
#R replication code

if (!require("RMoCap"))
	if (!require("devtools"))
		install.packages("devtools") # if you have not installed "devtools" package

#set a working folder when you want to save your data
path.to.work.folder = "e:\\test\\"
#Read BVH file (Recalculate hierarchical to direct kinematic model) - Section 2
#an example BVH file
f <- file(paste(path.to.work.folder,"heian.nidan.bvh", sep=""))
writeChar(con = f, object = heian.nidan.bvh)
#read hierarchical model stored in BVH file
heian.nidan <- read.mocap(paste(path.to.work.folder,"heian.nidan.bvh", sep=""))
#plot kinematic data
plot(x = heian.nidan$data.frame$Hips.Dx, y = heian.nidan$data.frame$Hips.Dz, type = "l", ylab = "Displacement X [cm]", xlab = "Displacement Z [cm]")
title("Hips displacement during motion")

#generate kinematic from hierarchical model - same results as above
df <- hierarchical.to.direct.kinematic(heian.nidan$skeleton)
plot(x = df$Hips.Dx, y = df$Hips.Dz, type = "l", ylab = "Displacement X [cm]", xlab = "Displacement Z [cm]")
title("Hips displacement during motion")

plot(heian.nidan, frame = 1, my.color = "white", alpha = 1, spheres = TRUE, print.text = TRUE)
plot(heian.nidan, frames.fraction = 0.1, my.color = "white", alpha = 0.1, spheres = FALSE)

#Recalculate direct to hierarchical kinematic model - Section 3
#definition of hierarchical model
input.skeleton <- header.mocap

#use first 250 to make calculation quicker
df.to.save <- heian.yondan[1:250,]
#run calculation
first.frame <- df.to.bvh(input.skeleton, df.to.save, plot.me = FALSE, debug.messages = TRUE)
#save as BVH
write.bvh(first.frame, paste(path.to.work.folder,"heian.yondan.frames250.bvh", sep = ""))

#jitter the data and try noise data conversion 
plot(df.to.save[,2], ylab = "Displacement [cm]", xlab = "Time [10^-2 sec]", pch = 1)
for (a in 1:ncol(df.to.save))
	df.to.save[,a] <- jitter(df.to.save[,a], factor = 500)
points(df.to.save[,2],col="red", pch = 2)
legend("bottomright", legend=c("Original", "Jitter"), col=c("black", "red"), pch = c(1,2))
title("Example channel of MoCap data")
#run calculation
first.frame <- df.to.bvh(input.skeleton, df.to.save, plot.me = FALSE, debug.messages = TRUE)

#plot rotation data
plot(first.frame$skeleton$Joints[[1]]$Rxyz[,1], type = "l", col = "black")
lines(first.frame$skeleton$Joints[[1]]$Rxyz[,2], type = "l", col = "red")
lines(first.frame$skeleton$Joints[[1]]$Rxyz[,3], type = "l", col = "blue")
legend("bottomright", legend=c("X axis rotation", "Y axis rotation", "Z axis rotation"), col=c("black", "red", "blue"), lty = 1)
title("Hips rotation data")
#save as BVH
write.bvh(first.frame, paste(path.to.work.folder,"jitter.heian.yondan.frames250.bvh", sep ="" ))

#run recalculation on the single frame and plot, how joints are aligned one onto another
df.to.save <- heian.yondan[1000:1001,]
foo <- df.to.bvh(input.skeleton, df.to.save, plot.me = TRUE, debug.messages = FALSE, frame.id = 1)

#Motion direction correction (with acceleration data) - Section 4

heian.shodan.corrected <- calculate.kinematic(heian.shodan, show.plot = "TRUE", plot.title = "Heian Shodan")
original.bvh <- set.data.frame(header.mocap, heian.shodan)
corrected.bvh <- set.data.frame(header.mocap, heian.shodan.corrected)
#plotting BVH
plot(original.bvh, frames.fraction = 0.1, my.color = "red", alpha = 0.1, spheres = FALSE)
plot(corrected.bvh, frames.fraction = 0.1, my.color = "green", alpha = 0.1, spheres = FALSE, append = TRUE)

#writting BVH to disk
write.bvh(original.bvh, paste(path.to.work.folder,"original.bvh", sep =""))
write.bvh(corrected.bvh, paste(path.to.work.folder,"corrected.bvh", sep =""))

#Motion data averaging

myList <- list()
#Use only data frames
for (a in 1:length(mawashi.geri.right.list))
	myList[[a]] <-mawashi.geri.right.list[[a]]$data.frame
#set seed for repeatable results
#run compiled version of mocap.averaging function (with library(compiler))
res.data <- mocap.averagingCmp(myList, 50, eps = 0.000001)
#save results in BVH file
skel <- set.data.frame(mawashi.geri.right.list[[1]], res.data$fullData)
write.bvh(path = paste(path.to.work.folder,"mawashi_50.bvh",sep=""), skeleton.helper = skel)

#Motion capture analysis - hands - Section 5

refdata <- right.arm.motion.1$data.frame
inputdata <- right.arm.motion.2$data.frame

#parameters for data analysis, a threshold for maxima 
#and size of smoothing filter (10% of signal size)
extremumthreshold <- 0.66
smoothSize <- 0.1

#rotate inputdata to face the same direction as refdata, 
#use vector LeftShoulder - RightShoulder for alignment
inputdataalignment <- rotatedata(inputdata, refdata, "LeftShoulder","RightShoulder")
#motion direction correction (without acceleration data), the stationary body part is LeftShoulder
inputdataalignmentkinematic <- calculate.kinematic(inputdataalignment, bodypartname = "LeftShoulder")
#motion direction correction (without acceleration data)
refdatakinematic <- calculate.kinematic(refdata, bodypartname = "LeftShoulder")
#set initial spatial position of inputdataalignmentkinematic in the same point
#as it is in refdatakinematic
inputdataalignmentkinematic <- aligninputandrefdata(inputdataalignmentkinematic, refdatakinematic, limbname = "LeftShoulder")

#setup kinematic chain
data.configuration <- list()
#set end joint
data.configuration[[1]] <- list(x1 = vector.to.list(refdatakinematic, "RightHand"),#a 3D trajectory of RightHand
				x2 = vector.to.list(inputdataalignmentkinematic, "RightHand"),#a 3D trajectory of RightHand
				FUN = euc.dist,#DTW distance function
				ylab = "Distance [cm]",#unit on plot
				legend = "RightHand",#legend on plot
				plotRGL = "RightHand",#plot interactive 3D plot
				skeleton = right.arm.motion.1)#reference mocap object with joints hierarchy
#another joint in kinematic chain
data.configuration[[2]] <- list(x1 = vector.to.angles.list(refdatakinematic, "RightShoulder", "RightArm", "RightForearm"),#an angle on the plain
				x2 = vector.to.angles.list(inputdataalignmentkinematic, "RightShoulder", "RightArm", "RightForearm"),
				FUN = euc.dist1d,#1D distance
				ylab = "Angle [rad]",
				legend = "Right elbow",
				plotRGL = NULL,#do not plot 3D interactive plot
				skeleton = NULL)

#generate 3D Euler angles betweem RightArm - RightForearm 
#and coordinate frame - where X axis is RightShoulder - LeftShoulder, see documentation for Y and Z
x1 <- vector.to.angles.frame.list(refdatakinematic, "RightArm", "RightForearm", "RightShoulder", "LeftShoulder")
x2 <- vector.to.angles.frame.list(inputdataalignmentkinematic, "RightArm", "RightForearm", "RightShoulder", "LeftShoulder")

data.configuration[[3]] <- list(x1 = x1[[1]],
				x2 = x2[[1]],
				FUN = euc.dist1d,
				ylab = "Angle [rad]",
				legend = "X angle between RightArm and RightForearm",
				plotRGL = NULL,
				skeleton = NULL)

data.configuration[[4]] <- list(x1 = x1[[2]],
							  x2 = x2[[2]],
							  FUN = euc.dist1d,
							  ylab = "Angle [rad]",
							  legend = "Y angle between RightArm and RightForearm",
							  plotRGL = NULL,
							  skeleton = NULL)

data.configuration[[5]] <- list(x1 = x1[[3]],
							  x2 = x2[[3]],
							  FUN = euc.dist1d,
							  ylab = "Angle [rad]",
							  legend = "Z angle between RightArm and RightForearm",
							  plotRGL = NULL,
							  skeleton = NULL)

#run analysis
res <- analyze.mocap(data.configuration,

#Motion capture analysis - legs - Section 5

#this is analogical example to above, however this time we analyse legs

refdata <- mawashi.geri.left.1$data.frame
inputdata <- mawashi.geri.left.2$data.frame

extremumthreshold <- 0.66
smoothSize <- 0.1

#rotate inputdata to face the same direction as refdata, 
#use vector LeftThigh - RightThigh for alignment
inputdataalignment <- rotatedata(inputdata, refdata, "LeftThigh","RightThigh")
#motion direction correction (without acceleration data), the stationary body part is RightFoot
inputdataalignmentkinematic <- calculate.kinematic(inputdataalignment, bodypartname = "RightFoot")
refdatakinematic <- calculate.kinematic(refdata, bodypartname = "RightFoot")

inputdataalignmentkinematic <- aligninputandrefdata(inputdataalignmentkinematic, refdatakinematic, limbname = "RightFoot")

#setup kinematic chain
data.configuration <- list()
data.configuration[[1]] <- list(x1 = vector.to.list(refdatakinematic, "LeftFoot"),
							  x2 = vector.to.list(inputdataalignmentkinematic, "LeftFoot"),
							  FUN = euc.dist,
							  ylab = "Distance [cm]",
							  legend = "LeftFoot",
							  plotRGL = "LeftFoot",
							  skeleton = mawashi.geri.left.1)

data.configuration[[2]] <- list(x1 = vector.to.angles.list(refdatakinematic, "LeftThigh", "LeftLeg", "LeftFoot"),
							  x2 = vector.to.angles.list(inputdataalignmentkinematic, "LeftThigh", "LeftLeg", "LeftFoot"),
							  FUN = euc.dist1d,
							  ylab = "Angle [rad]",
							  legend = "Left knee",
							  plotRGL = NULL)

x1 <- vector.to.angles.frame.list(refdatakinematic, "LeftThigh", "LeftLeg", "LeftThigh","RightThigh")
x2 <- vector.to.angles.frame.list(inputdataalignmentkinematic, "LeftThigh", "LeftLeg", "LeftThigh","RightThigh")

data.configuration[[3]] <- list(x1 = x1[[1]],
							  x2 = x2[[1]],
							  FUN = euc.dist1d,
							  ylab = "Angle [rad]",
							  legend = "X angle between LeftThigh and LeftLeg",
							  plotRGL = NULL)

data.configuration[[4]] <- list(x1 = x1[[2]],
							  x2 = x2[[2]],
							  FUN = euc.dist1d,
							  ylab = "Angle [rad]",
							  legend = "Y angle between LeftThigh and LeftLeg",
							  plotRGL = NULL)

data.configuration[[5]] <- list(x1 = x1[[3]],
							  x2 = x2[[3]],
							  FUN = euc.dist1d,
							  ylab = "Angle [rad]",
							  legend = "Z angle between LeftThigh and LeftLeg",
							  plotRGL = NULL)

res <- analyze.mocap(data.configuration,
browarsoftware/RMoCap documentation built on May 16, 2019, 7:28 a.m.