
Defines functions print.tskresult

Documented in print.tskresult

tsk <- function (...) UseMethod ("tsk")

tsk.numeric <-
  function (x,n,r, control = 0, trim = 0, conf.level = 0.95,
            use.log.doses = TRUE,...)
    input <- data.frame(x=x,n=n,r=r)
tsk.data.frame <-
  function (input, control = 0, trim = 0, conf.level = 0.95,
            use.log.doses = TRUE, ...)
###---CHECK THAT THE INPUT IS VALID------------------------------
  if (use.log.doses && any(input$x < 0)) {
    warning("Negative doses exist in the data. ",
            "Forcing use.log.doses=FALSE.")
    use.log.doses <- FALSE
  if (any(input$r < 0)) {
    stop("Responses must be nonnegative.")
  if (any(input$n <= 0)) {
    stop("Population sizes should be positive.")
  if (trim < 0 || trim >= 0.5) {
    stop("The trim must be between 0 and 0.5.")
  if (conf.level <= 0.5 || conf.level >= 1) {
    stop("The confidence must be between 0.5 and 1.")
  if (anyDuplicated(input$x)) {
    stop("Duplicate doses exist in the data.")
  if (is.unsorted(input$x)) {
    input <- input[order(input$x), ]
  N <- length(input$x)
###---TRANSFORM THE DATA-------------------------------------------
  if (use.log.doses) {
    input$x <- log10(input$x)
  data.smoothed <- data.frame(input, p = input$r/input$n)
### Fix nondecreasingness, as per the first step in
### Hamilton. What Hamilton describes is equivalent to the
### pool-adjacent-violators algorithm, so gpava is used here. 
### PAVA was published 11 years after Hamilton's paper, so I 
### can't blame them for not knowing about it. See:
### http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11423846/
### smoothing-a-sequence-without-using-a-loop-in-r
  needs.smooth <- is.unsorted(data.smoothed$p)
    data.smoothed$p <- gpava(z = data.smoothed$x,
                             y = data.smoothed$p,
                             weights = data.smoothed$n)$x
    data.smoothed$r <- data.smoothed$p*data.smoothed$n

###Correct for the control dose.
  data.smoothed$p <- (data.smoothed$p-control)/(1-control)

###---SCALE AND TRIM---------------------------------------------
### As per steps 2 and 3 in Hamilton
  data.scaled <- data.smoothed
  data.scaled$p <- (data.smoothed$p - trim)/(1 - 2 * trim)
  if (data.scaled$p[1L] > 0 || data.scaled$p[length(data.scaled$p)] < 1) {
    trim.maybe <- max(data.smoothed$p[1L],
                      1 - data.smoothed$p[length(data.scaled$p)])
    stop("After smoothing, the responses do not increase from trim to 1-trim. 
		If the data contains a decreasing set of responses, use the opposite 
		response: i.e. if the data has death counts, use counts of subjects 
		left alive instead. 
		If that is not the issue, consider using this trim: ", trim.maybe)         
### Linearly interpolate points where the lines p=0 and p=1 meet
### the trim.
  Larray <- which(data.scaled$p <= 0)
  ln <- Larray[length(Larray)]
  Uarray <- which(data.scaled$p >= 1)
  un <- Uarray[1L]
  keepers <- data.scaled[(data.scaled$p >= 0) & (data.scaled$p <= 1), ]
  trimx <- keepers$x
  trimp <- keepers$p
### There's some silliness with the approx interpolation function
### here... it doesn't work right if there are mulitple doses
### with the same p-values, and ordered, min, max, etc. don't do
### what I want. Subscripting seemed more efficient than building
### a function to pass to approx to make it work right.
  if (data.scaled$p[ln]!=0){
    interx <- approx(data.scaled$p[ln:(ln+1)], 
                     data.scaled$x[ln:(ln+1)], 0)$y
    trimx <- c(interx,trimx)
    trimp <- c(0,trimp)
  if (data.scaled$p[un]!=1){
    interx <- approx(data.scaled$p[(un-1):un], 
                     data.scaled$x[(un-1):un], 1)$y
    trimx <- c(trimx,interx)
    trimp <- c(trimp,1)
  data.trimmed <- data.frame(x = trimx, p = trimp)
###---FIND THE MEAN----------------------------------------------
### Step 4 in Hamilton
  trimN <- length(data.trimmed$x)
  midpoints <- (data.trimmed$x[1:(trimN - 1)] + data.trimmed$x[2:trimN])/2
  delp <- data.trimmed$p[2:trimN] - data.trimmed$p[1:(trimN - 1)]
  mu <- sum(midpoints * delp)
  LD50 <- 10^mu
###---FIND THE VARIANCE-&-CONF-INTERVAL--------------------------
### Appendix in Hamilton
  V1 <-
    function (data, trim, ln, un) 
        return(((data$x[ln + 1] - data$x[ln]) * (data$p[ln + 1] - trim)^2/
                (data$p[ln + 1] - data$p[ln])^2)^2 *
               data$p[ln] * (1 - data$p[ln])/data$n[ln])
  V2 <-
    function (data, trim, ln, un) 
        return(((data$x[ln] - data$x[ln + 2]) + 
                (data$x[ln + 1] - data$x[ln]) * 
                (trim - data$p[ln])^2/(data$p[ln + 1] - data$p[ln])^2)^2 * 
               data$p[ln + 1] * (1 - data$p[ln + 1])/data$n[ln + 1])
  V3 <-
    function (data, trim, ln, un) 
        v3 <- ((data$x[(ln + 1):(un - 3)] - data$x[(ln + 3):(un - 1)])^2 *
               data$p[(ln + 2):(un - 2)] * (1 - data$p[(ln + 2):(un - 2)])/
               data$n[(ln + 2):(un - 2)])
  V4 <-
    function (data, trim, ln, un) 
        return(((data$x[un - 2] - data$x[un]) + 
                (data$x[un] - data$x[un - 1]) *
                (data$p[un] - 1 + trim)^2/
                (data$p[un] - data$p[un - 1])^2)^2 * data$p[un - 1] *
               (1 - data$p[un - 1])/data$n[un - 1])
  V5 <-
    function (data, trim, ln, un) 
        return(((data$x[un] - data$x[un - 1]) * 
                (1 - trim - data$p[un - 1])^2/
                (data$p[un] - data$p[un - 1])^2)^2 * data$p[un] * 
               (1 - data$p[un])/data$n[un])
  V6 <-
    function (data, trim, ln, un) 
        return(((data$x[un] - data$x[ln + 1]) * 
                (1 - trim - data$p[un])^2/
                (data$p[un] - data$p[ln + 1])^2 -
                (data$x[ln + 1] - data$x[ln]) *
                (trim - data$p[ln])^2/(data$p[ln + 1] - data$p[ln])^2 +
                (data$x[ln] - data$x[un]))^2 * data$p[ln + 1] *
               (1 - data$p[ln + 1])/data$n[ln + 1])
  s <- un - ln
  if (s <= 0L) {
    Var <- (NaN)
  else if (s == 1L) {
    Var <- (data.smoothed$x[un] - data.smoothed$x[ln])^2 *
      ((0.5 - data.smoothed$p[un])^2/
       (data.smoothed$p[un] - data.smoothed$p[ln])^4 *
       data.smoothed$p[ln] *
       (1 - data.smoothed$p[ln])/data.smoothed$n[ln] +
       (0.5 - data.smoothed$p[ln])^2/
       (data.smoothed$p[un] - data.smoothed$p[ln])^4 *
       data.smoothed$p[un] *
       (1 - data.smoothed$p[un])/data.smoothed$n[un])
  else if (s == 2L) {
    Var <- (V1(data.smoothed, trim, ln, un) +
            V5(data.smoothed, trim, ln, un) +
            V6(data.smoothed, trim, ln, un))/(2 - 4 * trim)^2
  else if (s == 3L) {
    Var <- (V1(data.smoothed, trim, ln, un) +
            V2(data.smoothed, trim, ln, un) +
            V4(data.smoothed, trim, ln, un) +
            V5(data.smoothed, trim, ln, un))/(2 - 4 * trim)^2
  else {
    Var <- (V1(data.smoothed, trim, ln, un) +
            V2(data.smoothed, trim, ln, un) +
            V3(data.smoothed, trim, ln, un) +
            V4(data.smoothed, trim, ln, un) +
            V5(data.smoothed, trim, ln, un))/(2 - 4 * trim)^2
  sd <- sqrt(Var)
  gsd <- 10^(sd)
  v <- -qnorm((1-conf.level)/2)
  if (use.log.doses) {
    cint = LD50 * c(1/gsd, gsd)^v
  else {
    cint = mu + c(-sd, sd)*v
  names(use.log.doses) <- "calculations done using the logs of the doses?"
  attr(cint,"conf.level") <- conf.level
  if (use.log.doses) {
    names(gsd) <- "geometric standard deviation of LD50 estimate"
    rval <- list(use.log.doses=use.log.doses,
                 conf.int = cint)
  else {
    names(sd) <- "standard deviation of LD50 estimate"
    rval <- list(use.log.doses=use.log.doses,
                 mu = mu,
                 sd = sd,
                 conf.int = cint)
  class(rval) <- "tskresult"    

print.tskresult <- function(x,...)
    trimpercent <- x$trim*100
    cat("Trimmed Spearman-Karber method using", 
        trimpercent, "percent trim\n\n")
      cat("Data was smoothed")
    } else {
      cat("Data was not smoothed")
      cat("Calculation done using the logs of the doses")
      cat("Calculation done using the raw doses (no log transform) ")      
    cat("Estimated LD50: ")
    if (x$use.log.doses) {
      cat("\tGSD of estimate:", x$gsd)
    } else {
      cat("\tSD of estimate:", x$sd)
    cat(format(100 * attr(x$conf.int, "conf.level")),
        "percent confidence interval on LD50:\n",
        format(c(x$conf.int[1L], x$conf.int[2L])), "\n")
brsr/tsk documentation built on Jan. 3, 2024, 6:51 p.m.