
# A function to warn about (and filter) impossible diffs
filter_impossible_edits <- function(offset_difflist, original_difflist,
                                    file2) {

  output_difflist <- list()

  for (i in 1:length(offset_difflist)) {

    if (
      # If it's a change (as opposed to add/remove) diff
      offset_difflist[[i]]$type == "c" &
        # And there are zero non-NA lines to change
        length(offset_difflist[[i]]$file1_remove) == 0L
    ) {

      # Find the lines where a change has been attempted
      attempt_lines <- readLines(file2)[remote_diff[[i]]$file2_add]

        "It looks like remote content in the Google doc which doesn't have an ",
        "direct equivalent in the .Rmd file was edited. Obviously these can't ",
        "be merged back in. Discarding the following changed line(s), and ",
        "attempting to merge the rest:\n\n",

      output_difflist[[i]] <- NULL
    } else {
      output_difflist[[i]] <- offset_difflist[[i]]

  # Filter out the NULL entries
  output_difflist %>%
    Filter(function(x) !is.null(x), .)

# Note: Currently the is.na statements in the below are throwing warnings, but
# the behavior is as desired. Possibly worth wrapping in a suppressWarnings call
#' @keywords internal
remote_diff_to_local <- function(remote1, local1, remote2, output_file) {

  map <- map_lines(remote1, local1)

  # Diff the two remote files, extract the lines which have changed
  # Before you do the diff, remove all commas at the end of lines, as these
  # mean that adding an item to an object changes the object above

  remote_diff <- diff_list(remote1, remote2, ignore_trailing_commas = TRUE)

  filtered_diff <- remote_diff

  # Alter the diff object, so that the lines from remote1 are changed to their
  # equivalents in local1
  map_ind <- function(x) {
    if (any(is.na(x))) return(NA)

  map_ind2 <- function(lines_to_change) {

    if (any(is.na(lines_to_change))) return(NA)

    mapped_lines_to_change <- vector()

    # Go through each line in file 1
    for (i in 1:length(lines_to_change)) {
      # The line-number of the line in question, in the first / markdown file
      # (also the row number of map)
      l <- lines_to_change[i]

      if (!is.na(map$file2[l])) {
        # If there's no NA, then it should be a straight mapping
        mapped_lines_to_change <- c(mapped_lines_to_change, map$file2[l])
      } else {

        # Otherwise, interpolate between known editable lines
        # The previous non-NA line
        last_non_na <- max(stats::na.omit(map$file2[1:(l-1)]))     + 1
        # The next non-NA line
        next_non_na <- min(stats::na.omit(map$file2[l:nrow(map)])) - 1

        # Interpolate the lines of source code that would be affected, and add
        # them to the lines to edit
        mapped_lines_to_change <- c(
          mapped_lines_to_change, last_non_na:next_non_na


  # The line numbers for the remote1 - remote2 diff, but with remote1's line
  # numbers replaced with the equivalents (where available) from local1
  offset_diff <-
    filtered_diff %>%
    lapply(function(x) {
      x$file1_at     <- max(map_ind2(x$file1_at))
      x$file1_remove <- map_ind(x$file1_remove)

  # If at this point, you have a change diff with zero non-NA replacements (or,
  # entries in diff$file_2_remove), then this is an attempt to change remote
  # content, that can't work. Here issue a warning, and remove that diff from
  # the list.
  possible_diff <- filter_impossible_edits(offset_diff, filtered_diff, remote2)

  # If there are no diffs to patch, write local1 to output file and print a
  # message
  if (length(possible_diff) == 0L) {
    file.copy(local1, output_file, overwrite = TRUE)
    message("No diffs that can be merged detected")

  # Apply the offset diff object (containing the diffs between the two remote
  # files), and use it to apply a patch to the original markdown source
  patch(local1, remote2, possible_diff, output_file)


# There are two approaches to this. One is that you diff the local and source
# (to get diffs which relate to R code), and then diff these back on to the new
# file. This seems like it could work, but it would, for example, not handle
# changes in code that don't have any visual result in the remote file.
# The other approach is to map the source and local files to see what can be
# changed. For the parts of the document that can be changed, propagate the
# changes over. If there are changes which are outside this, don't move them
# over (it would be helpful if you threw a warning).

#' @keywords internal
unknit_new_md <- function(original_rmd_ast, original_md_ast, new_md_ast,
                          output_file = "_unknit.ast") {

  # For each line in the original markdown file, which lines have a
  # corresponding line in the Rmarkdown file?
  map <- map_lines(original_md_ast, original_rmd_ast)

  # What are the differences between the original md and rmd?
  md_changes_diff <- diff_list(
    original_md_ast, new_md_ast,  ignore_trailing_commas = TRUE

  # Determine if any of the diffs concern areas of the AST which can't
  # *meaningfully* be propagated back to the local markdown source's AST. All
  # additions *should* (?) be fine
  # For changes / subtractions -- if any positive digit isn't in `map`, remove
  # it

  # You should probably do away with all of this: Deletions will appear as both
  # changes and deletions, and additions aren't problematic.
  ## filtered_diff <- md_changes_diff %>%
  ##   lapply(function(x) {
  ##     # If there's nothing to remove, then you're fine
  ##     if (any(is.na(x$file1_remove))) return(x)
  ##     # The lines which are flagged as changeable from the mapping between
  ##     # remote1 and local1
  ##     changeable_lines <- map$file1[!is.na(map$file2)]
  ##     # The lines in remote1 which we hope to change
  ##     lines_to_be_changed <- x$file1_remove

  ##     if (all(lines_to_be_changed %in% changeable_lines)) x else NULL
  ##   }) %>%
  ##   Filter(Negate(is.null), .)

  ## if (length(filtered_diff) < 1L) {
  ##   stop("After filtering to lines which can be changed, no diffs to make!")
  ## }

  filtered_diff <- md_changes_diff

  ## # Alter the diff object, so that the lines from new_md_ast are changed to their
  ## # equivalents in original_rmd_ast
  ## map_ind <- function(x) {
  ##   if (any(is.na(x))) return(NA)
  ##   map$file2[x]
  ## }

  # A version of the above, which should substitute NAs for equivalent lines in
  # the source code
  map_ind2 <- function(lines_to_change) {

    if (any(is.na(lines_to_change))) return(NA)

    mapped_lines_to_change <- vector()

    # Go through each line in file 1
    for (i in 1:length(lines_to_change)) {
      # The line-number of the line in question, in the first / markdown file
      # (also the row number of map)
      l <- lines_to_change[i]

      if (!is.na(map$file2[l])) {
        # If there's no NA, then it should be a straight mapping
        mapped_lines_to_change <- c(mapped_lines_to_change, map$file2[l])
      } else {

        # Otherwise, interpolate between known editable lines
        # The previous non-NA line
        last_non_na <- max(stats::na.omit(map$file2[1:(l-1)]))     + 1
        # The next non-NA line
        next_non_na <- min(stats::na.omit(map$file2[l:nrow(map)])) - 1

        # Interpolate the lines of source code that would be affected, and add
        # them to the lines to edit
        mapped_lines_to_change <- c(
          mapped_lines_to_change, last_non_na:next_non_na


  # The line numbers for the remote1 - remote2 diff, but with remote1's line
  # numbers replaced with the equivalents (where available) from local1
  offset_diff <- filtered_diff %>%
      x$file1_at     <- max(map_ind2(x$file1_at))
      x$file1_remove <- map_ind2(x$file1_remove)

  # Apply the offset diff object (containing the diffs between the old and new
  # markdown asts, and apply it to the source rmarkdown ast. Don't convert to
  # markdown at this stage
  patch(original_rmd_ast, new_md_ast, offset_diff, output_file)

## unknit_new_md <- function(
##   original_rmd_ast, original_md_ast, new_md_ast, output_file = "_unknit.ast"
## ) {
##   # The only paragraph-level difference between Rmd and md source files should
##   # be R code, so we can narrow our search to just things which look like code

##   # fold the JSON so that each terminaltype/content pair witin the padoc AST
##   # json is on it's own line (makes diffing easier). There's really no use-case
##   # for *not* doing it this way --- you may as well move it in to the main
##   # diffing function
##   rendered_fold <- "_folded_rendered.ast"
##   source_fold   <- "_folded_source.ast"
##   new_fold      <- "_folded_new.ast"

##   fold_ast_json(original_rmd_ast, source_fold)
##   fold_ast_json(original_md_ast, rendered_fold)
##   fold_ast_json(new_md_ast, new_fold)

##   # For each line in the original local file, where are the corresponding lines
##   # in the new file?
##   map <- map_lines(rendered_fold, new_fold)

##   # What are the differences between the original md and rmd?
##   knit_diff <- diff_list(rendered_fold, source_fold)

##   # Filter the diff, to remove anything which overlaps with an NA in the
##   # rendered file --- these diffs represent dynamic code which is no longer
##   # represented in the AST (e.g. it has been removed.)
##   filtered_diff <- knit_diff %>%
##     lapply(function(x) {
##       changeable_lines <- map$remote_file[is.na(map$file1)]
##       if (!all(x$file1_remove %in% changeable_lines)) x else NULL
##     }) %>%
##     Filter(Negate(is.null), .)

##   # Alter the diff object, so that changes intended for the local document can
##   # be mapped to the new remote one
##   map_ind <- function(x) {
##     if (any(is.na(x))) return(NA)
##     map$file2[x]
##   }

##   offset_diff <- filtered_diff %>%
##     lapply(function(x) {
##       x$file1_at     <- map_ind(x$file1_at)
##       x$file1_remove <- map_ind(x$file1_remove)
##       x
##     })

##   # Write the ast to a tempfile, then convert that to (R) markdown
##   temp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".json")
##   patch(new_fold, source_fold, offset_diff, temp_file)

##   system(paste(
##     "pandoc", temp_file, "-f json -t markdown -o", output_file
##   ))
## }
brendan-r/googdown documentation built on May 13, 2019, 5:09 a.m.