
                 ,tol = 1e-2

    alternative = '2-sided'                                                   #turn off the alternative
                                                         #The purpose of this function is
                                                            #to obtain L and K based on
    #MCMC <- FALSE                                           #multivariate normal.
                                                            #MCMC part is not available now.
    #if (is.null(off.diag)) off.diag <- ifelse(Phase1 == TRUE, - 1 /(m - 1), 1 / (m + 1))

    ub.cons <- 1
    lambda <- 1
    if (var.est == 'MSE') {
        if (ub.option == TRUE) {
            ub.cons <- ub.cons.f(nu, 'c4')
    } else if (var.est == 'MR') {
        if (ub.option == TRUE) {
            ub.cons <- ub.cons.f(nu, 'd2')
            nu.lambda <- pars.root.finding(m - 1, 2, lower = ub.lower)
            nu <- nu.lambda[1]
            lambda <- nu.lambda[2]
    } else {
        stop('The variance estimation is unknown.')
    cat('nu:', nu, ', lambda:', lambda, '\n')

    corr.P <- PH1.corr.f(m = m, off.diag = off.diag)

    pu <- 1 - FAP

    c.i <- uniroot(
            interval = interval,
            m = m,
            nu = nu,
            #Y = Y,
            sigma = corr.P,
            lambda = lambda,
            pu = pu,
            #alternative = alternative,
            ub.cons = ub.cons,
            subdivisions = subdivisions,
            tol = tol,
            rel.tol = tol,
            maxiter = maxiter

    L <- c.i / ub.cons * sqrt(m / (m - 1)) * lambda

    list(l = L, c.i = c.i)


    #get L by multivariate Normal


PH1.rmvn.MC <- function(sim, sigma) {
  rmvnorm(sim, sigma = sigma)

PH1.joint.pdf.mvn.chisq.MC <- function(
  ,lambda = 1
  #,alternative = '2-sided'
  ,ub.cons = 1
  alternative = '2-sided'                                                   #turn off the alternative
  s <- length(Y)
  L <- c.i / sqrt((m - 1) / m * nu) * sqrt(Y) / ub.cons * lambda
  dpp <- lapply(
      n <- dim(X)[1]
        alternative == '2-sided',
        mean(rowSums(-L[i] < X & X < L[i]) == m),
        mean(rowSums(-Inf < X & X < L[i]) == m)
  dpp <- unlist(dpp)

PH1.root.mvn.F.MC <- function(
  , m
  , nu
  , sigma
  , lambda = 1
  , pu
  #, alternative = '2-sided'
  , ub.cons = 1
  , X
  , Y
  alternative = '2-sided'                                                   #turn off the alternative

    pp <- mean(
              Y = Y,
              c.i = c.i,
              m = m,
              nu = nu,
              sigma = sigma,
              lambda = lambda,
              #alternative = alternative,
              ub.cons = ub.cons,
              X = X
  cat('ci:', c.i, ' and diff:', pu - pp, '\n')
  pu - pp

PH1.get.cc.mvn.MC <- function(
  ,FAP = 0.1
  #,Phase1 = TRUE
  ,off.diag = -1/(m - 1)
  #,alternative = '2-sided'
  ,var.est = 'MSE'
  ,ub.option = TRUE
  ,ub.lower = 1e-6
  ,sim.X = 10000
  ,sim.Y = 10000
  ,interval = c(1, 7)
  ,maxiter = 10000
  ,tol = 1e-2 
  alternative = '2-sided'                                                   #turn off the alternative
  #The purpose of this function is
  #to obtain L and K based on
  #MCMC <- FALSE                                           #multivariate normal.
  #MCMC part is not available now.
  #if (is.null(off.diag)) off.diag <- ifelse(Phase1 == TRUE, - 1 /(m - 1), 1 / (m + 1))
  ub.cons <- 1
  lambda <- 1
  if (var.est == 'MSE') {
    if (ub.option == TRUE) {
      ub.cons <- ub.cons.f(nu, 'c4')
  } else if (var.est == 'MR') {
    if (ub.option == TRUE) {
      ub.cons <- ub.cons.f(nu, 'd2')
      nu.lambda <- pars.root.finding(m - 1, 2, lower = ub.lower)
      nu <- nu.lambda[1]
      lambda <- nu.lambda[2]
  } else {
    stop('The variance estimation is unknown.')
  cat('nu:', nu, ', lambda:', lambda, '\n')
  corr.P <- PH1.corr.f(m = m, off.diag = off.diag)
  X <- PH1.rmvn.MC(sim = sim.X, sigma = corr.P)
  Y <- rchisq(sim.Y, nu)
  pu <- 1 - FAP
  c.i <- uniroot(
    interval = interval,
    m = m,
    nu = nu,
    #Y = Y,
    sigma = corr.P,
    lambda = lambda,
    pu = pu,
    #alternative = alternative,
    ub.cons = ub.cons,
    X = X,
    Y = Y,
    tol = tol,
    maxiter = maxiter
  L <- c.i / ub.cons * sqrt(m / (m - 1)) * lambda
  list(l = L, c.i = c.i)


PH1.get.cc <- function(
            ,nu = m - 1
            ,FAP = 0.1
            ,off.diag = -1/(m - 1)
            #,alternative = '2-sided'
            ,ub.option = TRUE
            ,maxiter = 10000
            ,method = 'direct'
            ,var.est = 'MSE'
            ,ub.lower = 1e-6
            ,indirect.interval = c(1, 7)
            ,indirect.subdivisions = 100L
            ,indirect.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25

    alternative = '2-sided'                                                   #turn off the alternative
                                                  #The purpose of this function is to obtain L and K
                                                    #by multivariate T or multivariate normal.
                                                    #Multivariate normal is so time-consuming
                                                    #that I do not recommend.

    is.int <- ifelse(nu == round(nu), 1, 0)
    if (method == 'direct') {
        if (var.est == 'MSE') {
            if (is.int == 1) {
                    m = m
                    ,nu = nu
                    ,FAP = FAP
                    #,Phase1 = Phase1
                    ,off.diag = off.diag
                    #,alternative = alternative
                    ,ub.option = ub.option
                    ,maxiter = maxiter
            } else if (is.int == 0) {
                stop('Nu is not an integer. Please use the indirect method instead.')
        } else {
            stop('The variance estimation must be MSE for the direct method. Please use the indirect method instead.')
    } else if (method == 'indirect') {
        if (is.int == 1 & var.est == 'MSE') {
            cat('Nu is an integer. Using the indirect method may slow the computation process down.', '\n')
            m = m
            ,nu = nu
            ,FAP = FAP
            #,Phase1 = Phase1
            ,off.diag = off.diag
            #,alternative = alternative
            ,var.est = var.est
            ,ub.option = ub.option
            ,ub.lower = ub.lower
            ,interval = indirect.interval
            #,maxsim = indirect.maxsim
            ,subdivisions = indirect.subdivisions
            ,maxiter = maxiter
            ,tol = indirect.tol
    } else {
        stop('Unknown method. Please select the direct method or the indirect method.')


    #reverse the process
#only support the direct method
#PH1.get.FAP0 <- function(
#            c.i
#            ,k
#            ,nu
#            ,off.diag = -1/(k - 1)
#            ,alternative = '2-sided'
#            ,c4.option = TRUE
#            ,maxiter = 10000
#            ,indirect.subdivisions = 100L
#            ,indirect.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25
#    #method <- 'direct'
#    #Phase1 <- TRUE
#    is.int <- ifelse(nu == round(nu), 1, 0)
#    #if (is.null(off.diag)) off.diag <- ifelse(Phase1 == TRUE, - 1 /(m - 1), 1 / (m + 1))
#    corr.P <- PH1.corr.f(k = k, off.diag = off.diag)
#    corr.par <- corr.par.f(nu, c4.option)
#    L <- c.i / corr.par * sqrt(k / (k - 1))
#    if (method == 'direct' & is.int == 1) {                       #using multivariate T to obtain L and K
#        ll <- rep(L, k)
#        ifelse(
#            alternative == '2-sided',
#            1 - pmvt(lower = -ll, upper = ll, df = nu, corr = corr.P, algorithm = TVPACK, abseps = 1e-12),
#            1 - pmvt(lower = -Inf, upper = ll, df = nu, corr = corr.P, algorithm = TVPACK, abseps = 1e-12)
#        )
#    }

    #Build Control Chart

PH1XBAR <- function(
            ,c.i = NULL
			,FAP = 0.1
			,off.diag = -1/(m - 1)
			#,alternative = '2-sided'
            ,model = 'ANOVA-based'
            ,ub.option = 'c4'
			,plot.option = TRUE
			,maxiter = 10000
			,method = 'direct'
			,indirect.interval = c(1, 7)
			,indirect.subdivisions = 100L
			,indirect.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25
) {

    alternative = '2-sided'                                                   #turn off the alternative

	m <- dim(X)[1]
	n <- dim(X)[2]

	X.bar <- rowMeans(X)

	X.bar.bar <- mean(X)

    if (model == 'ANOVA-based') {

        nu <- m - 1

        ub.cons <- ub.cons.f(nu, ub.option)

        sigma.v <- sqrt(var(X.bar)) / ub.cons

    } else if (model == 'basic') {

        nu <- m * (n - 1)

        ub.cons <- ub.cons.f(nu, ub.option)

        sigma.v <- sqrt(sum(apply(X, 1, var)) / m) / ub.cons / sqrt(n)

    } else {

        stop("need to specify whether it is based on the ANOVA-based model or others")


    if (is.null(c.i)) {
        c.i <- PH1.get.cc(
                m = m
                ,nu = nu
                ,FAP = FAP
                ,off.diag = off.diag
                #,alternative = alternative
                ,ub.option = ub.option
                ,maxiter = maxiter
                ,method = method
                ,indirect.interval = indirect.interval
                ,indirect.subdivisions = indirect.subdivisions
                ,indirect.tol = indirect.tol
    } else {

            c.i <- c.i


	LCL <- X.bar.bar - c.i * sigma.v
	UCL <- X.bar.bar + c.i * sigma.v

	if (plot.option == TRUE){

		plot(c(1, m), c(LCL, UCL), xaxt = "n", xlab = 'Subgroup', ylab = 'Sample Mean', type = 'n')

		axis(side = 1, at = 1:m)

		points(1:m, X.bar, type = 'o')
		points(c(-1, m + 2), c(LCL, LCL), type = 'l', col = 'red')
		points(c(-1, m + 2), c(UCL, UCL), type = 'l', col = 'red')
		points(c(-1, m + 2), c(X.bar.bar, X.bar.bar), type = 'l', col = 'blue')
		text(round(m * 0.8), UCL, paste('UCL = ', round(UCL, 4)), pos = 1)
		text(round(m * 0.8), LCL, paste('LCL = ', round(LCL, 4)), pos = 3)


	list(CL = X.bar.bar, sigma = sigma.v, PH1.cc = c.i, m = m, nu = nu, LCL = LCL, UCL = UCL, CS = X.bar)


    #Example about table 6.3 (Montgomery, 2013)
PH1XBAR.data <- function(){
		74.03	,	74.002	,	74.019	,	73.992	,	74.008	,
		73.995	,	73.992	,	74.001	,	74.011	,	74.004	,
		73.988	,	74.024	,	74.021	,	74.005	,	74.002	,
		74.002	,	73.996	,	73.993	,	74.015	,	74.009	,
		73.992	,	74.007	,	74.015	,	73.989	,	74.014	,
		74.009	,	73.994	,	73.997	,	73.985	,	73.993	,
		73.995	,	74.006	,	73.994	,	74	,	74.005	,
		73.985	,	74.003	,	73.993	,	74.015	,	73.988	,
		74.008	,	73.995	,	74.009	,	74.005	,	74.004	,
		73.998	,	74	,	73.99	,	74.007	,	73.995	,
		73.994	,	73.998	,	73.994	,	73.995	,	73.99	,
		74.004	,	74	,	74.007	,	74	,	73.996	,
		73.983	,	74.002	,	73.998	,	73.997	,	74.012	,
		74.006	,	73.967	,	73.994	,	74	,	73.984	,
		74.012	,	74.014	,	73.998	,	73.999	,	74.007	,
		74	,	73.984	,	74.005	,	73.998	,	73.996	,
		73.994	,	74.012	,	73.986	,	74.005	,	74.007	,
		74.006	,	74.01	,	74.018	,	74.003	,	74	,
		73.984	,	74.002	,	74.003	,	74.005	,	73.997	,
		74	,	74.01	,	74.013	,	74.02	,	74.003	,
		73.982	,	74.001	,	74.015	,	74.005	,	73.996	,
		74.004	,	73.999	,	73.99	,	74.006	,	74.009	,
		74.01	,	73.989	,	73.99	,	74.009	,	74.014	,
		74.015	,	74.008	,	73.993	,	74	,	74.01	,
		73.982	,	73.984	,	73.995	,	74.017	,	74.013

	), ncol = 5, byrow = T)

    # Phase II Xbar chart. Please see Yao and Chakraborti (2018)

PH2.inner.normal <- function(Z, Y, c.ii, k, nu = k - 1, c4.option = TRUE){

    corr.par <- corr.par.f(nu, c4.option)

    qn <- Z / sqrt(k) + c.ii / corr.par / sqrt(nu) * sqrt(Y)



PH2.CFAR.intgrand <- function(u, v, c.ii, k, nu = k - 1, c4.option = TRUE){

    Z <- qnorm(u)
    Y <- qchisq(v, nu)

    p1 <- PH2.inner.normal(Z, Y, c.ii, k, nu, c4.option)
    p2 <- PH2.inner.normal(Z, Y, -c.ii, k, nu, c4.option)

    1 - p1 + p2

PH2.CARL.intgrand <- function(u, v, c.ii, k, nu = k - 1, c4.option = TRUE) 1 / PH2.CFAR.intgrand(u, v, c.ii, k, nu, c4.option)


PH2.get.cc.uc <- function(ARL0, k, nu = k - 1, c4.option = TRUE, interval = c(1, 10), u = runif(100000), v = runif(100000), tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25){

        PH2.root.finding.uc <- function(c.ii, k, nu = k - 1, c4.option = TRUE, ARL0, u, v) {

            ARL0 - mean(PH2.CARL.intgrand(u, v, c.ii, k, nu, c4.option))


    k <- k

    rt <- uniroot(PH2.root.finding.uc, interval = interval, k = k, nu = nu, c4.option = c4.option, ARL0 = ARL0, u = u, v = v, tol = tol)$root




PH2.root.finding.EPC <- function(p, k, nu = k - 1, c.ii, ARLb, c4.option = TRUE, u = runif(100000), v = runif(100000)){

    1 - p - mean(PH2.CARL.intgrand(u, v, c.ii, k, nu, c4.option) >= ARLb)


PH2.get.cc.EPC <- function(p, k, nu = k - 1, eps = 0.1, ARL0 = 370, c4.option = TRUE, interval = c(1, 10), u = runif(100000), v = runif(100000), tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25){

    ARLb <- (1 - eps) * ARL0

    rt <- uniroot(
            interval = interval,
            p = p,
            k = k,
            nu = nu,
            ARLb = ARLb,
            c4.option = c4.option,
            u = u,
            v = v,
            tol = tol



#rnum <- 100000
#u <- runif(rnum)
#v <- runif(rnum)

#PH2.get.c.ii.EPC(p = 0.05, k = 100, eps = 0.1, ARL0 = 500, c4.option = TRUE, interval = c(1, 5), u = u, v = v)

PH2.get.ARLb.EPC <- function(p, k, nu = k - 1, c.ii, ARL0 = NULL, c4.option = TRUE, interval = c(1, 1000), u = runif(100000), v = runif(100000), tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25){

    rt <- uniroot(
            interval = interval,
            p = p,
            k = k,
            nu = nu,
            c.ii = c.ii,
            c4.option = c4.option,
            u = u,
            v = v,
            tol = tol

    if (is.null(ARL0)) {
        list(ARLb = rt, eps = NULL, ARL0 = NULL)
    } else {
        list(ARLb = rt, eps = 1 - rt / ARL0, ARL0 = ARL0)

#PH2.get.ARLb.EPC(p = 0.1, k = 100, c.ii = 3, c4.option = TRUE, u = u, v = v)
#PH2.get.ARLb.EPC(p = 0.1, k = 100, c.ii = 3, ARL0 = 370, c4.option = TRUE, u = u, v = v)

PH2.get.k.EPC <- function(p, c.ii, eps = 0.1, ARL0 = 370, c4.option = TRUE, interval = c(1000, 3000), model = 'ANOVA-based', n = 10, u = runif(100000), v = runif(100000), tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25){

    if (model == 'ANOVA-based') {

        PH2.root.finding.k.EPC <- function(p, k, c.ii, ARLb, c4.option = TRUE, n = 10, u, v){

            nu <- k - 1

            PH2.root.finding.EPC(p, k, nu, c.ii, ARLb, c4.option, u, v)


    } else if (model == 'basic') {

        PH2.root.finding.k.EPC <- function(p, k, c.ii, ARLb, c4.option = TRUE, n = 10, u, v){

            nu <- (n - 1) * k

            PH2.root.finding.EPC(p, k, nu, c.ii, ARLb, c4.option, u, v)


    } else {

        stop("need to specify whether it is based on the ANOVA-based model or others")

    ARLb <- (1 - eps) * ARL0

    rt <- uniroot(
            interval = interval,
            p = p,
            c.ii = c.ii,
            ARLb = ARLb,
            c4.option = c4.option,
            n = n,
            u = u,
            v = v,
            tol = tol

    list(k = rt, PH1.sample.size = rt * n)



PH2XBAR <- function(
            ,PH1.info = list(X = NULL, mu = NULL, sigma = NULL, k = NULL, n = NULL, model = "ANOVA-based")
            ,c.ii.info = list(c.ii = NULL, method = 'UC', ARL0 = 370, p = 0.05, eps = 0.1, interval.c.ii.UC = c(1, 3.2), interval.c.ii.EPC = c(1, 10), UC.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, EPC.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25)
            #,alternative = '2-sided'
            ,c4.option = TRUE
            ,plot.option = TRUE
            ,maxsim = 100000
) {

    alternative = '2-sided'                                                   #turn off the alternative

    k.ii <- dim(X)[1]

    X.bar <- rowMeans(X)

    if (is.null(PH1.info$X)){

        k <- PH1.info$k

        if (PH1.info$model == 'ANOVA-based') {

            nu <- k - 1

        } else if (PH1.info$model == 'basic') {

            if (is.null(PH1.info$n)) {

                stop('Subgroup size needs to be defined')

            } else {

                n <- PH1.info$n
                nu <- k * (n - 1)


        } else {

            stop('The model in Phase 1 needs to be defined')


        corr.par <- corr.par.f(nu, c4.option)

        X.bar.bar <- PH1.info$mu
        sigma.v <- PH1.info$sigma / corr.par

    } else {

        PH1.chart <- PH1XBAR(X = PH1.info$X, c.i = 1, model = PH1.info$model, plot.option = FALSE)

        k <- PH1.chart$k
        nu <- PH1.chart$nu

        X.bar.bar <- PH1.chart$CL
        sigma.v <- PH1.chart$sigma


    u <- runif(maxsim)
    v <- runif(maxsim)

    UC <- NULL
    EPC <- NULL

    n.c.ii <- 0

    UC.flag <- 0
    EPC.flag <- 0

    if (is.null(c.ii.info$c.ii)) {

        if (c.ii.info$method == 'both') {

            UC.flag <- 1
            EPC.flag <- 1

        } else if (c.ii.info$method == 'UC') {

            UC.flag <- 1

        } else if (c.ii.info$method == 'EPC'){

            EPC.flag <- 1

        } else {

            stop("Please check the method of obtaining charting constants in Phase 2")

        if (UC.flag == 1) {

            n.c.ii <- n.c.ii + 1

            UC <- PH2.get.cc.uc(
                    ARL0 = c.ii.info$ARL0
                    , k = k
                    , nu = nu
                    , c4.option = c4.option
                    , interval = c.ii.info$interval.c.ii.UC
                    , u = u
                    , v = v
                    , tol = c.ii.info$UC.tol


        if (EPC.flag == 1){

            n.c.ii <- n.c.ii + 1

            EPC <- PH2.get.cc.EPC(
                    p = c.ii.info$p
                    , k = k
                    , nu = nu
                    , eps = c.ii.info$eps
                    , ARL0 = c.ii.info$ARL0
                    , c4.option = c4.option
                    , interval = c.ii.info$interval.c.ii.EPC
                    , u = u
                    , v = v
                    , tol = c.ii.info$EPC.tol


        c.ii <- list(UC = UC, EPC = EPC)

    } else {

            n.c.ii <- length(c.ii.info$c.ii)

            c.ii <- c.ii.info$c.ii


    LCL <- X.bar.bar - unlist(c.ii) * sigma.v
    UCL <- X.bar.bar + unlist(c.ii) * sigma.v

    if (plot.option == TRUE){

        plot(c(1, k.ii), c(min(c(LCL, X.bar)), max(c(UCL, X.bar))), xaxt = "n", xlab = 'Subgroup', ylab = 'Sample Mean', type = 'n')

        points(1:k.ii, X.bar, type = 'o')

        axis(side = 1, at = 1:k.ii)
        points(c(-1, k.ii + 2), c(X.bar.bar, X.bar.bar), type = 'l', col = 'blue')

        for (ii in 1:n.c.ii){

            points(c(-1, k.ii + 2), c(LCL[ii], LCL[ii]), type = 'l', col = 'red')
            points(c(-1, k.ii + 2), c(UCL[ii], UCL[ii]), type = 'l', col = 'red')

            if (is.null(c.ii.info$c.ii)) {

                lab.in <- paste('(', names(c.ii)[ii], ')', sep = '')

            } else {

                lab.in <- NULL


            ulab <- paste('UCL', lab.in, ' = ', round(UCL[ii], 4), sep = '')
            llab <- paste('LCL', lab.in, ' = ', round(LCL[ii], 4), sep = '')

            text(round(k.ii * 0.8), UCL[ii], ulab, pos = 1)
            text(round(k.ii * 0.8), LCL[ii], llab, pos = 3)



    list(CL = X.bar.bar, sigma = sigma.v, k = k, nu = nu, PH2.cc = unlist(c.ii), LCL = LCL, UCL = UCL, CS = X.bar)



PH2XBAR.data <- function(){

            240, 243, 250, 253, 248,
            238, 242, 245, 251, 247,
            239, 242, 246, 250, 248,
            235, 237, 246, 249, 246,
            240, 241, 246, 247, 249,
            240, 243, 244, 248, 245,
            240, 243, 244, 249, 246,
            245, 250, 250, 247, 248,
            238, 240, 245, 248, 246,
            240, 242, 246, 249, 248,
            240, 243, 246, 250, 248,
            241, 245, 243, 247, 245,
            247, 245, 255, 250, 249,
            237, 239, 243, 247, 246,
            242, 244, 245, 248, 245,
            237, 239, 242, 247, 245,
            242, 244, 246, 251, 248,
            243, 245, 247, 252, 249,
            243, 245, 248, 251, 250,
            244, 246, 246, 250, 246,
            241, 239, 244, 250, 246,
            242, 245, 248, 251, 249,
            242, 245, 248, 243, 246,
            241, 244, 245, 249, 247,
            236, 239, 241, 246, 242,
            243, 246, 247, 252, 247,
            241, 243, 245, 248, 246,
            239, 240, 242, 243, 244,
            239, 240, 250, 252, 250,
            241, 243, 249, 255, 253
        ,nrow = 30
        ,ncol = 5
        ,byrow = TRUE


#PH2.get.k.EPC(p = 0.05, c.ii = 3, eps = 0.2, ARL0 = 370, c4.option = TRUE, interval = c(100, 400), type = 'ANOVA-based', subgroup.size = 10, u = u, v = v)

#m <- dim(x)[1]
#n <- dim(x)[2]
#x.bar.bar <- mean(x)
#sigma.v <- sqrt(sum(apply(x, 1, var)) / m) / c4.f(m * (n - 1))
#k <- get.cc(m, m * (n - 1), 0.05)$K
#LCL <- x.bar.bar - k * sigma.v / sqrt(n)
#UCL <- x.bar.bar + k * sigma.v / sqrt(n)
#x.bar <- rowMeans(x)
#plot(c(1, m), c(LCL * 49997/50000, UCL * 50003/50000), xaxt = "n", xlab = 'Subgroup', ylab = 'Sample Means', type = 'n')
#axis(side = 1, at = 1:25)
#points(1:m, x.bar, type = 'o')
#points(c(-1, m + 2), c(LCL, LCL), type = 'l', col = 'red')
#points(c(-1, m + 2), c(UCL, UCL), type = 'l', col = 'red')
#points(c(-1, m + 2), c(x.bar.bar, x.bar.bar), type = 'l', col = 'blue')
#text(20, UCL * 50001/50000, paste('UCL = ', round(UCL, 4)))
#text(20, LCL * 49999/50000, paste('LCL = ', round(LCL, 4)))
#pos <- c(rep(c(3, 1), 5), 1, 3, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1) #rep(c(1, 3), 8))[-26]
#text(1:m, x.bar, round(x.bar, 4), cex = 0.7, pos = pos)
    #Example about how to get K and L by FAP0
#            20
#            ,80
#            ,FAP = 0.1
#            ,off.diag = NULL
#            ,alternative = '2-sided'
#            ,maxiter = 10000
#            ,method = 'direct'
#            20
#            ,80
#            ,FAP = 0.1
#            ,off.diag = NULL
#            ,alternative = '2-sided'
#            ,maxiter = 10000
#            ,method = 'indirect'

    #Example about how to get FAP by K
#k <- c(
#m.seq <- c(
#    3
#    ,4
#    ,5
#    ,6
#    ,7
#    ,8
#    ,9
#    ,10
#    ,15
#    ,20
#    ,25
#    ,30
#    ,50
#    ,100
#    ,150
#    ,200
#    ,250
#    ,300
#i <- 0
#record <- rep(NA, 18)
#for (m in m.seq){
#    i <- i + 1
#    nu <- m - 1
#    record[i] <- get.FAP0(k[i], m, nu)
bolus123/PH1AND2XBAR documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:56 a.m.