
### S4BuyseTest-coef.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: apr 12 2019 (10:45) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: jul 18 2023 (09:28) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 365
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * Documentation - coef
#' @docType methods
#' @name S4BuyseTest-coef
#' @title Extract Summary Statistics from GPC
#' @aliases coef,S4BuyseTest-method
#' @include S4-BuyseTest.R
#' @description Extract summary statistics (net benefit, win ratio, ...) from GPC.
#' @param object a \code{S4BuyseTest} object, output of \code{\link{BuyseTest}}.
#' @param statistic [character] the type of summary statistic. See the detail section.
#' @param endpoint [character] for which endpoint(s) the summary statistic should be output?
#' If \code{NULL} returns the summary statistic for all endpoints.
#' @param strata [character vector] the strata relative to which the statistic should be output.
#' Can also be \code{"global"} or \code{FALSE} to output the statistic pooled over all strata,
#' or \code{TRUE} to output each strata-specific statistic.
#' @param cumulative [logical] should the summary statistic be cumulated over endpoints?
#' Otherwise display the contribution of each endpoint.
#' @param resampling [logical] should the summary statistic obtained by resampling be output?
#' @param simplify [logical] should the result be coerced to the lowest possible dimension?
#' @param ... ignored.
#' @details
#' One of the following statistic can be specified:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"netBenefit"}: returns the net benefit.
#' \item \code{"winRatio"}: returns the win ratio.
#' \item \code{"favorable"}: returns the proportion in favor of the treatment (also called Mann-Whitney parameter).
#' \item \code{"unfavorable"}: returns the proportion in favor of the control.
#' \item \code{"unfavorable"}: returns the proportion of neutral pairs.
#' \item \code{"unfavorable"}: returns the proportion of uninformative pairs.
#' \item \code{"count.favorable"}: returns the number of pairs in favor of the treatment.
#' \item \code{"count.unfavorable"}: returns the number of pairs in favor of the control.
#' \item \code{"count.neutral"}: returns the number of neutral pairs.
#' \item \code{"count.uninf"}: returns the number of uninformative pairs.
#' }
#' @return When \code{resampling=FALSE} and \code{simplify=FALSE}, a matrix (strata, endpoint).
#' When \code{resampling=FALSE} and \code{simplify=FALSE}, an array (sample, strata, endpoint).
#' @keywords method
#' @author Brice Ozenne

## * method - coef
#' @rdname S4BuyseTest-coef
#' @exportMethod coef
setMethod(f = "coef",
          signature = "S4BuyseTest",
          definition = function(object,
                                endpoint = NULL,
                                statistic = NULL,
                                strata = FALSE,
                                cumulative = NULL,
                                resampling = FALSE,
                                simplify = TRUE,
              ## ** normalize arguments
              option <- BuyseTest.options()
              mycall <- match.call()
              dots <- list(...)
                  stop("Unknown argument(s) \'",paste(names(dots),collapse="\' \'"),"\'. \n")
              ## statistic
                  statistic <- option$statistic

              statistic <- switch(gsub("[[:blank:]]", "", tolower(statistic)),
                                  "netbenefit" = "netBenefit",
                                  "winratio" = "winRatio",
                                  "favorable" = "favorable",
                                  "unfavorable" = "unfavorable",
                                  "uninformative" = "uninf",
              type.count <- c("count.favorable","count.unfavorable","count.neutral","count.uninf")

                             name1 = "statistic",
                             valid.values = c("netBenefit","winRatio","favorable","unfavorable","neutral","uninf",type.count),
                             valid.length = 1,
                             method = "coef[S4BuyseTest]")

                  if(statistic %in% c("count.neutral","neutral","count.uninf","uninf")){
                      cumulative <- FALSE
                      cumulative <- TRUE
              }else if(statistic %in% c("count.neutral","neutral","count.uninf","uninf") && cumulative){
                  stop("Argument \'cumulative\' must be FALSE when argument \'statistic\' is set to \"neutral\" or \"uninf\". \n")

              ## endpoint
              valid.endpoint <- names(object@endpoint)
              n.endpoint <- length(valid.endpoint)
                  endpoint <- valid.endpoint
              }else if(!is.null(endpoint)){
                                   name1 = "endpoint",
                                   min = 1, max = length(valid.endpoint),
                                   valid.length = NULL,
                                   method = "iid[BuyseTest]")
                      endpoint <- valid.endpoint[endpoint]
                                     valid.length = 1:length(valid.endpoint),
                                     valid.values = valid.endpoint,
                                     refuse.NULL = FALSE)
              weightEndpoint <- slot(object, "weightEndpoint")
              ## strata
              level.strata <- object@level.strata
              n.strata <- length(level.strata)
              weightStrata <- object@weightStrata
              type.weightStrata <- attr(weightStrata,"type")

                      strata <- "global"                      
                      strata <- c("global", level.strata)
              }else if(identical(strata,FALSE)){
                  strata <- "global"
              }else if(identical(strata,TRUE)){
                  strata <- level.strata
              }else if(is.numeric(strata)){
                               name1 = "strata",
                               valid.length = NULL,
                               min = 1,
                               max = length(level.strata),
                               refuse.NULL = TRUE,
                               refuse.duplicates = TRUE,
                               method = "autoplot[S4BuyseTest]")
                                 name1 = "strata",
                                 valid.length = NULL,
                                 valid.values = c("global",level.strata),
                                 refuse.NULL = FALSE,
                                 method = "coef[S4BuyseTest]")

              ## resampling

                  if(!attr(slot(object, "method.inference"),"permutation") && !attr(slot(object, "method.inference"),"bootstrap")){
                      stop("No resampling procedure was performed so cannot output the corresponding coefficients. \n")

                  if(statistic %in% type.count){
                      stop("The number of ",gsub("count.","",statistic)," pairs when performing resampling is not saved. \n")

                  n.resampling <- slot(object, "n.resampling")
                  weightStrataResampling <- slot(object, "weightStrataResampling")

              ## ** normalize element in object (add global or stratified result)
              if(statistic %in% type.count){

                  object.statistic <- slot(object, statistic)                  

                  delta <- rbind(global = colSums(object.statistic),
                  Delta <- matrix(.rowCumSum_cpp(delta),
                                  nrow = n.strata+1, ncol = n.endpoint,
                                  dimnames = list(c("global",level.strata), valid.endpoint))

              }else if(resampling == FALSE){

                  object.delta <- matrix(slot(object, "delta")[,,statistic], 
                                         nrow = n.strata, ncol = n.endpoint, dimnames = list(level.strata, valid.endpoint))
                  object.Delta <- matrix(slot(object, "Delta")[,statistic],
                                         nrow = 1, ncol = n.endpoint, dimnames = list("global", valid.endpoint))                  

                  if(statistic != "winRatio"){

                      delta <- rbind(global = colSums(.colMultiply_cpp(object.delta, weightStrata)),

                      Delta.strata <- .rowCumSum_cpp(.rowMultiply_cpp(object.delta, weightEndpoint))
                      rownames(Delta.strata) <- rownames(object.delta)
                      Delta <- rbind(object.Delta, Delta.strata)

                  }else if(statistic == "winRatio"){

                      if(type.weightStrata == "var-winratio"){
                          delta <- rbind(global = colSums(.colMultiply_cpp(object.delta, weightStrata)),


                          out.fav <- coef(object, statistic = "favorable",
                                          endpoint = valid.endpoint, strata = "global", cumulative = FALSE,
                                          resampling = FALSE, simplify = FALSE)
                          out.unfav <- coef(object, statistic = "unfavorable",
                                            endpoint = valid.endpoint, strata = "global", cumulative = FALSE,
                                            resampling = FALSE, simplify = FALSE)

                          delta <- rbind(global = out.fav/out.unfav,


                      out.cumFav <- coef(object, statistic = "favorable",
                                      endpoint = valid.endpoint, strata = level.strata, cumulative = TRUE,
                                      resampling = FALSE, simplify = FALSE)
                      out.cumUnfav <- coef(object, statistic = "unfavorable",
                                        endpoint = valid.endpoint, strata = level.strata, cumulative = TRUE,
                                        resampling = FALSE, simplify = FALSE)

                      Delta <- rbind(object.Delta, out.cumFav/out.cumUnfav)


              }else if(resampling){
                  object.deltaResampling <- array(slot(object, "deltaResampling")[,,,statistic],
                                                  dim = c(n.resampling, n.strata, n.endpoint),
                                                  dimnames = list(NULL, level.strata, valid.endpoint))
                  object.DeltaResampling <- matrix(slot(object, "DeltaResampling")[,,statistic],
                                                   ncol = n.endpoint, dimnames = list(NULL, valid.endpoint))
                  deltaResampling <- array(NA, dim = c(n.resampling, n.strata+1, n.endpoint),
                                           dimnames = list(NULL, c("global",level.strata), valid.endpoint))
                  deltaResampling[,level.strata,valid.endpoint] <- object.deltaResampling

                  DeltaResampling <- array(NA, dim = c(n.resampling, n.strata+1, n.endpoint),
                                           dimnames = list(NULL, c("global",level.strata), valid.endpoint))
                  DeltaResampling[,"global",valid.endpoint] <- object.DeltaResampling 

                  if(statistic == "winRatio"){
                      if(statistic == "winRatio" && type.weightStrata != "var-winratio"){
                          favorableResampling <- coef(object, statistic = "favorable",
                                                      endpoint = valid.endpoint, strata = "global", cumulative = FALSE,
                                                      resampling = TRUE, simplify = FALSE)
                          unfavorableResampling <- coef(object, statistic = "unfavorable",
                                                        endpoint = valid.endpoint, strata = "global", cumulative = FALSE,
                                                        resampling = TRUE, simplify = FALSE)

                      cumFavorableResampling <- coef(object, statistic = "favorable",
                                                     endpoint = valid.endpoint, strata = level.strata, cumulative = TRUE,
                                                     resampling = TRUE, simplify = FALSE)
                      cumUnfavorableResampling <- coef(object, statistic = "unfavorable",
                                                       endpoint = valid.endpoint, strata = level.strata, cumulative = TRUE,
                                                       resampling = TRUE, simplify = FALSE)

                  for(iE in 1:n.endpoint){ ## iE <- 1
                      if(n.strata == 1){
                          deltaResampling[,"global",iE] <- object.deltaResampling[,1,iE]
                          if(statistic != "winRatio" || type.weightStrata == "var-winratio"){
                              deltaResampling[,"global",iE] <- rowSums(object.deltaResampling[,,iE]*weightStrataResampling)
                              deltaResampling[,"global",iE] <- favorableResampling[,"global",iE]/unfavorableResampling[,"global",iE]

                  for(iS in 1:n.strata){ ## iS <- 1
                      if(n.endpoint == 1){
                          DeltaResampling[,iS+1,1] <- object.DeltaResampling
                          if(statistic != "winRatio"){                              
                              DeltaResampling[,iS+1,] <- .rowCumSum_cpp(.rowMultiply_cpp(object.deltaResampling[,iS,], weightEndpoint))
                              DeltaResampling[,iS+1,] <- cumFavorableResampling[,iS,]/cumUnfavorableResampling[,iS,]

              ## ** extract information
              if(resampling == FALSE){

                      out <- Delta[strata,endpoint,drop=simplify]
                  }else if(cumulative == FALSE){
                      out <- delta[strata,endpoint,drop=simplify]
              }else if(resampling){
                      out <- DeltaResampling[,strata,endpoint,drop=simplify]
                  }else if(cumulative == FALSE){
                      out <- deltaResampling[,strata,endpoint,drop=simplify]

              ## ** export


### S4BuyseTest-coef.R ends here
bozenne/BuyseTest documentation built on Feb. 16, 2024, 5:35 a.m.