
Defines functions renderGlobe globeOutput globejs

Documented in globejs globeOutput renderGlobe

#' Plot Data on 3D Globes
#' Plot points, arcs and images on a globe in 3D using Three.js. The globe
#' can be rotated and and zoomed.
#' @param img A character string representing a file path or URI of an image to plot on the globe surface.
#' @param lat Optional data point decimal latitudes, must be of same length as \code{long}
#'   (negative values indicate south, positive north).
#' @param long Optional data point decimal longitudes, must be of same length as \code{lat}
#'   (negative values indicate west, positive east).
#' @param color Either a single color value indicating the color of all data points, or a
#'   vector of values of the same length as \code{lat} indicating color of each point.
#' @param value Either a single value indicating the height of all data points, or a vector of
#'    values of the same length as \code{lat} indicating height of each point.
#' @param arcs Optional four-column data frame specifying arcs to plot. The columns of the data frame,
#'    in order, must indicate the starting latitude, starting longitude, ending latitude, and ending longitude.
#' @param arcsColor Either a single color value indicating the color of all arcs, or a vector of values
#'   of the same length as the number of rows of \code{arcs}.
#' @param arcsLwd Either a single value indicating the line width of all arcs, or a vector of values of
#'   the same length as the number of rows of \code{arcs}.
#' @param arcsHeight A single value between 0 and 1 controlling the height above the globe of each arc.
#' @param arcsOpacity A single value between 0 and 1 indicating the opacity of all arcs.
#' @param atmosphere TRUE enables WebGL atmpsphere effect.
#' @param bg Plot background color.
#' @param width The container div width.
#' @param height The container div height.
#' @param elementId Use an explicit element ID for the widget (rather than an automatically generated one). Useful if you have other JavaScript that needs to explicitly discover and interact with a specific widget instance.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to the three.js renderer (see
#' below for more information on these options).
#' @return
#' An htmlwidget object (displayed using the object's show or print method).
#' @note
#' The \code{img} argument specifies the WebGL texture image to wrap on a
#' sphere. If you plan to plot points using \code{lat} and \code{lon}
#' the image must be a plate carree (aka lat/long) equirectangular
#' map projection; see
#' \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equirectangular_projection} for
#' details.
#' Lat/long maps are commonly found for most planetary bodies in the
#' solar system, and are also easily generated directly in R
#' (see the references and examples below).
#' @section Available rendering options:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{"bodycolor"}{ The diffuse reflective color of the globe.}
#'   \item{"emissive"}{ The emissive color of the globe object.}
#'   \item{"lightcolor"}{ The color of the ambient light in the scene.}
#'   \item{"fov"}{ The initial field of view, default is 35.}
#'   \item{"rotationlat"}{ The initial globe latitudinal rotation in radians, default is 0.}
#'   \item{"rotationlong"}{ The initial globe longitudinal rotation in radians, default is 0.}
#'   \item{"pointsize"}{ The numeric size of the points/bars, default is 1.}
#'   \item{"renderer"}{ Manually set the three.js renderer to one of 'auto' or 'canvas'.
#'        The canvas renderer works across a greater variety of
#'        viewers and browsers. The default setting of 'auto' automatically chooses
#'        WebGL rendering if it's available.}
#'   \item{"program"}{ User-supplied JavaScript run on plot initialization}
#' }
#' Specify colors with standard color names or hex color representations.
#' The default values (well-suited to many earth-like map images) are
#' \code{lightcolor = "#aaeeff"}, \code{emissive = "#000000"}, and \code{bodycolor = "#ffffff"}.
#' Larger \code{fov} values result in a smaller (zoomed out) globe.
#' The latitude and longitude rotation values are relative to the center of
#' the map image. Their default values of zero radians result in the front of the
#' globe corresponding to the center of the flat map image.
#' @references
#' The three.js project \url{https://threejs.org}.
#' (The corresponding three.js javascript file is in
#' \code{ system.file("htmlwidgets/globejs",package="threejs")}.)
#' An excellent overview of available map coordinate reference systems (PDF):
#' \url{https://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/sites/default/files/2020-04/OverviewCoordinateReferenceSystems.pdf}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Plot flights to frequent destinations from Callum Prentice's
#' # global flight data,
#' # http://callumprentice.github.io/apps/flight_stream/index.html
#' f <- flights()
#' # Approximate locations as factors
#' dest   <- factor(sprintf("%.2f:%.2f", f[,3], f[,4]))
#' # A table of destination frequencies
#' freq <- sort(table(dest), decreasing=TRUE)
#' # The most frequent destinations in these data, possibly hub airports?
#' frequent_destinations <- names(freq)[1:10]
#' # Subset the flight data by destination frequency
#' idx <- dest %in% frequent_destinations
#' frequent_flights <- f[idx, ]
#' # Lat/long and counts of frequent flights
#' ll <- unique(frequent_flights[, 3:4])
#' # Plot frequent destinations as bars, and the flights to and from
#' # them as arcs. Adjust arc width and color by frequency.
#' globejs(lat=ll[, 1], long=ll[, 2], arcs=frequent_flights,
#'         bodycolor="#aaaaff", arcsHeight=0.3, arcsLwd=2,
#'         arcsColor="#ffff00", arcsOpacity=0.15,
#'         atmosphere=TRUE, color="#00aaff", pointsize=0.5)
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' # Plot populous world cities from the maps package.
#' library(threejs)
#' library(maps)
#' data(world.cities, package="maps")
#' cities <- world.cities[order(world.cities$pop, decreasing=TRUE)[1:1000],]
#' value  <- 100 * cities$pop / max(cities$pop)
#' col <- colorRampPalette(c("cyan", "lightgreen"))(10)[floor(10 * value/100) + 1]
#' globejs(lat=cities$lat, long=cities$long, value=value, color=col, atmosphere=TRUE)
#' # Plot the data on the moon:
#' moon <- system.file("images/moon.jpg", package="threejs")
#' globejs(img=moon, bodycolor="#555555", lightcolor="#aaaaaa",
#'         lat=cities$lat, long=cities$long,
#'         value=value, color=col)
#' # Using global plots from the maptools, rworldmap, or sp packages.
#' # Instead of using ready-made images of the earth, we can use
#' # many R spatial imaging packages to produce globe images
#' # dynamically. With a little extra effort you can build globes with total
#' # control over how they are plotted.
#' library(maptools)
#' library(threejs)
#' data(wrld_simpl)
#' bgcolor <- "#000025"
#' earth <- tempfile(fileext=".jpg")
#' # NOTE: Use antialiasing to smooth border boundary lines. But! Set the jpeg
#' # background color to the globe background color to avoid a visible aliasing
#' # effect at the the plot edges.
#' jpeg(earth, width=2048, height=1024, quality=100, bg=bgcolor, antialias="default")
#' par(mar = c(0,0,0,0), pin = c(4,2), pty = "m",  xaxs = "i",
#'     xaxt = "n",       xpd = FALSE,  yaxs = "i", bty = "n", yaxt = "n")
#' plot(wrld_simpl, col="black", bg=bgcolor, border="cyan", ann=FALSE,
#"      axes=FALSE, xpd=FALSE, xlim=c(-180,180), ylim=c(-90,90),
#'      setParUsrBB=TRUE)
#' dev.off()
#' globejs(earth)
#' # A shiny example:
#' shiny::runApp(system.file("examples/globe",package="threejs"))
#' }
#' # See http://bwlewis.github.io/rthreejs for additional examples.
#' @export
globejs <- function(
  img=system.file("images/world.jpg",  package="threejs"),
  lat, long,
  height = NULL,
  width = NULL,
    elementId <- paste0(sample(c(letters, LETTERS, 0:9), 10, replace=TRUE), collapse="")
  if (missing(lat) || missing(long))
    lat <- NULL
    long <- NULL
  # Strip alpha channel from colors
  i <- grep("^#", color)
  if (length(i) > 0)
    j <- nchar(color[i]) > 7
    if (any(j))
      color[i][j] <- substr(color[i][j], 1, 7)
  i <- grep("^#", arcsColor)
  if (length(i) > 0)
    j <- nchar(arcsColor[i]) > 7
    if (any(j))
      arcsColor[i][j] <- substr(arcsColor[i][j], 1, 7)
  i <- grep("^#", bg)
  if (length(i) > 0) bg <- substr(bg, 1, 7)
  if (missing(arcs))
    arcs <- NULL
    arcs <- data.frame(arcs)
    names(arcs) <- c("fromlat", "fromlong", "tolat", "tolong")
  arcsHeight <- max(min(arcsHeight, 1), 0.2)
  arcsOpacity <- max(min(arcsOpacity, 1), 0)

  options <- list(lat=lat, long=long, color=color, arcsOpacity=arcsOpacity,
                 value=value, atmosphere=atmosphere, bg=bg, arcs=arcs,
                 arcsColor=arcsColor, arcsLwd=arcsLwd, arcsHeight=arcsHeight)
  additional_args <- list(...)
  if (length(additional_args) > 0) options <- c(options, additional_args)
# Clean up optional color arguments
  if ("bodycolor" %in% names(options))
    i <- grep("^#", options$bodycolor)
    if (length(i) > 0) options$bodycolor <- substr(options$bodycolor, 1, 7)
  if ("emissive" %in% names(options))
    i <- grep("^#", options$emissive)
    if (length(i) > 0) options$emissive <- substr(options$emissive, 1, 7)
  if ("lightcolor" %in% names(options))
    i <- grep("^#", options$lightcolor)
    if (length(i) > 0) options$lightcolor <- substr(options$lightcolor, 1, 7)

# Convert image files to dataURI using the texture function
  if (!is.list(img)) img <- texture(img)
  x <- c(img, options)
      name = "globe",
      x = x,
      width = width,
      height = height,
      htmlwidgets::sizingPolicy(padding = 0, browser.fill = TRUE),
      package = "threejs",

#' @rdname threejs-shiny
#' @export
globeOutput <- function(outputId, width = "100%", height = "600px") {
    shinyWidgetOutput(outputId, "globe", width, height,
                        package = "threejs")

#' @rdname threejs-shiny
#' @export
renderGlobe <- function(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE) {
    if (!quoted) {
      expr <- substitute(expr)
    } # force quoted
    shinyRenderWidget(expr, globeOutput, env, quoted = TRUE)
bwlewis/rthreejs documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 1:30 p.m.