
Defines functions installB

Documented in installB

#' @title install packages from local drive
#' @description
#' Remove function objects from workspace and try to unload reverse dependencies. 
#' Then call \code{devtools::\link[devtools]{install}}.\cr
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, 2014 - 2023
#' @seealso \code{\link{packageDescription}}, \code{\link{read.dcf}}
#' @keywords package
#' @importFrom devtools install
#' @importFrom utils packageDescription flush.console menu
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Here's what you could write into your Rprofile.site:
#' # Loading Packages
#' try(br::loadPackages())
#' options(help_type="html")
#' # Set CRAN repository
#' local({r <- getOption("repos")
#' r["CRAN"] <- "https://cran.rstudio.com" # 0-cloud
#' options(repos=r)})
#' # create character string  base::desktop
#' desktop <- "C:/Users/berry/Desktop" # linux "/home/berry/Desktop"
#' # Speed up package installation
#' # https://blog.jumpingrivers.com/posts/2017/speed_package_installation/
#' options(Ncpus = parallel::detectCores()-1 )
#' # if install.packages and download.files give HTTP status 403 forbidden:
#' options(url.method="libcurl")
#' } # end dontrun
#' @param package Package name. DEFAULT: NA (interactive selection)
#' @param path Path containing package folder. DEFAULT: "C:/Dropbox/Rpack"
#' @param force Logical. Even install if the version is not outdated? DEFAULT: FALSE
#' @param load Logical. Also call loadAndMessage? DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param unloadrevdep Try to unload some common reverse dependencies? DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param quiet Suppress messages? DEFAULT: FALSE
#' @param \ldots passed to \code{devtools::\link[devtools]{install}}
#' @export
installB <- function(
# adjust path based on computer currently used:
path <- pathFinder(path)
# interactive package choice
  packs <- list.dirs(path, full.names=FALSE, recursive=FALSE)
  packs <- packs[!packs %in% c(".Rproj.user", "0-archive")]
  sel <- menu(packs, title=paste0("Which package would you like to install",
                                  if(!force)" (if outdated)", "?"))
  package <- packs[sel]
# remove function objects from workspace:
d <- dir(paste0(path, "/", package, "/R"))
d <- gsub(".r", "", d, fixed=TRUE)
d <- gsub(".R", "", d, fixed=TRUE)
l <- ls(globalenv())
rm(list=l[l %in% d], envir=globalenv())
# unload package dependencies to avoid messages "unloadNamespace * not successful. Forcing unload."
try(unloadNamespace("rdwd"), silent=TRUE)
try(unloadNamespace("mhmVis"), silent=TRUE)
try(unloadNamespace("extremeStat"), silent=TRUE)
try(unloadNamespace("OSMscale"), silent=TRUE)
try(unloadNamespace(package), silent=TRUE) # if devtools::load_all was used, 
# packageDescription would otherwise not return the date of the actually installed package
# check if installed version is outdated:
doinst <- if(force) TRUE else checkOutdated(package, path, quiet=TRUE)
# install
  message("installB will now install ", package)
  try(devtools::install(paste0(path, "/", package), build_vignettes=TRUE, ...))
if(load) loadAndMessage(package, quiet=quiet)
brry/installB documentation built on Jan. 3, 2024, 6:49 p.m.