
Defines functions merge_levels merge_factor

Documented in merge_factor merge_levels

#' Combine/rename/reorder levels in a factor
#' Instead of using \code{ifelse} statements to combine values in a factor
#' (e.g. when you want to simplify variables for a model), you can rename,
#' combine, and reorder the levels of a factor with one easy list. If there's an empty
#' level that isn't included, \code{merge_factor} will warn you, but go ahead and remove it.
#' The same effect \strong{could} be achieved with something like: \cr
#' \code{levels(my_factor) <- c(old1=new1, old2=new1, old3=new2, old4=new2)}, \cr
#' but \code{merge_factor()} saves typing by letting you type the
#' inverse--in essence: \cr
#' \code{levels(my_factor) <- list(new1=c(old1, old2), new2=c(old3, old4))}. \cr
#' This was before I knew about \code{\link[plyr]{revalue}} or `purrr`'s `mapvalues` 
#' (which no longer exists). It's still marginally more useful than either of these in my opinion, however.
#' @param .data The factor you want to respecify.
#' @param arg_list A list whose names are the new levels, whose values are the old levels, and whose order is the new order of the levels.
#' @param contr_f Optional function to determine contrast code. I.e., \code{contr.sum}, or \code{contr.helmert}, etc. If unused, \code{merge_factor} won't touch the contrast coding. Automatically names contrasts as would appear by default.
#' @param \dots Optional arguments to pass in to \code{contr_f}.
#' @return A factor with levels and values as you specified.
#' @examples
#' my_factor <- factor(c("d", "b", "c", "d", "a", "a", "d", "d"))
#' levels(my_factor)
#' merge_factor(my_factor, list("CIsFirst"="c", "AandB"=c("a","b"), "d"))
#' # Demonstrates how contrasts are named by default
#' merged_factor <- merge_factor(my_factor,
#'                               list("CIsFirst"="c", "AandB"=c("a", "b"), "d"),
#'                               contr.helmert)
#' merged_factor
#' contrasts(merged_factor)
#' @seealso \code{\link{merge_levels}}
#' @importFrom stats contrasts contrasts<- setNames
#' @export
merge_factor <- function(.data, arg_list, contr_f=NULL, ...) {
  arg_names <- names(arg_list)
  arg_names_expanded <- Reduce(
    function(x,i) {
      if (arg_names[i]=="") {
        if (length(arg_list[[i]]) > 1) {
          stop("Yer typin' it in wrong, laddy. All vectors have to be named")
        } else { new_val <- arg_list[[i]] }
      } else {new_val <- rep(arg_names[i], length(arg_list[[i]])) }
      c(x, new_val) },

  new_factor <- .data
  arg_vals <- unlist(arg_list, use.names = FALSE)

  if (!all(arg_vals %in% unique(.data))) {
    newlevs<-arg_vals[!(arg_vals %in% unique(.data))]
    stop(paste0("Levels referenced in factor don't exist: ",
                paste0(newlevs, collapse = ", ")))
  if (!all(unique(.data) %in% arg_vals)) {
    missedlevs <- unique(.data)[!(unique(.data) %in% arg_vals)]
    stop(paste0("Not all non-empty levels in factor are covered: ",
                paste0(missedlevs, collapse = ", ")))
  if (!all(levels(.data) %in% arg_vals)) {
    emptylevs <- levels(.data)[!(levels(.data) %in% arg_vals)]
    warning(paste0("Empty levels removed: ",
                   paste0(emptylevs, collapse = ", ")))
  # for levels(x) <- ... it's: c(old_val = new_val, ...)
  new_factor <- factor(new_factor)
  old_order <- match(levels(new_factor),arg_vals)
  levels(new_factor) <- arg_names_expanded[old_order]

  if (!is.null(contr_f)) {
    if (!is.function(contr_f)) {
      stop(paste0("contr_f (", substitute(contr_f), ") is not a function"))
    contrast_colnames <- levels(new_factor)[2:length(levels(new_factor))]
    contrasts(new_factor) <- contr_f(length(levels(new_factor)), ...)
    colnames(contrasts(new_factor)) <- contrast_colnames

#' Combine specified levels of a factor
#' Similar to \code{merge_factor()} but generally reserved for situations
#' when you don't need to worry about specifying the entire factor.
#' Instead of taking a list of arguments as input, it takes named values.
#' The old levels that aren't altered stay put order-wise, and the new ones are swapped in to where their old levels were, as much as possible.
#' @param .data The factor you want to re-specify.
#' @param \dots Values that must be named, where the name corresponds to the new level and the value corresponds to the old level. The values can be strings, numbers, of vectors of those.
#' @return a factor with levels and values as you specified, with those unspecified not changing.
#' @examples
#' my_factor <- factor(c("d", "b", "c", "d", "a", "a"))
#' levels(my_factor)
#' merge_levels(my_factor, "AandB"=c("a","b"), "RenamedC"="c")
#' @seealso \code{\link{merge_factor}}
#' @export
merge_levels <- function(.data, ...) {
  arg_list <- list(...)
  arg_names <- names(arg_list)
  if ("" %in% arg_names) {
    stop("All levels need names")
  arg_names_expanded <- Reduce(
    function(x,i) c(x, rep(arg_names[i], length(arg_list[[i]]))),

  arg_vals <- unlist(arg_list, use.names = FALSE)
  if (!all(arg_vals %in% unique(.data))) {
    newlevs<-arg_vals[arg_vals %in% unique(.data)]
    stop(paste0("Levels referenced in factor don't exist: ",
                paste0(newlevs, collapse = ", ")))
  # for levels(x) <- ... it's: c(old_val = new_val, ...)
  new_vec <- setNames(arg_names_expanded, arg_vals)
  old_levels <- levels(.data)
  levels(.data) <- ifelse(is.na(new_vec[old_levels]), old_levels, new_vec[old_levels])
burchill/zplyr documentation built on Feb. 2, 2023, 11:01 a.m.