
# File parsing tests


test_that("extract_line", {
  labels <- c("1", "One", "Two", "Three label")
  dat <- c("one", "1", "This is two", "3")
  sep <- ":"
  fd <- paste(labels, dat, sep = sep)

  for(i in seq_along(labels)) {
    expect_identical(extract_line(fd, line_label = labels[i], sep = sep), dat[i])

  # Numeric and non-numeric data
  expect_is(extract_line("one:1", "one", numeric_data = TRUE), "numeric")
  expect_error(extract_line("one:one", "one", numeric_data = TRUE))

  # Data contains separator
  expect_identical(extract_line("two:this is:two", "two"), "this is:two")

  # Data not present
  expect_error(extract_line(fd, "not there"))
  expect_identical(extract_line(fd, "not there", required = FALSE), NA_character_)

  # Multiple entries and empty entry
  labels <- c("One", "Two", "Two", "Three label")
  dat <- c("1", "This is two", "2", "")
  sep <- ":"
  fd <- paste(labels, dat, sep = sep)
  expect_error(extract_line(fd, "Two"), regexp = "2 entries found")
  expect_error(extract_line(fd, "Three label", required = TRUE), regexp = "blank entry")
  expect_true(is.na(extract_line(fd, "Three label", required = FALSE)))

test_that("list_datasets", {
  expect_is(list_datasets(), "character")

  td <- tempdir()
  td <- file.path(td, "clean-dir")
  dir.create(file.path(td, "not-a-dataset"))
  d <- "d20190407_TEST"
  dir.create(file.path(td, d))

  # greps for correct pattern
  expect_identical(list_datasets(path = td), d)

test_that("resolve_dataset", {
  # errors on non-existent data
  expect_error(resolve_dataset("this doesn't exist"))

test_that("read_file", {
  # strips out comments
  fd <- c("One", "# Two", "Three")
  expect_identical(length(read_file(file_data = fd)), 2L)

  # errors on non-existent file
  expect_error(read_file(list_datasets()[1], "xxxxxxx"), regexp = "Can't find file")

test_that("read_csv_data", {

  x <- c("One,\tTwo,Three", "1,2,three", "2,,\ttrois")

  # reads data correctly
  y <- read_csv_data(x)
  expect_is(y, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(nrow(y), length(x) - 1)
  expect_is(y$Three, "character")  # no factors

  # errors on empty required column
  expect_error(read_csv_data(x, required = "Two"))
  # errors on non-existent column
  expect_error(read_csv_data(x, required = "Four"))

test_that("read_description_file", {
  # description file
              "CSR_TIMEZONE", "CSR_IGBP",
  dat <- c("site", "1", "2", "3",
           "America/New_York", "Grassland",
           "ins", "120",
           "ff", "tsf", "tstz")
  fd <- paste(labels, dat, sep = ":")

  x <- read_description_file("x", file_data = fd)
  expect_is(x, "data.frame")
  expect_equivalent(nrow(x), 1)
  expect_true(all(labels %in% names(x)))

  # Errors on unknown IGBP
  dat1 <- dat
  dat1[which(labels  == "CSR_IGBP")] <- "igbp"
  fd1 <- paste(labels, dat1, sep = ":")
  expect_error(read_description_file("x", file_data = fd1))

  # Ignores unknown labels
  labels <- c(labels, "Unknown_label")
  dat <- c(dat, "x")
  fd <- paste(labels, dat, sep = ":")
  x1 <- read_description_file("x", file_data = fd)
  expect_identical(colnames(x), colnames(x1))

test_that("read_contributors_file", {
  # contributors file
  dat <- c("Ben", "BL", "ben@bbl.com", "0000-0000-0000-0000", "role")
  fd <- function(dat, labels) c(paste(labels, collapse = ","), paste(dat, collapse = ","))

  x <- read_contributors_file("x", file_data = fd(dat, labels))
  expect_is(x, "data.frame")
  expect_equivalent(nrow(x), 1)
  expect_true(all(labels %in% names(x)))

  # Catches missing first email
  dat <- c("Ben", "BL", "", "0000-0000-0000-0000", "role")
  expect_error(read_contributors_file("x", file_data = fd(dat, labels)),
               regexp = "email for primary contributor is missing")

  # Catches invalid emails
  dat <- c("Ben", "BL", "bbl.com", "0000-0000-0000-0000", "role")
  expect_error(read_contributors_file("x", file_data = fd(dat, labels)), regexp = "invalid emails")
  dat <- c("Ben", "BL", "ben@", "0000-0000-0000-0000", "role")
  expect_error(read_contributors_file("x", file_data = fd(dat, labels)), regexp = "invalid emails")
  # Handles multiple (semicolon) emails
  dat <- c("Ben", "BL", "ben@bbl.com; ben@gmail.com", "0000-0000-0000-0000", "role")
  expect_silent(read_contributors_file("x", file_data = fd(dat, labels)))
  # Handles names with diacriticals
  # Unicode 00E9 is e with an accent mark
  dat <- c("Ben", "BL", "b\U00E9n@bbl.com", "0000-0000-0000-0000", "role")
  expect_silent(read_contributors_file("x", file_data = fd(dat, labels)))

  # Catches invalid ORCIDs
  dat <- c("Ben", "BL", "ben@bbl.com", "0000-000-0000-0000", "role")
  expect_error(read_contributors_file("x", file_data = fd(dat, labels)), regexp = "invalid ORCID")
  dat <- c("Ben", "BL", "ben@bbl.com", "0000-000X-0000-0000", "role")
  expect_error(read_contributors_file("x", file_data = fd(dat, labels)), regexp = "invalid ORCID")
  # Valid forms
  dat <- c("Ben", "BL", "ben@bbl.com", "0000-0000-0000-0000", "role")
  expect_silent(read_contributors_file("x", file_data = fd(dat, labels)))
  dat <- c("Ben", "BL", "ben@bbl.com", "0000-0000-0000-000X", "role")
  expect_silent(read_contributors_file("x", file_data = fd(dat, labels)))

test_that("read_ports_file", {
  # ports file
  labels <- c("CSR_PORT", "CSR_MSMT_VAR", "CSR_TREATMENT")
  missing_defaults <- c("CSR_OPAQUE", "CSR_PLANTS_REMOVED")
  dat <- c("0", "Rs", "None")
  fd <- c(paste(labels, collapse = ","), paste(dat, collapse = ","))

  x <- read_ports_file("x", file_data = fd)
  expect_is(x, "data.frame")
  expect_equivalent(nrow(x), 1)
  expect_true(all(labels %in% names(x)))
  expect_true(all(missing_defaults %in% names(x)))

  # Catches missing required variable
  for(i in seq_along(labels)) {
    fd <- c(paste(labels[-i], collapse = ","), paste(dat[-i], collapse = ","))
    expect_error(read_ports_file("x", file_data = fd), info = labels[i])

  # Illegal measurement variable
  labels <- c("CSR_PORT", "CSR_MSMT_VAR", "CSR_TREATMENT")
  dat <- c("0", "Rz", "None")
  fd <- c(paste(labels, collapse = ","), paste(dat, collapse = ","))
  expect_error(read_ports_file("x", file_data = fd))

test_that("read_ancillary_file", {
          "2014-01-01 00:00:00,2015-01-01 00:00:00,mean")
  x <- read_ancillary_file("x", file_data = fd)
  expect_identical(nrow(x), 1L)

  # errors if no statistic
          "2014-01-01 00:00:00,2015-01-01 00:00:00,")
  expect_error(read_ancillary_file("x", file_data = fd), regexp = "CSR_STATISTIC")

  # doesn't error on no timestamps
  expect_silent(x <- read_ancillary_file("x", file_data = fd))
  expect_identical(nrow(x), 1L)

test_that("map_columns", {
  # handles missing input
  expect_null(map_columns(NULL, data.frame()))
  expect_error(map_columns(data.frame(), NULL)) # not a data frame
  expect_error(map_columns(data.frame(), data.frame())) # not correct columns

  # renames columns
  dat <- data.frame(x = 1:2, y = 2:3)
  columns <- data.frame(Database = "z", Dataset = "x", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  res <- map_columns(dat, columns)
  expect_equivalent(res, data.frame(z = 1:2))

  # handles factors
  columns <- data.frame(Database = "z", Dataset = "x")
  expect_identical(map_columns(dat, columns), res)

  # computes on columns
  columns <- data.frame(Database = "z", Dataset = "x", Computation = "x * 2", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  expect_equivalent(map_columns(dat, columns), data.frame(z = c(2, 4)))

  # errors on nonexistent or duplicated columns
  columns <- data.frame(Database = "z", Dataset = "q")
  expect_error(map_columns(dat, columns), regexp = "not found in dat")
  columns <- data.frame(Database = c("z", "z"), Dataset = c("x", "y"))
  expect_error(map_columns(dat, columns), regexp = "More than one dataset column maps")
bpbond/cosore documentation built on July 20, 2021, 3:17 p.m.