custom_TRH: Customising Import from Logger-files

custom_TRHR Documentation

Customising Import from Logger-files


You can provide your own import function for importing temperature and relative humidity data. The .r file containing this function has to be located in the folder specified in the .Renviron file. (see 'Note' in updateSettings) To tell the package to use a custom function, you have to provide the character "custom@yourFile.r" to the approrpiate arguments (like e.g. the function getFullData), with "yourFile.r" being the name of the .r file containing the function.


The requirements for this .r file are as follows: There need to be two and only to objects in this file, having the names "fileExtension" and "trhImport". All other objects will be ignored.

  • fileExtension: Provide a character length one containing the extension of your raw-spectra file, e.g. ".txt" for a text file.

  • trhImport: This is the function itself. The first argument has to be the data file. No additional arguments than the first one will be used. Provide any necessary defaults in the function itself.


The returned value of the function has to be a data frame with three columns having the following names:

  • Time The column containing the timestamps in 'POSIX' format.

  • Temp A numeric column containing temperature values.

  • RelHum A numeric column containing values for relative humidity.

See Also

Other Development Functions: custom_import, imp_searchAskColumns(), readHeader(), readSpectra()


## Not run: 
# this could be the content of the .r file for defining a custom function, 
# in this example for an import from a text file where the first three 
# columns contain the data. The first four rows get skipped.
 fileExtension <- ".txt"
 trhImport <- function(dataFile) {  
   TRH <- read.table(dataFile, header=F, skip=4)[,c(1,2,3)]
   # assuming time, temp and rel. hum are in column 1, 2, and 3
   colnames(TRH) <- c("Time", "Temp", "RelHum")
   TRH$Time <- strptime(TRH$Time, format = "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M'%S")
 } # EOF

## End(Not run)

bpollner/aquap2 documentation built on March 29, 2024, 7:33 a.m.