calc_sim_args: Calculate SIMCA - Arguments

calc_sim_argsR Documentation

Calculate SIMCA - Arguments


The following parameters can be used in the ... argument in function getap, also within function gdmm, to override the values in the analysis procedure file and so to modify the calculation of SIMCA models - see examples.


gdmm(dataset, ap=getap(...))



Logical. If used in getap, if SIMCA models of the dataset should be calculated.


NULL or character vector. Which variables should be used to group the data. Set to NULL for using all available class-variables, or provide a character vector with the column names of class variables to group the data along those for calculating SIMCA models.


Numeric length one. The number of components used for calculating the SIMCA models. In mode 'robust' leave at '0' for automatic detection of optimal number of components. [It is a capital 'K' in the argument.]


For a list of all parameters that can be used in the ... argument in getap and in the plot functions please see anproc_file.


Calculation of SIMCA models is done with the function RSimca / CSimca and with code adapted from the manual-page of the Chemometrics-software "Pirouette".

See Also


Other Calc. arguments: calc_NNET_args, calc_SVM_args, calc_aqg_args, calc_discrimAnalysis_args, calc_pca_args, calc_pls_args, calc_randomForest_args, split_dataset

Other SIMCA documentation: plot_sim_args, plot_simca,aquap_cube-method


## Not run: 
 dataset <- gfd()
 cube <- gdmm(dataset, getap(do.sim=TRUE))
 cube <- gdmm(dataset, getap(do.sim=TRUE, sim.K=4))

## End(Not run)

bpollner/aquap2 documentation built on June 29, 2024, 5:21 p.m.