
Defines functions plotLoadings2D

Documented in plotLoadings2D

#' Plot Loadings from a PARAFAC, MIA or POP Analysis of a Spectra2D Object
#' Computes (if necessary) and plots loadings from a PARAFAC, MIA or POP analysis of a
#' \code{\link{Spectra2D}} object. The loadings matrix has has dimensions
#' F1 x F2 and is a 2D pseudo-spectrum.  A reference spectrum may also be drawn.
#' @param spectra An object of S3 class \code{\link{Spectra2D}}.
#' @param so ("Score Object") One of the following:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item An object of class \code{mia} produced by
#'   function \code{\link{miaSpectra2D}}.
#'  \item An object of class \code{pfac} produced by
#'   function \code{\link{pfacSpectra2D}}.
#'  \item An object of class \code{pop} produced by
#'   function \code{\link{popSpectra2D}}.
#' }
#' @param load An integer specifying the loading to plot.
#' @param ref An integer giving the spectrum in \code{spectra} to use
#'        as a reference spectrum, which is plotted behind the loadings.
#'        Defaults to \code{NULL} which does not plot a reference spectrum.
#' @param ref_lvls A vector specifying the levels at which to compute contours
#'        for the reference spectrum.
#'        If \code{NULL}, values are computed using \code{calcLvls}.
#' @param load_lvls A vector specifying the contour levels
#'        for the loadings pseudo-spectrum.
#'        If \code{NULL}, values are computed using \code{calcLvls}.
#' @param ref_cols A vector specifying the colors for the contours in the reference
#'        spectrum. If \code{NULL}, set to gray.
#' @param load_cols A vector specifying the colors for the contours in the laoding spectrum.
#'        If \code{NULL}, defaults to a scheme of values
#'        running from blue (low) to red (high), centered on green (zero).
#' @param plot Logical.  Shall a plot be made?  Plotting large data sets can be slow.
#'        Run the function with \code{plot = FALSE}, then use \code{\link{inspectLvls}}
#'        to figure out desirable levels, then set \code{plot = TRUE}.
#' @param \dots Additional parameters to be passed to plotting functions.  For instance
#'        \code{showGrid = TRUE}.
#' @return The modified \code{Spectra2D} object is returned invisibly.
#' The loadings matrix will be appended with a sample of name of Loadings_x where
#' \code{x = load}. Side effect is a plot.
#' @section Scale:
#' You can view the color scale for the plot via \code{\link{showScale}}.
#' @section Levels & Colors:
#' The number of levels and colors must match, and they are used 1 for 1.  If you
#' provide \code{n} colors, and no levels, the automatic calculation of levels may return
#' a number of levels other than \code{n}, in which case the function will override your colors and
#' assign new colors for the number of levels it computed (with a message).  To get
#' exactly what you want, specify both levels and colors in equal numbers.  Function
#' \code{\link{inspectLvls}} can help you choose appropriate levels.
#' @section Overlaying Spectra:
#' If you specify more than one spectrum to plot, e.g. \code{which = c(1,2)}, then
#' arguments \code{lvls} and \code{cols} must be lists of levels and colors, one list
#' element for each spectrum to be plotted (if specified at all).  Two convenience functions exist to
#' make this process easier: \code{\link{LofL}} and \code{\link{LofC}}. See the examples.
#' @author Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University.
#' @keywords hplot
#' @seealso Please see \code{\link{pfacSpectra2D}}, \code{\link{miaSpectra2D}} or
#' \code{\link{popSpectra2D}} for examples.
#' @export
plotLoadings2D <- function(spectra, so,
                           load = 1, ref = NULL,
                           load_lvls = NULL, ref_lvls = NULL,
                           load_cols = NULL, ref_cols = NULL,
                           plot = TRUE, ...) {
  .chkArgs(mode = 22L)

  if (length(load) != 1L) stop("Please supply a single loading")
  if (!is.null(ref)) {
    if (length(ref) != 1L) stop("Please supply a single ref value")


  # Skip the computation if the requested loading has already been computed.
  # This is essential for large data sets which occupy a lot of memory which slows
  # down the contour calculations.  Go straight to plotting.

  pat <- paste("Loading", load, sep = "_")
  Ldone <- grep(pat, spectra$names)
  msg <- "Loading was present but no plot was requested; nothing to do"
  if ((length(Ldone) == 1L) & (plot == FALSE)) stop(msg)

  if (length(Ldone) == 0) {
    # Loading was not found, compute it
    # In this block we do things differently for each class
    soOK <- FALSE
    if (inherits(so, "mia")) {
      soOK <- TRUE
      if (load > ncol(so$C)) stop("Requested load does not exist")

      # Computation per Geldadi & Grahn pg 124
      # Stack each spectrum into a single "column"
      ns <- length(spectra$names)
      nF1 <- length(spectra$F1)
      nF2 <- length(spectra$F2)
      M1 <- matrix(NA_real_, ncol = ns, nrow = nF1 * nF2)
      for (i in 1:ns) {
        M1[, i] <- as.vector(spectra$data[[i]])

      # Compute loading matrix
      L <- M1 %*% so$C[, load]

      # Unstack to the pseudospectrum
      M <- matrix(L, ncol = nF2, nrow = nF1)
    } # end of mia

    if (inherits(so, "pfac")) {
      soOK <- TRUE
      if (load > ncol(so$A)) stop("Requested load does not exist")

      # Compute loading matrices
      M <- so$A[, load] %*% t(so$B[, load])
    } # end of pfac

    if (inherits(so, "pop")) {
      soOK <- TRUE
      if (load > ncol(so$rotation)) stop("Requested load does not exist")

      L <- so$rotation[, load]
      nF1 <- length(spectra$F1)
      nF2 <- length(spectra$F2)

      stackByRow <- function(IN, nrow, ncol) { # Helper function from HandyStuff
        if (length(IN) / nrow != ncol) stop("Dimensions don't make sense in stackByRow")
        OUT <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol)
        idx <- seq(ncol, length(IN), ncol)
        for (n in 1:nrow) {
          OUT[n, ] <- IN[(idx[n] - ncol + 1):(idx[n])]

      M <- stackByRow(L, nF1, nF2)
    } # end of pop

    if (!soOK) stop("Could not resolve class of the scores object")

    # Update spectra object to include loading matrix
    ns <- length(spectra$names) # no of spectra
    spectra$data[[ns + 1]] <- M
    Ldone <- ns + 1 # update for use in call to .plotEngine
    Lname <- paste("Loading", load, sep = "_")
    names(spectra$data)[ns + 1] <- Lname
    spectra$names[ns + 1] <- Lname
    spectra$groups <- as.factor(c(spectra$groups, "loadings"))
    spectra$colors[ns + 1] <- "black"
  } # end of computing loading pseudo-spectrum

  if (plot) {
    # Prep & send to plotEngine
    # .plotEngine expects a spectra object and lvls and cols as lists

    # Configure levels
    # Note that ref is plotted first if at all (see call to .plotEngine below)
    # See R Inferno 8.1.55 about setting list components to NULL (don't do it)
    if (is.null(ref)) { # only showing loadings
      if (!is.null(load_lvls)) lvls <- list(load_lvls)
      if (is.null(load_lvls)) lvls <- list(NULL)

    if (!is.null(ref)) { # showing loadings and reference spectrum
      lvls <- vector("list", 2) # intializes to NULL, NULL
      if (!is.null(ref_lvls)) lvls[[1]] <- ref_lvls
      if (!is.null(load_lvls)) lvls[[2]] <- load_lvls

    # Configure colors

    if (is.null(ref)) { # only showing loadings
      if (!is.null(load_cols)) cols <- list(load_cols)
      if (is.null(load_cols)) cols <- list(NULL)

    if (!is.null(ref)) { # showing loadings and reference spectrum
      cols <- vector("list", 2) # intializes to NULL, NULL
      if (!is.null(ref_cols)) cols[[1]] <- ref_cols
      if (!is.null(load_cols)) cols[[2]] <- load_cols

    op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # save to restore later
    par(mai = c(1, 0.5, 1, 1))
    # Note on next call: if ref = NULL it is not really included in which
    # so it's not requested (try tst <- c(1, 2, NULL, 4); tst[3] = 4; length(tst) = 3)
    .plotEngine(spectra, which = c(ref, Ldone), lvls = lvls, cols = cols, ...)
    on.exit(par(op)) # restore original values
  } # end of plot = TRUE

bryanhanson/ChemoSpec2D documentation built on Oct. 14, 2021, 9:41 p.m.