
#' Return and initialise an empty recording structure.
#' The recording structure is a list.
#' @return An empty recording structure.
#' @family recording
#' @export
new_recording <- function() {
    ## Create containers
    recording            <- list()
    recording$properties <- list()
    recording$conf       <- list()
    recording$signal     <- list()
    recording$results    <- list()

    recording$properties$time.start.raw <- NA
    recording$properties$time.start     <- NA
    recording$properties$time.stop.raw  <- NA
    recording$properties$time.stop      <- NA

    ## Set subject and casename information
    recording$properties$subject        <- NA
    recording$properties$casename       <- NA

    ## Database information
    recording$properties$db.filename    <- NA

    ## Information on the data format, e.g., if the data
    ## is from a Suunto Device etc.
    recording$properties$format         <- NA
    recording$properties$format.long    <- NA
    recording$properties$device.type    <- NA
    recording$properties$device.version <- NA

    ## The length of the recording in seconds
    recording$properties$length         <- NA

    ## The zerotime that anchors time operations on the recording
    recording$properties$zerotime   <- NA
    recording$properties$zerotime.s <- 0

    ## Store block information
    recording$conf$blocks   <- NA
    recording$conf$events   <- NA
    ## recording$conf$segments <- NA



#' Store the interbeat interval data series in the recording structure
#' @param recording The recording structure
#' @param ibi An array with the interbeat intervals
#' @param ibi.t An optional array with the times of occurrence of the
#'     interbeat intervals. If not given (default NULL) the time
#'     vector is created starting from zero.
#' @return The recording structure with the interbeat intervals added.
#' @family recording
#' @export
recording_set_ibi <- function(recording, ibi, ibi.t = NULL) {
    ## Set the ibi
    recording$signal$ibi$data <- ibi

    if (sum(recording$signal$ibi$data[1:2]) < 100)
        recording$signal$ibi$data <- 1000 * recording$signal$ibi$data

    ## Create time vector
    if (! is.null(ibi.t))
        recording$signal$ibi$t <- ibi.t
        recording$signal$ibi$t <- c(0, cumsum(recording$signal$ibi$data[1:(length(recording$signal$ibi$data)-1)])) / 1000

    ## Set unit
    recording$signal$ibi$unit <- "ms"

    ## Calculate the length of the recording
    ## recording$properties$length <- (sum(recording$signal$ibi$data) - recording$signal$ibi$data[1]) / 1000
    ## if (is.null(recording$properties$time.stop))
    ##    recording$properties$time.stop <- recording$properties$time.start + recording$properties$length


#' Store the block information inside the recording structure
#' @param filename The database filename. Optional. If not provided it is determined from the field \code{recording$properties$db.filename}.
#' @param casename The casename. Optional. If not provided it is determined from the field \code{recording$properties$casename}.
#' @return The recording structure with the block information added.
#' @family recording
#' @export
recording_set_blocks <- function(recording, filename = NULL, casename = NULL) {
    if (is.null(filename))
        filename <- recording$properties$db.filename

    if (is.null(casename))
        casename <- recording$properties$casename

    recording$conf$blocks <- read.block.event.data(filename, casename = casename, data.type = "blocks")

#' #' Store the event information inside the recording structure
#' @param filename The database filename. Optional. If not provided it is determined from the field \code{recording$properties$db.filename}.
#' @param casename The casename. Optional. If not provided it is determined from the field \code{recording$properties$casename}.
#' @return The recording structure with the event information added.
#' @family recording
#' @export
recording_set_events <- function(recording, filename = NULL, casename = NULL) {
    if (is.null(filename))
        filename <- recording$properties$db.filename

    if (is.null(casename))
        casename <- recording$properties$casename

    recording$conf$events <- read.block.event.data(filename, casename = casename, data.type = "events")

#' Set the zerotime of the recording, i.e., the timestamp that corresponds to t = 0.
#' Given the zerotime as a timestamp, calculate the zerotime in seconds and store both the timestamp
#' and the number of seconds from the start of the recording when the zerotime occurs.
#' @param timestamp The timestamp in ISO-8601 format: YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS. If the timestamp is not given, it is read from the recording.
#' @return The recording structure with the zerotime added.
#' @family recording
#' @export
recording_set_zerotime <- function(recording, timestamp = NULL) {

    if (is.null(timestamp))
        timestamp <- recording_get_zerotime(recording)

    recording$properties$zerotime   <- timestamp
    recording$properties$zerotime.s <- as.numeric(difftime(timestamp, recording$properties$time.start, units = "secs"))


#' Get the zerotime of the recording, i.e., the timestamp that corresponds to t = 0.
#' @param A recording.
#' @return The zerotime as a timestamp (\code{POSIXct}).
#' @family recording
#' @export
recording_get_zerotime <- function(recording) {
        stop("No event information. Cannot continue.")
    timeformat <- "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"
    zerotime <- subset(recording$conf$events, eventtype = "zerotime", select = "timestamp", drop = TRUE)
    zerotime <- str_to_timestamp(zerotime, timeformat)

#' Given a recording collection, find the overlapping times of all the recordings.
#' @param collection A recording collection (a list of recordings).
#' @return A list containing the start and stop times fo
#' @family recording
#' @export
find_recording_overlap <- function(collection) {
    N <- length(collection)
    if (N < 2)
        stop("Need at least 2 recordings to find overlap. Cannot continue.")

    time.start <- collection[[1]]$properties$time.start
    time.stop  <- collection[[1]]$properties$time.stop

    for (i in 2:N) {
        if (collection[[i]]$properties$time.start > time.start)
            time.start <- collection[[i]]$properties$time.start
        if (collection[[i]]$properties$time.stop < time.stop)
            time.stop <- collection[[i]]$properties$time.stop

    list(time.start, time.stop)

#' Cut a recording to the given time interval, given as timestamps.
#' Also realign the time vector so that t = 0 is at the new start
#' time and recalculate the length of the recording.  All signals in
#' the recording are processed.
#' @param recording A recording.
#' @param ts A time interval given as a two-element list with two timestamps. The timestamps are given as strings in ISO-8601 format or as \code{POSIXct} timestamps.
#' @return The recording, with all signals cut to the given time interval.
#' @family recording
#' @export
cut_recording <- function(recording, ts = NULL) {
    ## check that both starting and ending time stamps are given
    if (length(ts) < 2)
        stop("Need to have two elements in ts (start and end time of segment to cut)")

    signals   <- names(recording$signal)

    ## ensure that the elements in ts are POSIXct
    ts <- do.call(c, lapply(ts, str_to_timestamp))

    for (s in signals) {
        recording$signal[[s]]   <- extract_segment_timestamp(recording, ts, signal = s)
        recording$signal[[s]]$t <- recording$signal[[s]]$t - recording$signal[[s]]$t[1]

    recording$properties$time.start     <- ts[[1]]
    recording$properties$time.stop      <- ts[[2]]
    recording$properties$time.start.raw <- NA
    recording$properties$time.stop.raw  <- NA
    recording$properties$zerotime       <- ts[[1]]
    recording$properties$length         <- as.numeric(difftime(ts[[2]], ts[[1]], units = "secs"))


#' Cut the given recording to the time interval ts, given in sconds.
#' Also realign the time vector so that t = 0 is at the new start
#' time and recalculate the length of the recording.  All signals in
#' the recording are processed.
#' @param recording A recording.
#' @param ts A time interval given as a two-element list where the elements correspond to the number of seconds from the zerotime of the recording.
#' @return The recording, with all signals cut to the given time interval.
#' @family recording
#' @export
cut_recording_s<- function(recording, ts = NULL) {
    signals   <- names(recording$signal)

    for (s in signals) {
        recording$signal[[s]]   <- extract_segment_s(recording, ts, signal = s)
        recording$signal[[s]]$t <- recording$signal[[s]]$t - recording$signal[[s]]$t[1]

    recording$properties$time.stop      <- recording$properties$time.start + ts[2]
    recording$properties$time.start.raw <- NA
    recording$properties$time.stop.raw  <- NA
    recording$properties$zerotime       <- recording$properties$time.start + ts[1]
    recording$properties$time.start     <- recording$properties$time.start + ts[1]
    recording$properties$length         <- ts[2] - ts[1]


#' Cut the recordings in a collection so that they represent the same time intervals.
#' Also realign the time vector so that t = 0 is at the new start
#' time. Also recalculate the length of the recordings.  All signals in
#' all recordings in the collection are processed.
#' @param collection A recording collection.
#' @param ts A time interval given as a two-element list with two timestamps. The timestamps are given as strings in ISO-8601 format or as \code{POSIXct} timestamps.
#' @return The recording collection, with all signals in all recordings cut to the given time interval.
#' @family recording
#' @export
cut_recordings <- function(collection, ts) {
    N <- length(collection)

    for (i in 1:N) {
        collection[[i]] <- cut_recording(collection[[i]], ts)


#' Cut the recordings in a collection so that they represent the same time intervals.
#' Also realign the time vector so that t = 0 is at the new start
#' time. Also recalculate the length of the recordings.  All signals in
#' all recordings in the collection are processed.
#' @param collection A recording collection.
#' @param ts A time interval given as a two-element list where the elements correspond to the number of seconds from the zerotime of the recording.
#' @return The recording collection, with all signals in all recordings cut to the given time interval.
#' @family recording
#' @export
cut_recordings_s <- function(collection, ts) {
    N <- length(collection)

    for (i in 1:N) {
        collection[[i]] <- cut_recording.s(collection[[i]], ts)


#' Collect results.
#' Get the analysis results, which are internally stored as a list of matrices,
#' from a recording and return them as a data frame or as a matrix.
#' @param recording A recording.
#' @param signals, [1,m] string array, Names of signals whose results to collect. Defaults to all signals i.e. names(recording$results). 
#' @param format Output format. Either \code{data.frame} (default) or \code{matrix}.
#' @param add_timestamp Should segment timestamps be added. Only works if the output format is a data frame. Boolean. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return The analysis results either as a data frame or as a matrix.
#' @family recording
#' @export
collect_results <- function(recording,
                            signals = NULL,
                            format = "data.frame",
                            add_timestamp = TRUE) {
    ## sanity check
    if ("results" %in% names(recording))
        if (length(recording$results) < 1)
            stop("No results present. Cannot continue.")
    if (is.null(signals)){
      signals = names(recording$results)
      cat('Loading results for all signals...')

    ## Return results as a numeric matrix, without extra factors etc
    if (format == "matrix") {
        out <- do.call("rbind", do.call("c", recording$results))

    ## Return results as a data frame
    if (format == "data.frame") {
        out <- data.frame()
        for (signal in signals){
          data           <- do.call("rbind", do.call("c", recording$results[[signal]]))
          rownames.tmp   <- rownames(data)
          rownames(data) <- NULL
          tmpd            <- as.data.frame(data)
          #TODO: Why use two data structures data and tmpd? Why not just rename
          # segment to segmentid and block to blockid and generate factors from them?
          # Why rownames.tmp is needed? Can't we just say data$variable <- rownames(data)?
          tmpd$variable   <- factor(as.character(rownames.tmp))
          tmpd$value      <- as.numeric(data[,"value"])
          tmpd$segmentid  <- as.numeric(data[,"segment"])
          tmpd$segment    <- factor(as.numeric(data[,"segment"]))
          tmpd$blockid    <- as.numeric(data[,"block"])
          tmpd$block      <- factor(as.numeric(data[,"block"]))
          tmpd$signal     <- signal
          out <- rbind(out, tmpd)
        if (add_timestamp){
            if ("timestamp" %in% names(out)) {
                out$timestamp  <- num_to_timestamp(out$timestamp)
            } else {
                cat("Field ''timestamp'' not present in data. Use add_segment_timestamp() to add timestamps or recompute results using the current version of Colibri.")
        } else {
            if ("timestamp" %in% names(out)) out$timestamp  <- NULL #remove field
        ## add metadata from the block information in the recording
        resultrow.template <- generate_result_row(recording$conf$blocks)
        new.columns        <- setdiff(names(resultrow.template), names(out))
        out                <- merge(out, resultrow.template[, c(new.columns, "blockid")], by = "blockid")

        ## add subject and casename from the recording
        out$subject        <- recording$properties$subject
        out$casename       <- recording$properties$casename


#' Collect the results from all recordings in a recording collection.
#' Get the analysis results, which are internally stored as a list of matrices,
#' from a recording and return them as a data frame.
#' @param collection A recording collection
#' @param add_timestamp Should segment timestamps be added. Boolean. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return The analysis results as a data frame.
#' @family recording
#' @export
collect_results_collection <- function(collection, add_timestamp = TRUE) {
    ## container for the results
    out <- data.frame()

    for (recording in collection) {
        out <- rbind(out, collect_results(recording, format = "data.frame", add_timestamp = add_timestamp))


#' [deprecated] Add timestamps to the segments in the results collected from a recording.
#' Timestamp value gives the position of the _midpoint_ of the respective segment.
#' @param recording A recording.
#' @param results The results collected from a recording as a data frame.
#' @return The results with the segment timestamps added.
#' @family recording
#' @export
add_segment_timestamp <- function(recording, results) {
    warning("Usage of add_segment_timestamp() is discouraged. In current version of Colibri collect_results() adds them by default.\n")

    if (! "timestamp" %in% names(results)){
        ## Initialise empty timestamp field in the results structure
        results$timestamp      <- as.POSIXct(rep(NA, nrow(results)))

        for (i in unique(results$blockid)) {
            block.tmp              <- subset(recording$conf$blocks, blockid == i)
            block.s                <- block_to_seconds(recording, block = block.tmp)
            #block.s expresses time in seconds relative to recording$properties$zerotime
            data.segments          <- generate_segments_from_block(block.s, recording$conf$settings)
            #data.segments are expressed in seconds relative to recording$properties$zerotime

            for (v in levels(results$variable)) {
                ind <- which((results$blockid == i) & (results$variable == v))
                ind <- ind[order(results$segment[ind])] #into ascending order

                ## Add the offset of each segment and half of the segment length to get the correct midpoint
                results$timestamp[ind] <- recording$properties$zerotime + data.segments[,1] + (recording$conf$settings$segment.length / 2)
    } else {
        cat("Field ''timestamp'' already present, nothing done.\n")


#' Save a recording
#' @param recording A recording.
#' @param filename The filename in which to save the recording.
#' @family recording
#' @export
save_recording <- function(recording, filename) {
    saveRDS(recording, file = filename, compress = "xz")

#' Load a recording
#' @param filename The filename from which to load the recording.
#' @family recording
#' @export
load_recording <- function(filename) {
bwrc/colibri documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:10 a.m.