export_header_toXls: Export Header to Xls

View source: R/prep_importData.r

export_header_toXlsR Documentation

Export Header to Xls


Exports only the header, i.e. the class- and numerical variables, to an xls-file in the folder sl-in. The filename is the experiment name, followed by the suffix _fromHeader if parameter asSlIn is FALSE. If it is TRUE, a possibly existing sampleList-in file with the same name will be overwritten.


  md = getmd(),
  asSlIn = FALSE,
  rowns = TRUE,
  cutCCC = TRUE



An object of class 'aquap_data'


List. The object with the metadat of the experiment. The default is to get the metadata file via getmd.


Logical, if the created xlsx file should be named ending in -in, thus being ready to reimport as sample list file. Defaults to FALSE. **Warning!** If asSlIn is set to TRUE, any existing sample list with the same name will be overwritten without warning!


Logical. If rownames should be exported as well. Defaults to TRUE.


Logical. If the numeric columns possibly copied as class variables during rawdata import should be omitted. Defaults to TRUE. (cutCCC: 'cut copied C-Cols')


TRUE if the operation was successful, FALSE if not. Used for its side effects, i.e. the header exported to xls in the sl-in folder.


If asSlIn is set to TRUE, any existing sample list with the same name will be overwritten without warning!

See Also

Other Helper Functions: ap2_settings_setup(), ap2dme(), export_ap2_ToXlsx(), genFolderStr(), genNoiseRecExp(), genTempCalibExp(), getcd(), getcm(), getstn(), printStdColnames(), reColor(), saveAQdata(), siWlg(), updateSettings()

bpollner/aquap2 documentation built on March 29, 2024, 7:33 a.m.