#' Start a Redis worker process loop
#' The worker process blocks for tasks on the specified queue (a Redis list).
#' The worker continues to process tasks from the queue untile the queue
#' liveness key is removed (see \code{\link{removeQ}}), the number of
#' processed tasks reaches the \code{iter} limit, or until a Redis
#' communication or other error occurs; after which the worker exits (quits R).
#' @param queue Redis task queue name.
#' @param linger in seconds, max time before system checks (including termination).
#' @param config Redis configuration (see \code{\link{redis_config}})).
#' @param iter Maximum number of tasks to acquire before exiting.
#' @param quit if TRUE, quit R on exit.
#' @param log divert stdout and messages to log file.
#' @importFrom redux redis_config hiredis
#' @return After conclusion of the worker loop, either R exits or NULL
#' is silently returned.
#' @export
worker <- function(queue = getOption("future.redis.queue", "{{session}}"),
linger = 10,
config = redis_config(),
iter = Inf,
quit = FALSE,
log = NULL)
queue <- redis_queue(queue)
if(quit) {
on.exit(quit(save = "no"))
if(isTRUE(is.character(log)) && isTRUE(nchar(log) > 0)) {
f <- file(log, open = "w+")
sink(f, append = TRUE, type = "message")
on.exit(sink(), add = TRUE)
msg <- tryCatch({
N <- double(1)
hi <- hiredis(config)
# Set task queue liveness key
live <- sprintf("%s.live", queue)
hi[["SET"]](key = live, value = "")
mdebug("Waiting for doRedis jobs.")
while(isTRUE(N < iter)) {
taskid <- hi[["BRPOP"]](queue, timeout = linger)[[2]]
if(!is.null(taskid)) {
mdebugf("Retrieved task %s", taskid)
N <- N + 1
processTask(sprintf("%s.%s", queue, taskid), hi)
# Check for queue liveness key, worker exit if missing
if(!hi[["EXISTS"]](live)) {
stop("Normal worker shutdown")
}, error = function(e) conditionMessage(e))
#' Process a task
#' @param task A Redis key containing the future to process.
#' @param redis A hiredis connection.
#' @importFrom redux redis_multi
#' @importFrom future getExpression
#' @keywords internal
processTask <- function(task, redis)
t_start <- Sys.time()
future <- tryCatch(uncerealize(redis[["GET"]](key = task)), error = function(e) NULL)
if(is.null(future)) return()
mdebug("Obtained future ", task, " ", t_start)
# Set ephemeral task liveness key
alive <- sprintf("%s.%s.live", future[["queue"]], future[["taskid"]])
redis[["SET"]](key = alive, value = "OK")
redis[["EXPIRE"]](alive, 5)
# Start thread to maintain task liveness key in background
setAlive(port = redis[["config"]]()[["port"]],
host = redis[["config"]]()[["host"]],
key = alive,
password = redis[["config"]]()[["password"]])
# Update task queue status
redis[["SET"]](key = sprintf("%s.%s.status", future[["queue"]], future[["taskid"]]), value = "running")
# Process the future, first attaching required packages (if any)
for(p in future[["packages"]]) {
require(p, quietly = TRUE, character.only = TRUE)
ans <- eval(getExpression(future), envir = future[["envir"]])
# Detach packages
for(p in future[["packages"]]) {
tryCatch(detach(sprintf("package:%s", p), character.only = TRUE), error = invisible)
# Submit result if task status key exists, otherwise discard
status <- sprintf("%s.%s.status", future[["queue"]], future[["taskid"]])
if(redis[["EXISTS"]](status)) {
mdebugf("Submitting result to %s %s", future[["output_queue"]], ans[["finished"]])
redis[["LPUSH"]](key = future[["output_queue"]], serialize(ans, NULL))
redis[["SET"]](key = status, value = "finished")
#' Start one or more background R worker processes on the local system.
#' Use \code{startLocalWorkers} to start one or more future.redis R worker
#' processes in the background. The worker processes are started on the local
#' system using the \code{\link{worker}} function.
#' Running workers self-terminate after a \code{linger} interval if their task
#' queue is deleted with the \code{removeQ} function, or if network
#' communication with the Redis server encounters an error.
#' @inheritParams worker
#' @param n number of workers to start.
#' @param Rbin full path to the command-line R program.
#' @importFrom redux redis_config hiredis
#' @importFrom base64enc base64encode
#' @return NULL is invisibly returned.
#' @seealso \code{\link{redis_config}}, \code{\link{worker}}, \code{\link{removeQ}}
#' @examples
#' if (redux::redis_available()) {
#' ## The example assumes that a Redis server is running on the local host
#' ## and standard port.
#' # Register the redis plan on a specified task queue:
#' plan(redis, queue = "R jobs")
#' # Start some local R worker processes:
#' startLocalWorkers(n=2, queue="R jobs", linger=1)
#' # Alternatively, use the following to run the workers quietly without
#' # showing their output as they run:
#' # startLocalWorkers(n=2, queue="R jobs", linger=1, log="/dev/null")
#' # A function that returns a future (note the scope of N)
#' f <- \() future({4 * sum((runif(N) ^ 2 + runif(N) ^ 2) < 1) / N}, seed = TRUE)
#' # Run a simple sampling approximation of pi in parallel using M * N points:
#' N <- 1e6 # samples per worker
#' M <- 10 # iterations
#' Reduce(sum, Map(value, replicate(M, f()))) / M
#' # Clean up
#' removeQ("R jobs")
#' }
#' @export
startLocalWorkers <- function(n, queue = getOption("future.redis.queue", "{{session}}"),
config = redis_config(), iter = Inf, linger = 10, log = NULL,
Rbin = paste(R.home(component = "bin"), "R", sep="/"))
queue <- redis_queue(queue)
args <- list(queue = queue, linger = linger, config = config,
iter = iter, quit = TRUE, log = log)
cmd <- sprintf("-s --no-save -e \"suppressMessages(require(future.redis, quietly = TRUE)); args <- unserialize(base64enc::base64decode('%s')); do.call('worker', args)\"", base64encode(serialize(args, NULL)))
replicate(n, system2(Rbin, args = cmd, wait=FALSE))
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