
Defines functions checkIndex

Documented in checkIndex

#' @title check indexes
#' @description check indexes. Mainly for internal usage in [createIndex()].
#'              Not exported, so call it as rdwd:::checkIndex() if you want to
#'              run tests yourself. Further test suggestions are welcome!
#' @return Charstring with issues (if any) to be printed with [cat()].
#' @importFrom berryFunctions truncMessage round0 traceCall twarning
#' @importFrom pbapply pbsapply
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, May 2019
#' @seealso [`createIndex`]
#' @examples
#' data(fileIndex) ; data(metaIndex) ; data(geoIndex)
#' # ci <- rdwd:::checkIndex(findex=fileIndex, mindex=metaIndex, gindex=geoIndex)
#' # cat(ci)
#' @param findex    [`fileIndex`]. DEFAULT: NULL
#' @param mindex    [`metaIndex`]. DEFAULT: NULL
#' @param gindex    [`geoIndex`].  DEFAULT: NULL
#' @param excludefp Exclude false positives from geoIndex coordinate check results?
#'                  DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param fast      Exclude the 3-minute location per ID check? DEFAULT: FALSE
#' @param warn      Warn about issues? DEFAULT: `!quiet` (TRUE)
#' @param logfile   File to copy log to, appended to existing content. NULL to suppress.
#'                  DEFAULT: "misc/ExampleTests/warnings.txt"
#' @param quiet     Logical: Suppress progress messages?
#'                  DEFAULT: FALSE through [rdwdquiet()]
checkIndex <- function(
# helper function:
alldupli <- function(x) duplicated(x) | duplicated(x, fromLast=TRUE)
# Output text:
out <- paste0("\ncheckIndex results at ", as.character(Sys.time()), " for\n", dwdbase)
itime <- file.mtime("data/fileIndex.rda")
if(!is.na(itime)) out <- paste0(out, "\nFile 'data/fileIndex.rda' was last modified ", itime)
out <- paste0(out, berryFunctions::traceCall(skip=1), "-------")

# findex ----

if(!quiet) message("Checking fileIndex...")
# check for duplicate files (DWD errors):
duplifile <- findex[!grepl("minute",findex$res),] # 1min + 10min excluded
duplifile <- duplifile[alldupli(duplifile[,1:4]),]
duplifile <- duplifile[!is.na(duplifile$id),] # exclude meta + multia files
duplifile <- duplifile[duplifile$res!="subdaily" & duplifile$var!="standard_format",]

  rvp <- paste(duplifile$res,duplifile$var,duplifile$per, sep="/")
  per_folder <- lapply(unique(rvp), function(p)
    {i <- unique(duplifile$id[rvp==p])
    paste0("- ", berryFunctions::round0(length(i), pre=2, flag=" "), " at ", p, "; ",
           berryFunctions::truncMessage(i, ntrunc=10, prefix=""))
  per_folder <- paste(unlist(per_folder), collapse="\n")
  out <- c(out, "IDs with duplicate files:", per_folder)

# Duplicate meta files:
duplifile <- findex[findex$ismeta &
                    grepl("txt$", findex$path) &
                    findex$res != "multi_annual",] # aktStandort + festerStandort
duplifile$rvp <- paste(duplifile$res, duplifile$var, duplifile$per, sep="/")
duplifile <- duplifile$path[alldupli(duplifile$rvp)]
  out <- c(out, "Duplicate 'Beschreibung' files:", paste("-",duplifile))

# mindex ----

if(!quiet) message("Checking metaIndex...")
# helper function:
newout <- function(out,ids,colcomp,column,textvar,unit="")
 new <- sapply(ids, function(i)
 {tt <- sort(table(mindex[colcomp==i,column]), decreasing=TRUE)
 unname(paste0("- ", textvar,"=",i, ": ", paste0(tt,"x",names(tt),unit, collapse=", ")))
 c(out, new)

id_uni <- unique(mindex$Stations_id)
# ID elevation inconsistencies:
eletol <- 2.1 # m tolerance
id_ele <- pbapply::pbsapply(id_uni, function(i)
  out <- c(out,paste0("Elevation differences >",eletol,"m:"))
  out <- newout(out, id_uni[id_ele], mindex$Stations_id, "Stationshoehe", "ID", "m")

# several locations for one station ID:
loctol <- 0.040 # km
id_loc <- pbapply::pbsapply(id_uni, function(i)
    maxlldist("geoBreite","geoLaenge", mindex[mindex$Stations_id==i,], each=FALSE)>loctol)
mindex$coord <- paste(mindex$geoBreite, mindex$geoLaenge, sep="_")
  out <- c(out, paste0("Location differences >",loctol*1000,"m:"))
  out <- newout(out, id_uni[id_loc], mindex$Stations_id, "coord", "ID")

# Different names per ID:
id_name <- pbapply::pbsapply(id_uni, function(i)
  out <- c(out, "Different names per id:")
  out <- newout(out, id_uni[id_name], mindex$Stations_id, "Stationsname", "ID")

# Different IDs per name:
name_uni <- unique(mindex$Stationsname)
name_id <- pbapply::pbsapply(name_uni, function(n)
if(excludefp) name_id[name_uni=="Suderburg"] <- FALSE
  out <- c(out, "More than one id per name:")
  out <- newout(out, name_uni[name_id], mindex$Stationsname,"Stations_id", "Name")

# file/metaIndex date ranges  ----

# currently suppressed - too many differences to be meaningful!
if(!is.null(findex) & !is.null(mindex) & FALSE){
if(!quiet) message("Comparing fileIndex and metaIndex date ranges...")

findex$start <- as.Date(findex$start, "%Y%m%d")
findex$end   <- as.Date(findex$end,   "%Y%m%d")
mindex$von_datum <- as.Date(as.character(mindex$von_datum), "%Y%m%d")
mindex$bis_datum <- as.Date(as.character(mindex$bis_datum), "%Y%m%d")

m2 <- mindex[mindex$res=="annual" & mindex$var=="more_precip" & mindex$per=="historical" & mindex$hasfile,]
f2 <- findex[findex$res=="annual" & findex$var=="more_precip" & findex$per=="historical" & !is.na(findex$id),]
mf <- merge(m2[,c("Stations_id", "von_datum", "bis_datum")],
            f2[,c("id", "start", "end")], by.x="Stations_id", by.y="id")
rm(m2, f2)
mf$diff_von <- round(as.integer(mf$start - mf$von_datum)/365,2)
mf$diff_bis <- round(as.integer(mf$end   - mf$bis_datum)/365,2)
colnames(mf) <- gsub("_datum", "_meta", colnames(mf))
colnames(mf) <- gsub("start", "von_file", colnames(mf))
colnames(mf) <- gsub("end", "bis_file", colnames(mf))
mf[mf$diff_von >   5,]
mf[mf$diff_bis < -30,]

# gindex ----

if(!quiet) message("Checking geoIndex...")
columns <- !colnames(gindex) %in% c("display","col")
# Duplicate coordinates checks:
# Exclude known false positives like "Dasburg" vs "Dasburg (WWV RLP)"
fpid <- c(14306,921, 13967,13918, 14317,3024, 2158,7434, 785,787, 15526, 5248,5249, 396,397)
# sortDF(gindex[gindex$id %in% fpid, columns], "name")
gindex_id <- gindex
if(excludefp) gindex_id <- gindex[!gindex$id %in% fpid,]
coord <- paste(gindex_id$lon, gindex_id$lat, sep="_")
# several stations at the same locations:
  out <- c(out, "Coordinates used for more than one station:")
  new <- sapply(coord[duplicated(coord)], function(c){
    g <- gindex_id[coord==c, ]
    t <- toString(paste0(g$nfiles+g$nonpublic, "x ID=", g$id, " (", g$name, ")"))
    paste0("- ", c, ": ", t)
  out <- c(out, new)

# output stuff:
logfileprint <- if(!is.null(logfile)) paste0("  openFile('",
                  normalizePath(logfile,winslash="/", mustWork=FALSE),"')") else ""
if(length(out)>2 & warn) twarning("There are issues in the indexes.", logfileprint)
out <- c(out, "\n")
out <- paste(out, collapse="\n")
if(!is.null(logfile)) cat(out, file=logfile, append=TRUE)
} # end checkIndex
brry/rdwd documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 11:23 p.m.